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Work in Hand (Today)


1. Talk with candidate for field sales executive.

2. Verify Company Account on Job Hai website


1. Create a blog today and article for terracotta jail

2. Final Box Design for terracotta Tile
3. Close Sachin Sir matter – Talk with Rashi maam
4. Cita dome PPT modification
5. ProH2R Discussion with Priyanka maam
6. Keyword for Trade India – Discuss with Vinay sir
7. Exhibition Preparation (ACE Tech) – Pending
8. MTO Details
9. Discuss with sir about Get Distributors
10. Create Rail fabric folding PPT (Take Details from Sonal Maam)
11. Dynamic And Kinetic Façade PPT (Pending)
12. Work on Good Billing System
13. Pool Cover PPT (NOT Final)
14. WhatsApp Business Setup

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