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Ethical Dance trend on tiktok

on Inappropriate Content:
social Some of the dance styles on TikTok may
contain inappropriate moves or
inappropriate content, such as sexually
suggestive dances or dances that promote

violence or bad behavior. This can create a
dangerous online environment, which can
harm vulnerable users, especially children
and teenagers..

Privacy and Consent: Exploitation and

Dance videos on TikTok may
Labor Issues:
include other people who have Some creators may be
not consented to be filmed or forced to create content for
appear in the content. Concerns TikTok without proper
payment, which can lead to
about privacy and consent arise, issues of exploitation and
especially when videos are illegal activities, especially if
shared publicly without the the platform benefits from
knowledge or consent of those their work through
involved in tiktok videos. advertising revenue. ..

Credit and Attribution:

Creators of dance styles on TikTok may not receive
proper credit for their work. Lack of awareness can
lead to intellectual property and rights issues,
especially when others become famous or profit
from dances they did not create..

TikTok application, the fastest-rising short

video-sharing website, is examined. As a result
of the literature review, it is observed that
TikTok application also had ethical violations
issues like lack of private data safety, not
sufficient precautionary system barriers for
the young generation, and addiction risk.

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