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In 1987, Halifax emerged as a market leader by introducing the first “all suite” concept,

offering larger guest rooms and enhanced amenities. However, the Halifax hotel industry
experienced a decade of growth marked by market fluctuations and unpredictable shifts in
market share (Ross, 1995). With two years of experience managing Cambridge Suites and a
comprehensive understanding of hotel operations and market trends, Paul recognized the
need for proactive measures at Cambridge Halifax. Acknowledging the benefits of Total
Quality Management (TQM), he aimed to transform the hotel into a “quality management
company.” Paul’s strategy involved optimizing operations, enhancing the customer
experience through streamlined processes, distinguishing the hotel from competitors, and
elevating human resource management using TQM principles.

Your emphasis on the importance of aligning individual motivations with organizational

goals, and the focus on continuous learning and communication, further reinforces the
idea that TQM is not just a set of processes, but a holistic approach that can transform
an organization's culture and operational efficiency. This perspective is invaluable, as it
highlights TQM's role not only in addressing immediate operational challenges but also
in fostering a sustainable environment for ongoing improvement and competitive

Thank you for your educational post. TQM is an important aspect for businesses to
consider because it transforms the organizational culture and improves efficiency. For
an organization to be efficient the employees need to be on board and well-motivated
in order to execute their duties and achieve the stated organizational goals. In the
Halifax case study, we did notice that some employees were excluded in this and that is
one of the biggest errors to avoid in business. Thank you again for your excellent post.

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