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MEDICAL Mi CAL MICROBIOLO ASIC COURSE AUDIT. ar BACT ae CHOICE: Choose the BEST answer. hat is the major virulence factor of Streptococev pyogenes? (@M protein = A. Capsule B. Lipopolysaccharide D. Toxins 2. The characteristic “whoop” of pertussis is heard ducing & Inspiration C inspiration & expiration B. Expiration Bin between inspiration ‘& expiration 3. Common etiologic agent of otitis media, EXCEPT: A. Hemophilus influenza € Staphylococcus aurens B. Moraxella catrrahali Dr Streptococcus pneumoniae . 4. A 32-year-old womar th increased frequency of urinotity suprapubic pain, and dysuris fe s . Oe nausea, vomiting. the past 3 days comes: e ef zency de} tment. She has no fever” ausea, OF a oo oe noapic rat the following is MOST likely pathogen? gram stan reveals gram-negative rods: WRI 1& Escherichia coli B. Neisseria gonorrhea D. Streptococcus pneumonia 5. A 20-year female patient came to you complaining ‘of profuse vaginal dis ind itching of the vulva. Examination of) ‘he discharge showed vaginal epithelial (clue cells). The pathogen involved is: (C, Shigella dysenteriae ischarge with fishy odor cells that contain tiny pleomorphic bacili within the eytoplas™, ‘A. Treponema paltidurt _ Neiserria gonnorhea B._ Heamophilus ducrey! Gardenella vaginalis ‘6. Salmonella H antigen is associated with: A. Cell wall Cytoplasm B. Capsule Flagella 7. Rickettsial infection that is acquired thru inhalation: ‘A. Epidemic typhus © Qfever B. Endemic typhus D. None of the above 5. A characteristic “rose spots” may appear in the second to the third week of this disease. Identify this disease: ‘A. Shigellosis C. Amoebic dysentery B. Thyphoid fever D. Cholera 4» Baceria responsible for most cases of nosocomial infection: "A. Staphylococcus aureus ‘C. Mycobacterium tuberculosis: B._ Streptococcus pnuemoniae (D Pseudomonas aeruginosa 10, Typhoid carriers are diagnosed post-therapy PY repeated: >=! bhest “A, Stool exam CC. Blood culture - B. Widal test D. Urine culture 11 What isthe causative agent of rickettsial Pox? A, Rakai ER. typhi B. RK prowazekst D.O. tsutsugamushi 12 All are gram-negative bacteria, EXCEPT A. Proteus Mycoplasma ~e+ tl sail D. Bacteroides ‘ore throat, and anorexia. Exam showed a rnd pharyngeal wall was noted to bleed on B. Chlamydia 13. A Byr old child was brought to the ER with fever, pseudomembrane over the tonsils, uvula, soft palate a xteempt to remove this. The child had no immunization. Your impression 's ‘A. Streptococcal throat infection ‘€ Diptheria B. Candidiasis D. Infectious mononucleosis robic infection. He deve) 14. A 30 -year old male has been receiving Clindamycin for an anaerobic infe develop. — intractable diarrhea with abdominal pain. Colonoscopy showed yellow white Peeudomentnins \ and_an exotoxin was identified in the stool. We are probably dealing with J Clostridium difficile C. Shigella spp. BL Escherichia coli D. Salmonella typhi : 15, What structure that is found in Gram-negative but not in Gram-positive bacteria 4. Capsule & Endospore B. Cell wall (© Outer membrane 16. A L-week-old female infant with symptoms of vomiting and anorexia has a temperature of 102° F. A bulging fontanel is noted on physical examination. The most likely agent is A. Hacmophilus influenzae type b C. Staphylococcus aureus B. Neisseria meningitides ©, Streptococcus agalactiae — infants 12. A 16-year-old male with sickle cell disease is hospitalized for a severe infection. His spleen has autosplenectomized and he has suffered from other minor infections in the past. His symptoms include fever, chills, cough, and chest pain. Bacteria from the patient's sputum yield optochin- sensitive organisms with 2 Gositive Quellung reaction, The organism is: A. Escherichia coli C, Haemophilus influenzae Streptococcus pneumonia cy room with a 1-day history of poor feeding and | eeony she often feeds the baby honey to pacify her. The ‘oxin responsible for this presentation worl ich of the isms? A The leathan arts Presentation, works by which ofthe following mechanisms B. It stimulates guanylate cyclase & It blocks the release of inhibi It blocks the release of ace ‘19, Chest X-ray suggestive of TB, wi @ Presumptive 1B ‘C. Clinically diagnosed TB B. Bacteriologic confirmed TB D. NONE of the above 20. What is the primary diagnostic test for pulmonary TB infection? A. Chest X-ray €. Culture — eld ctondorel ‘B. Klebsiella pneumoniae 1S. An 8 month-old baby presents to the emergen generalized weakness. The mother states that itory neurotransmitters such as glycine and GABA tylcholine from the nerve terminal ithout symptoms of TB is: ® Dssm D. Xpert MTB/ Rif 21. Which is not associated with H. pylori? _- A. Gastritis Sodrigate aerobe B. Urease production D. Gastric cancer 22. Pertusis is a communicable pediatric disease. Which stage is communicability greatest? _-— A, Incubation . Paroxysmal B. Convalescent Catarrhal 23. Which is NOT an opportunistic bacterium? _—_ A. E.coli Proteus B. Klebsiella BShigella 24. Most abundant normal flora in the human colon: A. Escherichia coli C. Prevotella melaninogenica (BY Bacteroides fragilis AD. Lactobacillus species 25. Which is true about shigellosis? ~ — @)Bacteremia is usually absent B. The infection occurs in both man and animals AZ The disease is associated with a motile gram-negative enteric bacillus D. The causative agent is part of the normal flora of the colon 7 vxorocy MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the BESTE answet 26, Viruses belonging to which af the following aroubs are nelY 4 eatablish Intent infections? A. Influenza viruses s rene > Herpesviruses D. iloviruses 27, A 36:y/0 man with HIV/AIDS presented with aplastic S00) Uaing PCR, Parvovirus 19 was detected in his serum, The patient presumably acd" infection form another person. The most likely route of transmission A. By contact with askin rash | oy eoraey recent blood wansfsion as Beer Trin respiratory secretions or dToP! D. Through sexual activity a . cening adenoviruses Is INCORRECT? fore in animals but not in human 8. WI the fo lowing statements 28, Wl of lng cae ae Sema see ee only one serologic tY Pe lee) Adenoviruses Nave Oth gastroenteritis and pneumonia Benen cate Ee pea capa without an ehvelope D. Adenoviruses hw’ sgording Hlerpesviruses? Sr accurate \ 2e, Which LEAST 2.0061 or wth s-DNA genome, icosahedral and enveloped ich ey ave large i AA Tirestablish lifelong latent infections 2 Aly may cause severe dloease in ionpunocompromised hosty antiviral drug that is effective against herpes simplex virus There is only one of the following viruses causes a mononucleosis-like syndrome and is excreted in the wn oe vrine?, fucken tanssayiclouny eooMV B. EBV Cc. HHV6 D.vzv 31, An emergency services worker is considering smallpox vaccination because of the potential for ~~ pioterrorism. The following are contraindications for the use of vaccinia vaccine under routine nonemergency conditions EXCEPT Previous smallpox vaccination C. Pregnancy B. Severe allergy to a component of the vaccine D. immurlosuppression 32. Several different viruses can cause hepatitis. Which one of the following statements apply to all four viruses: HAV, HCV, HDV, HEV i Transmitted primarily by fecal oral route _C. Associated with fulminant hepatitis Contain a single-stranded RNA genome _D. Undergoes sequence variation during, chronic infection 33-Live attenuated oral polio vaccine and inactivated polio vaccine are both available. In which of the following situations is the use preferred? (& Mass immunization programs in areas of high poliomyelitis endemicity B. Adult immunization C. Family contacts of immunocompromised patients D. Patients who are receiving immunosuppressive therapy “ 34, 20-y/o man develops myocarditis with mild congestive heart failure that increases over several weeks. Coxsackie virus BS infections is diagnosed. Which of the following clinical symptoms is NOT associated with coxsackievirus infections? A. Myocarditis or pericarditis C. Herpangina », Progressive post-polio muscle atrophy _D. Aseptic meningitis 35. Which of the following properties of enteroviruses is KOT shared by rhinoviruses? A. Single-stranded RNA genome (C.Btability at acid pH enews B. Resistance to lipid solvents BP. Icosahedral symmetry 36,-Kfrican hemorrhagic fevers, Marburg and Ebola, are severe diseases gften ending in death. ~” Which of the following is most accurate about Ebola virus? A. Itisa flavivirus mea 4 It antigenically related to Lassa virus On is spread by contact with blood or other body fluids D. Itis transmitted by mosquitoes 3 2. 2-4 28-510 male paysiciang Yalsia. To provide lanes ich of the Fo : Stool UOWing would be the best eRe for isolating the virus responsible? A 38.\ wich B. Saliva jasopharyngeal swab D. Blood OG He folowingis Lear accurnte one aR St Be nnn on fan be reliably made clinically. "=nspeu fe tynpioms nftensa‘Antsins are found in agente bide ducks, domes POUY, PBs nd horses S;. Antigenic shift results ina new subtype of influenza virus aug Immunity to influenza is long-lived and subtype specific. © boy develops an acute febrile illness, His pediatrician diagnoses mumps. The organ eloped a ‘Muslike’ syndrome with fever, sore throat, headache, 4, Ory confirmation of influenea, a culture for the Virus was Ordeicy Tost commonly exhibiting signs of mumps is the A. Ovary Beeston PG Lungs @Brarotid glands 0A 2-month-old infant developed a respiratory illness that the pediatrician diagnosed a= Pronchiolitis. The most likely cause of the disease is tart iy Ritdean MAF ehina vas A. Parainfluensa vines type # “@rsv B. Influenza virus D. Measles virus 41 An 18-month old had an illness characterized by fever, irritability, conjunctivitis, and a brick- ‘eel rash initially on the face but spreading downward and outward, At age 10 years the Boy had an actual onset of severe, generpligad neurologic deterioration. SSPE was dlagnesed, Which of the following statements about SAUL comect? A. The disease is a rare, late complication of rubella infection. B._ The incidence of the disease is rising since the introduction of the MM vaccine Ay, Detective varicella-zoster virus is present in brain cells G@ High titers ‘of measles antibody are found in the CSF. ‘$@ Several paramyxoviruses can cause pneumonia in infants or children. For which of the following paramyxoviruses is there an effective vaccine available that would prevent panties . ‘A. Paraingluenza virus type 1 @Measies views pr-enyso B. Rsv eo BInfluenza virus 43--Coronavirus SARS epidemic of 2002-2003 resulted jin many cases and deaths. What is the Primary route of transmission of human coronaviruses? ‘A. Fecal-oral al mother-to-infant $4-The presence in neurons of eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusion bodies, called Negitbodies, is characteristic of which one of the following CNS infections? Ar Rabies B.SSPE _C_New variant ID D. Post-vaccinal encephalitis 45. Scrapie and kuru possess all of the following characteristic @ A. A histologic picture of spongiform encephalopathy 2c Slowly progressive deterioration of brain function © A strong inflammatory reaction in the brain D. Transmissibility to animals associate with a long incubation period 46-438-y/0 woman is diagnosed with cervical cancer. This cancer is common worldwide and has a sexual transmuted viral etiology. The causative agent of human cervical cancer - A HCV BLHBV , D.Hsv (Cancer viruses are classified in several virus families. Which of the following has an RNA genome? own One Owe 5 Run A. Adenoviridae”” —_B, Herpesviridae’ - @3Papiliomaviridae (B)Fladieinidae 38 FIV-1 is classified as a member of the Lentivirus gens in the Retyovirider family. Lentiviruses ‘A. Contains a DNA genome 2 Infect cells of the immune system B. Cause rapidly progressive neurological disease “D. Cause tumors in mice 39. The typical course of an untreated HIV infection extends over 10 or more years, There is usually 2 long period (clinical latency) between the time of primary HIV infection and the development of AIDS. During this period of clinical latency A, HIV is not detectable in plasma -€-CD4 count remains unchanged B.) Virus is present in lymphoid organs D. Neutralizing antibodies are not elicited 4 ected male who had refused antiretroviral therapy is diagnosed with ‘Pneumocystis jiroveci infection. This patient (5 Probably has a CDS t-cell count below 200 cells/uL B. Is at elevated risk of lung cancer C. Probably has declining levels of viremia D. Is unlikely to develop dementia at this stage

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