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Nadie | Le Nguyen Quoc Vinh | 黎阮國榮 Student ID: 1117182

Reflective Journal of Leadership

What if there will be no more leaders? Would it be a chaos when people do not know what to do,
sit there and wait? Would human society becomes a mess due to no longer government and each
individual just care about themselves?
Leadership can be trained. Experts show that leaders gain and practice some traits to make their
leadership more efficent. They are responsibility, communication, confidence, self-motivation,…
Obviously, those skill can be learned from many sources like practicing or daily life. If you want
to be more responsible, you can start with urging yourself to sleep on time and wake up early.
For communication and confidence, try to self- present in front of the mirror then the small
crowd before a conference for example. Those traits can not be mentioned as barriers for anyone
from becoming a leader of themselves or a group. And that proved anyone can be a leader.
Why are leaders here? In our present world, each person was raised in different background and
experiences different things in their lives. Their skills and point of views are not equal to each
other which lead to some people will have advantages in some aspects and some will not. For
those with advantages, they can use their wide knowledge to persuade, invite and lead the others.
Because their visions are far longer than anyone else and they know how to get there, the
followers will listen and act as what their leaders say. Education becomes more accessible these
days, jobs is getting more automatic and people seems to work less and less. Equlity in
knowledge accessibility and treatment refected through the effords of governments and
organizations in helping wide spreading modern knowledge around the world. When everyone
has the same ability, the same lucidity, then will there still be leaders?
Nowadays, leaders are doing their good job in inspiring, guiding, instructing to help their
teammates achieve goals. They appears and many roles in our lives to teach us become better
with their wonderful traits. Back to the question from the beginning, I would like to answer in
my subjective opinion.
One day, human will be awaken from their thrive of lust and wealth and focus on finding their
inner power. That happens parallel with the outstanding development in technology and
socialization. No more greed and crime, value will be separate equally to everyone such as
rights, food, accomodations. There won’t be leaders in any kind of organizations and each
individual has enough ability to lead themselves in a disciplined way to contribute to the society.
Before moving to that society, we still need to follow the tradition way in leadership to guide
everyone moving through the difficulty and crises in the present. I want to make the leader
become more a friend to fade the barriers among the team so it will be a friendlier environment
for everyone to learn, improve and become their own leaders.

Organizational Behavior Theory and Practice – CM720

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