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Ensayo - GA6-240202501-AA1- EV01

Lisbeth Vanessa Ossa Sanchez

Johanna Paola Alvarez

Centro para la industria de la comunicación grafica

Who I am?

My name is Lisbeth Vanessa Ossa Sanchez, I am 23 years old and I am from Lieva

Nariño, I was born on March 9, 2001, I am currently studying 3D Animation at the Sena

and also Multimedia Engineering at the UNAD. I have a Waffles business and I am

studying because I want to improve myself personally, have a university degree and be

able to fulfill all my life goals. I have 2 younger brothers, I have been independent since I

was 18 and I want to complete my technologist degree to be able to work and have a

better income.

What program or position am I applying for?

I am applying for the 3D Animator vacancy, I am a person who adapts and learns quickly,

in my studies I have been a perfectionist and I consider that I have the profile to work as

an Animator, I am very creative and I like to experiment and learn new things. My goal is to

find an international company and be able to be part of projects where I can grow as a

professional and as a person.

What are my future goals?

My future goals are to complete all my studies, finish my technologist and my Engineering

and be able to work in each field, make my business grow and be able to live comfortably

and calmly, go to Japan and learn about Animation, have my house and be able to travel

around the world.

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