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Understanding students' personalities can have a significant impact not only on their

academic performance, but also on the learning methods or strategies that teachers

can offer and innovate. Having the capacity to monitor and guide students is quite

beneficial in developing an ideal learning strategy for them. As a result, the learning

method that will be implemented will inspire and assist learners in improving their

classroom performance. Positive personality qualities can be developed through the

use of deep, flexible, and complex learning techniques and self-regulation that assist

individuals' learning and encourage pupils to adopt deeper strategies, which

improves their achievement. Therefore, instructors' cooperative learning approach

can be used to investigate the impact of personality factors on academic

Conceptual Framework

Personality Traits Learning Method

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Figure 1, presents the conceptual framework of the study. It consists of two

variables, Personality Traits as the independent variable and Learning Method as the

dependent variable.

In figure 1, Personality traits as an independent variable refers to people's

distinctive patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, which can influence learning

indirectly through attitudes and motivation, which create specific conceptions of

learning, learning investment, and preferred learning methods.

Another variable, learning method, can be defined as any action intentionally

conducted, or resources offered, to aid the learning process at the individual, team, or

organizational level, and can also function as constant indicators of how students

learn and respond to a learning environment. As a result, watching students'

personalities can assist instructors and professors in categorizing them based on their

preferred learning styles and formulating a distinct method or technique to help

students learn more effectively.

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