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Palak Swain Religion Test 11.05.

Pre-IB Social Studies


1.What is religion according to Emile Durkheim, Bronislaw Malinowski and Talcott Parsons?

From a functionalist perspective, Emile Durkheim's interpretation of religion is the most

influential. According to him, men worship society. The real object of religious veneration is
society. He argues that its easier for man to visualize and direct his feeling of awe towards a
symbol than towards society. Social life cannot exist without shared values and moral beliefs,
which form a collective conscience. Without it, there would be no social order, no social
control, and no social solidarity.

Religion, according to Brionislaw Malinowski, recognizes specific aspects of social life with
which it is concerned and addressed. Social solidarity is jeopardized by these emotional
stressors. He contends that religion fosters social unity by addressing conditions of emotional
stress that endanger societal stability.

Religion, according to Talcott Parsons, is a mechanism for adjusting to death and restarting
the normal pattern of existence after death. It is religious beliefs that give meaning to life and
provide answers to questions about man and his surroundings. According to him, religion
serves to make sense of all experiences, regardless of how meaningless or contradictory they

2.Describe religion from a Marxist perspective.

Religion, according to Marx, is both a buffer against the effects of oppression and a weapon
of oppression. It serves as a social control tool, preserving the current exploitation system and
reinforcing class ties. According to Marx, one of religion's primary 'functions' is to dissuade
people from demanding social reform by dulling the suffering of oppression. It can alleviate
the agony of oppression by giving people something to look forward to. It is easier to
withstand agony today if you believe in 'everlasting happiness' after death.Religion
monetaryizes pain, arguing that the destitute are more 'Godly' than the wealthy. Religion can
instill optimism in divine intervention to solve Earth's issues, rendering human attempts to
improve their existing status ineffective.Religion can be used to legitimize society order and
the roles that individuals play within it. According to Marx, religion not only alleviates the
afflictions of life, but it also efficiently produces false consciousness.

3. In what way does Max Weber connect capitalism with religion?

Ascetic Protestantism, according to Weber, had a profound impact on the establishment and
growth of the spirit and practice of capitalism. A purposeful and single-minded pursuit of a
calling promotes rational capitalism. Protestantism, according to Weber, promoted two key
features of capitalist industry: standardization of production and specialized division of labor.
According to Weber, ascetic Protestantism laid the stage for the birth of western capitalism.
He claims that the protestant ethic, a religiously oriented moral outlook on the world, was
instrumental in shaping the spirit of capitalism.

4. How are religious beliefs and factors related to other social factors like race, gender and
Palak Swain Religion Test 11.05.2023
Pre-IB Social Studies
Poor and lower-class people are probably targeted more by sects. Blacks in the areas of
greatest poverty were promised by the black Muslim to provide solutions for unemployment
and other problems being faced by them. Christian’s science sect has a largely middle class
membership. Women are more likely to join a sect or church.

5.How are religious institutions organized?

It is common for religious institutes to begin as associations. Sects, churches, and

denominations are all religious institutions. Sects are typically organized into face-to-face
groups. The wealth of ascetic sects often ceases to exist or develops into a denomination as a
result of their ascetic creed.
The church recruits from all social status but in practice higher status groups are usually

6. How does religion affect social change?

The functionalists Émile Durkheim, Bronisaw Malinowski, and Talcott Parsons asserted that
religion sustains social values and fosters social cohesion. Their belief is that religion does
not bring about social change because it does not fulfill that function in society. In Western
Europe, capitalism was founded on Protestant ideas and values, according to Weber.

7.What influence does religion have on other social institutions, such as political or
educational institutions?

The purpose of religion is to instill moral values and socialize individuals into
communities. Religion has a significant impact on how people perceive themselves and the
world around them. In times of need, it can provide comfort and security. Additionally, large
religions may establish their own institutions like hospitals and schools as a way to support
the community. As well as being used as a tool of political control, it can also be used to
create conflict.

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