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Cadare Serban

The film of my life

Hello everyone! My name is Cadare Șerban and today I will present you
the film of my life. Let's get started.

I was born in a hospital as any other child and that's where I saw my
parents for the first time.

I remember spending time at my grandparents in the countryside where I

learned to do many things, from the age of 3, for example: I knew how to walk;
to eat alone; to speak, not quite perfectly, but I knew, and to have fun with every
little thing, because whatever I found there was something new, a fascinating
discovery that I played with or I inspected.

At the age of 4 to 6, I had friends both in the city and in the countryside.

With my friends from the city I would go to their apartment, knock on the
door and ask if they could go outside and if they could, we would play various
games behind the block of flats, for example: Leapsa; Hide-and-seek,
Volleyball, football and we run around like nuts

With my friends from the countryside it was totally different, there, I

would go out on the road and if there was no one I would go to their gate and
shout loudly until someone answered me and told me if he is allowed or not to
go out on the road.

Usually their parents or grandparents would leave them outside and we

played on the road games like:football and whoever kicked the ball in the ravine
would go get it, we would look for chalk in the ravine and draw on the pavement
or we would make a hopscotch and play with everyone. If someone had a phone
or a tablet we would all look at it, how it plays, how it works, and sometimes we
shared it to play.

When we were thirsty we drew water with buckets from the well and
when we were hungry, we went down the ravine to pick nettles.We picked them
with our sleeves but they still sting us, but after picking them, we took from
home to one of us, without parents or grandparents seeing a grill, we put it on 2
large stones, one on the left, the other on the right.Those who had matches
would make the fire under the grill and on the grill we would put nettles or
potatoes, if anyone managed to take it.

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