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 Write the details in diseaster management

The management process in disaster situations typically involves
several key stages:
This involves planning, training, and resource allocation before a
disaster occurs. It includes developing emergency response plans,
conducting drills and exercises, stockpiling necessary supplies, and
educating the public about disaster preparedness.
Once a disaster strikes, the immediate focus is on saving lives,
stabilizing the situation, and providing emergency assistance. This
stage involves mobilizing first responders, such as firefighters, police,
and medical personnel, and deploying resources to affected areas.
After the initial response, there's a need to assess the extent of the
damage and the needs of the affected population. This includes
conducting damage assessments, identifying vulnerable populations,
and determining the availability of resources for recovery efforts.
This stage involves restoring essential services, infrastructure, and
livelihoods in the affected areas. It includes debris removal,
rebuilding damaged structures, providing financial assistance to
individuals and businesses, and offering psychosocial support to those
affected by the disaster.
Finally, there's a focus on reducing the risk and impact of future
disasters. This involves implementing measures to strengthen
infrastructure, improve early warning systems, update building codes,
and enhance community resilience through education and training.

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