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The impact of teachers’ professional development is one of the most important subject

in the field of education and also the teachers’ professional development serves as the

cornerstone of educators to continually enhance their teaching strategies, adapt to evolving

educational paradigm, and meet the diversity needs of their students.

Research Problems

This study will investigate the impact of teachers’ professional development on

instructional methodologies and classroom management specifically, seeks to answer the

following questions, First is what is the current state of teachers’ professional development in

terms of trainings/seminars. Second, how does the effectiveness of teachers professional

development impact instructional methodologies and classroom management? And lastly, is

there a significant relationship between teachers’ professional development and instructional


Significance of the study

The teachers’ professional development on instructional methodologies and classroom

management lies its potential to enhance teaching effectiveness, improve student learning

outcomes and promote a positive learning environment.

Conceptual Framework

Our conceptual framework consists of complete model that explains how many variables

interact in the context of teacher professional development and how it affects student
outcomes. We used the independent variables that measure the effectiveness of teachers’

professional development programs because we assumed that this will have an impact on and

mold the dependent variables.

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