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20 years old pianist Irene Pérez de Miguel, was born in Madrid in 2001.

no one in her extended family had professional music skills, she early shows a strong
attraction towards arts, music, and specially the piano. It was the facial expressions of
Barenboim she saw on the news one day, what instantly prompted her to get to know the
instrument from a player’s perspective. However, is was not after performing with
orchestra when she firmly decided that she wanted to focus that passion by studying the
degree in music.

She started the Professional piano Grade at the Conservatoire “Carmen Conde” in
Majadahonda, after two years of developing a general knowledge in music. Then, under
the tutelage of Jesús García Gómez she graduates with honours in 2020 where she obtains
2 consecutive distinctions on her last courses. Without leaving behind the artistic
inclinations that she had amplified at the School of Fine Arts in the University
Complutense in Madrid, she decides to devote all her time to the instrument, as she
assures that appreciating Arts can make you more sensitive to understand music and its
details. In September 2020 she entered the “Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de
Madrid” with Professor Patrín García-Barredo, where she will shortly embark on her third
year of the Piano Grade.

She has attended to many courses, where she has had the opportunity of receiving
Master Classes from musicians like Josep Colomb, Alexander Kandelaki, Luis del Valle,
Miguel Ángel Ortega, Miguel Ituarte, Iván Cítera, etc. Moreover, she has taken part on
multiple projects like First edition of “Apadrina una sonrisa” and numerous exchanges
with national conservatories like Arturo Soria, Amaniel, Getafe or Segovia. Also, and
also playing spaces like the cultural centre of Cibeles “Centro Centro”, residences, and
her own Conservatoire, performing in a recital the Second Movement of Ravel’s Concerto
in G, for Piano and Orchestra.

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