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Life beyond boundries

We are born in a society bound by regulations, we are chained down by others expectations,
responsibilities and by fear, we strive to achieve greatness, often at the expense of our happiness.
For the ones who let themselves be carried away, imagination is an escape route, an
environment with no predetermined rules, no limits and no boundaries, a place where the word
impossible losses all meaning.
For me the use of imagination is a way to forget the daily struggles, the sleepless night caused
by the need to study and the stress about my future all disappear when I let my imagination run free.
The provided image is a good representation of the word imagination. From my perspective, it
highlights the main things imagination relies on. Symbolically, the tree represents life and freedom, its
branches growing without any obstacles, the sky and calmness of the night signify the limitless aspect of
one`s imagination and the open cage represents the burdens we all have, burdens which can be
overcome despite all hardships, leaving us free to dream.
Cultivating one`s imagination is not only beneficial from an emotional point of view but also
scientifically. The world would not be the same if it had not been for individuals who believed in doing
the impossible. The ones once called crazy for their ideas fueled scientific and technological
development, from the trips in outer space to the technological era we live in, imagination was the thing
which encouraged growth and inovation.

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