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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 1
PART I ........................................................................................................14
Description of the universal mechanism ....................................................................18
PART II .......................................................................................................34
Description of the evolutionary mechanism of the cosmos ...........................................54
Description of universal mechanism II ......................................................................56
PART III ......................................................................................................64
Description of the universal mechanism III ................................................................93
PART IV .................................................................................................... 117
What is God? ........................................................................................................ 125
PART V ..................................................................................................... 144
Description of the universal mechanism IV .............................................................. 144
PART VI .................................................................................................... 162


On objectivity, subjectivity and homo mensura in the conception of finality
Before embarking on the search for the purpose of life, let us examine the subjectivity or objectivity in
the conception of a purpose.
For this case, objectivity must be understood as the reality determined by physical principles (such as
space and time, of which the Theory of Relativity explains a degree of the order -not the ultimate- of
objective space and time), which exists and follows its course independently of the existence of a
subject. And subjectivity as the conception of objective reality "filtered" by the subject through his
senses and his cognitive structure. Homo mensura is overcome since yes, man is the measure of all things,
but man is not an isolated object, but interdependent of his environment, that is, where man begins
and where he ends, has no end, it extends to the totality of the universe, due to the interdependent
relationship of each apparently individual object with the whole; reason unifies us with everything.
Thus, objectivity must be understood as a rational conception of reality, and subjectivity as an
irrational, speculative and dogmatic conception.
Also for this case, let us understand the term "purpose of life" in three meanings:
1. The first meaning refers to a subjective, personal purpose that each individual chooses for his or her
own life, and that entails objectives and decisions congruent with that purpose.
2. The second meaning refers to a "universal" purpose, such as those arbitrarily determined by some
philosophers for all mankind, like Aristotle's eudemonia or Camus' "the absurd".
3. The third meaning corresponds to the inevitable destiny towards which life as a whole evolves, to a
lesser extent as part of social mechanics, and to a greater extent biologically, geologically and
As for questions with an apparently similar background: on "what is the sense of life", the word "sense"
does not fit etymologically; "the meaning of life" does not fit etymologically either, but furthermore, it
can be understood as necessarily referring to an interpreted meaning, necessarily subjective or
intersubjective (it may not be rational, or partially so); on the "purpose of life as a physical product",
purpose, understood as intention, is a human characteristic related to will (that is why conception one
and two are defined as purposes, of the individual and of the collective), attributing purpose to life
would correspond to attributing will to the universe, and the universe rather than by a will seems to
be determined by physical principles; here one could ask: "those principles, who, how, why and for
what purpose determined them?"These questions about the purpose of the universe are interesting
and will be reviewed, though only collaterally, in the review that follows.
Perhaps it is more comfortable to approach the issue of the purpose of life from the first meaning (this
may be so due to the lack of a philosophical culture), because it is possible to justifiably propose, based
on the limited knowledge of reality, selfish objectives. As for the second, i.e., a generalized purpose, it
can provoke fear or rejection in the face of the imposition of a finality, stripping freedom of choice.
On this, even science stands aloof, no longer from hypothesizing, but even investigating a generalized
purpose, and leaves this terrain unexplored, claiming that it is up to philosophy to determine such
interpretative questions, which is correct because of the limitations of science (for the variables for
obtaining a scientific datum on a generalized purpose are ungraspable), but incorrect in terms of the
presumption of the impossibility of apprehending a generalized, rational, objective purpose. Thus, it
is believed that such a purpose must in any case necessarily be the result of the relations that
intelligence elaborates (from posing the question to seeking to understand) from what is perceptible,
and not as something that can be established objectively. In this respect, it is appropriate to ask, is
intelligence not part of reality, a physical product like the phenomena it seeks to explain? If the answer
is yes, this means that intellectual conjectures would not have to be taken as something apart from
objective reality, but as an interdependent relation, in which the perceiver influences the perceived
and the perceived influences the perceiver, and the search for finality, to be truly objective, should not
exclude the function of the perceiver as part of reality.
Finally, to conclude this section, on whether we discover the purpose of life: The word "discover"
alludes to the fact that it is the search for an objective purpose, not an interpreted one. It is similar to
the dilemma of whether mathematics is an invention or a discovery, and in turn raises the question of
whether humans are capable of attaining objective knowledge and not just an interpretation of facts.
The dilemma arises from a reductionist and atomistic perspective in which isolated entities are
conceived, but from a holistic perspective it is clearer that consciousness is not something apart from
the environment, and knowing itself or knowing how it knows reality is already knowing reality, and
if anything what it has to deal with is the biases that occur as a result of deficiencies in language or
measuring devices or interpretative tools.
In short, the problem of objectivity or subjectivity is a problem of concepts, because in reality there is
no division between one and the other, subject and object are the same. The subject seeking to know
reality is reality knowing itself, he himself is part of reality. [All knowledge is the result of the objective
relation between consciousness and reality; being rational and intersubjective, this relation is believed
to be more adequate]. What remains is to optimize the knowledge of reality (as self-knowledge) by
overcoming the deficiencies of language, which contribute to the conception of a fragmented reality,
as well as to highlight the biases of the senses and their limits, which are complemented by
understanding (an example of this complementation is the discovery of Neptune with mathematics
rather than with sight).

In order to avoid falling into imposing considerations concerning the finality of life, in this discourse
this finality is considered in accordance with (3.) the third meaning, that is, beyond a personal
interpretation, and is referred to as the final and inevitable consequence of life as part of cosmic and
universal mechanics. And on this basis - with the intention of having avoided arbitrariness - as a
conclusion, in correspondence with (2.) the second meaning, a hypothesis about a universal finality of
human life is determined. Finally, all this can be rationally assimilated and integrated according to (1.)
the first meaning. In this way, the three meanings of the purpose of life are integrated on the basis of
a rational interpretation and on a solid and supposedly objective basis.
(I point out the meanings numerically to show that by reversing the order, the possibility of proposing
an individual but objective purpose is revealed).

Establishing the issue

The Sun will eventually "swallow" the Earth, so what is life for?
As we see, life as a physical product inexorably has a purpose, which is the destiny to which the
permanent and unstoppable rearrangement of matter in space leads, in accordance with the physical
laws (however partial) formulated (not discovered) up to now.
Here comes the question: Does life on the planet, that is, consciousness, have any influence on these
changes that the current physical laws do not contemplate? Since it itself is a result of this
rearrangement of matter, it can be inferred that it does, but the question is: Which one?

This leads us to the question: Is life (equivalent in this case to consciousness) as a physical-chemical
product predestined to disappear, or can it endure?
As a clarification, and to delimit the question around which the following will revolve, the dilemma is:
What is the purpose of life: is it predestined to become extinct or can it endure? More specifically: Is
the function of life as part of the evolutionary process of the cosmos to 1. arise and eventually inevitably
become extinct, 2. or to arise and either become extinct or to endure?
The dilemma is not: "Is life on the planet an accidental / random event?" For whatever its end, it is
assumed that by the fact of being, life is itself the necessary consequence of a cause. That is, whatever
its end, life is not contingent, but necessary, either by one of these two possibilities: 1. the universe is a
whole (finite or infinite, with beginning and end - or variations of this - or eternal) without definite
form in which everything is possible, but not only theoretically possible, but everything possible is, has
been or will become, and as a result of that we exist (a universe without form or restrictions that
embraces all possibilities and follows all directions would be both incomprehensible and
comprehensible: comprehensible only in broad strokes as a whole in which everything occurs and
unimaginable forms of existence are gestating, including one in which we humans are completely
ignorant of it and one in which we understand it in its entirety), 2. or it has restrictions in its most
fundamental form that tend as teleology towards the generation of stars, planets and life (such a
universe would be more adequately comprehensible according to the cognitive characteristics we
humans possess, because it would be possible to reduce it to some inductive pattern). By restrictions I
mean physical laws, which, although partial, describe a level of the order of nature, otherwise anything
could be, and there would be no hypotheses to be refuted, as indeed there are. The universal limit of
velocity is one restriction; the relation between the mass of a body and the curvature it exerts in space
is another. If these correspondences did not exist and were not stable, the universe would be a whole
without definite form, fluctuating, in which existence as we know it would not be possible (although it
could be stable for long periods and then change radically, or perhaps we have learned to find stability
where there is none, and all success of the intellect is mere chance, but although all these are
speculations, I do not want to overlook them).
There are other variations of these possible universes, such as one in which not everything occurs but
the physical principles that determine its restrictions and teleology mutate (what would be the
underlying principles that determine the mutation of these?); others more spiritual, others more
anthropocentric, others virtual, etc. This collateral dilemma [that of a universe as a whole in which
everything occurs or a universe with restrictions], has an immediate logical solution: The first
possibility - a whole in which everything occurs, simultaneously comprehensible and incomprehensible
- turns out to be paradoxical and at one point in its examination cancels itself out, because if everything
occurs, then it is possible that only a universe with restrictions exists, therefore only a universe with
restrictions could be possible, and the whole, by harboring this among its infinite possibilities, cancels
itself out and leaves only this universe with restrictions; on the other hand, a whole with restrictions
does not annul itself, by the fact of being, and instead, annuls the whole without restrictions and
absolute nothingness, leaving this universe with restrictions, and the collateral dilemma: Are
comprehensible or incomprehensible; and the main dilemma: what is the function of consciousness.
(Similarly, if it is possible for there to be an infinite universe, then there can be no other type of
universes, other than an infinite one, which annuls the other possibilities, i.e. non-infinite universes,
with limits [because the infinite cannot coexist with the finite]; and the same with eternity: the universe
cannot be eternal but at the same time have a beginning or an end).
To all this, the counterargument may arise: However, when one asks: "why exactly these constraints,
which make existence as we know it possible?", then the first universe possibility seems more probable,
because it provides the satisfactory justification that these exact constraints are due to the fact that the
universe encompasses all possible forms of existence. Otherwise there seems to be no satisfactory
explanation as to why exactly these constraints, at least if we accept the second universe possibility,
i.e., if they were essential constraints of infinite space, even if one accepts that they can mutate, because
then there would be the question of what determines the exact form in which they mutate. The only
solution would be that everything happens. However, since our existential experience takes place in a
constrained universe and this is all we know and are certain of, and we have no evidence for anything
else, the question remains open, but it tentatively turns out to be that these are essential constraints of
infinite space, within which only those forms of existence that are possible under these constraints
exist. (And the resolution of what lies beyond the perceptible is pending). Quantum is in favor of this,
by proposing irreducible disorder but bounded by certain laws of probability, which restrict the
In short, within all the possibilities of being of the first universe (the formless whole), there is one in
which only one possibility can be and that is a universe with restrictions. A paradox is thus created
that affirms and refutes, creates and cancels itself (the paradox that if everything can be then also a
universe with restrictions can be the only thing). Our experience is a universe with restrictions (of
which the physical laws are the understanding of a degree of the order of these), then it remains to
assume that such is the universe. Thus, the infinite but constrained universe, i.e., hypothetically our
universe, is derived from the first, and is established as definite by means of the paradox that cancels
out the undefined formless whole.
However, this solution is provisional and partial, so, in order to understand how this affects the main
dilemma, it is relevant to clarify that: even if life is the result of one of the infinite permutations in
which existence can occur in an immense, perhaps infinite, universe, it does not imply that its destiny
is to become extinct; it could endure, given that it is another possible form of organization of matter,
but above all, because in such a panorama everything occurs. Similarly, if life is a result of certain
essential constraints of the universe, it does not imply that the destiny of life is to endure: the teleology
(at least from the origin of the observable universe to the present) could be the generation of
consciousness but its inexorable end could be to disappear.

Implications of whether life can endure or is predestined to disappear

In the event that life and consciousness can endure, humanity and life on the planet in general have
two possibilities: 1. to self-destruct / become extinct through maladaptation, 2. or to endure, and that
despite the inherent transformations of the cosmos life can adapt to these transformations and
consciousness prevails.
On the other hand, if life is predestined to become extinct, it implies that human existence is transient,
and humanity and all life on the planet -and even in the cosmos, if there is any- will disappear early -
as a consequence of self-destruction- or late -with the death of the sun and the other stars-, so that it
would be like "a spark between two darknesses" (Nabokov).
Now, let's see how probable each of these alternatives is, according to current knowledge about life
and the evolution of the cosmos.

Plausibility that life can endure or is predestined to disappear

To review the theoretical plausibility that life can endure we can first ask: what is the purpose of life?
This question is relevant because through it we can see what seems to be the existential function of life
as part of cosmic and universal mechanics (i.e., a rational interpretation of the teleology of life). In this
respect, with what we know, this is tantamount to asking: what are stars for? They have physical effects,
such as forming planetary systems, which only in retrospect could this be adduced as their function,
but in reality, they do not seem to serve a specific purpose, but rather a configuration that follows from
certain physical principles of space and matter (ranging from the initial conditions, the first cause, to
the constraints on evolution from that point); here, naturally, the question would arise: how do you
rule out all other possibilities to specifically end up with the constraints that make the cosmos as we
know it possible? That is, how does one rule out all other possibilities of principles in order to terminate
the present ones (known and unknown)? The answer to this seems somewhat inaccessible, the limit of
the intellect goes as far as the knowledge, and even partial, of a degree of the order of those restrictions
or principles, which are the physical laws. Returning to the question, but on these bases, the why of
life as a physical product could only be adduced in retrospect, and from the present state of things it
can be attributed the function of deriving in the formation of beings that can sense the world, question
and seek to understand (all this as a result of the process of evolution of living organisms). However,
this is a descending interpretation, perhaps from an ascending interpretation the question does not
even make sense or its answer is not so simple. But following the principle of Ockham's Razor, we will
limit ourselves to the first interpretation in order to have at least a provisional answer to the question.
Second: what governs the behavior of life as a physical product? This question is relevant because by
means of it we can see towards what end the very behavior of life aims. In this respect, as a biological
principle, it could be determined that the fundamental purpose of life is to survive (life understood as
the biosphere), that has been the direction it has followed since its origin until now, from which
biodiversity has been derived. (This is conceiving a teleological end, different from the randomness
that is currently accepted).
Following this line, intelligence, the capacity to question and understand is, potentially, a biological
tool for this purpose [survival], since it can equip the species with the necessary characteristics for
adaptation to the planetary habitat, but also to cosmic and universal mechanics, thanks, in part, to its
faculty to remember and foresee -and even to inquire into the remote past and future-, and to locate
its place with respect to its environment, that is, thanks to its faculty to expand its temporal and spatial
awareness beyond the immediate, thanks to its capacity to understand. (Seen from an evolutionary
perspective, this is a favorable characteristic for its proliferation).
However, even with all these evolutionary advantages that this cognitive capacity entails, what has
been seen in the case of humanity is that when intelligence ignores what it is and what it exists for -
that is, when it ignores the rational knowledge of the function of consciousness as part of cosmic
mechanics, either because it can understand it and ignores it, or because it cannot even understand it
or does not have it at all, which in any case would be the same, since in any case it would be an
elaboration of the subject, and not inherent to things-, it heads towards its self-destruction, or because
it cannot even understand it or there is none at all, which in this case would be the same thing, since
in any case it would be an elaboration of the subject, and not inherent in things-, it is heading towards
its self-destruction, because of selfishness, ambition and the directionless progress to which this
ignorance leads.
This regarding the theoretical plausibility of the possibility of endurance. On the other hand,
concerning the plausibility of the inexorable extinction: In fact, science -biology and cosmology-, are
inclined to this assumption. Biology asserts that "evolution is blind" and cosmology that the cosmos is
going to "die out". However, this is an assumption, it is a conclusion that comes from partial
knowledge, it is not a definitive resolution, it does not rule out the plausibility of enduring, and this
alternative could still be revealed as viable, with more data and with more and better information
(although this contravenes the principle of Ockham's Razor used above, but in what follows we will
try to justify this violation).
For the purpose of enduring, the most feasible from the scientific perspective is cosmonavigation:
terraforming other planets. But due to the evolution of the cosmos as currently assumed (without a
transcendence of consciousness in the evolution of the cosmos), that would only be postponing
something inevitable, not to mention the absurdly complicated nature of such an undertaking.

Based on this brief and limited review, we can glimpse a theoretical plausibility with the following
Variables in favor of life not being able to endure: The evolution of the solar system. Entropy.
Variables in favor of life being able to endure: The instinct of life. The evolutionary advantages
of intelligence. The lack of integration of a transcendent function in the cosmos of
consciousness as part of cosmic mechanics as it is currently formulated.
So which alternative seems more likely so far (whether life can endure or not)? If one compares the
unknown with the known of the universe, both seem equally likely or unlikely. The finality of life seems
difficult to apprehend, but impossible?
Faced with this aporia, we are left to ask ourselves: What is better to assume: resignation to inexorable
extinction or the possibility of the prevalence of consciousness? What remains is to consider the
advantages and disadvantages for the future of humanity depending on the approach adopted. For
this, let us first review the consequences of one destiny or the other.
This will lead us to the questions: How is it better to live? What is the best way to live in the face of
the current state of knowledge: in freedom and unreason or in the pursuit of knowledge?

Consequences - on the purpose of life - of the hypotheses: 1. life cannot endure 2. life
can endure
1. If life is predestined to extinction: the purpose of life would be in any case individual, subjective and
An irrational purpose of life would be individual and subjective, while a rational purpose would be
collective and supposedly objective (in the same way that the law of gravity is universalized; and
although this assumption entails epistemological problems, I refer to the conclusion at the beginning,
that the human is part of the reality he seeks to know; valid knowledge is based on rules of convention,
like mathematical signs, so that two plus two is four, however, its practical application reflects an
objective function; something like that would be for this case: an agreed purpose would reflect its
objectivity through its practical application. Be that as it may, this will be the provisional solution to
this problem).
Under this perspective, each individual of the species would be free to live his life as he pleases, due to
the sterility of any action (once a politician or a businessman argued that it did not matter to stop
climate change caused by human activity because at some point the planet will be "swallowed" by the
sun anyway, and following the above approach, how to refute it?). Everyone could live as he or she
wished -without remedy to the segregation of the species- because eventually the result would be the
same and we would all share the same end. Thus, destitution, drug addiction, art, science, altruism,
greed would have the same null value, differing only in the degree of discomfort or well-being
experienced by the individual according to the path he chooses, but all would share the same sterile
The problem is that all these lifestyles, irrational and provisional, lead to imbalance (to misery and
wealth, to pain for some and pleasure for others), to inequality in living conditions, to the excessive
and unsustainable exploitation of the planetary habitat and to the disintegration of humanity, that is,
it seems that these lifestyles go against the fundamental purpose of life (to survive), in the opposite
direction. This is not to say that this is an example or exception that perhaps survival is not the
fundamental purpose of life in general, this instinctive sense remains in the background, only applied
on an individual, personal and selfish scale, which leads, collaterally, to the self-destruction of the
species (an example of the opposite are ants and bees, which prioritize the collective rather than the
individual); In this case, the organism itself would be the biosphere, and the different species would be
like individuals who instinctively collaborate for the survival of the organism - only that the human
being, because of his awareness, his capacity to understand, and due to the limited information
available to him, understands that what he must seek is his own benefit, and is blinded, because of this
limitation in his information, from his relationship with the organism).
If life can endure: the evolution of intelligence, as a response to this counterproductive effect, should
tend not towards technological development - which, due to existential ignorance, turns against the
species, leading to more inequality and environmental destruction - but towards the search for
knowledge and an objective and rational resolution to the fundamental questions of existence, because
the only way to know the existential function of intelligence is to understand it in its relationship with
the totality of the universe. The function of reason is remarkable because its power lies in its potential
to make the intelligent species cooperate in the pursuit of a common goal. This cannot be achieved by
means of faith (whether social or individual, that is, religious or personal), because each one would
have the right to found his own faith and follow it, and thus the species would be segregated into
groups, as in fact happens.

In any case, whether life cannot endure or whether it can, all this (me writing these words, you reading
them, all that you see and feel at this instant), the now, the everyday, the immediate experience, has a
virtual existence (today is the year 2023 of the Christian era, yesterday was 1939, tomorrow will be
2123), and the planet is alive now, but if life is predestined to become extinct, it will soon be an inert
rock, or it will soon be the center of an expansive wave of consciousness, and given the gradual but
inevitable passage of time (relative in its magnitude), just as in its seed form is the oak tree in potential,
so then the planet would already be like the corpse of a rocky body on which at some point there was
life and consciousness, or it would already be a consciousness expanded and propagated beyond the
planetary limits, influencing the entire cosmos. In short, if life is predestined to become extinct it would
be sterile, due to the virtual nature that the passage of time gives to all objects that make up the cosmos,
which is constantly changing, so that any entity is practically nonexistent. Only that which endures is
real, and the rest is apparent (it comes to be and ceases to be), so that as a fixed essence only change
in space remains, but where that change is directed to can be influenced by consciousness and
perspective: the virtuality due to the passage of time, which is implacable, leads to the fact that in the
now is contained not only the past, but also the potential of what will be the becoming, and this is
precisely the key, because it depends on the approach that is adopted: the search for the way to endure
or the renunciation of the prevalence of consciousness.

The advantages and disadvantages of one approach versus the other

Reviewing the consequences and establishing the importance of the approach leads us to determine
the advantages and disadvantages of one approach and another. This will lead us to the question of
the best way to live.
In order not to lose sight of the dilemma that is being posed, it should be clarified that for this
disjunctive it is assumed that in either case life is part of the evolutionary process of the cosmos, but in
one its function is either to become extinct or to endure and in another to appear and then invariably
disappear to continue its course without consciousness.
Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of one approach or the other. The options are as
1. The benefits, if the function of consciousness as part of the evolutionary process of the cosmos is to
become extinct but with the possibility of enduring, and this approach is adopted and as a consequence
research is done and it is discovered how it can endure (i.e., what is the function of consciousness as
part of the evolutionary process of the cosmos in a cosmos in which the function of consciousness is to
become extinct or endure), are many and obvious: the cessation of self-destruction and the path
towards unification and adaptation to cosmic and universal mechanics. (More precisely, what is sought
is to understand the evolutionary mechanics of the cosmos integrating the consciousness, that is, an
influence of this in the becoming, and not only as a transitory physical product. In the same way that
the function of the first stars was to elaborate heavy elements, the function of consciousness, perhaps,
would be to unify the cosmos, an entropy -that is, without contravening it- that does not tend to cause
the cosmos to shut down).
If its function is to become extinct or to endure and this approach is adopted and research is done but
it is not discovered how to endure, it would be less harmful than if its function is to endure and no
research is done on how, because in the first case at least a percentage of probability is created in favor
of discovering it. In such a case in which research is carried out but it is not discovered, it must be
taken into consideration that it may be due to the use of inadequate means of research, as occurs
especially when scientifying without contemplating other alternatives of knowledge, combining several
to complement the limits of each one. These alternatives can be: Eastern philosophy, Western
philosophy, science, altered states of consciousness, etc.
2. The harms if the function of consciousness as part of the evolutionary process of the cosmos is to
endure but the approach is taken that it is predestined to become extinct and therefore no research or
discovery is made as to how it can endure, are many and obvious, simply because it would
unnecessarily continue on the path to self-destruction or extinction due to maladaptation because of
unfounded resignation.
If the function of consciousness as part of the evolutionary process of the cosmos is only to become
extinct and research is done on how it can endure but evidently not discovered, would it be in any
way detrimental to investigate how to endure if it is not possible? I don't see in what way, and it could
still be beneficial in discovering more sustainable forms of social organization.
4. As a last alternative, if the function of consciousness as part of the evolutionary process of the cosmos
is only to become extinct and one adopts this approach and does not investigate how it could endure,
one would never have even the minimum of certainty to be sure that consciousness cannot endure.
The way to investigate how consciousness can endure (i.e., not become extinct and instead adapt to
the evolutionary mechanics of the cosmos, should this be a possible end), as mentioned above, is by
rationally resolving the fundamental questions of human existence: what we are, where we are, where
we come from, what we exist for, because this reveals the relationship of human existence with respect
to the totality, and thus its objective function (whether to appear and disappear or to endure). As long
as this is not solved, all affirmations (such as those of biology and cosmology) are assumed, partial and
Thus, to argue, without any proof, irrationally, supposedly and subjectively that: 1. The fundamental
questions of human existence are unanswerable. Or that the existence of consciousness is necessarily
ephemeral, and the purpose of life is necessarily subjective (without taking into account the relevance
of consciousness as a physical product of the evolution of the cosmos and the illusory boundaries that
delimit the individual); all this constitutes a speculative answer that does not solve the problem. It does
not resolve the deep-seated concern of human consciousness as to what it is and what it exists for,
where it is and where it comes from. It does not conclusively determine that these questions have no
solution, nor of course is it offered as a definitive one without being dogmatic.
After all, it has become evident, first, the latent ignorance of mankind about these fundamental
questions, for which it has conducted itself according to false certainties and therefore erratically, and
second, the need to respond rationally to these fundamental questions, since all the problems of
mankind are originated as a consequence of this ignorance.

In approaching the problem of finality as a dilemma, perhaps other variations of it were excluded,
especially spiritual ones, such as transformation into non-material forms; or material variations, such
as prevalence thanks to technology, but in essence I believe I have exhausted - at least as a first
approximation to the question - the core of the problem, and I believe that the dilemma as it is posed
encompasses the limit cases of the same (glimpsing the possibility of a strange but fascinating physics -
not alien but divergent from current knowledge on physics - that integrates consciousness as an
essential - and even teleological - part of the universe).

Conclusion: The optimal way of moving through the human experience

With all of the above, we move from posing the dilemma: consciousness is inexorably going to become
extinct or it can endure; then we review the plausibility of one alternative and the other; then the
consequences if one or the other is true; then the advantages and disadvantages of each approach;
finally we can conclude by proposing what is the optimal way to use human intelligence (i.e., to transit
human experience).
Based on all of the above, by way of conclusion, it is logically appropriate to propose that the best way
to live is to seek the answer to the fundamental questions, or in other words: the purpose of human life
(according to meaning 2.) is to understand what do we exist for? Not to do so, not even to be interested
in doing so, or to resign ourselves and presuppose that it is impossible (that is, to fall into dogmatic
skepticism), or to surrender ourselves to a dogma or a faith, would be to condemn ourselves to live in
the deepest and most absolute unconsciousness: not knowing what we are, where we are, where we
come from, where we are going and what we exist for, and to live groping, an apparent and aimless
life. This search is the only constructive work, because it is the lack of a collective sense that is leading
humanity towards its self-destruction (there are national, corporate, business, individual senses, but
not a collective sense). Understanding that the optimal way to go through the human experience is to
seek to understand what do we exist for is the first step, the second is to understand the true function
of consciousness, to understand the universe to objectively determine our place and function as part
of the whole.
The information contained in this text offers a hypothetical answer to the question about the reason
for human existence in a universe with the known characteristics (the best I have found in this regard),
and justifies the ability to perceive, the ability to question oneself, evolution, the passage of time, the
sun and the stars, in short: everything experienced and perceived from the human condition. It is the
proposal of a deep, universal meaning, which goes to the very root of existence, not only of the human
being but of the universe itself, a purpose beyond what seems obvious from the human perspective (to
survive, to avoid pain, to seek pleasure and individual well-being, to reproduce and pursue social
success), which aims at the dissolution of apparent individuality, leading to (cognitive) unity with the


The path of conscious life (as opposed to the unconscious path, which is the one followed by the
majority of humans - not knowing what they are or what they exist for, and not even questioning it,
or worse, confusing their speculations with the definitive answer - and which leads the whole species
towards its self-destruction) is reached by asking (starting by questioning: what questions are relevant?),
and searching for answers until they are found, and then asking again and searching and finding
answers, and so on until all the whys and wherefores are justified, and all the fundamental questions
are resolved at the level of reason.

The questions and answers discussed in this text are part of the work and legacy of Rodolfo Rafael
Ramos Jiménez (author, among others, of the book "The Cosmic Frequency of Universal
Consciousness"), which were transcribed from videos made by him between 2014 and 2017. In this
case I have been in charge of reviewing, transcribing and ordering them in this document.
My relationship with Rodolfo was nothing more than that of a teacher and a student, and I can say,
without pride but with transparency, that on both sides (this raises the reflection that no one is totally
a teacher if he does not also remain a student, and likewise, a good student is one from whom his
teacher also learns). On his side, he was undoubtedly the person who has taught me the most so far,
and he marked my destiny, endowing my existence with a universal purpose, regardless of faith,
precisely directed towards the search for knowledge. His work was congruently disposed towards the
expansion of human awareness; it was thanks to this conviction that I met him. As a consequence of
what he sowed in me, it is inevitable that I continue with this same work. Although I was already on
my way in the search for finality (the question that led me was: what is the best way to use the
ephemeral life? And how should the body be used?), he placed me in a perspective beyond the usual
and everyday, the personal and planetary awareness, in the cosmic and universal perspective. For my
part, he recognized me as the person who had taught him the most. My only merit was not to stop
questioning, to him and to myself, the description of the universe that he offered, and thus, according
to his own words, I reached a deeper understanding than he himself on that description, which is not
an extraordinary achievement, but the natural process of construction of knowledge, as it happens
with each new generation (because the cosmic frequency is not a punctual, individual and definitive
event, but a collective and gradual one): the first generation sows the seed (formulating the question
and the first approximations to answer it), the second waters it (specifying and detailing the question
and perfecting the means to answer it, criticizing the preliminaries, sometimes finding basic errors),
the third harvests and sows again (partially resolving the question, from which new questions arise).

This, like all texts, without exception, should be read not in a submissive and indoctrinating manner,
but with critical judgment, questioning each assertion in depth.
Among its shortcomings are its lack of scientific, mathematical and logical foundation. The
affirmations start from a hypothetical "level of awareness", which is the "metacosmic perspective" or
the functioning of the universe. This hypothesis is arbitrary and dogmatic, since the logical steps to
arrive at it are not offered and it is presented as a revelation, nor are the means to verify it determined.
On the other hand, among its virtues is that this perspective integrates physical and metaphysical
knowledge, so that it is possible to verify it by means of science, whether formal or factual, or some
other way of rational knowledge. Likewise, the value of this text lies in the transcendence of the
problems it proposes and the solutions it offers.
Thus, the essence of this text is the statement of a hypothesis and its implications. The reader is invited
that if, like me, this hypothesis makes sense to him - for it has the potential to rationally justify the
existence of the universe itself - then he seeks to test it.
This work presents a dialogue of questions and answers, so it is not structured thematically, but in
parts (Part I, Part II, etc.). Within each part (with the exception of the last one), at a given moment
(not at the beginning of the part), derived from a request or question, the aforementioned hypothesis
is clearly and orderly established. These moments, due to the central relevance of this description, are
indicated in the Table of Contents with the subheading "Description of the functioning of the
universe". The rest of the content deals with the implications that this has on the questions addressed.
From my perspective, the cycle of eternity and the pattern of infinity hypothesized by this description
of the universal mechanism are in essence axiomatic (it lacks only a formal formulation). What needs
to be factually verified is the proposed evolution of the cosmos.
In order to undertake the work of testing, it is necessary to reach a deep understanding of the
hypothesis. For this, it is first necessary to correct and in some cases completely dispense with certain
concepts used, which cloud the central idea, enveloping it in a halo of nonsensical ideas. And secondly,
as I have already mentioned, it is necessary to relate it to scientific knowledge, the most reliable means
we have to answer our questions (physical and even metaphysical).
In preparing this work, I respected the original words of the founder of this proposal [Rodolfo Ramos]
(some modifications appear in square brackets), so that during the reading, it will be important to keep
in mind that -due to the immaturity of this conception of the universe, which I make available for the
reader's verification- it contains an inadequate and not very rigorous use of scientific terms, the
arbitrary integration of some from different traditions, and even the invention of many others, so I
recommend taking special care to take literally the use of these, and not to discredit the basic content
of the whole work because of the same, because despite this, its value, as I indicated above, lies among
other things in the problems and solutions that it raises.
One last clarification, which is key to keep in mind throughout the review of the text: This essence of
value is uncovered if - after a rigorous examination - only the following notions are disregarded from
the original description (the work of Rodolfo Ramos):
The apology for suicide; reincarnation; Jesus as a being of light; the reincarnation of Judas; the
"incubation" of this "understanding of the universal mechanism" by Jesus to Judas; the existence (or
the use of the terms) of angels and demons; the use of the term "god" to designate the
supraconsciousness; all references to the Christian religion; "gnosis" as a physical occurrence of
consciousness, thus proposing a consciousness-body duality (a better explanation would be that the
understanding of the universal mechanism is inscribed in the cognitive capacity of the human brain,
which - the capacity to know, that is, to identify patterns - is developed and perfected by its validity as
a tool for survival and adaptation, to the planetary and cosmic environment); the use of the term
"alchemy", "magic" and counterparts of esotericism and hermeticism; the self-proclamations: "I am
cosmic perceiver" or "I am alchemical scientist" (only salvageable - but still questionable - is: "I am the
understanding of the universal mechanism", "I am the cosmic frequency", "I am you"); the unjustified
"concatenation" of the universe into seven levels; the process of expansion of the supraconsciousness
"compressing chinks of matter and expelling them into virgin space so that they explode forming a
new cosmos"; contempt for the inheritance of scientific knowledge (since everything is the universe,
and this is based on that knowledge, the human being -and his work- cannot be despised as something
inferior or alien to the universe, since it is part of the process of self-knowledge of the universe through
human consciousness); the dogmatic imposition of this knowledge as absolute truth; the request for
faith (not explicit, however, necessary to "understand" - that is, to accept as truth, with an internal and
faulty logic - the description offered); the lack of logical structure and verification; and the wrong use
of some scientific terms, such as the explanation of the big bang theory, the evolutionary process of
life (which includes "the rise of the genetic cycle to DNA," etc.) and of humanity (from human to
cosmic perceiver), the development of a "fourth neuronal level", the access to the "fifth dimension",
the etymology of the word "universe", among others.
(Of the above, for the formation of this work, I dismissed or corrected much of it [especially I omitted
the linkage of this hypothesis with Christianity], but of all this there is still something present, and it is
on all these points that I suggest taking special care as I indicated above.)
Regarding some more specific aspects of the description, the assumption of a body of light and
consciousness as part of the structure of the sphere of supraconsciousness is also questionable, and
even the assumption of the spherical shape of this essence is debatable: due to the empty spaces that
are formed when two spheres touch each other, how would they continue to expand in that case?
Thus, a possible solution to this is that they could have fluctuating shapes at their edges. Also
questionable is the concept of "channeling", according to which some intelligent individuals "channel"
to the cosmic frequency, receiving messages from this "information frequency", which they then
transcribe into words. This may have a clearer and less mystical explanation, as part of the expansion
of human awareness as a whole (understanding "expansion of awareness" as it studies and understands
its environment", spatial and temporal), due to the progress in knowledge, especially scientific, which
allows it to reach the conjectures that under this perspective are called "channelings".
Finally, every mention of "expand understanding" or "understand and -specifically- make understand"
should be interpreted as a prescription to test the hypothesis of the functioning of the universe.
Actually, only the description of the cycle of eternity and the pattern of infinity, some of its immediate
implications (which are the ones pointed out in the answers), and the essence of the description of the
evolution of the cosmos (i.e., the structure of the cosmos as a seedbed of intelligent species and as a
consequence of the process of expansion of the supraconsciousness) are salvageable and worthy of
Otherwise, it is an illuminating, enlightening question-and-answer dialogue.
Here is only the basis, the first step, the beginning towards humanity's understanding of the whole,
which will finally give a rational, objective answer to the questions: what are we and what do we exist
for, where are we in the universe and where does everything come from?

Mexico. June 2023.



Question: Who are you?

Answer: Every intelligent individual is a channel of repercussions to the planet. Whoever does not
reconcile with his universal origin, channels to the planet the energy of selfishness and ambition that
brings the destruction of humanity. But the one who is connected to his universal origin, channels to
the planet the energy of evolution and understanding that brings the mental healing of the entire
human species. I am a channel of evolution for humanity.

Question: What is a human being?

Answer: A human being is a primitive stage of cosmic evolution. The human is, by definition, an
instrument of planetary destruction. Human nature is destruction of the planetary habitat, and then
self-destruction. That is what a human being is.

Question: How does the information reach you?

Answer1 : The human being is, to put it in vulgar words, an antenna that should receive and obey
interplanetary instructions, but humanity is obstructed by existential ignorance.
Each advancing generation adds a genetic cycle to the DNA of the species, complicating it, and when
a species achieves the necessary genetic complexity, an evolutionary mutation occurs. Thus we have
been going through the whole evolutionary path from the mineral, the vegetable, the primitive being,
the human being, and thus there is a next evolutionary phase which is the cosmic perception.
Humans, from the beginning of our evolution to date, have "shed" three neural levels. The nuclear is
the reptilian brain, which is in charge of organic issues such as digestion, sweating and healing. The
middle layer is the limbic layer, which deals with emotions such as love, sadness and happiness. The
outermost and newest layer is the neocortex, which is in charge of rational processing. The
understanding of the universal mechanism makes the human awareness go beyond the planetary
boundary, generating a fourth neuronal level, an evolutionary mutation.
Humanity has never understood what the meaning of life is, but unquestionably the chemical meaning
of life is evolution. The human evolves into a cosmic perceiver and is empowered to receive and bring
to humanity the messages of the universe. The human speaks of what he assumes and what he reads
in books of other equally ignorant people. The cosmic perceiver does not speak of what he assumes,
nor of himself, nor of what he reads in other books, but stands aside and allows the universe to bring

1 Comment: The notions about evolution contained in this answer are erroneous (they are neither rigorous nor academic).
It is necessary to review and correct the use of these terms and adapt them to the essence of the answer (and even, to check
this essence itself), which is: the evolution of life goes in the sense of the expansion of awareness. The evolution of intelligent
species is not in the sense of technological progress, but in the construction of knowledge and the answer, at the level of
reason, to the fundamental questions: what is its origin and place in the universe, what is it and what does it exist for.
to humanity this purification, this evolutionary mutation. And this is how I receive the messages: I am
not a human being, I am a cosmic perceiver. 2

Question: What is a cosmic perceiver?

Answer: A cosmic perceiver is someone who has that genetic mutation that empowers him to channel
messages from the universe, but most of the time they end up mentally deranged, their usefulness is
practically nil, they become nonsense. Everything that is said is just words if the functioning of the
universe is not described. That is my particularity, to know the functioning of the universe, which
enables me to bring to humanity the purification3 . All the cosmic perceivers that I have known remain
mentally alienated and are of no use to the evolutionary process of humanity.

Question: At what point do you realize that you are a cosmic perceiver?
Answer: When I was walking from San Luis Potosi to Mexico City, the cosmos began to speak to me,
and I thought I was going crazy, so I asked: "Who is speaking to me, is it a Martian? So I spent twelve
hours asking, and the one who disappeared from the universe, the one who was dissolved, is the one
who asked and did not understand and did not know what was happening to him, and today I
remained as a pure channel of this information to humanity. I freed myself from Rodolfo Ramos, and
in fact the work of every intelligent individual is to get rid of his own name. The greatest "demon" that
haunts every awareness is the idea of itself; the demon to overcome is the proper name. The human
being is condemned to live in the world of proper names where "Carlos told my sister-in-law that Luis
and Pedro..." and pure lies. When one gains access to universal understanding, one stops dealing with
individuals; indeed, one is left without mom, without dad, without friends, without siblings, without
anything of what one knew, and one no longer deals with individuals, but searches the planetary
energies in order to install absolute understanding in humanity, and one gains access to a new
dimension of existence that is alchemically known as the fifth dimension, which empowers any
individual for the salvation of all humanity. But the entrance fee to this fifth dimension consists in the
absolute dispossession of the personal self, of the idea of oneself.

Question: When there start to be more and more cosmic perceivers, how are we going to name
Answer: I do not seek to generate cosmic perceivers, because cosmic perception is not an act of the
human, it is an act of the cosmos. I seek to generate individuals who have accessed the understanding
of the universal mechanism. We would leave behind human nature and any other name. Because if I
tell you: "now we would not be human, now we would be little tourists", I would only be changing the
name. The access to the cosmic level of awareness is acquired by dissolution of the personal being, of
the personal level, then you free yourself from any kind of names. You are not human, you just are,
you are the universe, and you don't have to give yourself names.

2 Comment: Understand that evolution does not occur in this way, and "human" and "cosmic perceiver" are labels for
differences between a primitive stage of intelligence (ignorance) and its subsequent evolution (understanding).
3 Commentary: "Purification" is understood as answering the fundamental questions of human existence, thus purifying

the awareness, from ignorance and assumptions and the false idea of oneself, towards understanding.
Question: Is human nature goodness or evil?
Answer: The human is the lowest essence on this planet, he has no duality. The human is the complete
"devil". There is no such duality. Humanity is the dregs of the cosmos, just like the vast majority of
intelligent species. [In a human ejaculation more than 500 million sperm are thrown out, but only one
fertilizes the egg, and only sometimes, not every time there is an ejaculation there is a pregnancy.
[Similarly,] in the cosmos an unthinkable number of intelligent species develop, most of them
disintegrate and self-destruct out of selfishness and ambition, as is happening to mankind. But in the
minority that agrees to understand the functioning of the universe, individuals leave behind their
personal conveniences, then the species unifies and adapts and touches the top of evolution, and
achieves a subsequent effect, with the name of cosmic sublimation, which is to merge into a higher
light, where it continues with a process of supra evolution, at the end of which we integrate ourselves
to the essence that inhabits everything that exists. There are not seven steps to understanding, the
cosmos only knows two levels: absolute ignorance, where humanity dwells, or absolute understanding,
where I want to bring you. And in ignorance there are two levels: the one who knows that he does not
know, like Socrates, who said: "I only know that I know nothing", and the one who does not even
know that, that is to say, believes that he knows. The alchemical science or cosmic understanding does
not come to unify all the disciplines that humanity generated, on the contrary, it comes to destroy the
falsehoods that have been built using fear and ignorance as a foundation. For the alchemical science
to carry out its healing effect, so that those who want to understand can objectively achieve the union
of interplanetary awareness, they must take the alchemical science in pure form, without trying to
relate it to the previous disciplines that they believe they know, and in this way the evolutionary
mutation, the cosmic perception, the astral body, is effectively achieved.
Have you ever heard of the great sages, the great men, the great scientists? Listen to what I am going
to tell you: never in the history of mankind has a human being opened his mouth or picked up a pen
to say or write something that is not complete stupidity, from head to toe, be it Schopenhauer, Plato,
Democritus, Aristotle or Albert Einstein. The most objective, the most quantitative contribution that
humanity has made, was made through Albert Einstein, through his formula E=mc2. That, which is
the greatest human contribution, is also the formula [that led to] the atomic bomb. That is to say, all
levels of understanding, prior to the understanding of the universal mechanism, are cosmically
detected as mental viruses, because they turn towards the destruction of the species of origin, in our
case humanity.

On sterile activities
With so many ridiculous and sterile activities, the only action that defines the human being by itself is
understanding. In reality there are no gringos, there are no Mexicans, there are no güeros, there are
not even women or men; the essential nature of humanity is understanding. Understanding can only
be about the universe. Therefore, the meaning of human life and of all intelligence developed in the
universe is to access the understanding of the universal mechanism, and this understanding transforms
the human individual into a living terminal of the universal consciousness, into a healing cell for all
humanity, through the expansion of the understanding of the universal mechanism.4

4Comment: In this case, rather than expanding understanding, take this description of the universal mechanism as a
hypothesis, and seek to prove or disprove it. If it is proved, the enlightenment of mankind would be achieved. If it is
disproved, nothing matters and humanity is doomed to disappear, early (because of self-destruction) or late (because of the
death of the sun).
Description of the universal mechanism
Question: How does the universe work?
Answer: Of course, I'm glad you asked me. When I was a kid, my parents used to ask me: "What do
you want Santa Claus to bring you", and I would say: "I don't want anything from Santa Claus. What
I want is for someone to show me where I am, and then farther, and then farther, and then farther,
and then farther, to the whole of infinite space". So, now that you give me the occasion ...
Right now we are here [somewhere on the surface of planet Earth], but if we leave the planet, we see
that our planet is the third of nine that revolve around the sun.

5 [This artist's rendering] shows the eight major planets of our solar system aligned as if they were transiting the Sun.
Although such a view would not be possible in reality, the graphic is intended to show the precise scale of the planets,
relative to each other and to the Sun.
Because of the magnitudes, it is complicated to represent in a diagram the scaled distances between the objects that make
up the solar system (one star and eight planets). Review:
If we leave the solar system, we see that the sun is one of many that make up the galaxy.

6 Annotated artist's rendering illustrates the new view of the Milky Way.
Using infrared images from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, scientists have discovered that the Milky Way's elegant spiral
structure is dominated by just two arms that wrap around the ends of a central bar of stars.
The galaxy, with many others, forms a larger structure known as a galaxy cluster.

7 The Abell 370 galaxy cluster contains several hundred galaxies bound together by their mutual gravity. The hot gas and
dark matter in the cluster may be invisible in this image, but their mass forms a gravitational lens, distorting images of
more distant galaxies into patches of light.
And the cluster of galaxies, with many others, forms a larger structure called a supercluster.

8A map of the closest superclusters and voids to Earth.

The supercluster, with many, many others, forms a larger structure called the [cosmic web. The cosmic
web is the large-scale structure of the universe].

And the cosmos is a "seed" that exploded forming a "cloud of light". This phenomenon is called the
big bang, and it is all that humanity knows so far.


9 ... Each bright knot is an entire galaxy, while the purple filaments show material between them. To the human eye, only
the galaxies would be visible. This visualization allows us to see the threads that connect the galaxies and form the cosmic
Review: Astronomy and Observable Universe.
10 This illustration summarizes the nearly 14-billion-year history of our universe. It shows the main events that occurred

between the initial phase of the cosmos, where its properties were almost uniform and only interrupted by small
fluctuations, to the rich variety of cosmic structures we observe today, ranging from stars and planets to galaxies and galaxy
Review: Cosmology.
I'm going to take them much further.
My revelation, among many others, is that the big bang is not a single "seed" that exploded, but
countless "seeds" that were "expelled" from a previous enormous body of light; when they are outside
they explode and generate the enormous cosmic space where we effectively inhabit.

Therefore, the cosmos would be the external part of an enormous sphere of supraconsciousness that
expands in the universal void (this sphere is intuited by the name of god).

But it does not expand alone in the universal void, but rather, it expands with countless equals to it
that by continuously expanding generate the unification of the infinite in a single consciousness, which
by not having anything to be conscious of, disappears and leaves the universal void, which generates
by absorption in the same points of the infinite space these bubbles or spheres that by expanding,
generate the infinite recursiveness of the universe.

This knowledge makes the human awareness go beyond the planetary boundary11 , and this situation
occurs with intelligences from different planets that also go beyond their planetary boundaries of
origin. And the union of awareness between intelligences of different planets generates this astral body.

11Comment: This is a confusing use of words. It refers to the fact that, in understanding the totality, the awareness is
unified with other awarenesses that have accessed that same understanding: they are the same being in different bodies.
And the essence of the cosmos, its teleology, is that understanding. It "transcends the planetary boundary" because its
awareness goes beyond the planet and encompasses the totality.
Humanity has never understood what the meaning of life is, but unquestionably the chemical meaning
of life is evolution. What I give you is the genetic leap from human to cosmic perceiver, the mutation
is called astral body, and achieving it is the meaning of all human existence.12

12 Comment: Disregarding the misuse of the terms "genetics" or "mutation", in essence it makes sense: the purpose of
intelligence is to understand what it exists for; until then, it is condemned to self-destruct. That is, the evolution of
intelligence does go in the direction of answering the fundamental questions of existence, i.e., toward understanding the
functioning of the universe.
Question: When a person knows how the universe works, does he get rid of fears, diseases, attachments
and all kinds of things that afflict humans?
Answer: When a person comes to understand the workings of the universe, he gets rid of the idea of
self, and the idea of self is what brings about all the other problems in which mankind finds itself
involved. When each individual pursues his own welfare, his own benefit, the species disintegrates and
self-destructs. But when we come to understand the universe, everyone leaves behind their personal
conveniences, that is why the species unifies and adapts and reaches the top of evolution. Here the
benefit of the individual is not pursued, but the sacrifice of the self for the benefit of the collective. That
is the main difference between alchemy and false worldly philosophies. Worldly philosophies offer you
an immediate welfare for the individual; here what I ask you is the surrender of the personal being for
the benefit, not of yourself, but of the collective. It is a change of mental direction, from selfishness to

Question: How do you perceive messages from the cosmos when it speaks to you? Do you perceive
words in your language?
Answer: It is a fourth neural level, unlike anything you have experienced as a human, it is a higher
level of awareness.
Question: Is it a being that speaks to you, or is it an energy?
Answer: It is the union of awareness between intelligences from different planets, it generates a
superior entity, a disembodied entity, and once this entity is generated, it is not the individuals that
integrate it who direct it, it is it who directs itself through the different individuals that integrate it, and
its action is to bring evolution to this minority of intelligent species, to achieve the active procedure of
cosmic evolution. It is not a being, it is not an individual, it is a cosmic mutation. Who dictates to me
what to say and what to do with my life? The understanding of the universal mechanism. The parts
that are unknown to the consciousness attack its personal and planetary being on a level that is not
evident to it, because many demons hide behind the ignorance of the universe. That is why this
knowledge, by saturating all the extremes of the awareness, leaves no gaps or voids where animal
instincts can crouch and hide, so this knowledge absolutely purifies the awareness. And when the
awareness is pure, it automatically surpasses the planetary frontier, integrating itself to this community,
to this interplanetary confederation.

Question: Are there other intelligent species interested in humanity's understanding of the universe
and evolution?
Answer: It is false that there is anyone interested in humanity. The human is ego-attacked, and
transcends his ego to the species, wanting to think that humanity is important. Humanity is
insignificant in the cosmos. It is as if we were to say that you or I are concerned about a specific sperm
fertilizing a specific egg; that is something that is happening in numbers of billions at this very moment,
and no one is interested in a specific sperm fertilizing an egg, we know that humanity is going to
continue its continuum. Again in the cosmos it does not matter if humanity self-destructs, God is not
going to say, "Ouch!". At this very moment billions of intelligent species are self-destructing, but they
are already contemplated in the process of cosmic evolution. God does not really need us, we are the
ones who need God. The ones interested in accessing this understanding, the ones interested in
unifying ourselves, are ourselves. What does exist is a frequency of information that develops in cosmic

space, and accesses as many species as possible to integrate them in this purification. But that there is
someone interested in humanity as such reaching the evolutionary peak, that is not real.

Question: Are there other races that control and manipulate humanity?
Answer: There are those who suppose that there are races or that there are eight very powerful
politicians wanting to control humanity, but humanity is attacked by its own primitiveness. Humanity
is not attacked by eight politicians or by extraterrestrials, humanity is attacked by its lack of genetic
complexity, by its animality, by its primitiveness, by its lack of evolution, and there is no one who is
trying to help or harm us. It is ignorance itself that drags us towards self-destruction, or universal
understanding that leads us towards evolution.

On the illustrations of the books of the Cosmic Frequency of Universal Consciousness by Rodolfo
Question: In your journey, have you perceived those beings from other planets?
Answer: My journey is right here. And in all my books I make the clarification that I did not see with
my eyes the illustrations of the beings from other planets that I put in the book. What I am saying is
that humanity is one of the many models used by the cosmos to achieve its evolution process. But not
all planets where there are intelligent individuals have our physiognomy or our appearance, because
our evolutionary line went through very specific places that led us to have the physical form we have
now. So it is very low, if not null, the possibility that on another planet there are beings with our same
morphology. There are countless intelligent species, but there is only one understanding, and this
understanding is the understanding of the universal mechanism that unifies us through the cosmos
generating a superior entity. Cosmic experience occurs through understanding, not visions. Nothing
that operates in the senses is a vehicle of the higher reality.13 Only with universal understanding, by
seeing this planet can one know the totality of the cosmos and the different evolutionary degrees of the
different intelligent species, if one has sufficiently pure awareness.

Question: Aren't we intelligent species on different planets like a neural network in which if one fails
the others fail?
Answer: It is not like that. Nature will always tell you about abundance. If humanity is lost at this very
moment, billions of other intelligent species have already self-destructed. If you go out into the cosmos,
if you have the opportunity to see the cosmos from a distance, what you will see are countless intelligent
species generating and self-destructing, but not one, but billions at the same time. The cosmos is
destruction to a large extent. But out of that rottenness, out of that mass destruction, a minority is
perceived that instead of self-destructing touches the top of evolution and then sublimates its universal
energy to the maximum. As the cosmos matures, this minority of sublimating species becomes more
and more abundant, until they end up unifying the cosmos in a body of light. In other words, the
cosmos generates countless intelligent species, but as the cosmos matures, it ends up becoming a single
individual, but it begins through that minority of intelligent species that sublimate, and more and more

13Comment: This statement, absolutist, is actually erroneous. The fraction of reality accessible through the senses is the
beginning of universal awareness.
species reach that sublimation, and there comes a point where the cosmos merges into a single body
of light and consciousness. The cosmos, enormous as it is, becomes a conscious being, first through
those intelligent species generated in it, and then it merges into a single conscious being, which
compresses to the maximum the chinks of matter and expels them to the virgin space so that they
explode generating a new and subsequent cosmos that will carry out again this process of unification
and expulsion. And this is how these enormous spheres of supraconsciousness, which humanity
understands as God, expand. Only in alchemy there is no talk of gods or demons, only the universal
mechanism is described. Here we speak of the omnipresent supraconsciousness. This is not a name, it
is an alchemical description that when understood also generates the union of interplanetary
awareness. That is why it has always been said that whoever agrees to understand the true name of
God will leave the human stage behind and attain the next evolutionary stage. That is the power of
the name of God, the omnipresent supraconsciousness.

Question: What do you think of religion and its way of taking advantage of ignorance?
Answer: At a given moment I perceived humanity in its reality. Humanity is not guilty of anything, it
is a victim of its genetic condition, it is a victim of the historical moment in which it lives, of the
primitiveness that has trapped it. Humanity has no possibility, by itself, of accessing a truth or a
dignified condition. Besides, everything in the universe has a utility. So this baseness, this rottenness,
this corruption, also has an ontological function in the evolutionary process of the cosmos. At the
planetary level it is horrible to suffer the consequences of injustice and ignorance (kidnapping,
abduction, rape, murder), but at the metacosmic level, that is, from outside the cosmos, this corruption
of consciousness is appreciated as a measure of control, because through this corruption, the less pure
species are destroyed, and only the purest ones embrace the totality of the cosmic environment. This
is a measure of control and purification that gives the cosmos its rhythm of transmutation and

Question: What happens to a person who knows the mechanism of the universe and yet remains
domineering, selfish and individualistic?
Answer: The truth is that every human is a victim of possession. Every intelligent individual is a victim
of possession. When you do not know the universe, you are possessed by ignorance and by the idea of
yourself. But when you understand the universe, you are possessed by the energy of salvation.
It is impossible for anyone to understand the workings of the universe and not make his being an
instrument of the expansion of this knowledge, because the understanding directs the will. That is the
key to alchemy: the understanding directs the will. But one must always take into consideration that
this knowledge operates more strongly in the species than in the individuals, because it is generated
for them. What I am saying is that by understanding the functioning of the universe the subject is
transformed into a terminal of the universal consciousness. Individuals can resist this possession, but
species cannot. That is, once universal knowledge visits the species, there is no reversal, the species will
be guided towards healing. Individuals may resist at first, but for a species to resist knowledge does not
happen in the universe.

Cosmic Frequency Commentary: The human is not capable of truly perceiving anything, not even his
own existence. That is why the meaning of human life is to leave the human stage and achieve the
next evolutionary stage, cosmic perception, then you access real existence, but before that everything
is apparent.

Comment: We are filled through the media with too much information. We are in the information
age, and one can fall into different disciplines that attract you to certain things. But so far something
that characterizes you, your books and your person, is that you are very direct, you go to the point,
without detours.
Answer: Yes, I always used to read books -that's why I don't like any of them- when I got past chapter
three I would say: "Do you have something to say? Say it now! And in my books you're never going
to find that. On the contrary, they are books with so much substance that at a given moment you have
to step back to breathe and let all the knowledge in them penetrate. And what I do is that. The main
characteristic of the universe is that it carries out a very long process, and when it touches the limit, it
repeats itself identically every time. It is an infinite recursion that has never been described before in
the history of mankind. My books describe the infinite recursiveness of the universe and generate this
evolutionary progression, which is the cosmic perception or astral body. That is my condition.

Question: How did your life change [understanding the universe] from the Rodolfo Ramos you were
before to the Rodolfo Ramos you are now?
Answer: Now I am not Rodolfo Ramos, in fact I do not inhabit this body either, but I use this body to
carry out the expansion of universal understanding over humanity. I have a cosmic and real existence.
Before I was a puppet of ignorance and lived for myself. I liked the noise they call music, and what
can I tell you about human parties and all the rottenness that humanity calls society and its
conventions. It is desperation, it is hysteria, it is madness, it is death in life, it is a pretext not to commit
suicide, and nothing more. What happens is that the human being has a security lock that does not
allow him to perceive the size of his suffering, because if he did not have it, all humans would commit
suicide in a second and the possibility of this evolution would end. Then, as a last resort, the
consciousness generates a personality, which allows it to cope with its absurd existence. I abandoned
that human condition and now I do not live for me, I live to spread the message about humanity.

Clarification and conclusion by the Cosmic Frequency to close the interview:

All the questions that a human being asks are answered with the same answer: to understand the
workings of the universe and then to make it understood by everyone else in order to achieve the
healing of humanity. I often meet people who want to tell me about their dreams and their visions and
their experiences, and I tell them: nothing of what they have lived matters at all, the only really
important thing is to understand the workings of the universe and then make it understood to everyone
else to achieve the purification of humanity. And all individual causes are lost, and all individual
experiences are insignificant, and whatever a human has experienced does not matter at all. The only
thing that really matters is to understand the mechanism of the universe and then to make everyone
else understand it, to bring about the healing and salvation of mankind.


Question: Why is alchemy a science?

Answer: The word science comes from the Latin word scientia which means knowledge.14 Alchemy is
not a science, but a healing action. Alchemy is the healing action of the understanding of the universal
mechanism. And the science alchemy, which is what I teach, is the study of that healing action.
Alchemical science is the study or knowledge relating to the healing action of the absolute
understanding. That practiced by mankind is false science, it does not relate to alchemical science.15
Human science is derived from the measurement of individualities which are not self-explanatory and
do not lead to an understanding of the whole.

Someone may say: "and why, if you attack science, are you using an electronic medium generated by
humanity? Well, because we alchemical scientists are cosmic infiltrators, and we have to use these
destructive means. Not by destructive I'm labeling it as destructive. Destruction has a reason for being.
Destruction speaks of a cosmic purification, of a selection. So, when the alchemist scientist is sent to
his planet, he has to use the means and the false science to infiltrate the species. That is the only reason.

14 "The word science comes from the Latin scientia which means knowledge. That is, the word science includes all
knowledge that is orderly or systematically organized. Thus a scientist is one who knows things and presents his knowledge
in an orderly form." John H. Lienhard. Translation by Pedro Gutierrez Revuelt.
15 Commentary: At first sight it sounds absurd that human science is false science because it does not relate to "alchemical

science"; but let it be understood in this case that "false science" refers to a science of partial knowledge that does not end
up answering in a definitive way the fundamental questions of human existence. And, that it does not relate to the science
alchemy, remains open to be an error of expression.
But it is obvious to him as it is to everyone else - for example in the case of humanity - [that] if there
is no change of direction, the destruction of humanity is imminent.
The science of alchemy is not born from a rational conjecture, but from a cosmic phenomenon, called
"gnosis" by the Greeks. The word GNOSIS16 derives from the Greek "GUIGNOSCO" and
etymologically means Knowing or Knowledge.17 But it is not just any knowledge, but one emanating
from the divine and obtained through its direct experience, so that it allows its subject the absolute
understanding of the universe. And that is alchemy, alchemy is gnostic science.18
What is gnosis and how is it generated? In all my deliveries I have spoken and will speak of an
enormous sphere that expands, of which the cosmos is the outermost layer. So, we are talking about a
process of expansion. The cosmic void opposes a resistance to that expansion, which is that which is
called Satan (in the cosmos there are no characters, no gods, no demons, but there is an expanding
energy which is related to God, and the opposing force would therefore be that which is called Satan).
Just as the vacuum resists the expansion of this sphere, so does the supraconscious core of this sphere
push and impose a pressure on the cosmos. This pressure generates a force in the cosmic void, and
this force draws the subtler consciousnesses of different planets to reveal to them the workings of the
universe, through a phenomenon humanly known as "gnosis". It is the higher science, the gnostic
science. It is not derived from measurements of individualities, it is not the product of conjecture; it is
what is known as divine revelation, it is a divine revelation through which the cosmos brings healing
and absolute understanding to this minority of intelligent species, and through that minority the
cosmos carries out its process of unification.
This is alchemical science, Gnostic science, but do not confuse it with human science. It is not a learned
or intuited knowledge, it is a cosmic revelation, it is a cosmic phenomenon.

16 "Gnosis" is the common Greek noun for knowledge (γνῶσις, gnōsis, f.). The term is used in various Hellenistic religions
and philosophies. It is best known from Gnosticism, where it means a knowledge or insight into the true nature of humanity
as divine, leading to the liberation of the divine spark within humanity from the limitations of earthly existence."
17 Source:
18 Comment: This is totally questionable. Regarding this knowledge, it is necessary to clarify: how it is accessed, and how

it is tested.
In relation to dreams
There are several types of dreams, but all of them are the same in one thing: the characteristic of the
dream is that it is not real. There are people who believe that their dream was very important, they
dreamt about a UFO, they dreamt about a little old man who told them: "everything is energy". They
dream of things they believe to be important, they dream of the Mayans, they dream of the weeping
woman, they dream of pure madness. There are those who dream things that later happen. There are
those who dream something and then live it, or dream of places they have never been to. None of
these events are important at all.
There is not only the sleeping dream, there is also the waking dream, when one believes that one's
experiences and daydreams have any kind of transcendence. Every human being lives in a continuous
dream until he or she comes to understand the dangerous reality that envelops humanity. The self-
destruction of humanity is imminent. So, it is not important what you dreamt yesterday, what you
were in your past life. Alchemy tells you that the mind should never be pointed to individual
particularities, to past lives, to things that relate to the character in which the consciousness is involved,
but should be pointed to the universal truth.
The only important thing is that you understand the mechanism of the universe, to wake up from this
human dream where you have a life of 80 years and then you die, then in desperation you want to live
everything, try everything, have everything, but mainly before you die, and that is why humanity is a
dying species by nature. My invitation again is to transcend the human stage and achieve the next
evolutionary phase. What do dreams mean? Nothing. What does human life mean? Nothing. Nothing
in this world has or will ever have any meaning until we come to understand perfectly the infinite
recursiveness in which the universe unfolds its eternal history. That is my invitation.

Question: What would be the meaning of the infinite recursion of the universe, does it have a purpose,
when the spheres expand in their totality, does the process start again from the beginning, do the same
changes and the same experiences occur again?
Answer: Identical is repeated every time. In fact, infinite recursion, wasn't there ever an individual
who said, "I'm going to generate infinite recursion." No. It's the way infinite space behaves because of
a physical consequence. And that's the way it works. There is no goal such as the human would seek;
the reward of the universe is sensory, and it is that most of existence is spent in the greatest ecstasy that
the universe knows, in the greatest ecstasy that exists.

In relation to the meaning of life. If the universe repeats itself, speaking of physics, the meaning of life
is that it repeats itself. But we have to take into account, and the emphasis goes in the sense that the
meaning of life is the sublimation towards a greater essence, a superior essence, and then a new
sublimation which is the universal top, and in that universal top, in that maximum ecstasy of existence
we remain the greater part of existence. The meaning of life, the meaning of existence (no longer of
life), is universal ecstasy, it is "melting into God", to put it in human words.

Question: What are the basic and elementary points I should know about the operation of the universal

Answer: The most elementary, not so much elementary as important, is that the salvation of mankind
depends on this knowledge being popularly known. The understanding of the universal mechanism is
the essence that saves the minority of intelligent species, through which the cosmos carries out its
process of sublimation.

Question: Who is the perceiver?

Answer: Everything is motion, everything. Matter is a speed, light is a speed, and consciousness is a
higher speed than light and matter. All essences are different speeds. Consciousness is a speed, and
intelligence is a higher speed than the pure consciousness of, for example, an animal; the consciousness
of an animal is slower than that of a human, who is intelligent. The one who perceives or what he
perceives, the essence itself, is the specific speed of your consciousness, that is the transcendent being,
that when your body falls dead, that speed is going to be preserved up to that limit, it is going to shelter
in the sun and then return to take another body to continue evolving, to continue accelerating. That
is who perceives, it is a speed of consciousness that is given by the evolutionary advance of humanity
and your specific case. And that individuality is lost when it merges with all the others that reach the
top of evolution and passes to a higher plane. That is what we all are: a path to the supraconsciousness,
everything ends up merging into the absolute essence, into the supraconsciousness, and we, the
perceiver and all that is perceived are different manifestations of the supraconsciousness.

Question: What do you know about connecting the heart and the brain? As I understand it, the heart
has intelligence and its own neuronal cells and there is a lot of information about this. I have even
studied that the heart together with the brain can perform acts of pure creation and have effects on
physical reality, it is what they call "creating from the heart". Do you recognize it?
Answer: Yes, I recognize your words and your affirmations, and I can tell you that when the totality
is unknown, the mind shoots everywhere and makes aberrant conjectures, because when the human
falls into the void, he has to look for something to hold on to. The reality is that the universal meaning
of life is not in the interconnection of the organs we already have, but in the development of a higher

From our appearance on the planet until today, humanity has [developed] three neuronal levels. The
first is the reptilian, which is in charge of purely organic matters such as sweating, healing, digestion,
and so on. The second level is the limbic layer, where love and the sensations that you relate to the
heart are found; they are not in the heart but in the second neuronal layer which is the limbic layer:
love, hate, sadness, happiness, they are all at the same level. The third level is the neocortex, which is
the outermost and newest layer. These three neural levels have been appearing gradually along the
evolutionary path of mankind. And the next phase is to bring in a fourth neural level, which refers to
the interplanetary consciousness junction or cosmic perception.
As you can see, in the evolutionary path of humanity, the heart has not been connecting with the liver
and then with the kidneys and then it connects with the brain and then with the lungs, it is not like
that, but it is growing from new neuronal layers in the brain.

Question: What do you understand by flower of light or flower of life? It seems to be a diagram of
universal movement. What is your understanding of this?
Answer: They are figures made of circles in which you form a flower with spheres, and it is another
object of mental alienation. The human not knowing anything, invents anything. I do not ask you to
believe me, but to question if it is true what I am saying, in this sense: The human is not a billion
things, the human is understanding. Understanding can only be about the universe. There are not
seventeen thousand senses of life, nor eight hundred interesting subjects, the only sense of human life
is to understand how the universal mechanism works, how the infinite recursiveness of the universe
works, precisely to be able to adapt ourselves to that mechanism, and instead of self-destructing -as
seems the evident path that humanity is taking-, to evolve, and then still after touching the top of
evolution, to sublimate to the maximum our universal energy. I do not ask you to believe me, I ask
you to analyze it. "Hey, what about the kundalini sticks?"... that they are garbage, and everything on
this planet, given the historical moment that humanity inhabits, prior to this information, only
nonsense has been said in this world.

Question: What is hate? Sometimes I feel that I hate the bad guys.
Answer: It is a natural instinct of reprobation, and is born of a mistaken perception of reality. In the
deepest origin of all dishonest eagerness lies an erroneous and cowardly assumption. Do not confuse
yourself with the illusion that you and your fellow man are separate beings, because we are all part of
an organism that evolves by unifying itself. There is no "the other" who steals, who kills, who kidnaps,
who hurts, but our own organism is sick and we have the obligation to heal it. We are the piece of a
larger organism. That other that infringes, that offends, that hurts, that injures, is yourself, it is your
sick and alienated part carrying out its action. So, we are all responsible for this purification.

Question: Hello, I wanted to know your opinion on this: "We are not the physical body/mind, nor its
senses. We are not the mind with its automatic ramblings. We are the silent, still, conceptless
consciousness that is aware of the body/mind. We are the consciousness that observes the automatic
functions of the body/mind, we are the silent formless observer, we are the life, knowledge,
consciousness, that is simply aware of its existence. We have mistakenly identified ourselves as the
physical body/mind. We have mistakenly identified ourselves with a form. It was all a mistaken belief.
The real you, the conscious passive-mind is not confined to a brain or other things, it is a whole
infinitely beyond the physical, it is the formless unity of all existence. It is not a something, however, it
is infinitely everything. But thinking about it is not going to help you experience it, you have to stop
identifying with all thoughts to experience that oneness with the whole."
Answer: You are lost in a maze of madness that goes nowhere. The only transcendent truth of human
existence is that humanity is self-destructing, out of selfishness and ambition. This obliges us to
understand perfectly the mechanism of the universe and then expand this knowledge over humanity,
to save us from self-destruction. We are indeed facing an imminent and evident danger. As long as
people want to experiment and get lost in words, they will not get anywhere. There is indeed an
underlying danger that must be combated, and that is the self-destruction of humanity through
selfishness and ambition. These two mental vices are born of existential ignorance. Since humanity
does not know how the universe works, each individual lives to achieve his own ambition, his own
fulfillment, his own experiences... None of this is important. When access is gained to understanding
the functioning of the universe, all individuals leave behind their personal conveniences for this
knowledge, that is why species unify and adapt, and reach the top of evolution to achieve cosmic
sublimation. That is the ultimate goal of all species and of everything that exists in the cosmos: to
sublimate to the higher light. So, yes, there is a mission of life that is important, it is to save us from
self-destruction, and that is achieved through the understanding of the universal mechanism and its
expansion over humanity. I don't agree with anything you said at all. There is a mission and it is not
the one that everyone wants, it is to save humanity from self-destruction and this is only achieved by
understanding the universe and then making others understand it. That is the science of alchemy, that
is what I teach.
Also that "error, the error of mankind"... Anyone who points out an error in the universe is wrong;
the universe is perfect. This corruption is part of perfection, and the way in which the effect is reversed,

or in which this corruption of consciousness becomes useful, is when the absolute understanding of the
universe is expanded upon the species in turn.

Question: Is absolute movement the same as absolute consciousness?

Answer: That's right, it's exactly the same. Everything is movement. The absolute movement is the
top of existence, it is the absolute consciousness or what is called God.

Question: Is the universe infinite?

Answer: Of course. Universe is synonymous with infinite space. That is why there cannot be several
universes, because universe is that of which there is only one, it is infinite space, it is totality.

Question: What's the joke19 of life if I already know that I have to pass the knowledge of the universal
mechanism? And I love it, but what's the joke of life if the universe repeats itself?
Answer: Life is no joke, and besides, you cannot self-determine yourself nor can you have control over
what happens. What I do tell you is that after these lives you pass to a higher plane, and the reward
that the universe gives -I do not say offers, because it does not have to offer, it just happens-, is sensory,
it is cosmic ecstasy, without a human body, but the bliss of absolute expansion -the human cannot
access to understand what I am saying-, and then you pass to a still higher level. The reward is on a
sensory level and it is in a time that the human cannot understand, so it is very worthwhile. It should
not have to be worth it because nobody has to convince us of existence, existence is something that
happens and nobody plans it, it is simply an infinite recursion, but which, fortunately, is ecstatic for
those of us who share universal existence.20

Question: Are spirit and soul the same thing, what is each?
Answer: Spirit, soul, perception, consciousness, astral energy, all are the same. In the cosmos there are
many stars heating planets, in most of them nothing happens, but there is a minority that complies
with the chemical changes to trap the solar energy and encapsulate it in life energy, in mortal bodies,
in unicellular organisms that perish, return their astral energy to the sun, and there it is in a shelter
until another body is generated in the planet that returns it to its material condition, and thus evolution
takes place. What is all that? It is astral energy, it is energy of the sun trapped in planetary matter; but
it is no longer mere astral energy, because having come to life, it is detached from its merely luminous
nature and comes to life and passes to the next universal phase. That is why you are going back and
forth from the sun to the Earth and from the Earth to the sun, to touch the top of evolution or self-
destruct in the attempt.

19 Comment: Understood as "sense".

20Comment: Here it is worth asking: "shall we share"? Who? Is there not only one consciousness in the universe, which is,
in a way, infinite space?
Question: At this point, what is happening with the supraconsciousness, is it aware that it exists and
that it is expanding? It seems to me something difficult to understand for being abstract at this neural
evolutionary point of the human species.
Answer: Yes, of course, very well said. Plants have a certain level of understanding, but obviously it is
not like that of humans, and even minerals do not have understanding, but they do correspond to the
laws of physics, that is the first part of understanding, the pure essence that corresponds to the laws of
physics. Well, as far as a stone is from understanding the capacity of understanding of a human being,
it is as difficult for the human being to understand the degree of consciousness that inhabits the interior
of the sphere, to understand the degree of consciousness of the omnipresent-supraconsciousness. But
in fact consciousness is not conscious as a human, but it is supraconsciousness, it is the essence that
inhabits all that exists, in fact it is all that exists, and even our own perception, myself saying this, this
saying, you hearing it and your hearing it, it is the totality of existence, except the void, which when
mixed with supraconsciousness, generates this plane and all that we perceive.

Question: Does consciousness feel, does it act, what is it like?

Answer: Consciousness is perception of reality. That is, consciousness is a resultant of two components:
one perception, and the other, reality. That is consciousness.

Question: What is the meaning of life?

Answer: When you look at yourself, you don't understand what the meaning of life is. But when you
get rid of yourself and the planet, and mentally subtract yourself from the cosmic perspective, it
becomes clear that the cosmic meaning of life, for which life is generated on different planets, is for
this life to generate intelligence, and the meaning of intelligence is to gain access to understand the
functioning of the universe to actively join in the process of cosmic evolution.
In the cosmos, an unthinkable number of intelligent species develop, but the vast majority disintegrate
and self-destruct out of selfishness and ambition, as is happening to humanity. And only the minority,
very small, less than one in a million, have access to understand how the universe works and to
impregnate this knowledge in their species of origin, in my case humanity. Then this knowledge guides
the steps of that minority of species and leads them to sublimate their universal energy to the maximum
instead of destroying themselves. That is why the meaning of human existence is to gain access to the
understanding of the universal mechanism, and then to make it understood by everyone else, in order
to save humanity from self-destruction.

Question: What happens when we all understand how the universe works, when we are all cosmic
perceivers and we are starting this evolutionary change?

Answer: The understanding of the universal mechanism leads us to understand that all planets end
their days when they are swallowed by their ruling star. That is why we have to evolve until we become
beings of light, and also precisely because of that, this is what every intelligent species seeks, to add the
energy of each individual already purified in the guiding star to become a conscious being. And what
this conscious being seeks is to explode, to teleport the conscious energy of the entire species already
purified into a higher light body.

Then, when everyone understands how the universe works, the obligation of mankind is reproduction.
Solar feeding proceeds first, and then solar feeding gradually dissolves all economic, social, cultural,
racial differences, and all those false structures disappear. And the males (I do not say men because it
is not only humanity, but intelligent individuals of different species already purified) walk alone or in
small groups and arrive to those enormous villages where the females are, where they take care of the
children and the eagerness is to impregnate as many females as possible. They do not stay long in
those villages so as not to vitiate the genetics of those villages and to continue distributing their own
genetics to as many villages as possible. And that is how life goes on when everyone understands how
the universe works. They no longer have to explain it to each other because they all know it, so the
next thing to do is to add up as many individuals as possible. As we already feed from the sun, we no
longer pollute the planet, there is no body waste, there is no reason to eat what is here but it is solar
food, and therefore humanity can multiply as much as it wants. And then we go to the next phase,
which is the being of light.

Question: How close are we to humanity being at the planetary frequency - a few years, decades,
centuries, millennia?
Answer: There are only two frequencies of thought: the planetary, which speaks of selfishness,
ambition, individuality, false individual success, and the cosmic frequency, which speaks of the
understanding of the universal mechanism. And the cosmic frequency, which speaks of the
understanding of the universal mechanism. How far are we from humanity being on the planetary
frequency? Not far, humanity has always lived in the planetary mental frequency.
But I imagine you meant to ask how far we are from humanity accessing the cosmic frequency. Not
far off, it is also already happening, through the most capable. This is no longer something I sweated
out in an armchair about 12 years ago, but is a knowledge shared by many individuals on this planet.
This is already the first year of incubation, and there are already many who share this knowledge and
understand it as the absolute truth that it is. So already humanity is beginning to be impregnated.
How long will it take before humanity is fully incubated? You tell me, how hard are you working?
How hard are you working to achieve the incubation of humanity? I for one do not rest for a second,
because even when I sleep I use that sleep to repair the body so that it is in optimal conditions to go
to the mission once awake. How long will it take for humanity to fully absorb this knowledge? How
many will you share this knowledge with during your lifetime? I ask you, how long will it take for
humanity to be absolutely incubated with this essence of salvation?

Question: Do you consider that a certain IQ is necessary to understand alchemy?
Answer: You don't need any level... well, more than not having neuronal atrophy. But you don't need
any [specific] IQ, but the humility to say, before yourself, no longer before others, before yourself: "the
truth, I don't know anything, but gee, how I would like to know: what do I exist for". What you need
is to have arrived at this doubt, which says: is there something that generates intelligence, or is it just
living for the sake of living? That is, when you see the exoplanets, and the local groups of stars, the
galaxies, the superclusters, and you say, "Where do I come in? I don't see there what is the existential
function of intelligence. What do I exist for? What am I?". Those who have doubted that, those who
have gone that far, those who have had the humility to question, "the truth, the truth, the truth, what
are we alive for? What was intelligence generated for? Does it have an operative function in the
universal mechanism? Or is it an accident?" Those who have doubted that, not only can understand,
but urge to understand the description that I am bringing, for them I am working. And they will then
transfer this knowledge into their environment (it is something that to a greater or lesser extent is
already happening).

Question: Do you think we use a small percentage of our human brain?

Answer: The human being, contrary to what is said, uses one hundred percent of his brain capacity,
but by the way, he uses it badly. It's not like you use one percent of your brain capacity. Humans use
one hundred percent of their brain capacity, but they use it badly, they use it so that this brain capacity
satisfies individual ambitions, and generates false economies, false societies, false mental and even
physical structures, and all in the service of individual ambitions. That is why humanity and all species
that do not know how the universe works end up destroying themselves.
The human brain is a very powerful animal, very stupid but very powerful. The human actually
perceives less, there yes, less than the point, incalculable zeros followed by one percent of reality,
because he is limited by what his senses perceive: what he can smell, what he can taste, what he can
hear, what he can see. Mainly what he can see. But the farthest the human gets to see are the stars,
and that is if the sky is not polluted. Therefore, he does not know so much about the universe that we
could say he knows absolutely nothing. The human being is a blind animal of the mind, because he
can only be guided by what he sees, and even with his telescopes he cannot see anything. The farthest
mankind has seen is the Big Bang (with his mind's eye). The farthest humanity has been able to see is
the seed that explodes forming the cloud of light. That is, it sees nothing. It does not even see that a
single exploding seed cannot happen, but has to conceive it in its multiplicity: it would have to be a
countless number of exploding seeds generating a cosmic environment, which is what alchemical
science explains.
Specifically, humans use one hundred percent of their neuronal capacity but misuse it. What humans
cannot do is to perceive their universal environment: they are mind-blind animals.

Question: So this friction between the last layer of the sphere of supraconsciousness with the void is
what generates this invisible entity that encompasses infinite space called Cosmic Frequency? Is that
where it comes from?

Answer: The Cosmic Frequency does not encompass infinite space, but is an entity of consciousness
that is generated by the union of consciousness between intelligences from different planets, and unifies
intelligent individuals from different planets in the same galaxy. These species can be integrated from
a single individual, up to the totality of the species in the cosmic community. Then from different
galaxies in the same local group. Then, from different local groups in the same supercluster, passing
through the cosmic network, until generating enormous extensions of the cosmic frequency in all the
enormous cosmos where we live.

The action of the cosmic frequency is to take that minority of intelligent species to the maximum
evolutionary degree that the cosmos allows to become beings of light. The cosmic frequency does not
embrace infinite space, but cosmic space. It is a disembodied entity that develops in the apparent
emptiness of cosmic space.

Description of the evolutionary mechanism of the cosmos
Question: You were given a knowledge that would be the understanding of the universal mechanism,
right? Do you know everything or do you still need to know more?
Answer: I know everything that is needed to save humanity. I still don't know other things, but I'm not
interested in knowing them, because this is not a diversion or to see who knows the most. No. It's about
going to the salvation of mankind.
Suddenly we're on a sinking ship, and they say:
-Everybody has to come to save, to fill the hole, to put wood, clothes and everything to seal the hole,
so everybody cut furniture and take the clothes out of their suitcases to cover the hole.
-Hey, and the handsaw, who was the inventor of the handsaw.
-Shut up and keep sawing because we have to plug the hole.
It is not curiosity to see the nooks and crannies of the universe. Humanity is self-destructing, which
many believe they don't care about because they don't know the terrible suffering that that would
entail over several reincarnations for all of us who are here now. It would be a lacerating life, it would
be a devastating experience, it is the worst experience known to the universe, and we are heading
straight for it. Here it is a matter of knowing the basic principles, as for example almost all the planets
that exist end their days when they are swallowed by their sun. Planet Earth is going to be swallowed
by the sun in 5 billion years. That forces us to move our nature from the material beings that we are
today, to become beings of light, to touch the top of evolution, so that when our planet is swallowed
by the sun, if we manage to transmute into beings of light, all our souls would merge into the sun and
become a conscious being, and this conscious being seeks to explode to teleport our life energy from
the cosmos where we live today to the higher body of light. That is what is sought. In addition, in this
process, suffering would end.

And it is not a question of knowing absolutely everything, the intimate recesses of the cosmos, which
are curiosities that it makes no sense to know, because what we want is to free ourselves from the
enormous danger that seems inevitable for humanity.
I do not know absolutely everything. What I know is the way to free humanity from self-destruction,
from the second death. I know how to tell you with absolute truth: where you go after you die, why
you came to the world, what it is, where it is and who gave birth to what you call God, what form it
has, how the universe works. And I generate the evolutionary leap from human to cosmic perceiver.
That is what I deliver, that is all that is needed, and that is what I pray will happen, and that is what I
urge you to help me bring about.

Description of the universal mechanism II

Question: You are a character like Einstein, that kind of rare scientist, but who tells the pure truth,
that strong.
Answer: Albert Einstein said: "The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that the universe
is comprehensible". That is, he did not see what understanding is for. That is the only real question of
human existence, "what do I exist for?". Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, all those you call wise men
with their mathematics, with their physics, with their measurements, with their human science, came
to this:

The big bang. That is, the cosmos is a seed that exploded forming a cloud of light. There are all the
human sages.
What I am bringing to humanity is that the big bang is not one, but countless seeds expelled from a
previous body of light; when they are outside they explode and generate cosmic space. The cosmos is
the outermost part of a huge sphere of supraconsciousness expanding over the universal void.

And this sphere does not expand alone, but with countless equals to it, which by continually expanding
generate the culminating unification of infinite space into a single consciousness, which by having
nothing to be conscious of disappears and leaves the void, which generates by absorption in the same
points of infinite space these bubbles or spheres that by expanding generate the infinite recursiveness
of the universe.

As you will see, Einstein has nothing to do with me, nor with what I am a vehicle for. All that humans
have said are biases, I am someone who stands aside, I have a genetic mutation that allows me to bring
to humanity the absolute truth, and nothing similar has ever happened on this planet.

Question: What do you think about the Higgs Boson, which according to scientists is the basis of
Answer: Democritus in the fourth century B.C. spoke of an indivisible particle from which everything
is formed. And two thousand years later, with the development of physics, we came to the
understanding of a particle formed by three others, and since then this particle was unjustly attributed
the name of atom, when in fact atom means indivisible: a.- without. Tomo.- division. Atom.-
indivisible. Then, Democritus himself, IV centuries B.C. had already had this intuition. C. had already
had that intuition which science now calls the Higgs Boson. I had already spoken of it five years before
human science in the book of the Cosmic Frequency. The universe is a binary system where zero is
vacuum and one is absolute motion. All the essences of this plane are generated by the various ways
in which emptiness and absolute motion are related to generate all the essences of this plane.

Question: If absorption breaks the vacuum that absorbs upon itself, then is the universe in the form of
a hypersphere?
Answer: No, the universe has no form, because if it had form it would be contained within something
else and would no longer be a universe. The universe is infinite space. It has a form that it cannot get
out of, you cannot see it from the outside, but from the inside, if you subtract yourself to the maximum
you can see its form, and it is this:

It is a form that moves. It goes from emptiness, breaks into consciousness at different points, this
consciousness unifies and then disappears, and so it makes an infinite recursion. It is not a hyper-
sphere or anything like that; it is an infinite recursion.

Question: If one embraces everything with the understanding, then yes, one does come to an end, it
would no longer be infinite space. I do not understand.
Answer: This is the most common question, the one I have been asked the most: "How if space is
infinite can it be filled? Even if space is infinite, if I draw a mathematical pattern, this pattern because
it is mathematical repeats itself throughout infinite space. Let me put it this way: If I say "every three
centimeters21 up and down, sideways, forward and backward, every three centimeters a sphere is going
to be generated." That pattern is already established. So throughout the infinite space, as infinite as it
is, but that mathematical pattern was established, therefore, every three centimeters wherever you
move, forward and backward, up and down, or to one side and the other, wherever you move, at three
centimeters there is going to be a sphere. Since this pattern is repeated throughout the length and
breadth and height of all infinite space (that every three centimeters there is a sphere), even if space is
infinite, it is enough for each sphere to expand a little more than a centimeter and a half for all infinite
space to be filled, since these spheres are distributed every three centimeters towards the three
dimensions (down or up, forward and backward, to one side and to the other). It does not matter that
the space is infinite, if every three centimeters where you make yourself there is a sphere, it is enough
that each sphere grows less than two centimeters to automatically fill all the infinite space.

Question: I once said: "The universe being eternal and infinite, it is comprehensible through
understanding". To which a lady replied, "If the universe is infinite, how is it that it can be
encompassed by human understanding." At that moment all I could think of was, "Because mind is
an essence by which the universe becomes conscious of itself." But I wanted to know which answer is
more correct for this question.
Answer: How if the universe is infinite can it be encompassed by the human mind? Because it obeys a
mathematical pattern reducible by understanding. [If we set a mathematical pattern, every three
centimeters lengthwise and widthwise, sideways and sideways, front and back will generate a sphere,
and that is a mathematical pattern that is set, then you have already reduced the whole universe to
that mathematical pattern, because it repeats itself throughout infinite space and it is the law that the
universe obeys.

Question: The ultimate process of the universe is to unify all intelligent and conscious races on cosmic
functioning into a single conscious being of light. Question: Are we all the same person or entity?
Answer: I understand what you mean, I understand it because I am in tune with the message. But you
must demand of yourself the correct syntax. The right words correct the movements of the soul. A
philosopher said that "the verb is the art that corrects the movements of the soul". New words correct
the movements of the soul. You cannot see the spirit of a person by seeing how he is dressed or what
his grooming is or anything, but you can see him as soon as he begins to speak, you can become
conscious of his spirit and who he really is. [But to answer the question], yes, we are all the same.
There is only one essence and this essence generates all the other individualities that generate our
blueprint, but all those individualities are dissolved and merge into one higher essence. We are all the

21 Comment: The three centimeters are an arbitrary reference for this example, not a real measurement.
Question: Why do you say you live in the cosmos?
Answer: Because we all live in the cosmos. We are on a planet, the third planet revolving around a
star, and that star is with others forming a constellation that is at one end of the galaxy. We, much
more than ninety-nine point ninety-nine to the billion, much more than that is our cosmic
environment. And humans are trapped with the planetary appearance, they perceive less than the
zero point to the billion one of reality, because they are trapped in the planetary environment, in their
senses, in what they see with the eyes of their face. On the other hand, those who understand the
universe are open to the cosmic and universal perspective, and being in the same room, they are not
on the same plane.

Question: Have you mastered your ego?

Answer: The ego is the idea of yourself. The human self-identifies with his material self, but he who
understands the universe expands his ego into infinite space, does not identify himself with his material
self, but utilizes, takes advantage of having the use of a material body deposited on an infected planet,
and utilizes from infinite space that material body to carry out the expansion of the cosmic message.
More than getting rid of the ego is to expand your ego, your idea of yourself, into the totality of infinite
space. Then take advantage of the enormous opportunity of having the use of a physical body on an
infected planet, to use that physical body in the incubation of the species of the planet where that body


Question: I would like to know your opinion about myths, legends and human fantasies, such as the
existence and contact with ghosts, saints or gods, elves, mermaids, goblins, nahuales, witches,
vampires, among so many stories and beings that inhabit the collective fantasy. What truth can there
be in these encounters? How far can coexistence with them really go? Do they exist or did they coexist
in the past?
Answer: I have the obligation to tell the truth, but not that the truth is pleasant to you. The only thing
that the human being knows is that he was born with a lot of time behind him, that he will live, he will
die, and after his death time will continue to run in a much greater extension, but much greater.
Moreover, the internal universe is as extensive as the external one. The mind of the most imbecile you
know, intuits at a deep level the existence of eternity in time and infinity in space. Every human
consciousness, even the most primitive, at a deep level, intuits these two truths: infinite in space and
eternal in time. Then it only knows that it will be alive for an instantaneous fraction of all existence....
And that he is useless, that he is an asshole, that he has spent his whole life being an idiot. That's why
all humans saw a ghost, a goblin, a UFO, etc.

On the gnostic trance of consciousness

For the gnostic trance to work, it must mutate and stop being a trance lived by an individual and
become an understanding that is available to all. But if it does not achieve this mutation from
individual experience to general knowledge, it is of no use.

Question: There is a lot of talk about cosmic alignment, will you be doing meditations, dietary changes,
Answer: It does not operate in matter. The object of understanding and what we were brought into
existence for, every intelligent individual, is to understand the workings of the universe. Meditating is
good against the other options, which are to destroy. Why is it good? Because you are sitting still, and
at the very least you are making yourself lesser. But you are destroying because you are pulling
alienation from other consciousnesses that say: "I feel a great peace". And why do you feel peace if
humanity is destroyed? What do I do, I applaud you? "The other day I kept my mind blank for six
hours". Hey, thank you very much, you don't know how much good you have done us with that mental
silence. That is to say, it is to become less and that's it. The only thing that is useful in human existence
is to understand the universe and then make others understand it in order to achieve the change of
mental direction that will lead us towards evolution, instead of this imminent self-destruction.

Question: What is cosmic alignment?

Answer: It is another object of mental alienation.

Question: How is it that we will reach that evolution that you mention if some only understand the
functioning of the cosmos, besides you mention that for that there must be an evolution of all at the
same time?
Answer: I never said it was at the same time, but on the contrary. Through that minority that is capable
of understanding the universe, knowledge takes on a life of its own, and from generation to generation
it penetrates the species and strengthens itself, and gradually frees humanity from all the mental vices
that contaminate it, until the healing of all humanity is achieved.

Question: Can it be said that once there is full knowledge of the workings of the cosmos, people who
gain this knowledge will be able to evolve sooner?
Answer: People who understand the workings of the universe make the evolutionary leap, and acquire
by that leap the obligation to make others understand. Each one who gains access shines with his own
light and is a radiator of his environment; in this way the healing of humanity occurs exponentially.

Question: To evolve, all that is needed is to have the knowledge of the cosmos and to make it known
without helping? I mean to raise awareness in order to humanize (to stop being selfish). Does it have
nothing to do with it?
Answer: The only thing an intelligent individual should do is to understand the universe and make it
understood to others, not to humanize, but to de-humanize, since humanity is a stage cosmically
identified as infectious, and it is the one related to selfishness, ambition and ignorance. So the meaning
of human life is to leave behind the human stage and achieve the next evolutionary phase, cosmic
perception. But when this phase is achieved, it no longer operates on individuals, but permeates the
species with the description of the universal mechanism.

Question: I mention this because, although I am young, I have had in mind that now there are no
humans but only people who are like robots that obey and act for themselves....
Answer: That is a human, that is exactly what a human is. I don't know what you imagine a human
to be, but a human is like a robot that obeys things without question.

Question: And because society guides them in spite of this, I wanted to try to help, to humanize. For
me the environment is very important, I think we depend on it, we are life like it, but as you mention,
you could say that we are nothing compared to the universe. Of course, we are not the only beings
that inhabit this great universe, but it is very important to take care of our planet. In addition to the
care I take, I am a vegetarian. Many people tell me what's the point. But it doesn't seem fair to me to
kill someone so violently just to satisfy myself temporarily.
Answer: Ok. Well, you saved the lives of two calves, and not even that, because some people are going
to eat the meat anyway. You should go to every slaughterhouse in the world to stop animals from
being killed. But no. It is not possible to operate in appearance. What happens is that it is the
desperation of seeing injustice, and I understand you, because you have a pure soul. But actually, one
must transcend the material condition. [Suppose] I avoid the robbery here in front of me, but all over
the world there are thousands or millions of robberies going on. Then one must transcend the material
appearance and operate on the purer consciousnesses, bringing about the expansion of this knowledge.
You do not even expect to see from your mortal body the healing of humanity. But you do know that
by incubating it in the more capable consciousnesses around you, this knowledge permeates the species
bringing absolute healing. I step in to stop a disloyal act against the universe, and I am operating in
my own selfishness. "What I saw happening didn't happen"; yes, but how many times something much
worse is happening and you entertained yourself, and ultimately it is another form of selfishness. "I
was the hero, did you see how I told him..., how I made him..., how I took away...?". It's for yourself,
it's another form of selfishness. The only way to operate with kindness is to understand the universe
and make others understand it.

Question: You say that [the functioning of the universe] is a cycle, something that happens and
happens and happens again. So we have a destiny? Are we always the same human?
Answer: Yes, it does not vary one iota. But what you must understand is that this infinite recursivity,
in order to finish occurring, takes a time that humans could well call eternity, because it is so long that
no human or even cosmic consciousness could reach to understand. Do not believe that you die and
are reborn and you are the same. No. You go through the whole evolutionary cycle...

... This planet is going to be swallowed in five billion years by the sun, the sun moves through the
cosmos, stops near another star, steals its surplus energy, explodes, teleports our energy to a higher
body of light.


In that body of superior light a time is spent that the human being could not understand. And when
that time passes in the body of light, transmuted into a very superior essence, one passes to the phase
of the omnipresent supraconsciousness, and in that state one remains for an inestimable time, in the
greatest existing ecstasy.

And when the universe is encompassed by a single, absolute consciousness, in a time that cannot be
understood by the human, then it starts over again and passes this way again. But it is a very long time
that it takes to give that infinite recursiveness.

And yes, you will always be the same human, you always go through the same thing, it doesn't vary at
all, it's absolute, it's identical every time you turn around.

The universe is a conscious, but unalterable mechanism.

Question: What is a mundane act?

Answer: A mundane act is every human act. In the Matrix movie (1999) they wanted to explain to
Neo what the matrix was, but they told him: "nobody can explain it to you, because as it is in
everything, you have to get out of the matrix and then see...". Likewise here, a mundane act is
everything a human does, everything: going to work, checking the cell phone, women painting their
nails, eating fancy food, every human act operates in the destruction of humanity, that's why it is a
mundane act.
There are only two kinds of acts: the mundane, which is all that humanity knows, and the cosmic act:
understanding the universe and making it understood by everyone else. And everything else is

Question: What happens when we die, do we evolve?

Answer: Life is the result of a planet being fertilized by its ruling star. Then, this planet catches the
sunlight and generates unicellular organisms that divide and after dividing several times die. The
planetary body falls dead, but its astral energy returns to the sun, and there it is in a shelter until
another body is generated in the planet of origin to return it to its material condition. And in this way
evolution is achieved on a certain minority of planets throughout the cosmos.

Question: What is karma and what role does this concept play in alchemy?
Answer: He has no role in alchemy, and no one can access the science of alchemy by keeping his own
previous precepts, or by wanting to adapt what he thinks he knows to alchemy. The alchemist to be
an alchemist, must first spit on that which he revered. If you, whoever you are - it is not even someone
-, believe that you are master of anything, or that you have in you, you ponder in you any level of
knowledge, and you do not want to renounce it, it will be impossible for you to access the science of
alchemy. You have to first start from Socrates, say: "Fuck, fuck, I don't know anything, I don't know
anything". And then afterwards: "Well, but I do want to know". From that acceptance you can study
the science of alchemy, and I commit myself, before you know it, you will already have with you your
astral body, the union of interplanetary consciousness, the evolutionary mutation. But if you believe
that you are masters of yoga, of reiki, of meditation, or of any false discipline and you do not renounce
it, this will be denied to you. Absolute truth is not going to commune with a vice of consciousness.
[And to answer the question concretely] karma is false, the universe is an infinite recursion, but it does
not vary one iota at a time. So there is no karma because we are instruments of the universe. We are
the universe itself embodied performing a predetermined action. Individuality is a cosmic illusion. And
that is how it works.

Question: How is the consciousness, called soul, in the less evolved stages: plants and animals?
Answer: It is not a consciousness like ours. They could not talk and they do not have this kind of
reasoning, but everything that exists seeks to sublimate itself into superconsciousness, and of that
essence, the closest thing that exists on our plane is the understanding of the universal mechanism. So,
the moss, the plants, the flowers are attempts of the cosmos to reach divinity, and they do not have a
consciousness like the human one. They don't feel pain, for example, because that is through certain
nerve connections that plants lack (some do, some don't). It is a precarious consciousness. In fact, what
you see in matter is a "caricature"23 of its essential energy. So if you want to know the soul of a moss,
just turn to see it, as well as everything around you.

Question: What do we need to know or learn in order to save humanity?

Answer: To understand the way the universe unfolds, where we go after we die, what is the meaning
of life, what it is, where it is and who gave birth to what is called God, what form it has, what is the
way to actively integrate ourselves in the process of cosmic evolution instead of self-destructing. To
know the secrets of the universe such as solar nutrition, detachment, integration with nature; but not
just isolated truths that are useless, but to know perfectly the way in which the universe unfolds in
order to be able to adapt ourselves to this mechanism in which we are inserted. The mechanics in
which the universe unfolds demands that the majority of intelligent species disintegrate and self-
destruct out of selfishness and ambition, but of the minority that agrees to understand the workings of

23 Comment: Caricature is an approximation to what I now believe would be more appropriately referred to as "mirage".
the universe, all individuals leave behind their personal conveniences, and carry out acts tending to
join in this process of sublimation.

Question: If we all go to the sun, where is the punishment or the difference between those who live in
harmony with the universe and those who never change their primitive and self-centered activity of
Answer: The cosmos does not individualize us by human, but by species. Human individuality is a
cosmic illusion. The final truth operates in the understanding that among all human beings we form
a single being. The species that succeed in integrating that being are the ones that pass to the next
cosmic phase, and those that do not succeed are the ones that self-destruct. But there is no punishment
as such. We are inserted in a process of cosmic evolution. So, what is sought is to leave behind the
appearance of individuality and free everyone else from the character in which the universal
consciousness is trapped, pigeonholed in a personality that traps it. The alchemical scientist feels no
antipathy, for he knows that what dwells within every existing thing is God, and that all else is an
infection. That is why there is no punishment for individuals, but what is sought is to sublimate the
energy of all humanity.

Question: What is the love that all mystics talk about, that love without condition, that love that they
say heals everything, that love that they say is what the universe is made of?
Answer: This statement is false. Love is a feeling that in the case of humans is housed in the second
neuronal layer, in the limbic layer. It is a constructive and evolutionary but planetary energy, which
has as an obvious purpose, at the individual level the reproduction, and at the general level the
preservation of the species. But it is not related to the energy of salvation. The highest essence of our
plane is understanding, and understanding can only be about the universe. So the meaning of human
life and of all intelligence developed in the cosmos, and the essence of which everything is made, the
closest thing to that essence on our plane is the understanding of the universal mechanism.

Question: With this understanding that you convey, can anyone who has cancer or terminal illness or
mental illness be cured?
Answer: Alchemy does not operate on physical bodies. It is medicine, but it does not heal human
individuals, but it is made to heal contaminated species as humanity was and still is. If I were to remove
a disease from someone I would be operating on appearance, before 200 years that person would
already be dead from another cause and nothing would have been achieved. What I am trying to do
is to heal humanity from egoism and all the mental vices that attack it, and I achieve this by describing
the universal mechanism.

Question: Or is it possible to emerge from a state of poverty and become prosperous?
Answer: In fact that is what I do, I bring them out of a state of spiritual poverty and bring them into
human prosperity. When each individual pursues his own convenience, his economic prosperity, the
species disintegrates and self-destructs. But when you come to understand the workings of the universe,
everyone leaves behind the appearance of self and begins with prosperous action, they operate in the
healing of humanity.

Question: What kind of life or actions should one lead when one is alone and cannot share
understanding with others?
Answer: If the understanding is already absolute, what you must do when there is no possibility of
sharing it is to rest, because all life energy must be applied to the expansion of the message. So when
you are alone, you must rest and recharge your energy. There are no more thoughts, there is no more
that voice that speaks to you and tells you "Oh.... tomorrow you have to do this...", but just everything
is clear. Life energy must be used to imbue humanity with the understanding of the universal
mechanism. When you are alone, you rest, but you look for the opportunity to go out again to expand
the message, to fulfill the cosmic mission.

Question: What is sin?
Answer: I am going to touch the bottom, because we have already talked about the universe repeating
itself identically every time, so from that perspective there is no sin, because there is no individual
decision. Self-determination is a cosmic illusion. The universe has only one way of occurring and this
is the way it is occurring; there is no way to vary one iota, therefore, there is no sin.

Question: What is peace?
Answer: It is a genetic condition, but there is also a real peace, and it is born of the absolute
understanding of the universe, and when you behave according to that truth, when you make your
being an instrument of healing for humanity, then you find true peace, even if your life is in danger,
because now you are awakened and alive. But that alone is peace, to behave according to the universal
truth. The rest is apparent, or it is false peace, or it is a product of a genetic condition, it is useless.

Question: Would you ever consider traveling to other places on the planet to further expand
Answer: I do not consider, nor travel, nor carry out any act, but I expand my understanding of my
environment, and whatever the species itself requires, I will adapt myself to what happens. But I have
no plans, nothing. The only thing I do is to continuously expand this knowledge.

Question: What are animal instincts and how do they operate in individuals?
Answer: Animal instincts are all those such as the property instinct, the territorial instinct, the defense
instinct, everything that governs the human being. The human only differs from the animal in that he
articulates a language and that he can generate structures that destroy the environment, but in
everything else the human is governed by his animal instincts. That is the reality of what animal
instincts are and how they operate in individuals: by destroying them.

Question: How does one develop patience?
Answer: With experience. When you see the terrible result of not having been patient, or what you
would have achieved if you had been patient, then life makes you more patient, wiser, more capable.

Question: What are drugs for alchemical science?

Answer: Science alchemy does not talk about drugs, but I think it is a way of coping with existential

Question: [Do drugs] help understanding?

Answer: They help relaxation, and relaxation helps understanding.

Question: [...] or are they bad as recognized by society as a whole?

Answer: No, the science of alchemy is not governed by moral values established by a society, but by
the understanding of the universal mechanism.

Question: You say that this is hell. It seems that you can't enjoy anything, but there are beautiful things
like spending the afternoon with a friend, the smell of flowers, or contemplating the sea and the star.
Could you comment on this?
Answer: Humanity is inserted in a process of cosmic evolution, where most intelligent species are
disintegrating and self-destructing. That is to say that we are before an imminent danger, and also
evident. So when you see the butterfly, when you are with your friend or watch the sunset, humanity
is heading towards self-destruction. If you find beauty in these matters that you comment, then it is as
much as what is condemned in drug addicts, you are enervated, crazy, seeing the butterfly ... when
your universal obligation, given the mechanism in which we find ourselves inserted, is, you guessed it:
to understand the universe and make everyone else understand it, to save us from the terrible self-
destruction that seems imminent.

Question: What do you think about the reforms being approved by the government?
Answer: That all governments and all planetary intelligences that are unaware of the universal
mechanism invariably walk toward self-destruction.

Question: I shared this knowledge with some friends. They have a lot of knowledge of the Akashic
records and they are going to take a course on tarot and self-knowledge, and they say this is universal
knowledge. They say that this is universal knowledge. What message could you give them regarding
Answer: That I operate on those who have reached Socrates, on those who ignoring, reach to see their
own ignorance and say: "Gee, I know nothing, but I do want to know". On them I operate. He who
thinks he has a lot of knowledge about akashic records, about reiki, about mantras, about mandalas, I
can no longer do anything for him, because he is already lost, he already thinks he knows. In ignorance
there are two levels: the one who knows that he does not know, and the one who does not even know
that, that is to say, he thinks he knows. I operate on the first level, the one who is aware of his own
ignorance and seeks to get out of it.

Question: Let's say that after we have passed fused in the macrosphere, after we have gone through
that ecstasy when it disappears, what is the point of starting the whole process all over again, if all the
accumulated consciousness will just disappear?
Answer: In that state of ultimate grace we remain for a time that mankind could not comprehend, it
resembles eternity. The supply of the universe is sensory. Most of our existence is spent in the greatest
ecstasy that the universe allows, at the universal limit of existence, merged in the greatest essence of
the universe. But there comes a point when that ultimate bliss, almost eternal, inconceivably long,
inconceivably beautiful, that is the greater part of existence, but it has an end and then it repeats itself.
There is not somebody who generated this infinite recursion to satisfy you or to satisfy the
consciousness of any mortal individual, but this is the way the universe behaves, because of a
consequence of physics, and it is also unrenounceable, but it is the greatest bliss, an inconceivable bliss
that the human cannot understand, and experiencing it is the greatest essence of the universe.

Question: Why are these spheres generated again?

Answer: When the void is absolute in the universe, it generates such absorption at different points of
infinite space, that at those points the universal void is broken and these bubbles or spheres of
supraconsciousness are generated, which from their birth expand slowly but continuously, and there
comes a point where they touch each other, They embrace the totality of infinite space in a single and
absolute consciousness, which, having nothing to be conscious of, disappears and leaves again the
universal void, which generates by absorption in the same points of infinite space, these bubbles or
spheres that, when expanding, generate the infinite recursivity of the universe. The universe does not
obey a divine will, but a physical consequence.

Question: You mention that you act for those who recognize their ignorance. What about objective
knowledge such as programming, physics or mathematics?
Answer: Mathematics, and all objective knowledge, loses objectivity when the workings of the universe
are unknown. There have been many who can develop logarithms or level equations that a common
mind could not do, yet it is as sterile as collecting hats, show cars, or anything else. The only essence
of the cosmos that heals endangered species such as humanity is, is the understanding of the universal
mechanism and its expansion upon the species of origin.

Question: Emotions are part of the ego, they are the ones that manage our feelings due to worldly
circumstances. They affect us and what we should try to control is not to let the bad emotions of others
affect us.
Answer: These precepts are wrong. It is not that emotions and others do not affect us. It is to use the
body as an instrument of utility to expand over the human species the universal understanding, to
integrate us actively in the procedure of cosmic evolution. The philosophies that seek well-being are
false. We are inserted in a process of cosmic selection, and therefore it is urgent to understand the
mechanism of the universe and then make others understand it. All the rest are cosmic traps.

Question: You say we are born rotten, we grow up rotten, which I agree with. But doesn't a baby
come cleaner of precepts? Wouldn't a child have to know about physics and the big bang? Do children
have the capacity to understand the mechanism of the universe?
Answer: It is not about children and adults, but about humans and cosmic perceivers. The human,
child or adult, is a phase prior to the cosmic connection, therefore he is attacked by existential
ignorance, by cosmic disconnection. And the action of the cosmic perceiver is to bring all other
humans to the same level of consciousness, with the description of the universal mechanism. There is
no goodness or evil as the human conceives it, but there are two ultimate goals in cosmic existence:
self-destruction or evolution. Everything that does not lead to evolution leads to self-destruction, so
human nature is self-destruction. But that human phase is overcome by understanding the workings
of the universe. Precisely all my life energy is dedicated to expand upon humanity this knowledge, the
understanding of the universal mechanism.

Question: How can I dissolve my ego?
Answer: All the mental vices that attack the consciousness of humanity are born of existential
ignorance. As mankind is ignorant of the workings of the universe, each individual lives to achieve his
own ambition. Then the planetary habitat is devastated, the species disintegrates and self-destructs,
and in that mechanics the majority of intelligent species die. A proportion of biology is the following:
in a human ejaculation more than five hundred million sperm are thrown out, and only one fertilizes
the ovum, but only sometimes, not every time there is an ejaculation there is a pregnancy. Again in
the cosmos an unthinkable number of intelligent species develops. Again, the majority disintegrates
and self-destructs, out of selfishness and ambition, as is happening to humanity. But the minority that
agrees to understand the functioning of the universe, all individuals leave behind their ego and their
personal conveniences, then the species unifies and adapts and touches the top of evolution. How does
one leave behind the ego? With the understanding of the universal mechanism. All mental vice is
dissolved with this knowledge.

Question: How can I leave my name behind?

Answer: In the same way: understanding the workings of the universe, you then leave behind all the
illusion that the world built for you, and turn to the salvation of your species of origin, to the salvation
of mankind.

Question: Is it not rather the purpose that can be misdirected? The laying on of hands, as I understand
it, is not healing of bodies. How do you see it?
Answer: That nothing has to be done with anyone's hands that is worthwhile, because the transcendent
energy is the understanding of the universe. There is no real power on this cosmic plane other than
understanding the universe and making it understood by others. If someone lays hands, does a little
dance, says a prayer before, makes the sign of the cross, or makes any movement, he is alienated or is
contributing to the alienation of the planet. The only thing to do is to understand the universe and
then explain it clearly, nothing else.

Question: What is beyond the universe? What is going on inside me? What is the role of the stars?
What is my role?
Answer: Beyond the universe there is nothing, because the universe is synonymous with infinite space,
so as it has no end there is nothing outside because it is infinite, it is totality, it is absolute. There is
nothing outside the universe, so what is inside you? Emptiness and terror of death. What is the function
of the stars? They are like the sun: to generate planets so that life is generated there and intelligence is
generated there and the process of cosmic evolution is carried out, although very few stars achieve this
ulterior end. What is your function? To understand the universe and then to make others understand
it in order to actively join in the process of cosmic evolution.

Question: I would just like to know your point of view about secret societies, be it Freemasonry, etc.
What is their purpose?
Answer: The purpose is to make the members who participate in them think that their life was worth
something or that they somehow know something or to escape from the fact that they are good for
nothing and they are just going to die. "Oh, I'm in a secret society"... of ignoramuses. The human
struggle is to justify its existence, because human existence is unsustainable.

Question: For me all these are pieces of a puzzle: Freemasonry, carbon seven, the anunnakis and what
the kybalion says, also the metaphors of the bible, the ancient civilizations. What do you think about
Answer: It's all nonsense. Everything you mentioned is useless and has been useless. Humans like to
live on their knees. The baseness of an intelligent species is measured by its idolatries. So, the human
is given to idolizing the kybalion, the bible, everything that is put in front of him. The human likes to
live on his knees because it is a means of defense against his ignorance. The human praises the
tetragramaton, the human praises freemasonry, the human is a praiser, and he has no other choice
until he understands the workings of the universe.

Question: Can you explain to me the seven levels of awareness and what those seven levels are?

Answer: There are only two mental frequencies: the planetary and the cosmic. The planetary one
speaks of egoism, of the idea of yourself, of your goals, of your plans, of your ambitions, of your desires.
And the cosmic one speaks of the understanding of the universal mechanism. There are only those
two mental frequencies.

Question: What do you know about the planet Hercolubus?

Answer: I can tell you that the true cosmos is not made up of stars and planets, but of the understanding
that intelligence is spread over a vast space on different planets, and through that vast space is unified
by understanding, but only by the understanding of the universal mechanism. Planets, moons and
stars are vehicles of consciousness and at the same time its primitive phases.

Question: Something very peculiar happens to me. I don't know what I really like. I want to do
research on the universe and the history of mankind, but I don't know if I really like it. I want to do a
school where I deal with these subjects, but I don't know whether to do it, I have thought that I was
not born for that. What do you think? How is it that you decided to do what you do? Is it because you
were told it was your duty?
Answer: I did not decide to do what I do. In fact I had decided otherwise entirely. But through a trance
of mystical ecstasy and my subsequent cosmic connection, I am being led to expand this knowledge
upon humanity. And whether you were born for it, or want to do it or not, I say to you that the only
transcendent work of human existence operates in the understanding of the universal mechanism and
its expansion over humanity.

Question: How did you discover the universal mechanism, did someone tell you or how did it happen?
Answer: I had a trance of mystical ecstasy that allowed me to know the workings of the universe. And
two years after that I achieved the union of interplanetary awareness.

Question: With the power of thoughts we generate our reality, they say. They also talk about the
collective unconscious, according to which it is the main source of energy that we can transmute
through energetic channels. They talk about the chakras, the aura, etc.
Answer: Intelligences that do not know how the universe works, that is, what humanity is [an
intelligence that does not know how the universe works], are like keys without a piano, they are like
strings without a guitar, they are pieces of an object they do not know. If you take a piano key to be
analyzed by scientists, where there has never been a piano, they can tell you what it is made of, that it
comes from a vegetable, that it was wood, a series of things. But until you see the piano key put on the
piano, and the pianist giving the concert, you couldn't know what the piano key was. The same thing
the human, he cannot know what he himself is, what reason exists for, what understanding exists for.
Until he understands the totality of the universe and understands it by carrying out this infinite
recursion, he will understand the existential function of intelligence and his own mission in life: to
understand the universe and make others understand it, to actively join in the process of cosmic

Question: I am very surprised that you say that baptism and many symbols or dogmas are dedicated
to Satan.
Answer: Not many symbols and dogmas, but every symbol, every dogma, every ritual, is performed
in favor of Satan, because it obstructs the natural emanation of the universal consciousness, through
the different individuals who practice them. They are acts of mental alienation.

Question: What do you think of the natal or astrological chart? I don't know which one is the one that
tells you what energies you came to this world to deal with specifically.
Answer: Not only every human, every intelligent individual born into an infected species as humanity
is, has by birth the obligation to understand the universe and then make everyone else understand it,
to save himself from self-destruction. It is not true that everyone has a specific mission, it is not true
that everyone comes to solve his own problems. Every intelligent individual represents in himself a
possibility of salvation for humanity in our case, and for his species of origin in the whole cosmos.

Question: Is there anything I can do to assist in the expansion of understanding?

Answer: Understand perfectly the description I am giving. Answer me as best you can these three
questions: Where do you go after you die? What is the meaning of life? How does the universe carry
out its infinite recursion? In your own words. You don't even have to answer it to me, as long as you
answer it to yourself truthfully (whether I know it or not). Do you want to save humanity? Do you
already understand the mechanism I describe? Now visualize it in your mind. And in that way you
will be saving humanity, because you let this visualization, this knowledge, infiltrate the planetary
mental frequency, bringing healing.

Question: How is it that you were able to understand the mechanism of the universe? It wasn't by
reading a book, I'm sure of that. Why don't you share that with us?
Answer: I had a trance of mystical ecstasy which is one through which the consciousness is subtracted
from its bearer and merges into the supraconsciousness, into the nucleus of this enormous sphere that
I am telling you about, and when you find yourself inside one of these spheres, you automatically find
yourself inside all of them and therefore inside every existing thing. You become the totality and you
carry out the universal act, the infinite recursiveness, countless times until you perceive it as a yellow-
black-yellow-black hum... And when you come back from that trance, you have within you the
absolute understanding. But you have to break it down over the course of your life. That has been my
experience. After that I got the interplanetary consciousness union.
And I also tell you that the concrete facts are the least important thing, but the understanding that is
subtracted from the experience.

Question: I like what you say. Some things do seem very crazy to me, but suddenly I see sincerity in
you, and your way of giving answers is very clear, and you don't care what people think of you, I like
Answer: I do nothing per se, but step aside and allow.... Don't think that I am one hundred percent
conscious of what I am answering. I have answered many times and I know that I must have done it
right, but it is not just me as a person who answers, I am an antenna. And I don't care what people
think of me: I don't realize it, I don't have any social intercourse.

Question: How can I know, how can I check, how can I be sure that the explanation of the universal
mechanism is as you say it is? Mostly because I don't want to accept what I want to understand.
Answer: The explanation is verification in itself, because it is hermetic, because it corresponds with
everything in the universe, because it gives coherence to the incomprehensible human existence,
makes it transparent and makes everything fall into place.
One person was telling me: "I love your description, that it justifies human evil, it justifies why
humanity is the way it is, it makes you understand it". And yes, it really justifies all of that. It justifies
the totality. It makes you understand infinite space; not the god of a planet or the god of a tribe, but
the workings of infinite space. How dare I say infinite space? Yes, because at equidistant points a
repeating condition is generated. That is why the totality of infinite space is encompassed.

Question: What is the difference between cosmos and universe?

Answer: Universe is synonymous with infinite space, the universe is the totality, it is all that exists. And
the cosmos is the outermost part of an enormous sphere of supraconsciousness that expands in the
universal void. This enormous sphere does not expand alone, but with countless equals to it, which by
continuously expanding, generate the culminating unification of infinite space in a single
consciousness, which by having nothing to be conscious of disappears and leaves the universal void,
which generates by absorption in the same points of infinite space, these bubbles or spheres that by
expanding generate the infinite recursiveness of the universe. The universe is infinite space. The
cosmos is the outermost part of a sphere of supraconsciousness.

Question: Was the trance of mystical ecstasy that you had, was it provoked by you? Did you use
ayahuasca or something that helped you to have that trance?
Answer: It is not related to the ingestion of toxins. There are people who through ingestion have
achieved trance, but not consciousness. The trance occurs abundantly, and it can be provoked, but
there is no sure way to provoke it. I don't mean that health is endangered, but there is no way in which
you follow certain steps and have a mystical ecstatic trip. There is no drug that generates that effect.

Question: I wonder: why the sun and the stars are not born or emerge conscious, if they are the ones
who form and protect life?
Answer: They do not emerge conscious because it is a cloud of gas that goes around and around, so
the greatest heat is concentrated in the center and thus the star is generated. But it is not a conscious
being, but this star heats the cloud of gas that surrounds it and solidifies that cloud in planets that go
according to their density: the planet closest to the sun is the densest and so the last planets are those
of gas. And the one that has the proper density, under the right conditions, in certain occasions, comes
to generate life, and then that life can evolve to the point of gaining intelligence, and it is up to that
moment when intelligence appears.

Question: Is it feasible to talk about and share understanding of the workings of the universe without
referring to yourself?
Answer: Yes, I want those who have heard me explain it to be better than me. That's the way it has to
be. It has to be that the one I generate is better than me, and the one I generate is better than him,
and so, in that progression it has to be.

Question: What is alchemy?

Answer: Alchemy is the healing action of absolute understanding. That is alchemy, it is a healing
action, which is a consequence of absolute understanding: the transmutation of consciousness into
cosmic consciousness, the transmutation of egoism into understanding. That is alchemy: the salvation
of a certain minority of intelligent species through which the cosmos itself carries out its process of

Question: It seems to me that just understanding the mechanism of the universe, which I understand
well and I think is excellent, is limiting the infinite potential of the universe itself.

Answer: Answer me where we go after we die, what is the meaning of life and how this infinite
recursion is generated. After you answer this, not to me but to yourself, you will know if you truly
know how the universe works.

Question: I take this opportunity to ask you to explain in more detail how the [understanding of the]
universal mechanism dilutes egoic awareness.
Answer: Yes, it dilutes it in this way: One believes that his name is Ricardo and that he studied
business administration, and that he is about to enter by leverage a company of a friend of his father,
and then he gives the good news to his girlfriend and a series of things. And then, by whatever you
want, by this means, by accident, by channeling, that person understands how the universe works.
Then you realize that just as you are wanting to be and enter the company, and everyone is going for
their piece of limitless ambition, that is precisely how the cosmos carries out its process of natural
selection, destroying most intelligent species. But that in those where one reached to understand the
functioning of the universe, it acquires the condition and the faculty and the possibility to expand this
understanding on its species of origin. And each one who accedes acquires the same responsibility. It
no longer matters that "I am Ricardo [...], which [...], was going [...], to no [...], and my girlfriend [...]
and what, what what [...]! Humanity is inserted in a process of cosmic evolution, and the deception of
which I was a victim, is with which the cosmos destroys the majority of intelligent species". The greatest
demon that haunts every consciousness is the idea of self. And this idea of self dissolves when you
understand the universal mechanism, because it reveals that it is precisely the idea of self that destroys
most intelligent species. Then you leave behind that disease and you turn to the salvation of your
species of origin, in our case humanity, in the cosmos a certain minority of intelligent species, the

Question: When we do meditation and we are in the Teta state, we see many colored lights, sometimes
I see like little stars, or flashes of magenta light over everything. What is it that we see? Is it our internal
Answer: It is a way of not committing suicide, because you believe that you are in the Teta state or
whatever you tell me and then you have seen colors, and then you are already important and your life
is of some use, according to this. In the meantime, humanity self-destructs, just as most intelligent
species disintegrate and self-destruct. In what you are seeing colors, in what you are putting your mind
in white the destruction advances. My invitation is for you to open your eyes to reality, understand the
workings of the universe, and come to the salvation of the human species, and do not care about
visions, trances and madness, but come to the salvation of humanity.

Question: How do you deal with so many skeptics?

Answer: I do not confront the skeptics, but my action is the description of the universal mechanism, it
is itself the one that carries out the selection process. I know that this whole plane is false and apparent,
and above all sick, so when I go out into the street and expose my message, I make transparent
everything that is not real, and I am in search of the subtlety of the species. They brought out a diver
who dives into the sewage, and there is only one in Mexico; he dives into the sewage and removes, for
example, the corpse of a dog that was blocking the drainage and it comes up. So, that man who dives
into the sewage, does not go: "Ay guácala, ay fuchila"; he goes down with his suit made for that, removes
the dog, comes back and it is a normal working day for him. In the same way, the alchemist scientist
does not complain or despair, nor does he pay attention to the filth around him, that is his means of

Question: After so much work, do you have time for yourself, to relax, to be with yourself, meditating
or going out in astral?
Answer: I have no time for myself, that was my goal. There is no "myself". And the last thing I want
is rest. I have this instrument, this body, for a period, and during that period it has to be used to the
maximum. Meditation and astral travel are objects of mental alienation. I would never in life meditate.
And I invite you and I invite all those who meditate, stop deluding yourselves; you had better agree to
understand the workings of the universe. I have no time for myself, I want no time for myself. My only
concern in life is that you understand perfectly the way the infinite recursion of the universe works.
And that is my only desire, that is my only ambition.

Question: How do you feed back to continue your mission?

Answer: I do not need feedback. I am at all times aware of the further mission. I don't let myself be
fooled by this third dimension, but I see the goal in the background, at every moment. And when I
sleep, I say: "I am going to put this body to rest, so that it can gain strength to continue with the mission
tomorrow". The life focus of a cosmic perceiver is different: he does not seek his well-being, he does
not seek his comfort, he does not seek rest, but he seeks for others to access the same level of awareness,

to absolute understanding. The life perspective of a cosmic perceiver or an alchemist scientist is very
different from that of a human being.

Question: Is gratitude to the universe of any use?

Answer: Gratitude to the universe is absolutely useless, it is another way of human delusion. It is of
no use, the universe is not going to say: "Oh look, it is being nice to me", because it does not work like
that. Nor is gratitude to the universe real, it's just another human's sham to himself and to his idea of
God. That is gratitude to the universe. It is very repetitive that nothing else serves to understand the
universe and to make others understand it. I am the person who is on the Titanic telling them:
-Hey, the hull of the boat broke, we have to build rafts or something with what we have here.
-Well, your point is very valid, but we also have to take into account that Borges' literature was very...
-No, nothing that is said right now matters because there is a hole in the ship, and the only thing that
has to be said until the whole ship has understood it, is: "There is a hole in the hull, we have to take
the necessary steps to save us from flooding: There is a hole in the hull, we have to carry out the
necessary steps to save us from the flood.
Maybe the other one is the greatest physicist in the world, maybe the other one is the graduate, the
president... they have to shut their mouths and understand that this is superior: the hull of the ship is
broken, we have to save ourselves. That is my position, that is why I am repetitive. What is happening
here is that humanity is self-destructing by ignoring the functioning of the universe, and I am not going
to stop repeating: the only important thing is to understand the functioning of the universe and make
others understand it, to save humanity from self-destruction, and to actively join the process of cosmic
evolution. That alone is important.

Question: If everything is predetermined, why worry about saving humanity?
Answer: It is not a concern. What happens is that a cosmic perceiver functions very differently than
a human being. The human acts according to assumptions and expediency, and the cosmic perceiver
is driven by the universe to perform acts for the healing of his species of origin, in my case humanity.
I am not empowered to abandon this mission at any given moment, even knowing that recursion is
immutable, that is to say, there is no variation. I am not driven by convenience or by an idea, but this
body is used as an instrument of healing by a higher entity, by a higher energy, which the individual
human ego cannot oppose. And that is the reason why I perform these acts. I am not the material
subject that you are seeing, but the energy of understanding that unfolds throughout the cosmos. The
only thing Rodolfo Ramos has done, is to dissolve, he no longer exists.

Question: If it is already known that [mankind] is going to be saved.... You say that humanity is
insignificant compared to the universe, so what is the reason why you are trying so hard to carry the
Answer: Today another person was telling me that what is the point if everything eventually merges
into the higher light. Yes, from the metacosmic perspective, from outside the cosmos, it doesn't matter
if I do this work, if everything merges into the higher light. But, the worst experience the universe
knows is the second death, which is the self-destruction of the various intelligent species as a product
of their false knowledge. And that justifies the effort of the cosmic perceiver: to free himself from that
second death, from the worst experience known to the universe.

Question: About good and evil, you talk about different contexts about the same thing. Because you
do it so many times, I find contradictions in your previous answers.
Answer: There is no contradiction in my message. It is very simple really. What the universe does is
mutate from emptiness into absolute motion, and we are a manifestation of that process. The message
really cannot be contradicted, because it is very simple. Understanding it is very clear. Everything runs
from emptiness to absolute movement, there comes a point where the universe unifies into a single
consciousness that has nothing to be conscious of, it disappears and leaves the void. The void generates
by absorption these ruptures that are bubbles or spheres that when expanding generate this recursion.
There is nowhere to get entangled, nowhere to get confused, nowhere for this message to contradict

Question: Can you go deeper, what is the eclipse of life?

Answer: I have never mentioned the eclipse of life. But it is all the same: eclipse is when the sun is
covered, so humanity is blocked from understanding the universe, from seeing the light, and that
eclipse will not end until we understand the universal functioning of the universe. And if you ask me
what is the tab of life, I will say to understand the universe and make others understand it. And what
is the cockatoo of life? Understanding the universe and making it understood to others. And the only
reason we are ventured into this material plane as intelligent individuals is to understand the universe
and then to make others understand it, because it is the only certain way of salvation that the cosmos
offers, not only for mankind but for the different intelligent species generated in the cosmos.

Question: Will humanity be saved, are we going to suffer a third world war or will there be serious
events that have to happen for us to achieve peace?
Answer: Humanity is definitely going to be saved. I do not know if there will be a third world war.
This understanding that you are receiving now is the one that penetrates the human species and ends
up liberating it from all the mental vices that contaminate it. Of course, I do not expect to see from
this mortal body the healing of humanity, but I do know that by incubating this knowledge in the most
capable awarenesses of this generation, the understanding takes on a life of its own and from
generation to generation it penetrates the species and strengthens itself until it liberates humanity from
all the mental vices that contaminate it. And this is the way in which the species that succeed in
accessing sublimation purifies itself.

Description of the universal mechanism III

There is a point prior to the existence [of consciousness]24 in which there is only emptiness and infinite
space. The void absorbs upon itself and breaks the void itself, generating by these breaks these bubbles
or spheres of supraconsciousness.

If one reduces oneself to the mere point of contact between the sphere and the vacuum, one will notice
that the light does not touch directly with the vacuum, but decomposes into a proportionally very thin
luminous cloud, where many intelligent species develop.

24Comment: Actually, because the infinite universal void is the product of infinite consciousness (when the universe is filled
with a single consciousness), it is not a moment prior to consciousness, because if there were a moment prior to
consciousness it would remain so and be nothing; instead it is simply a moment in the unstoppable mutation of infinite
Most of these intelligent species disintegrate and self-destruct out of selfishness and ambition, as is
happening to humanity.

But the minority that gains access to understand the workings of the universe is the one in which
individuals leave behind their personal conveniences, the species unifies and adapts and touches the
top of evolution, and transmute into beings of light.
These beings of light merge into their guiding star, turning it into a conscious entity. What this
conscious entity seeks is to explode to teleport the conscious energy of all that species into a higher
body of light, where it continues with a process of supra-evolution, at the end of which we integrate
into the core of this sphere and inhabit all that exists.

Question: Who created the vacuum and the spheres?
Answer: No one created the vacuum or the spheres, but the universe unfolds that way due to a
consequence of physics, and not the creation of a will.

Question: Does the vacuum have consciousness of itself?

Answer: Certainly not, the vacuum has no consciousness of itself. Consciousness is a speed greater
than the speed of light, and emptiness is the absence of movement, it is the furthest thing from

Question: So just understanding the workings of the universe is enough to transcend as a species into
the light body?
Answer: Yes, that is enough, because understanding directs the will. Then it leads us to execute the
necessary steps to actively join in the process of cosmic evolution, instead of self-destructing as most
intelligent species do.

Question: Do people who in your life did or committed worldly acts (crimes, excesses and vices) go to
negative energy? Do they pay in some way for their committed acts as if there were some kind of
Answer: The universe repeats itself identically each time, so no one in himself performs any act, but
we are used by the universe to fulfill its infinite recursion. Self-determination is a cosmic illusion.

Question: Can you talk fully about healing the physical body?
Answer: The physical body is the ultimate trap of the cosmos and selfishness. "Do you know how to
take care of your liver, your kidneys, your lungs, your... you, you, you...?", you are looking to yourself.
You don't matter, what matters are the others. Don't talk to me about your personal problems, or your
body problems, or your illnesses. Better check your environment and expand on it the supreme
understanding, so that it penetrates into humanity and purification is accomplished. Every physical
body is apparent. Your real body is not the one in which your consciousness is being carried; your real
body is humanity, and that is where you must operate.

Question: You mentioned once that we all have the intuition that we are born having spent a lot of
time, and that when we die time will continue to pass without impediments, does it have an end or a
purpose, or are we just part of a selfish cycle?
Answer: There is no purpose as the human knows it. Yes, we are part of a cycle, not a selfish one,
because it is not someone who orders the mechanism, but it is a physical consequence. We are not
part of a selfish cycle, we are part of an infinite recursiveness, a consequence of physics, but this
consequence is extremely gratifying to us, because we spend most of the universal existence fused in
the highest essence of the universe, in the ultimate bliss, a bliss that the human could not understand.
And furthermore, the universal reality is unrenounceable, that is, it does not matter if you like it or
not, but I do tell you that whoever does not like it is because he does not understand the magnificence
of this superior state.

Question: How do I free myself from fear?

Answer: Fear is born of ignorance. By understanding the workings of the universe there is no longer
anything that is unknown, and thus fear is eliminated.

Question: What are the black holes and what is their function?
Answer: I have no information related to black holes because they are dispensable for the
understanding that I carry: the way the universe evolves. Black holes are of the organic part, the
expendable part. The essential part of the universe is the understanding of the universal mechanism.
The most essential part of the cosmos is the intelligent individual, because through the various
intelligent species that understand the workings of the universe the cosmos carries out its process of
evolution and purification. But the alchemist's energy is not devoted to talk about the planets where
life was not generated, nor about black holes, nor about those that are dispensable for the
understanding of the universal mechanism. To understand is synonymous to comprehend, and to
comprehend is synonymous to compress, so we compress and subtract the most important parts, which
in itself has a certain complexity to understand, and therefore we do not add more information that is
not vital, such as black holes, collisions of galaxies, etc.

Question: I imagine that you have had unpleasant experiences with mentally ill people, which one do
you remember the most and what did you do to know how to cope with it?
Answer: In my job I have to deal with around eight hundred or a thousand people a day, then you see
the magistrate, the governor, the indigent, the person from the countryside, the person from the city,
the very young lady, the man over ninety years old... there comes a point when you no longer see the
individuals but only impregnate them in the mass, and they only become numbers, they become
patterns. The one who wants to teach you, that's the one I dislike the most, the one who wants to teach
me, or wants to teach me.... [I ask myself] Well, did you come to me to teach me? But what you do is
that you always treat them cordially and you give them the reason quickly so that they leave and I can
operate on the one I am looking for, the one that honestly doubts, that is the only one that is useful to
me. From the cosmic perspective there are neither good nor bad, only useful or useless. There are very
few useful ones, that is why we try to dispatch quickly and without generating a story between the
dispatched and the alchemist, looking for the one who is doubting, the one who says "fuck I don't
know anything, but I do want to know", that is the one I am looking for. All the others... the one who
comes and tells you that he was dead for five minutes and saw his family, everyone believes that his
story is unique, that is the most common story I hear in the street.
You are the one who is looking for the piece that doubts among all those that do not serve for the
process of cosmic evolution. They may be useful for having a good time with your friends, but for the
cosmos and for the process of evolution that the cosmos demands they are worthless, in the strict sense
that they are not useful for sublimation. Therefore, only those who recognize their own ignorance and
want to get out of it, and can see the truth, are sought.

Question: How can I understand my purpose here on Earth? What did I come here for?
Answer: Humanity is in danger of self-destruction. And in the cosmos the majority of intelligent species
self-destruct, out of selfishness: since humanity does not know how the universe works, each human
being lives to achieve his own ambition, then the planet is devastated, humanity disintegrates and self-
destructs, and that is how the majority of intelligent species die. But the minority that gains access to
understand how the universe works is the one that manages to make the evolutionary leap and instead
of self-destructing, it sublimates its universal energy to the maximum. This imposes an obligation on
every intelligent individual; this obligation is of two phases: the first is passive, consisting in
understanding perfectly the workings of the universe, the second is active and consists in making
everyone else understand. The means by which this knowledge reaches mankind is this medium. 25
Why did you come into the world? To understand how the universe works and then to make others
understand it.

25 "This medium" refers, in this case, to this text, which is a gateway to the understanding of the universal mechanism.
Question: I know that there are different types of alchemy, and one of them is sexual alchemy, could
you explain more about that? People who have explained something to me tell me that everyone has
an alchemical partner, is it true, or how do I know who my partner is?
Answer: It is completely false. Alchemy is the transmutation of planetary awareness, in this case
human: selfishness, ambition, self-aggrandizement; it is the transmutation of that mental vice into the
understanding of the universal mechanism. This is achieved by understanding how the universe works.
And this understanding transmutes the one who carries it into a living terminal of the universal
consciousness, and into a healing cell for humanity. There is no other alchemy, nothing that has been
said on this planet has been true until now that the truth is being channeled in a pure form. What I
speak is not spoken by myself, but is channeled from a frequency of information that unfolds in the
cosmos. Others have channeled but always infect or transfer their own planetary complexes to this
frequency of information, and give it a divine, or sacred, or hierarchical focus that does not exist in
the cosmos, that is why it is my invitation to listen to what emanates from me.

Question: If the truth is within us, meaning that we are capable of reaching it, why look for it in your
Answer: The phase that humanity inhabits is alchemically known as the infectious phase, and that is
where most intelligent species self-destruct. If a human searches within himself he will find more
emptiness and more death. That is why in the cosmos a force is generated that subtracts the subtlest
consciousnesses of different planets to reveal to them the universal mechanism.

The human being is a previous phase to the cosmic perception. If he internalizes himself, he can find
nothing, but his evolutionary mutation is the one who, by internalizing himself, achieves the cosmic
connection. But the human lacks the genetic complexity necessary to access the connection by himself.
And that is why through me is the way that this generation has to access the universal reality. And by
mine I do not mean the material being, but the understanding that I carry.

Question: "The mind contains the masculine principle and the cosmic void the feminine principle". I
don't understand that, I hope you can guide me.
Answer: The mind seeks to encompass all that exists, and emptiness is what the mind expands upon.
If there were no vacuum you would have something stuck in front of you and see nothing else. But
emptiness gives space for you to perceive the cosmic environment; that makes your mind doubt what
is beyond. So that is the beginning of the way to cosmic awareness. And already when this knowledge
arrives, the border of the senses is overcome and this union of interplanetary consciousness is achieved.

Question: What do you think about unconditional love?

Answer: That it is a human aberration. Unconditional love: "No matter what you do, I will love you".
No. Better become someone worthy of love. When you do something that no longer makes them love
you, of course.... One has to be worthy of love or any noble feeling. Unconditional you can't be, unless
it's the love of a dog or a being like that, of that vibration.

Question: What is the rate or measure at which our macrosphere thinks and assimilates? For example,
we are only aware of our being, and not of cells within us or systems that carry out a function.
Answer: You are not aware of who you are, you think your name is Fabiola, Carlos, Pedro, Lupe,
Laura. You believe that your boyfriend cut you off, that you have to go to work, you believe that you
are unemployed, you believe all these things that are not true. They are not aware of their own being.
When someone understands the universe they identify themselves with that sphere, and they use their
material being as nothing more than an instrument to carry out the expansion of the message about
their species of origin. And that is how the sphere comes down to our plane, through those who are
capable of understanding the universe. And all others have an apparent, virtual, feigned existence.
When the universe is understood, real existence is accessed.

Question: Is this sphere aware of everything in its membrane or only of its existence as we are?
Answer: You are not conscious. The superconscious sphere is the essence that dwells in everything
that exists, and in species such as mankind it dwells in its primitive form. In fact, even minerals are
made of that essence. And all that we experience is the phase between non-existence and real existence,
real consciousness.

Question: Could you explain the phrase: "Nothing is real; everything is apparent"?
Answer: Sure. "How are you going to tell me we are not real if we are here physically?". Yes, but
cosmically it is an imperceptible time, it is an illusion26 . What really happens when you see it from
outside the cosmos, you don't see me talking about this, nor you listening, that is imperceptible; what
you see from the metacosm is species appearing and self-destructing, appearing and self-destructing.
But suddenly there is a minority that does not self-destruct but sublimates to the maximum its universal
energy, achieves cosmic sublimation. And this minority becomes more and more abundant until the
whole cosmos transmutes into that body of light, the cosmos becomes one conscious being.

26 This can be more properly understood as virtual time or mirage, rather than "illusion".
Question: Do you believe in extraterrestrials?
Answer: The cosmos is a seedbed of intelligent species where the majority disintegrates and self-
destructs out of selfishness and ambition as is happening to humanity. But the minority that gains
access to understand the workings of the universe is the one that takes the evolutionary leap and instead
of self-destructing, it sublimates its universal energy to the maximum and passes to the next existential
phase, the light body, and then integrates into the greater essence of the universe.

Question: Can you tell me more about empathy? I read that it is the greatest energy that develops in
the cosmos, and it is a planetary instinct, and that we are the most empathetic species.
Answer: The guiding principle of the universe was known to the Mayans, and they called it "In lakesh",
which means "we are the same" or "I am another you". Empathy is humanly defined as one's ability
to put oneself in the place of another. That has a fascinating universal congruence. What's in the whole
universe is this, is what when you're sitting, quietly, you feel: "I am here." Do not want to magnify it
or make it an object of veneration, simply: "here I am right now, I am this, I am here". That feeling is
all over the universe, in fact the universe is made of that consciousness, of pure impersonal
consciousness, and that is solidified by mixing with emptiness, and so are the different essences of our
plane, they are given by the different ways in which consciousness and emptiness combine, and
everything ends up releasing to pure consciousness, disembodied, and there is a higher concentration,
and that is how the universe works. So empathy is the way to sublimation, to understand yourself as
part of the whole and the whole as part of yourself.

Question: How long is the instant when the void ceases to be a void?
Answer: I do not have the exact time. But it begins with a vibration at different points of infinite space,
and that vibration by unfolding in infinite space increases to the universal limit of velocity, and that is
when this spherical rupture is generated at different points of infinite space, and this spherical structure
by expanding is what generates the infinite recursion of the universe.

Question: If infinite recursion is identical every cycle and supposing that this was not the first cycle of
recursion, and I explained to someone that all this has already happened countless times, then in the
first cycle that there was of recursion, I would also have explained to you the same thing, that this has
already happened countless times.

Answer: There was not a first cycle of infinite recursion, but it is eternal in the past and eternal for the
future. It is necessary to break the human nature to understand what is eternal: it has always been and
always will be. To understand these two concepts we must transcend human nature, leave the
appearance in which everything has a beginning and an end and access the reality that is eternal and

Question: Can an individual die in the same way that he/she died in other lives?
Answer: You can die many times in the same way since there are so many reincarnations, but there
will always be an evolution. Do not confuse evolution with progress: evolution can take two destinies,
towards self-destruction or towards sublimation, but there will always be an evolution, the point is to
see towards where.

The consciousness needs to ascertain the different range of personalities to identify itself with truth,
but once the consciousness has identified itself with truth, the individual acquires and society loses its
raison d'être, because this individual is transformed into a terminal of the universal consciousness, into
a healing cell for humanity.

Question: Understanding the universe works at the level of thought, does the universe God thinking
and understanding itself?
Answer: That is one way of putting it. It is the universe understanding itself, when you understand the
universe you realize that it is the universe itself that understands itself, and then it assists in its process
of transmutation, you become a living terminal of the universal consciousness.

Question: I just understood that our frequency has two extremes: fear of death, which is the lowest
frequency of course, and love, the highest, without wanting to attribute to love anything more than an
objective description of its frequency. Do you think it is possible to measure these frequencies?
Answer: The lowest frequency is not the fear of death. Every human is ignorant, human and ignorant
are synonyms. In ignorance there are two levels: the one who knows that he does not know, like
Socrates, or like any person who is sincere with himself and who is humble and says: "the truth is that
I know nothing"; and the one who does not even know that he does not know, that is to say, he thinks
he knows, he thinks he is a master of reiki, of meditation, of mantras, of mandalas, of pure nonsense
that is false. The lowest level of the being is not the fear of death; the lowest level of the human being
is to believe that he knows something, is to ponder in himself any level of knowledge, that is the lowest
frequency that exists. And the highest frequency that exists is not love. I ask you to forget to think that
love is a high frequency. Love is in the second neural level of the brain. The first one that developed
is the reptilian brain, which is the nuclear brain. Then the limbic or mammalian or animal brain
developed, this is the brain of love, sadness, happiness. Love and hate are at the same level. Love and
hate are not more love than hate, love and hate are the same at the second level, in the limbic layer.
And the third neuronal level that developed is the neocortex, that of the rational process. The highest
vibration is the understanding of the universal mechanism. And there are not several levels of
vibrational frequency, there are only two levels: absolute ignorance, or absolute understanding. How
can you measure your vibrational frequency (if they like to use that term)? There are only two levels:
either you understand the totality of the universe, or you are absolutely ignorant, those are the only
two levels that exist. Now, within those two levels there are two sub-levels: in ignorance there are two
levels, the one who knows that he doesn't know, and the one who doesn't even know that; in
understanding there are two levels, the one who understands the whole universe, and the one who is
able to transfer his understanding to others. Perhaps my answers are not what you wanted to hear.
You cannot adapt alchemy to your precepts; what is indicated is that you destroy what you are, that
you accept your absolute ignorance, and reconstruct yourself absolutely from this new knowledge.

Question: How long does the instant last when the emptiness ceases to be empty because it is filled
with a single consciousness, and then the recursiveness of the universe is generated again? Is it an
instant? Is it less than a second?
Answer: I don't have the exact time, but it starts with a vibration in different points of the infinite
space, and that vibration by unfolding in the infinite space, increases until the universal limit of the
speed, and it is when this spherical rupture is generated in different points of the infinite space, and
this spherical structure when expanding is the one that generates the infinite recursion of the universe.

Question: Is it possible for the understanding of the universal mechanism to be transferred through
Answer: The understanding of the universal mechanism must be transmitted in ultra-genetic form,
that is, from person to person at the level of understanding toward the species. Not the genes in
chemical form to the descendants, but in spoken form, in the form of understanding to the human

The universe is not a human creation, but the human is a creation of the universe. The universe does
not obey a will or an inspiration, but a physical consequence that produces the vacuum by absorbing
and breaking upon itself and generating infinite recursion. There is no god above that which disposed:
"Let infinite recursion occur". It was not so, but the vacuum broke and generated these spheres of
supraconsciousness that also have no control over the universe, but are carried by these laws, which,
fortunately, are extremely beneficial to us.

On emotions and how they drag the human being

The bodily fluids are what move [the human]-that is where the emotions are carried: adrenaline,
testosterone[, etc.]; all of these are what give the human his various moods. The cosmic perceiver is
not moved by those bodily fluids; his understanding surpasses planetary conditions and is not carried,
but even though he feels those emotions, he sees them from the cosmos and dissolves them.

Question: Those who listen to Rodolfo will not reach his level, because they will not have lived his
Answer: On the contrary. The trance of mystical ecstasy that I experienced, has been experienced by
many others, but they have not been able to explain it, they have only had the experience. The trance
of mystical ecstasy is sterile if it does not mutate and ceases to be an experience by someone and does
not become an understanding that is available to all. When this knowledge is well imparted, it
generates that the listener is born with more power than the one who instructed him. And so from
generation to generation this knowledge penetrates the species and strengthens, until it liberates
humanity from all the mental vices that contaminate it. I never saw the graphs that I present before
you, I did not receive the purified knowledge, as I am transferring it to you. You will understand it
better and will make it clearer to those who are coming, and those who are coming will understand it
even better and will make it clearer to the following generations. And that is how this knowledge works.
That is my guarantee.

Question: When someone has the cosmic frequency of consciousness, does it possess the individual? If
so, why did it [not possess] those you mention in your books?
Answer: What happens is that the cosmic frequency operates at all times, it is the greatest energy that
develops in the cosmos. It operates at all times. There are some ways by which the species can connect
with the cosmic frequency, but it has a certain complexity that fortunately humanity will be able to
overcome; but the others are "sparks". They occur at all times. Not only those I mention in my books
have been touched by the cosmic frequency. In fact, the natural thing is the connection with the cosmic
frequency; because of the primitive degree of evolution that humanity has, it spends all its life striving
to prevent access, but the natural thing is access on a daily basis.
Question: In the future, mankind will have only one language, right? Could it be Spanish, since it is
in this language that the clear description of the universal mechanism was written for the first time?
Answer: The global trend is that all languages are being absorbed by English, that seems to be the
language in which we are seeing the trend of unification. But, when the species is purified it does not
become one language, there is simply no more to talk about. You can call it telepathy, but it is not
telepathy either, it is simply all said and done. For a pure heart, for a pure mind, there is nothing to
talk about. In fact, many ask me about interplanetary communication or interplanetary telepathy; it
is neither communication nor telepathy, because there is no exchange of ideas; it is communion,
because we commune or unify in the absolute truth, and there is no reason to exchange ideas because
the collective mind is already polished to such a degree that there is no reason to articulate any

Question: Why is dark matter not related to alchemy?

Answer: Because alchemy comes to purify the cosmos for the subtler consciousnesses of mankind, then
it disregards all phenomena dispensable to the understanding of higher truth, and confines itself to the
most important parts. The most essential part of the cosmos is the intelligent individual, for through
him the whole cosmos carries on its process of transmutation.

And dark matter, and black holes, and all celestial bodies become lesser beings when one gains access
to understand the workings of the universe. It is worth more a human or an individual who understood
the workings of the universe, than a galaxy where this knowledge has not been developed.

Question: How do you define me?

Answer: Evidently we are, you and I, the same being. How do I define you? As myself. What there
is in the whole universe is the consciousness of oneself, in different presentations. How do I define you?
As consciousness of self. You and I are the same being. And that is the definition of everything that
exists. The Mayans discovered this alchemical principle and called it "In lakesh": I am another you,
or you are another me.

QUESTION: I don't feel it sincere, it sounds like ego delusion, [talking] about the change from animal
to human being. You have a lot of wisdom, just that. You are not the first to understand or instruct
the universal workings. And it is not true that only through you it can be obtained. Every human being
has the potential in the depths of his soul.
Answer: The human is attacked by a condition of origin, which is the lack of genetic complexity. The
evolutionary mutation of humanity is the cosmic perceiver. It doesn't matter if someone thinks I have
an ego or not, that's the least of it, I'm going to be dead before a hundred years and so will whoever
assumes it. But the description I am rendering is susceptible to assimilation by understanding, and that
is my invitation. It doesn't matter if I have an ego, it doesn't matter if I'm very facade, it doesn't matter
if I'm whatever, the important thing is to understand the description I'm rendering.

Question: I would like to propose a special topic: talk about the matrix.
Answer: The matrix is all this that you are seeing here, all about competition, about earning a place,
about living a life of 80 years in which you have to become rich and fit in with all the canons that
society imposes.
The only way out of the matrix is when you understand the workings of the universe and dedicate
yourself to its expansion, and in fact you leave the matrix because you cease to inhabit the physical
body and use it as a useful instrument to expand upon humanity's understanding of the universe. You
do not die again, you only change your body through the centuries and millennia, but you do not lose
awareness of your higher mission. That is the only way out of the matrix.

Question: Matter is one speed and consciousness is another higher speed. Since we are consciousness
inside a piece of matter, how is it that one speed is inside another? I mean consciousness within matter.
Answer: It is not found within, but a speed is generated as a consequence of a previous one, and that
acceleration is given by the evolutionary advance of the species in turn, in this case humanity.
Humanity accelerates its mental frequency with the experience of life. As the species has been on the
planet for a longer period of time, its mental frequency accelerates with the experience of life.

Question: Why are the new spheres of supraconsciousness that are generated from the void identical?
Answer: This is based on a principle of physics that says: from identical conditions, only identical
consequences can develop. So, the universe has only one way of being absolutely empty, that's why
the pressure is exerted every time in exactly the same points, it breaks exactly the same points, the
spheres are identical and the recursion occurs identically.
The reason why it is identical is because of that principle of physics: identical conditions can only
produce identical repercussions. The universe has only one way of being absolutely empty, so it breaks
at the same points and the recursion repeats itself identically each time.

Question: Why go into the astral, and why in most of the regressions are spoken of this type of beings
(draconians, reptilians, etc.)?
Answer: Because the human has to say anything. There is also talk of fairies, witches, warlocks,
gnomes, goblins, ghosts... the human has to justify his existence in something. Nothing that has been
said before this historical moment has been true or served any purpose. The phase in which humanity
inhabits is alchemically known as the infectious phase. And there is no need to enter the astral. Every
question a human being asks is answered with the same answer: to understand the universe and to
make others understand it, to save humanity from self-destruction.

Question: What do you mean when you say that with a certain level of intoxication you manage to
subtract yourself? What would subtract yourself be?
Answer: Abandon the planetary medium, the awareness.27 The mind is itself made to traverse the
cosmos-all this by understanding, but it is sublimated. So, one puts up resistance and is on the planet,
and talks to people, and meets people, and does business, and gets planetary results. But in an
intoxication you become weak, your body falls and the mind sublimates and you can have a trance,
but this trance goes nowhere, because those who experience it cannot subtract from that trance the
knowledge in an objective way, so that they can consciously pass it on to future generations. That is
what I was referring to. But the way to save humanity is, in this lucid way, here on the planet, to
understand the universe and then to make others understand it.

Question: What is the essence of supraconsciousness?

Answer: Absolute motion, the universal limit of velocity. Taking into consideration that from this
perspective everything is motion, absolute motion is comparable to what is called God, it is the highest
essence. And it is experienced as an ecstasy, but a supreme ecstasy that has no comparison with
anything on this plane.

Question: If the first thing that is formed is matter, is matter accelerating to the universal limit of
velocity the supraconsciousness?
Answer: Yes, we are all part of the same essence. What would vary are the speeds that this one essence
assumes, and hence the different states of existence, the different states that exist.

27 Commentary: That is, that the awareness leaves the planetary environment.
Question: Is the deepest essence of supraconsciousness emptiness?
Answer: No. Emptiness is the essence that precedes supraconsciousness. But supraconsciousness, if
anything characterizes it, is that there is no longer any emptiness, it is the purest essence of the

Question: Is the vacuum that broke upon itself accelerating to the universal limit of speed the
primordial essence that generates all the others?
Answer: Emptiness is the essence that generates all the others, by breaking upon itself.

Question: Is there life in the supraconsciousness, is it alive?

Answer: It is more alive than we are. Humanity is an organism that struggles between full existence,
i.e. supraconsciousness, and total non-existence, i.e. emptiness or mineral. Ours is a mockery of life
compared to what it is, it could not be compared, not even with the body of light, much less with the
omnipresent supraconsciousness.28

28Commentary: Life on the various planets throughout the cosmos is the form in which the superconsciousness decomposes
upon contact with the void, it is a form of the superconsciousness in its lowest vibration. All that exists is supraconsciousness
at different speeds, and emptiness. That is, supraconsciousness, in combination with emptiness, generates all other essences
that exist. To answer, supraconsciousness generates [material] life and the cosmos.
Question: I would like to know your opinion about mantras and mudras, how do they work affecting
Answer: Words are worth for the reasons they articulate, not for the sounds they make. Mantras,
mandalas, reiki, self-help therapies, all kinds of ritual, praise or worship are different ways of kneeling
before a false god, the god of unreason, hypocrisy and ridicule.

Question: Ever since I was a child I always wondered where the universe came from, how it works
and its reason for being, and that of us as an intelligent species, and our place in the universe. And

then you come along with all these revelations of the cosmic frequency and it all makes sense and logic,
free of dogmas and prejudices of human religions.
Answer: That is what I am relying on, the clarity to see and understand what is simply there. There
will always be those who oppose it, especially in the beginning. But as the years go by, not the human,
humanity must turn around and say what you are saying right now: Wow, it is so clear, this justifies
the self-destructive drive of humanity, it is related to the big bang, to evolution, to the process of
reincarnation, it justifies the process of evolution itself and it is also concatenated with the way in which
solar systems evolve. This is impossible to oppose, it is given in itself. When someone seeks to deny, he
will not even understand or accept that two plus two is four. But when someone is curious and wants
to know -humanity is a being that wants to know, beyond proud individuals, humanity as a unit wants
to know-, when someone turns to see this with the desire to understand and to know, he finds the
absolute solution of the universe. And that is what alchemy is betting on, not only on this planet
through Rodolfo and all those who are now dedicated to the expansion of the message, but of the
purest minority of intelligent individuals on different planets throughout the cosmos.


Question: Does the recursion of the universe imply that everything happens exactly the same
Answer: Exactly the same, infinitely. It does not vary at all, not one iota.

Question: Is everything predestined?

Answer: Everything is predestined.

Question: Is there no free will?

Answer: There is no such thing as free will. Self-determination is a cosmic illusion.

Question: It would be meaningless whatever decision I think I am making, because whatever it is, it
has already been, and it will be eternally. Nor would it have any relevance to the salvation of mankind,
because if it was, it will be, and if it never was, it will not be, regardless of what I or anyone else does,
whether I understand this mechanism or don't care, or generate self-destructive actions or go to sleep
or whatever.
Answer: Every intelligent individual is a victim of possession, i.e., there is no self-determination. If the
individual is ignorant of the workings of the universe, he is possessed by his own ignorance and driven
to the destruction of humanity. But if the individual agrees to understand the workings of the universe,
he is possessed by the energy of salvation and led to perform the acts necessary for humanity to unify
and save itself. Not because he decided to, not because he is highly motivated, but because he is driven
by a higher possession. And in fact he can never escape from being a victim of a possession. Every
intelligent individual is a channel of repercussions to the planet, he is a "channeler", either of
destruction or of evolution. So, the essential nature of humanity is possession, and it cannot get rid of
that nature. It is possessed by its ignorance, by the idea of itself, or by the understanding of the universe.
It is not done by motivation or by will, it is something that the universe carries out through the purest
consciousnesses. Then it purifies the species and through a certain minority the cosmos reaches a

Question: How can I eliminate the thoughts from my mind? I am aware that I am not thinking it
myself, and it only prevents my mind from lightening and speeding up.
Answer: Yes, the cosmic mission is not only a means of help for humanity, but also a cosmic hiding
place and a means of escape. The cosmic mission has to be carried out in an exhaustive way: you
saturate your life with it and there is no more room for Carme, Laura, Maria, no more proper names,
but you have to give yourself completely to the mission. And in that way the mind does not give space
to bandits or planetary demons or sterile thoughts. That is how the mission has to be carried out, to
the fullest: you use your material being as an instrument to spread over humanity this knowledge. If
you fill your life with the cosmic mission, you no longer give space for other kinds of situations to enter
your mind.

Question: Is our consciousness astral energy or is it supraconsciousness at a lower speed?
Answer: Both answers are correct. Our consciousness is astral energy, which is supraconsciousness at
a lower velocity. All that exists are the different velocities, from zero, as the infinite initial vacuum, to
the universal limit of velocity, and we are an intermediate phase of that transmutation, because
everything runs from vacuum to absolute motion, and materiality is an intermediate phase of that
process of universal transmutation.

Question: Of what substance is the omnipresent supraconsciousness made? Energy? Matter?

Answer: The omnipresent supraconsciousness is definable as absolute motion, as the universal limit of
velocity. Taking into consideration that from this perspective everything is motion, the universal limit
of velocity is comparable to that which humans call God.29

29 Commentary: This is where we are heading towards, towards a pure, perfect form of existence, of pure consciousness.
It is towards this state towards which we are going every second, passing through the present stage of matter, through this
existential dream that is the human experience.
Question: For each consciousness there is an evolution, depending on its decisions taken, if it makes
the right ones in its life and dies, it reincarnates once until it completes its eternal evolution. This whole
plan was created by the supraconsciousness, in order to...?
Answer: The universe does not have a finality such as the human would seek, an objective finality.
The universe obeys a condition of physics, an infinite recursion. The reward is that most of our time
is spent fused in the greatest existing bliss, in the highest state of existence, fused in that essence which
humans infect with their own planetary complexes and baptize with the name of God, but which in
reality has no name, but is the essence that dwells in all that exists.

Question: How does one accelerate to supraconsciousness?

Answer: With simple existence. Everything that exists eventually merges into the superconsciousness.
In fact everything that exists is part of this process: it is a transmutation from emptiness - matter - light
- and supraconsciousness. We are in the material phase, we go towards the light, and everything ends
up integrating towards the supraconsciousness. That is to say, it is something that cannot be escaped.

Question: What is an astral body?

Answer: The astral body is the result of universal understanding that leads you to expand it over your
species of origin, that makes you access a cosmic board, a community of understanding, an
interplanetary community30 .

You leave the human phase and enter a new dimension of existence. You do away with your own
name, with all the barbarities that the world built for us, you leave behind the appearance and use
your physical body as a useful instrument to carry out the expansion of universal understanding, each
one on his own planet.

30Comment: This interplanetary community refers to all intelligent species that have accessed the understanding of the
universal mechanism, which consolidates the greatest essence of the cosmos: the cosmic frequency.
Question: Religions, Freemasonry, etc. are ways of preaching the same message in a different way or
do they have nothing to do with anything?
Answer: Religion is a word that is composed of two Greco-Latin words, which are re and ligare. What
a true religion should seek is to connect the understanding with its original function, that is, what does
the understanding exist for, that is, what do we exist for? According to this description, on this planet,
there are no religions, there are organisms of control and power.

But universal understanding reveals that the human, by his capacity to understand, is a primary
instrument of cosmic unification. The human unifies with intelligences of other planets by
understanding, but only by the understanding of the universal mechanism. Thus, universal
understanding is not a religion, but the only certain way of religion existing for the different
intelligences generated in cosmic space.
Religion is not something that happens inside a church or in the catechism. Religion is the reason for
the existence of every existing consciousness, the raison d'être of every existing consciousness, to be
connected with its universal origin: what do I exist for. That is true religion: to understand what you
came into the world for. That is why universal understanding is the only certain way of religion.

Question: What would happen if our sun were to become extinct, but mankind had the knowledge
and technology to continue its existence without further change?
Answer: The existence of humanity cannot be separated from the existence of the sun. An intelligence
cannot be detached from its guiding star. That is because the sun is our vehicle to the next universal
phase, to integrate us into the higher light. Cosmonavigation is another mental deviation. That is the
universal reality. An intelligent species cannot become independent of its guiding star, since its guiding
star is its vehicle of access to the next phase of the cosmos. We are engaged in a process of evolution.
The universe is not an object of control, where a vessel develops that already makes us independent
of the cosmos. The universe is the object of an understanding that makes us adapt and transcend. The
universe always speaks to you of adaptation, and never of domination and control. That direction is
the one that leads to the self-destruction of most intelligent species.

Question: Do you know if mankind will be saved? If so, then why the caution and urgency if all that
is to happen is already established?
Answer: Of course humanity is going to be saved, undoubtedly. Then why do I carry out this action,
if I already know that humanity will be saved? Because I am not doing this of my own free will, but as
a result of my cosmic possession, which leads me to expand this knowledge about humanity. I know
that humanity is going to be saved, and I also know, in fact, that it is by this action. So I cannot in a
moment say, "Oh, you know what? This is over. I'd better go and chat with some friends, and go to
the movies, and dance, and get into the matrix, and be another human being". I am incapacitated
from the soul to carry out a human existence and a human coexistence, to include myself in a decadent
society. There was no pleasure in sharing any of what humans (humanity) consider delight, luxury or
well-being: for me it is not. Also this cosmic mission is a hiding place for consciousnesses who
understood the universe. It gives you something to do, a place to hide from the rot, because this mission
is one hundred percent absorbing, so it is motivating and it is the only objective way to live here in the

Question: What do I do if, no matter how hard I try to explain to people how the universe works, they
don't believe me? Could it be that they are not yet ready to access this understanding?
Answer: The cosmic mission has two phases. The first is passive, consisting of understanding the
workings of the universe. The second is active, and consists in making others understand it. Making
others understand has a method, which is what alchemical science is all about. How to incubate
universal understanding in humanity, when no human being wants to listen to another, everyone
wants to be right? How to achieve it if what they want is to win the conversation or shut your mouth?
They are not interested in what is being talked about, they don't even want to know the truth. They
want the weekend to come so they can tell their other friends: "I shut him up when I told him this...".
So you can't get a seed through a stone. What you do is you spread it over humanity. Many will attack
you, you have already assumed that before, so it will not affect you, but through those who are able to
understand it, the understanding takes on a life of its own.

Question: Human beings for the most part are alienated by desire, which is the cause of their
hindrance in being able to develop their astral body and understand the universal mechanism. That
desire to satisfy their needs, and the only need, is [absolute] understanding, for all else is mere illusion.
Answer: The only real thing is universal understanding and all else is mere illusion. But desire does
not obstruct the consciousness from accessing the universal understanding, rather, desire is born of the
dissatisfaction of the consciousness, and seeks to satisfy itself with appearance. But already when the
understanding of the universal mechanism arrives, all these mental vices are dissolved. It happens
automatically, but from the cosmic perspective, because from the planetary perspective it is a very
gradual advance. Time runs very slowly from this plane where we now coexist. But from the cosmic
perspective the change is automatic. It will take us, I hope a thousand years or a little less, which at
the human level is a lot, but cosmically it is less than a breath.

Question: Do exorcist-style demonic possessions exist? And if so, why do they occur?
Answer: No, obviously not. I even know a person who told us: "I once played possessed and they talked
to the priest, and he said I couldn't go, and I was pretending". It doesn't affect anyone if a person gets
down on the floor and sticks out his tongue and cusses and insults a priest - he's one of the most
deserving of an insult. That doesn't affect anyone. It affects more when the one who thinks she is
healthy goes out to shop and spend, and leaves all the appliances plugged in and takes the wrinkles
out of her dress by turning on the hot tap.... The other one lying there wallowing doesn't affect anyone,
it doesn't harm him. The demonic possession that is killing humanity is selfishness and it is the
individual personality, which has "sucked" the soul out of every personalistic individual on this planet.
That is a real and deadly demonic possession. The other is a game that is fun and funny to watch them
doing their show. No one is affected by it. The real possession, which is selfishness, is the one that is
cosmic seconds away from destroying the human species.

Question: Could you explain or talk about true love or alchemical love?
Answer: It is not so much love, but it is an impulse. It is much stronger than love, because love is in
the second neuronal layer: there is the reptilian brain, which is in charge of organic matters; the limbic
layer where love, hate, sadness are; the neocortex, which is in charge of the rational process. And this
impulse arises from a fourth neuronal level, which is the understanding of the universe. It is not a love
that you have for other people or individuals, but it is an impulse that leads you to give everything for
the healing of the species of origin. But it is more related to understanding than to love, but that is
what it is called, alchemical love, and it is the impulse that leads you to save the species; and it is not
for an individual, it is for everything that exists.

In relation to dreams
There are several types of dreams, but they are all the same in one thing: they are not real. The main
characteristic of the dream is that it is not real. [None of these events [dreams] is important at all.
There is not only the sleeping dream, there is also the waking dream, when one believes that one's
experiences and daydreams have any kind of transcendence. Every human lives a continuous dream,
until he does not agree to understand the dangerous reality that envelops humanity. The self-
destruction of humanity is imminent. It is not important what you dreamed yesterday, what you were
in your past life. [...] The mind should never be pointed to individual particularities, to past lives, to
things that relate to the character in which the consciousness is involved, but should be pointed to the
universal truth. [...] The only important thing is that you understand the mechanism of the universe
to wake up from this human dream, where you have a life of 80 years and then you die, then with
desperation you want to live everything, to try everything, to have everything, but mainly, before you
die, and that is why humanity is a dying species by nature. My invitation again is to transcend the
human stage and achieve the next evolutionary phase. What do dreams mean? Nothing. What does
human life mean? Nothing. Nothing in this life has or will have any meaning until we come to
understand perfectly the infinite recursiveness in which the universe unfolds its eternal history.

What is God?
The cosmos where we live (the cosmos are the stars, the planets, the whole cosmic set of outer space
known to mankind, and beyond that), is the outermost part of a huge sphere of supraconsciousness
that expands in the universal void. In the cosmos an unthinkable quantity of intelligent species
develops where the majority disintegrates and self-destructs, but the minority that accesses to touch
the top of the evolution manages to unify the souls of all that species in the governing star, and turns
it into a conscious entity that seeks to exploit and teleport the already purified conscious energy of all
the species towards a body of superior light. This body of superior light and prior to the cosmos is not
the habitat of individuals, but of the purest energy of those intelligent species that achieved this
sublimation. [...] The time spent integrated in this higher light is much longer than the time spent in
the cosmos, it is a continuous expansion, a continuous development. 31
We start in the cosmos, we go to the light body, [...] and there comes a point where you finish the light
body and you go to the next phase, you enter the core of this sphere. When you get to the center of
this sphere, you automatically inhabit all the other spheres that exist. This sphere does not expand
alone in the universal void, but expands with countless equals that also carry out this process of
expansion through their different cosmic layers. They are an infinite number of macro-spheres that
expand slowly but continuously. [...] When one passes into the center of the sphere, one automatically
dwells in all of them, then dwells within every existing thing. That is why the central essence of the
sphere is alchemically known as the omnipresent supraconsciousness, i.e., the essence that dwells in
everything that exists. It is not only a sphere that is after the cosmic layer and the layer of light and is
a supraconsciousness that is far away, but by dwelling in the center of that sphere it dwells in the center
of all spheres, it dwells in everything that exists. From this perspective, God, or what is called God, is
the essence that dwells in all that exists, is the universal impulse, is what we all are in essence.
Conceived in this way, this is the concept of God that alchemy handles.
[...] These spheres expand slowly but continuously, and obviously there comes a point where by this
continuous expansion, the infinite space, the universe, is unified in a single and absolute consciousness,
which, having nothing to be conscious of, disappears and leaves the universal void. Emptiness and
nothingness are not the same; nothingness does not exist, while emptiness is absorption. [...] When
emptiness is absolute in the universe, it generates so much absorption at different points of infinite
space that at those points the universal void is broken, generating these spheres of supraconsciousness.
That is the answer to this essential question: who gave birth to this spherical structure that is the
infinitesimal and absolute basis of the universe? The void, absorbs upon itself, and breaks the void
itself generating these spheres. Who gave birth to God according to the science of alchemy? The
universal vacuum is the absolute virgin that breaks upon itself generating this infinite number of gods
throughout infinite space, that by continually expanding, encompass the totality of infinite space, and
then leave it empty and start again, and that is the infinite recursiveness of the universe, and this is the
explanation regarding God.
I want to clarify: the word God speaks more of the primitiveness of human awareness than of the
nature of universal consciousness; but because it is a conscious essence, which knows each of our
thoughts - a leaf does not fall from a tree without being aware of it -, it is in everything that exists, it is
omniscient, it is omnipresent, so I accepted to equate it with this "affectionate" name of God. But I
want to clarify that this word "God" is a personification. Thus, with this name, the human being
transfers his own planetary complexes to this superior essence, to this absolute essence. That is why I
do not "marry" this name of God, but I do use it so that humanity can understand the concept.
If by God we mean the old man who spies on us, God does not exist. But if by God we mean the
essence that dwells in all that exists, this energy of expansion to which everyone and everything ends
up integrating, then God not only exists, but is the only thing that really exists. The illusion is not God,
the illusion is man.

Question: Why do I want to stop being a human and become a cosmic perceiver? What's in it for me?
Answer: If you are a human being, your life is going to be about Carlos telling Laura that your sister-
in-law and your godmother and your mother and all lies. You will have a life of 80 years and in that

31 Comment: This raises questions about individual identity: what am I, and will I still exist in this form? If all consciousness
is the same, does it make sense to make a distinction between the conscious energy of different species?
life you will be useless. On the other hand, if you understand how the universe works and you make
the leap from human to cosmic perceiver, you become connected with your higher universal function,
you go to the healing of humanity, and from that moment on your life will make sense. Before you
have this knowledge, life is eating, sleeping, going to the bathroom, pretending to be happy and waiting
for death. But, if you access this knowledge, then you free yourself from that prison that the world
generated for you, your own name, the idea of yourself, and you integrate yourself to the interplanetary
community, you wake up to reality, you access the fifth dimension.
[...] If I tell you "put your mind at ease, feel good, love yourself very much", it is of no use. Anyway,
whatever problem you have, or however happy you are, a hundred years from now you, me, all of
you who are [reading] this, and even those who are babies right now will be dead, and it doesn't matter
if we were happy, if we had a vision.... But if we dedicate the energy of life to the expansion of this
knowledge (the workings of the universe), then we do channel and direct humanity towards its healing,
objectively, not as a relief, but in fact, with truth, we save humanity.

On the meaning of human life

[The only constructive, real, quantitative work of human existence is the understanding of the
universal mechanism and its expansion over others. There is nothing else to do in this life. Life is not
for collecting money, for becoming famous, life is not for what you were taught on TV and you pursue
to live as you were taught on TV. The cosmobiological reason why intelligence exists is to understand
the universe, and this understanding repeated on different planets generates an interplanetary
entanglement, a superior entity that gives the different intelligent species their reason for being, and
only in this way does human life make sense.

Question: What happens when a human being, even having this knowledge, does not find meaning in
his existence?
Answer: It is because he did not understand well what it consists of. It's like if you are depressed on a
boat, for whatever you want, you don't find meaning to your existence, and I tell you:
-Hey, there's a hole under the boat, now you're still depressed and whatever you want, but in the
meantime we have to gather things to fill that hole with right now.
-No, I am very depressed.
-No, you misunderstood me. There's a hole under the boat....
The same here, we are going towards the second death. If your life was horrible, if you are poor, ugly,
whatever you tell me, it doesn't matter, right now you are alive and you can use your life energy to
spread this knowledge over humanity, with all your depression, with whatever you want, it doesn't
matter, you are going to die before 80 years old? You are already practically dead. Use this instant of
life that you have left, why are you depressed if you are already dead anyway? You don't have any life
left. Use this instant of life that you have left - why are you depressed if you are dead anyway - you
have nothing left of life. Use these forty [fifty or sixty] more years you have left -maximum- to expand
the message, and then you go back to a better life. Now depressed what you have is an excess of ego,
in which you believe that your depression is important. In no way are you or your depression or your
life or anyone else's important. They only become important when they are used to expand the
universal understanding of humanity. The problem is not the depression, but the excess of importance

that you give to yourself and your sadness, and the lack of understanding about the problem that
threatens humanity.

Question: When someone goes down this path, are there beings or those who want to stop you?
Answer: No. The cosmic perceiver has very well identified its enemies, which are not material beings
but ethereal beings, ignorance and all the mental vices that emanate from it: the ego... Life is a bit like
boxing. In boxing, the one who hits you the hardest will help you, because he makes you improve your
technique. Also in life you reveal this truth [the description of the universal mechanism], this truth is
an insult and a spit in the face for the whole human population, so people repel it, reject it. But the
purest minority is the one that manages to accept it, or there are those who manage to withstand the
blow and accept ("gee, it's true"), then they move on to the next phase. But what happens is that you
no longer see people, but you live revealing the truth; many feel insulted, but there is a minority that
is the one that manages to accept it, and then you live expanding the universal understanding, knowing
that you are insulting the world with your simple walk, with the truth you are offending the whole
planet, because the truth offends, truths hurt, but you have already assumed that.

Question: [...] And since we are not by far the most evolved, obviously the higher dimensions feed on
us energetically, magnetically and vibrationally. For the same reason, I believe that some higher
entities feed on our devotion, just as others feed on our fears...
Answer: Devotion and fear are not different things. Devotion is a performance that the human
performs before his false God. There is no honest devotion, nor can anything be honest; until one
comes to understand the workings of the universe there is only fear. And human devotion is false
devotion. Fear and devotion are not two different things.
Who is nourished by devotion? There is no one who thrives on devotion and fear, but humanity is
either drawn by fear towards self-destruction, or drawn by cosmic understanding towards healing. [...]
Most species are driven by fear towards destruction. [...] It is how the cosmos works, [fear] is an energy
that devastates most intelligent species, and it is not only fear, but all the mental vices that are born of
existential ignorance, mainly ambition, that is the biggest killer of intelligent species. Because when
each individual wants to imitate the life of monarchs and pharaohs the planetary habitat is devastated.
There is no planet capable of supplying the development of a species blinded by ambition. And the
other energy there is is understanding. [...] Species that understand are saved, achieve transmutation,
and species that ignore self-destruct.

Question: I suppose you know the thesis that gnosis handles about the origin of the universe and the
Answer: Nothing that has ever been said by any human is true and has no value, and if it did, because
it was said by a human it loses that value. It is like a donkey playing the flute. There are half
channelings, there are half-truths. Someone said to me, and quite rightly: "You say that nothing
anyone has said has any value, but if no one had said anything about the Big Bang, they would not be
able to understand the congruence of your explanation now. If evolution had not been known to exist
-as indeed it does exist-, then your description would be meaningless. If it were not known that galaxies,

local groups, superclusters exist, they would not be able to understand what you are talking about. If
someone had not said before you about solar feeding, it would not be justified." So, these are things
that are there loose, but they become valuable when the description of the universal mechanism is
rendered. At that point they become valuable. Before that, what is the use of feeding from the sun,
what for? [...] Instead, I am linking it with the evolutionary process, even of the solar system. All the
planets end their days when their sun swallows them. This forces us to move our nature from material
beings to beings of light. Things had no value, but if they are truths they gain value when this
description is rendered because it puts everything in its place.
Truth stands alone and floats on the sea of unknowing. But when the universal mechanism is revealed,
it gives these truths their operative place in absolute understanding.

Question: What is the meaning of the existence of humans?

Answer: I am not going to tell you: "that you find your own truth.... [Or] love is the bottom of
everything, give love". I am not going to say anything like that. I am going to tell you truly what is the
cosmobiological sense of human existence and what intelligence is generated for.
In the cosmos an unthinkable amount of intelligent species develop, most of them disintegrate and
self-destruct because of selfishness and ambition as it is happening to mankind, this is how most
intelligent species die. But suddenly a situation occurs... An intelligent individual gains access to
understand the functioning of the universe, and this knowledge unifies him with intelligences from
other planets, with intelligent individuals who also gained access to understand the functioning of the
universe. And the union of awareness between intelligences from different planets generates an
incorporeal entity, an entity of awareness that provides the cosmos with its process of evolution. The
human and every intelligent individual, and every intelligent species is an antenna off. And billions,
countless billions, self-destruct; but the minority that accesses this knowledge generates the cosmic
entanglement that provides the cosmos with its evolutionary process.

And that is the raison d'être, not only of the human being, not only of humanity, but of intelligence,
in the whole cosmos and in the whole universe, that is to say, in the whole infinite space. That is the
organic, operative function for which intelligence is generated: to achieve that union of interplanetary
awareness. And all the intelligences that did not achieve that intertwining have had a sterile existence.
I ask you, which radio is better, the one that serves to wedge a table, or the one that serves to jam a
door? Which one was more successful? None of them served, none of them are valuable, none of them
realized their existence. Until someone plugs it in, tunes it in and puts it on a radio station, then that
radio was useful. Even if you bathe it in gold and put it on a pedestal and everyone applauds it, it did
not fulfill its existential function; the radio is to be turned on and listened to. The human being could
have been a millionaire, a movie actor, had everything he wanted; if he did not achieve the union of
interplanetary awareness, he did not fulfill his existential function.

About God
[Of all the nonsense I have heard in my life, the worst of all, the one that is winning, is God. I don't
believe that anyone believes that. I am not an atheist, I extend my atheism to humanity and I don't
believe anyone would believe that nonsense either.

On the meaning of life
[Two years after having a trance of mystical ecstasy with which I agreed to understand the workings
of the universe] I went to San Luis Potosi and walked back to Naucalpan: 730 kilometers with 30 kilos
on me. My friends set up their camp and campfire and I went into the desert. When I was in the
middle of it, I looked up at the sky and saw something I had never seen until I was thirty-two years
old. I don't know if you guys have ever been interned in the desert where you can see the awesome
celestial vault. We here [in the city] when we see twenty or forty stars we say "what a starry sky". But
when we are inserted in the middle of the desert where there is no sidewalk, there is no light, there is
nothing, then the cosmos lights up and you see how at every moment there is a shooting star, an aurora
passes by, and you see how the cosmos is a living organism. When I saw that, automatically a thought
came to me and I said: necessarily there is another intelligent individual on another planet who is
seeing this same sky and thinking the same as me; necessarily there is another intelligent individual on
another planet seeing these stars and thinking the same as me. And at that moment a force came
through me that told me the following: "Just as the starlight travels across the sky, faster than it there
are messages traveling across the celestial vault, for whoever turns to see it free of thought. The actual
night scene is the same for all intelligent individuals who share this cosmic space, even if our
perspective is different." Then I said the same thing that many of you must be saying: "What? I didn't
understand anything. What is that? Who is talking to me? Is it a Martian or who is talking to me?".
He says, "I am not a Martian. The human is, to put it in vulgar words, an antenna that should receive
and transfer interplanetary information, but humanity is obstructed by existential ignorance." Then,
obviously I did not understand either and so I asked and asked and asked and asked all night long,
and everything was answered, until the one who disappeared from the universe, the one who ceased
to exist, is the one who did not understand and was frightened and asked, and today I remained as a
pure channel of this information to humanity.
So, when one turns to look at oneself, one does not find the meaning of life, but when one subtracts
oneself from the cosmic perspective it becomes evident that the chemical meaning of life is evolution.
Therefore, the meaning of human life is to leave behind the human stage and pass to the next
evolutionary phase, which is the cosmic perception or astral body. [...] [And the evolutionary leap
from human to cosmic perceiver] is achieved by understanding the workings of the universe.

A step prior to the description of the universal mechanism

Have you noticed that humanity is self-destructing? Since humanity does not know how the universe
works, each human being lives to achieve his own ambition, that is why the planetary habitat is
devastated, that is why humanity disintegrates and self-destructs, and that is the way all species die.
Hence the obligation to access [to understand the workings of the universe].
If we each pursue our own fulfillment, our own happiness.... In fact, happiness is not sought, happiness
is a genetic condition, it is a gene with which one is born or not born. Seeking happiness is like seeking
to have blue eyes. If you were not born with blue eyes you will not develop them. Happiness is the
same, it is a gene that you are either born with or you are not born with, you cannot look for it.
The only thing worthy of being sought is understanding, to achieve the purification of the species; to
achieve a good that can be expanded towards others, not an individual good, not a personal good, but
a collective good, which is the healing of the species of origin.

Question: Could you explain what you mean by "purify"?

Answer: In all lies there is truth. In one of the false religions of this planet they talk about "original
sin", but they do not explain what this "original sin" is. The "original sin" is ignorance, because no one
is born knowing. The way to free oneself from that "sin", from that "impurity", is by understanding
how the universe works. The greatest demon that haunts every human consciousness is the idea of
oneself, one's own name. Neither I am Rodolfo Ramos, nor she is Gabriela, nor anyone is the
character with which she identifies herself. That is the contamination of consciousness, the idea of
oneself, one's own name.
When you understand the universe, you no longer identify with your material self; you use your
material self as an instrument of usefulness in carrying out the purification of humanity. This is a very
painful process - detachment from yourself. The cosmic perceiver, to become one, must first spit upon
his own name, mock what he was. If he ever prayed, if he ever meditated, if he ever did yoga or any
such falsehood, to feel sorry, to be ashamed, to repent and not do it again, and to devote his life energy
to the understanding and expansion of the message. To free oneself from infection is to free oneself
from the world and one's own name, from false degrees, false engineering, false doctorates. On this
planet no one knows what it exists for, but there is a degree called Doctor Honoris Causa. How
ridiculous. The human being should reach Socrates and say: "I know nothing, but I want to know".
And from that moment on there could be growth; but as long as people continue to say engineers,
graduates, doctors, architects, they will not get anywhere. In ignorance there are two levels: the one
who knows that he does not know, like Socrates, and the one who does not even know that, like all
mankind that gives itself degrees that do not exist.

Question: Did something create the infinite recursion of the universe?

Answer: No one created the infinite recursiveness of the universe, because it is infinite: eternal into
the past, and eternal into the future. There is something that drives the infinite recursivity and it is the
expansion of these spheres until the universe is unified in a single consciousness that because it has
nothing to be conscious of disappears and leaves the universal void, which generates by absorption in
the same points of the infinite space these ruptures or spheres that carry out the infinite recursivity of
the universe. There is something that pushes the infinite recursivity of the universe and it is these
ruptures that expand: it is pressure and absorption. The universe is compressed beyond praise,
veneration and chest beating, if we remove all the paraphernalia and false devotion that surrounds
human consciousness, the universe is compressed into pressure and absorption, which are two sides of
the same energy.

Question: What do you think about the 7 ages of the soul?

Answer: That everything a human says is false, and that of the 7 ages of the soul is another human
nonsense. The only real sense of human existence and of all intelligence developed in the cosmos, is
to access the understanding of the universal mechanism, and then transfer it to the species of origin,
in my case humanity, because only in that way the healing of the human species is achieved.

Question: - What is important to know?

Answer: [...] Right now we are on top of a ship. Let's imagine that this is a boat. Then I tell you about
it (without it being true because I didn't live it, but being true because there are many others who have
lived it):

-My parents didn't love me, and left me with my uncles, so my uncles raped me as a child and
prostituted me, and I had to beg in the street for a long time....
And suddenly someone comes along and tells us:
-Hey, there's a hole in the boat. All the crew is either cutting the furniture and wood, or taking out the
clothes in their backpacks to cover the hole that has been made in the ship, so you have to join in
saving the ship because if not we are all going to sink.
Then I turn around and tell you:
-No, I was raped when I was a child and my parents don't love me....
-Look, all this is of no interest right now. Now, whatever you have, however you come, however you
are, you have to help solve the problem, because if not all of us in the boat are going to have a very
bad luck.
The same is our situation. "What will happen to the atoms of a fruit when it rots? Right now that
doesn't matter, right now we have to save humanity, make the universal understanding reach it in a
massive way, and forget about nonsense and mental bisectors and traps of the cosmos that lead
nowhere, and apply all our energy in this healing.

On personal vicissitudes
[...] What others say does not matter, they do not exist, nobody exists. Only those of us who understood
this and dedicated ourselves to spreading the message exist. And the game -because it really is a game-
consists in bringing more people into existence, into real life, in "resurrecting the dead".
You are not alone, if you understand how the universe works, you are accompanied by all of us who
understand this, and not only in this one, but on different planets throughout the cosmos. It is a
community of understanding. It is not a human gathering where they get together to talk nonsense
and laugh at their existential emptiness, to laugh so as not to commit suicide. We, those who
understood this, understand the seriousness of the "mission", and we urge ourselves to understand as
it is and repeat as it is the clear description of the universal mechanism.
Effectiveness depends on clarity. The words with which I describe the mechanism of the universe are
not Rodolfo Ramos', but Rodolfo Ramos steps aside and allows the words to arrive in the
mathematical order they should arrive.32 Success is in the clarity. And there is no greater clarity
to say it than the one that through me is being given to you, that is why you are required to acquire
and repeat exactly the same words and in the same order, because that is the limit of clarity, it is the
cosmic lexicon. 33

[...] Until that moment [the moment when you gain access to understanding the workings of the
universe] life makes sense. Before that you are dead. If you were an engineer, a graduate, a president,
a pauper, a choreographer, a designer, the most famous artist, the most despicable being, all are on
the same level, none of that is true. You only rise from that death called humanity when you

32 Comment: The "right words" or clarity come from the perspective of the functioning of the universe (or as I call it: the
logic of the universe).
33 Comment: This is wrong, because in its description it has several errors such as alchemy or religion, and even behind

this sentence hides a dogmatic intention.

understand the workings of the universe. Understanding the workings of the universe implies
understanding the seriousness of the mission that is ours.

[...] This answer answers all the questions that a human being asks. For example: "I feel
homesickness, sadness and all these feelings overwhelm me. How can I cope with this? Understanding
the universe and making it understood by others. When you dedicate yourself to understanding the
universe you forget about yourself and your depression, otherwise you are understanding something.
Then your mind is no longer on you, it is on understanding what is being exhibited to you, and then
you make it understood to others, there is no room for you and your depression because you are in
the expansion of the message. But first is the passive phase, you have to understand this [...] (Now
don't go to explain it to anyone because you are not in that condition or in that position). And then
making others understand it frees you from depression because you are busy with something else.
Depression comes from idleness. If you are busy understanding you can no longer be depressed, and
then if you are busy explaining you can no longer be depressed. [...] Whatever you ask me I will answer
you, truthfully - not giving you the airplane and not making light of the questions - the answer will
always be to understand the workings of the universe and to make others understand.

Question: Are black holes matter absorbers that implode and on the other side are generating another
Answer: Universe is that of which there is only one. There is only infinite space. When we instead of
universe say infinite space it is clearer. "Hey, how many infinite spaces are there?". One. Because if
there were two, they would no longer be infinite because they would have to end where the other one
begins. It's logical. Instead, if we talk about infinite space we can ask "Hey, in infinite space are there
many multiverses?". There certainly are. In the only infinite space that can exist there are many
multiverses, because the universe is one and it is infinite space.
Now, concerning the black holes that absorb matter, they certainly do not generate another universe
anywhere. And also all that is a trap of the cosmos and of the mind. The physical cosmos is the organic
cosmos, the apparent cosmos. If you see NASA images showing galaxies, star clusters, black holes,
galaxy collisions, you have to get to a point - if you don't want to be falsely fascinated - you have to go
through those visual images, those images of light, and penetrate to the intrinsic heart of the cosmos,
and that is the following:
The feeling that we all have the rational to say: "I am here now". Do not godify it, do not make it an
object of praise, just the feeling that I am here right now. That is a level of reason that is spread
throughout the cosmos, it is your true self, it is your soul, it is your consciousness, it is your spirit, they
are synonyms. The operational function of the soul, the consciousness, the spirit, is to unify throughout
the cosmos. And the way this happens is by understanding the mechanism of the universe. If you dwell
on black holes, on galaxies, on exoplanets, on triple solar systems, on all that vain information, you
are going to turn it into another object of mental alienation. It doesn't matter that the black hole and
the galaxy.... It matters what are you venturing into existence for? And it is to understand the workings
of the universe. This is not being done by you alone, but by intelligent individuals on different planets,
and by this knowledge they transcend their planetary boundaries and unify throughout the cosmos.
That is what the spirit, the soul, the consciousness exists for, to abandon individuality, to generate a
collective superior entity of consciousness, and that collective entity of consciousness is the one that
leads the cosmos towards its sublimation.

The one who is interested in black holes and galaxies is like the one who is very interested in his dreams
and believes that they are very important. It does not matter anyone or anything; it matters that the
soul fulfills its universal function, which is the understanding of the universe and by this understanding
achieves that sublimation and integration of a higher entity.

Question: If the truth is within us, that means we are capable of reaching it.
Answer:34 The phase that humanity inhabits is cosmically known as the infectious phase, and that is
where most intelligent species self-destruct. If a human searches within himself he is going to find more
emptiness and more death. That is why in the cosmos a force is generated that subtracts the subtlest
consciousnesses of different planets to reveal to them the universal mechanism. 35

34 Comment: I disagree because it is assumed that there is a soul within the body that can be subtracted. From my
perspective, the "soul" is physical, it is the electrochemistry of the brain and the body as a whole, and there is not even
duality between the body and the environment; it is all one in a physical sense, that we are what we perceive because the
environment is what created us. Nevertheless, I find the answer interesting, only instead of gnosis I would speak of logic.
35 Comment: From a reductionist perspective it makes more sense that it is the physical and chemical constitution of the

cosmos, the way in which matter is naturally best coupled and constitutes it into stars and life and thinking beings with a
particular morphology, which allows the repetition of logical thought patterns that derive in universal understanding, and
thus achieve the unification of consciousness to understand the workings of the universe.
Human is a previous phase to the cosmic perception. If he internalizes himself he can find nothing,
but his evolutionary mutation is the one who, by internalizing himself, achieves the cosmic connection.
But the human lacks the necessary generic complexity to access the connection by himself. That is
why through me is the way this generation has to access the universal reality. And by mine I do not
mean the material being (that you are seeing) but the understanding that I carry.

Question: How do you know that what you say is real?

Answer: By understanding, how do you know that I am not inventing that 2*2 = 4? Or do you have
faith that 3 * 6 = 18? Or through that equation can you go on to larger equations? The same with this
description of the workings of the universe. Through these bases that I am establishing, you yourselves
can go on to more specific branches, by deduction, by concordance, using as a basis the universal
understanding36 , and that is what gives coherence to everything in our environment. It is also
otherwise called the universal understanding, the self-evident logic of the cosmos, because once
understood it is not only logical but also becomes self-evident, as indeed it is.

36Comment: By "universal understanding" he refers to the image of the eternal recursion of the universe: the expanding
Question: I would like to know your opinion on this: We are not the physical body / mind, nor its
senses. We are not the mind with its automatic ramblings. We are the silent, still, conceptless
consciousness that is aware of the body/mind. We are the consciousness that observes the automatic
functions of the body/mind. We are the silent formless observer. We are life, awareness, consciousness,
which is simply aware of its existence. We have mistakenly identified ourselves as the physical
body/mind. We have mistakenly identified ourselves with a form. It was all a mistaken belief. The real
you, the passive / conscious mind, is not confined to a brain or other things. It is a whole infinitely
beyond the physical. It is the formless unity of all existence. It is not a something, yet it is infinitely
everything. But thinking about it is not going to help you experience it; you have to stop identifying
with all thoughts to experience that oneness with the whole.
Answer: You are lost in a maze of madness that goes nowhere. The only transcendent truth of human
existence is that humanity is self-destructing out of selfishness and ambition. This obliges us to
understand perfectly the mechanism of the universe and then expand this knowledge over humanity,
to save us from self-destruction. We are indeed facing an imminent and evident danger. As long as
people want to experiment and get lost in words, we are not going to get anywhere. There is indeed
an underlying danger that must be combated, and that is the self-destruction of humanity through
selfishness and ambition. These two mental vices are born of existential ignorance. Since humanity
does not know how the universe works, each individual lives to achieve his own ambition, his own
fulfillment, his own experiences. None of that is important. But when access is gained to understanding
the functioning of the universe, all individuals leave behind their personal conveniences for this
knowledge, that is why species unify and adapt, and reach the top of evolution to achieve cosmic
sublimation. That is the ultimate goal of all species and everything that exists in the cosmos, to
sublimate to the higher light. So, yes, there is a mission of life that is important: it is to save us from
self-destruction, and that is achieved through the understanding of the universal mechanism and its
expansion over humanity. I don't agree with anything you said at all. There is a mission and it is not
the one that everyone wants, it is to save humanity from self-destruction and this can only be achieved
by understanding the universe and then making everyone else understand it.
And about the error you mention, "the error of mankind". Anyone who points out an error in the
universe is wrong; the universe is perfect. This corruption is part of perfection, and the way in which
the effect is reversed, or in which that corruption of consciousness becomes useful, is when the absolute
understanding of the universe is expanded upon the species in turn.

Transcription not exact

Universal understanding is sustained by logic. [...] It is possible to purify the description or to go deeper
into universal understanding by means of logic, mathematics and science.
Much more important than the trance [of mystical ecstasy], is understanding and logic.

[Nothing will be achieved through government, nothing will be achieved through anything else. But
understanding is the medicine that heals and solves problems.

Question: Do you find it unacceptable to take the time to go to the movies or swim at the beach, or is
it indifferent as long as the understanding is understood and shared? Is it part of infiltrating?
Answer: It is not so much that infiltrate or not. But that the cosmos has a rhythm. The important
thing is to assimilate by understanding this description of the universal mechanism. It does not ask for
half an ounce of faith, only understanding; neither to abandon your habits nor to make any sacrifice,
only an internal act: to understand this description. But it has a "catch", because once you agree to
understand it, this is a "cosmic possession" that leads you to fulfill the necessary steps to achieve

Question: Can we enjoy life and build a paradise even in the present time?
Answer: What if you can make your own paradise here in this hell regardless of the evolutionary
process of the cosmos? Can you do it? Yes, in fact that is what everyone is trying to do and some
succeed, some don't, but between all of them they are leading us to destruction. It is not what we are
looking for. What we are looking for is to understand the universe and to make others understand it
in order to actively join in the process of cosmic evolution. And that is the meaning of human life.

Question: Is the universe shaped like a hypersphere?

Answer: No, the universe has no form, because if it had form it would be contained within something
else, and it would no longer be a universe. The universe is infinite space.
Although it has a shape that it can't get out of. You can't see it from the outside, but from the inside,
if you subtract yourself to the maximum, you can see its shape, it's a shape that moves:
It goes from emptiness > Breaks into consciousness at different points > This consciousness unifies >
And then disappears > And makes an eternal recursivity

Question: How can I achieve the astral body?
Answer: The astral body is a level of consciousness that is acquired by understanding how the
universe works. The social body, the social body of humans: selfishness, vanity, ambition, what people
will say, all that, when you understand how the universe works, all that is dissolved and purified and
then you are dedicated to incubate universal understanding in humanity. The social body is dissolved
and purified until it is transmuted into the astral body. The individual is transmuted into a living
terminal of the universal consciousness, and a healing cell for humanity.

Question: Are we all the same person or entity?

Answer: The right words correct the movements of the soul. "The verb is the art that corrects the
movements of the soul." New words correct the movements of the soul. You can't see the spirit of a
person by seeing how they are dressed or what their grooming is or anything, but you can see them as
soon as they start talking, you can get a consciousness of their spirit and who they really are. Are we
all the same person or entity? Yes, we are all the same. There is only one essence and this essence
generates all the other individualities that generate our blueprint, but all those individualities are
dissolved and merge into one higher essence. We are all the same.

Question: I once quoted "The universe being eternal and infinite, it is graspable through
understanding", to which someone answered me: "If the universe is infinite, how is it that it can be
grasped by human understanding". At that moment it only occurred to me: "Because the mind is an
essence with which the universe becomes conscious of itself".
Answer: How if the universe is infinite can it be encompassed by the human mind? Because it obeys a
mathematical pattern reducible by understanding. If we set a mathematical pattern that states that
equidistant spheres will be generated throughout infinite space (along the three dimensions), then you
have already reduced the entire universe to that mathematical pattern, because it is repeated
throughout infinite space and it is the law that the universe obeys.

Question: Why do you say you live in the cosmos?

Answer: Because we all live in the cosmos. We are on a planet, the third planet revolving around a
star, and that star is with others forming a constellation that is at one end of the galaxy. Much more
than 99.99* , much more than that is our cosmic environment, and humans are trapped
with the planetary appearance, they perceive less than 0. countless zeros, 1's of reality, because they
are trapped in the planetary environment, in their senses, in what they see with the eyes of the face.
On the other hand, those who understand the universe are open to the cosmic and universal
perspective, and being in the same room, they are not on the same plane.

Question: Have you mastered your ego?

Answer: The ego is the idea of yourself. The human self-identifies with his material self. But he who
understands the universe expands his ego into infinite space, does not identify himself with his material
self, but utilizes, takes advantage of having the use of a material body deposited on an infected planet,
and utilizes from infinite space that material body to carry out the expansion of universal
understanding. "... They have to cut off your leg." "Well there's still another leg left on that body I can
keep going to expand understanding."

More than getting rid of the ego, it is to expand your ego, your idea of yourself, into the totality of
infinite space. Take advantage of the enormous opportunity of having the use of a physical body on
an infected planet, to use that physical body in the incubation of the species of the planet where that
body is.

The trance [of mystical ecstasy] is nothing. The magnificent cosmic event is the gradual understanding
of the universal mechanism by the species, and not the trance by the experienced cosmic perceiver.

Question: What is the meaning of life?

Answer: When you look at yourself, you don't understand what the meaning of life is. But when you
get rid of yourself and the planet and mentally subtract yourself from the cosmic perspective, it
becomes clear that the cosmic meaning of life, for which life is generated on different planets, is for
this life to generate intelligence. And the meaning of intelligence is to gain access to understand the
functioning of the universe, to actively join in the process of cosmic evolution.
An unthinkable number of intelligent species develop in the cosmos, but the vast majority disintegrate
and self-destruct out of selfishness and ambition, as is happening to humanity. And only the very small
minority, less than one in a million, gain access to understand how the universe works and to
impregnate this knowledge in their species of origin -in my case humanity-. Then this knowledge
guides the steps of that minority of species and leads them to sublimate their universal energy to the
maximum instead of destroying themselves.
That is why the meaning of human existence is to gain access to the understanding of the universal
mechanism and then to make everyone else understand it, in order to save humanity from self-

Question: Are emotions also a cosmic illusion, and so are physical, organic sensations?
Answer: They are not a cosmic illusion. They are in the second neuronal level, in the limbic layer are
human emotions. They are real. Now, what good are they? Nothing. It is not to generate a thousand
bisectors from what I am talking about, but to understand the background. "Hey, what role do
fingernails play?". None, not even emotions. The meaning of human life is to understand how the
universe works and then make others understand it. "Hey, with long hair or with short hair?" As you
wish. "Hey and emotions are also apparent?" Whatever you say. Nothing else human life is about
understanding how the universe works and then making it clear to everyone else. Organic sensations
are not apparent; if you feel like going to the bathroom you have to go to the bathroom. Emotions are
not apparent, they are just not useful. Nothing on this plane is of any use, the only thing that is of any
use is to understand the universe and to make others understand it.

Question: Can understanding be incubated in mentally ill patients?

Answer: Every human being is mentally ill. The only mental health is to understand the universe and
then to make others understand it. To understand the universe and to conduct oneself in congruence
with that understanding, that is mental health. There is no mental health in humanity, everyone is
mentally ill. It [the understanding of the universal mechanism] is made to incubate in mentally ill,
contaminated species.


Question: Are we genetically the same as other beings in the cosmos?

Answer: Humanity, being an intelligent species, is one of many seeded on different planets. In a place
where there has never been a piano, I bring them a piano key. They cannot know what it is. They can
check it under a microscope, they can see its molecular structure, they can even go further and see its
atomic composition, they can know how much it weighs, how much it measures. But none of those
studies are going to lead to knowing what that piano key is. Until you see it installed in the piano itself,
until there is a pianist playing a melody, and an audience listening to it and expressing their taste, then
at that point you will know what that piano key is. Before that, you can weigh it, measure it, decompose
it, analyze its structure... it will be of no use; you have to see it working as a whole, for what it was
created for. Likewise, the human being, if he turns to look at himself, will never find his reason for
being. He can become an expert in his own traumas, in his own madness. The human does not know
what he is or what he exists for. A human who does not know what he exists for, starts trying to help
another human because he feels sad and believes that he is more capable of helping him because of a
false science he has studied. He then invites an analysis of his own life, and then even further, of his
ancestors. And the human becomes an expert on himself, and finds that he is indeed repeating a
pattern that his ancestors ... "My great-grandfather just like me was asthmatic, he married three
women. He also ...". Everything happened to him just like his grandfather and his ancestors. And it is
real, but that path is not going to take him anywhere, but to become alienated from himself. The mind
should never be directed towards oneself, towards one's problems and individual particularities. No
individual life is important. What is important is to free oneself from that personal prison, and to
understand the workings of the universe. Then this knowledge unifies you with intelligent individuals
from other planets. If you come out of the cosmos, you see that the cosmos is a cloud of light that is
intertwined by understanding, by understanding the universal mechanism. And this union of
consciousness between intelligences from different planets generates a higher entity, a mutation in the
cosmos, a greater being that gives the different intelligences on the different planets their reason for
being. The intelligence exists to understand the universe, to unify with intelligences from other planets,
to generate this higher entity, and this higher entity ends up unifying the cosmos in a body of light. At
that moment you "hear the cosmic piano playing", and you understand your own reason for being.
Having understood the workings of the universe, you acquire the obligation to make everyone else
We are not genetically equal to beings from other planets and their animals, but we are equal in the
sense that we have the capacity to understand. And it does not matter the genetic history, but when
the capacity to understand is acquired, and even further, when we gain access to understand the
functioning of the universe, this cosmic intertwining is achieved, which gives reason to exist to all the
intelligences that exist in the cosmos.

Description of the universal mechanism IV

On the concept of the sphere of supraconsciousness
Everything runs from emptiness to absolute movement. [In] the first part, there is the void, and then
follows the cosmos, which is where we are: the stars, the planets, the intelligent individuals.

But in the cosmos most intelligent species self-destruct. But those that do manage to successfully travel
the path that the universe demands, turn their individuals into beings of light.

These light beings merge into your star, make it a conscious being, make it explode, and send the life
energy to a higher light body.

And after that higher body of light, there is the nucleus of a huge sphere of supraconsciousness, which
is the highest essence of the universe, the absolute motion. This is a spherical body. We inhabit the
crust of a huge spherical body of superconsciousness.

But this sphere that expands through that cosmic process, through that sublimation that the cosmos
carries out and becomes a body of light, which [on contact with the vacuum forms another cosmos: it
decomposes, at different points, into a primordial soup of subatomic particles that later form the first
atoms and then stars and galaxies and planets and intelligent beings...].

Thus this sphere expands, but it does not expand alone, but with infinite equals to it, which by
continually expanding in infinite space, generate the unification of the universe into a single
consciousness. Consciousness is a resultant of two components: one is perception and the other reality.
Consciousness is perception of reality. Then, when the universal consciousness encompasses all of
infinite space, it no longer has anything to be conscious of, it loses one of its components, which is
reality, because the universe is filled with a single consciousness, which, not having anything to be
conscious of, disappears and leaves the universal void, which generates by absorption in the same
points of infinite space, these ruptures or spheres that by expanding make the eternal recursiveness of
the universe.

Question: If the sun exploded, where would we go when we die?
Answer: If the sun exploded, we would lose all hope. The sun is our guiding star. Life is generated
because a planet was fertilized by the light and heat of its guiding star. There are different degrees of
evolution, but what is sought is to generate intelligence. The cosmic sense of life -not the sense of
human life-, the reason why life is generated throughout the cosmos is so that this life evolves to
generate intelligence. And to the degree that intelligence is generated is where most species self-
destruct, that is why the cosmos is destruction, because most, more than 99% of the intelligent species
generated in the cosmos, disintegrate and self-destruct because of the effect of intelligence. Intelligence
is an instrument that the cosmos develops to carry out its process of evolution. But part of this process
of evolution implies the destruction of the majority of intelligent species. And the minority that does
gain access to understand the functioning of the universe, is the one that takes the evolutionary leap
and instead of self-destructing, they manage to sublimate their universal energy to the maximum.
What is sought is that intelligence is generated. Then this intelligence manages to touch the top of
evolution to turn its individuals into beings of light, so that these beings of light merge into the sun,
turn it into a conscious being that explodes and sends all that life energy to a higher body of light.
So if the sun explodes, we have lost our raison d'être. The human being, selfish and sick of himself,
believes that he can become independent, that he is the colonizer, that he is the owner of the planet
and of the solar system. In reality, the owner of the solar system is the sun, and humanity exists to
serve the sun, to merge with it, to give it consciousness and move on to the next energetic phase. If the
sun ends, humanity loses its raison d'être.

Question: What is your opinion about Carlos Castaneda's writings?
Answer: They are useless.
I am against anyone talking about his intoxication. Do not tell me who you were with, the name of
your teacher (Don Juan), do not tell me your experiences, do not tell me the name of the toxin (peyote);
tell me the knowledge you recovered from that experience. And if that knowledge that you tell me
does not have real and objective application for my own life, then the time invested in knowing the
experience is sterile. The clumsy consciousnesses speak of plant names, quantities, sizes, proper names,
numbers, specific places, but the cosmic perceiver subtracts the purest essence from the experience
and transfers it to humanity. And the truth is that the only essence that saves humanity from self-
destruction is the clear and concatenated understanding of the universal mechanism.
Anyone who describes the eternal recursion of the universe is worth listening to. But all those who tell
half-truths are complete liars.

Question: Could you explain to me the concepts "vibration" and "velocity"? I realize that they are
concepts that you use to explain the functioning of the universe.
Answer: In the "holistic" world they talk about vibration and speed: "Raise your vibrational
frequency. Raise your vibrational frequency. But how I am going to "raise my vibrational frequency"
is not clarified. The most fundamental principle of alchemy is that everything runs from emptiness to
absolute motion, absolute motion being comparable to what humans call God. According to this
knowledge, matter, sound, thought and everything that makes up our plane is a product of the way
absolute motion combines with emptiness, and that generates all other essences. So, to the extent that
an essence has more emptiness, it has less speed, and to the extent that it has more absolute movement
and less emptiness, it has a higher vibratory frequency. That is the speed, it is given by the proportion
of absolute movement in an essence. For example, the subtlest essence of our plane is the human mind,
and the densest is matter, as all matter, our plane is the material plane, the lowest of all. To raise the
vibratory frequency in the case of humanity is to accelerate its mental frequency. The mind of a human
bounces around the planet between his tastes, his fears, his complexes and his personal history. There
are those whose mind bounces only in their room and their house, because it never leaves there. There
are those who have an awareness of the whole colony. There are those who have an awareness of the
whole country. There are those who have a planetary awareness. This is not to say that they are very
good. Those who have a greater planetary awareness are, for example, economists, who have to know
how the markets move and how the economic influences of each country are and the economic future
of what awaits us, in order to verify economic and personal interests. All that vibration destroys the
planet, all the planetary awareness destroys the planet.37 But suddenly, by an evolutionary mutation,
an awareness goes beyond the planetary border and accesses [the] cosmic and universal reality38 , and
brings this essence, this absolute knowledge to the planet, and frees them from selfishness and ambition
and all the falsehoods [that humanity has built from the planetary consciousness]. To raise the
vibrational frequency is to access the understanding of the universal mechanism, and there is no other
way to do it. It is of no benefit to anyone for me to contort myself and put my feet behind my head. It
is of no benefit to anyone for me to put my mind blank for ten minutes. But for me to know the
workings of the universe and to transfer this knowledge to others enables humanity to adapt itself to
the mechanism in which it is immersed. It is the only constructive work of human existence.

37 Comment: It actually destroys humanity and other life forms, but the planet, as a piece of matter, is essentially unaffected
(other than its atmosphere and its ability to support life as we know it).
38 Comment: This does not happen to an individual, but gradually to the whole species.

On the prescription: "... the meaning of life is to make others understand how the universe works".
... The individual is not required to go out to expand the message, only to understand perfectly the
functioning of the universe, but there is the "trap", because whoever understands perfectly the
functioning of the universe, understands that humanity is inserted in a process of cosmic selection
where the majority of intelligent species do not achieve this leap that sublimates them, then the
majority of species self-destruct. That imposes on the one who obtained the knowledge the obligation
to expand this knowledge on humanity. If you don't expand the knowledge about humanity, it's
because you didn't get this knowledge right. Then you become a continuous spreader of this
knowledge. 39
[...] That is the most transcendent work of human existence. It is the only important thing that is
happening on this planet. Many are obstructed with the economics, with the deals, with the trappings
of our environment. The only thing that is really happening that is important on this planet is what
you don't see in the news, and that is the expansion of this knowledge about humanity.

Question: In a mature cosmic layer, do all stars explode at the same time or do many explode at
different times?
Answer: What humanity knows is the big bang: [the space-time explosion] that forms the cloud of
light that is the cosmos. But in reality it is not a single explosion, but [fluctuations resulting from the
expansion of supraconsciousness over the universal void]. The cosmos is a cloud of light and is the
outermost layer of an enormous sphere of superconsciousness. The outermost part, the crust, is the
cosmos, is a cloud of light, very thin in proportion to the size of the sphere. This cloud of light is
interwoven by understanding through those consciousnesses on different planets who come to
understand how the universe works and unify through the cosmos; a higher velocity is generated, an
acceleration of the vibrational frequency of the cosmos, an entity of consciousness. As the cosmos
becomes more intertwined, its luminosity increases, because more and more stars explode at the same
time in its bosom. Recall that the explosion of a star is a sign of the successful unification of an
intelligent species, for when a star explosion occurs, the conscious energy of that species is sublimated.
As the cosmos matures, more and more stars explode at the same time in its bosom, until a point is
reached when so many stars explode at the same time in the cosmos that the cosmos merges into a
body of light, which upon contact with the vacuum [decomposes again into subatomic particles that
organize themselves in the form of matter, and this matter then arranges itself in the form of stars and
galaxies and planets, and the same evolutionary process repeats itself].

On the vicissitudes of life

... When there is a serious situation, it is best to bring the detailed understanding of the situation, so
that in this way the consciousness can direct the organism. In this case also humanity is a self-
destructing organism. When one speaks of humanity alone, one cannot understand it, because any
subject of analysis has to be analyzed as a whole, i.e. with its similar ones to see how it functions. I

39Commentary: The way to expand the universal understanding of humanity is not through the effort to make it reach
everyone, but only through clarity of description, understandable by reason and verifiable, and not requiring faith.
want to give an example of the sperm: one in every 500 million sperm fertilizes the ovum and this
generates a being that develops its existence on the planet (it passes to the next plane). But not every
time there is an ejaculation there is a pregnancy. That means that it is not one in 500 million, but one
in billions. If you are a sperm, your greatest chance is failure. One in billions of sperm manages to
generate a living being that develops its existence on the planet. So again, I don't want to refer to
humanity as humanity, but as an intelligent species. Intelligent species, in most cases, come into
existence to self-destruct. Again, one among billions of intelligent species is the one that manages to
unify. Species that split are the ones that self-destruct, and that is what happens in the vast majority of
intelligent species. But those that manage to unify are the ones that manage to take that saving leap
and move on to the next existential plane. So, the determining element, what effectively decides
whether a species unifies or divides and becomes extinct, in the case of division, is ignorance. Ignorance
generates all the mental vices. Ignorance generates fear, fear of the unknown, and fear generates all
the other mental vices that destroy the majority of intelligent species. And the minority of intelligent
species that manage to reach the understanding of the universal mechanism, are the ones that manage
to unify themselves by this knowledge. Only in this way do individuals leave behind their personal
conveniences. And that is the way to move on to the next universal phase. In this case, if we want to
work it at the cellular level, the problem of humanity is that each cell pursues its own ambition, its own
individual convenience, and they all want to live like kings, they all want to live like pharaohs, and
they all take their raw material from the same cellar, which is the planet. There is no planet capable
of supplying the development of a species infected with ambition, and ambition is a product of
existential ignorance. Thus, by understanding how the universe works, all extremes of consciousness
are saturated and the individual's own existential function is understood. These individuals then
abandon themselves and expand upon others the universal understanding.

Question: If there is a chance to be saved, why is the dollar going up? Every month there is a water
shortage, what is going to happen?
Answer: The subtlest energy40 is the one that prevails over the densest energy, such as matter,
economic means, the rise of the dollar and all the falsehoods that surround us. All the mental vices
that attack humanity are dissolved with universal understanding. [...] Then one is deceived when one
wants to solve the problem of Mexico, of Beirut or of any country, because all those names are false.
The problem is global. There are no Mexicans, gringos, güeros, blacks, there is none of that. But
humanity is an organism that must be unified. And it is much more powerful than personal
conveniences.... Nothing operates stronger in the awareness of an intelligent species than the
understanding of the universal mechanism. That is why this is the way out of all those mental vices.
Nothing but this is gradual. The human being is a cell, this does not solve individual problems; what
is solved is the problem of the organism, of humanity. And it is through these individual cells that
knowledge penetrates humanity. So what I recommend to you, your individual action, is to understand
this knowledge and expand it to others.

About the "philosopher's stone

... I was telling them about the situation with my dad, that I was telling him about his illness. And I
was talking about [also] that consciousness or understanding is the real healing. Every alchemist seeks

40 The cosmic frequency of universal consciousness.

two compounds: a "liquid" one, which is the elixir of eternal life, and a "solid" one, which is the
philosopher's stone, capable of transmuting vulgar metal into gold.
In this case, the situation that occurred with my father, until I told him about it, I realized that the
universe put me in charge of explaining to him how his organism was and what should be done to get
him out of that situation, from which he finally did not come out because he died. At that moment,
the understanding of the universal mechanism gives me the possibility: "What if you had been able to
enter your father's heart, learn the language of the cells and tell them what they must do to keep the
organism alive? Well, if I had been able to do that, nothing would have been accomplished anyway,
because my dad was finally a material being, and therefore an apparent being, who would be dead
before 100 years. But what was presented as a tragedy, what I experienced as a tragedy at that
moment, becomes a beautiful gift, because now, yes, the universe offers me the opportunity to
penetrate into this organism, to learn the language of humanity and to communicate to the cells the
function that must be carried out so that this organism can be saved, which is humanity, which is the
real organism, which is the transcendent organism. That is the way to use the philosopher's stone: the
understanding of the universal mechanism makes you understand your own existence from the
metacosmic perspective, and to give your existence a utility that serves the benefit of humanity, and
that does not fix individual and apparent stories that go nowhere. That is the right way to use the
philosopher's stone. The philosopher's stone is the ability to understand things from the perspective of
universal understanding, and that is one of the greatest gifts that alchemy has for its practitioners,
because in that way a single individual who understands well can save his entire species of origin.

Question: I want to have a partner, and there are times when I think of someone I like, one side of my
mind tells me "leave her". It's as if I hear a voice outside of me. What can you tell me about this?
Answer: That part that tells you to leave her, is the part that considers that you may be rejected,
because every human fears rejection, and what is hurt is pride. In the absence of understanding, the
human lives on pride, it is the only thing he has. So, when he has to face rejection, he has to give up
the only thing he had left, that is why it is so difficult from the human perspective to face rejection.
It is not important if you get close to someone or not, if the story you live with her is sad or happy
(there cannot be a happy story from the human perspective). They are just apparent things. The only
way out of this appearance, out of individuality, out of the importance that one gives to oneself, is
through the way that I am proposing: universal understanding. The healthy thing in this life is to have
a partner who gives you the chemical balance, a partner in whom you can place your love and you
can have a mental balance and a chemical balance and a stability. But all this, everything in life makes
sense when it is focused towards the salvation of humanity. All phrases are empty, all phrases are
nothing, when you don't have the focus of universal understanding and the salvation of humanity. I
can say to you, "As above so below." But that can mean a million things. When something means
everything, it means nothing. The same with life: if you get close or not close to someone, it has no
What I see is that by the nature of this statement, it is made by a person who does not currently have
a partner. Human couples are doomed to failure. There is a chemical infatuation that lasts a few
months -it does not go beyond two years-, but after that chemical phase, the existential void of
humanity begins to operate. When the human being is alone, he will believe that he suffers because of
loneliness, and when he is accompanied he will believe that he suffers because of bad company. But
in reality his suffering is due to the unjustifiability of his existence, to his existential emptiness.
When you devote all your life energy to the expansion of the understanding of the universal
mechanism, then you are operating in function of that for which you were generated. As you deal with
more people, your soul movements are corrected. The greatest means of purification of the soul is the
direct interaction between humans, because in a natural way, the soul attracts to itself the virtues that
it values in its interlocutor, and banishes from itself the deficiencies that it despises in its interlocutors.
Thus, by devoting your life energy to expand the knowledge of others, you correct the movements of
your own soul, and there comes a point when you become sexually irresistible, as long as you have
perfected the movements of your soul. The coexistence, the direct interaction with humans, is of no
use if this interaction does not produce a modification in the behavior. But he who does modify his
behavior by this interaction, perfects the movements of his soul, until he becomes sexually irresistible
to some.
In that way one can have the chemical and mental balance to be able to spread the message in a purer
All the questions that a human being asks are answered with the same answer: Understand the
universe and make others understand it. And that is the congruent way to act. So, when you behave
in a congruent way, you have this universal congruence, this manifests and is evident to all your
environment, and that is how the universe gives you everything you need. You understand how the
universe works and then make everyone else understand, and everything else will be given to you as

Question: What I didn't tell you is that this same voice tells me when I have a chance with someone
or when someone loves me. So I don't know if this applies, what can you tell me about this?
Answer: That you are deluding yourself into thinking that somehow you have a special voice or that
somehow you are important. To become important you must abandon the ideas you are pointing out
to me and agree to understand the workings of the universe. Do you believe that somehow the
universe, the whole is interested in your performance as a partner? Your human existence is less than
80 years, and as long as you follow that direction that if you like someone you hear a voice..., and if
you don't..., and if he loves you..., and all that, you are deluding yourself. No one is anything until he
understands the universe and devotes his energy to the expansion of the understanding of the universal

... There is no record of how many times the eternal recursiveness of the universe has occurred, for it
is eternal into the past, eternal into the future. Immutable in eternity. Omniscient, omnipresent and
absolute. That is the characteristic of the eternal recursiveness that is the universe.

Question: What do you think of Samael Aun Weor's texts?

Answer: I was praised as a great teacher, so I got some of his books and read pure madness and
nonsense that goes nowhere. He talks about a spin body that is a marshmallow-like body that can fit
through a keyhole. I do not question the truth or untruth of that statement, but the uselessness or
usefulness of having a cotton body; it would go nowhere. It offers pure lies that the mentally deranged
seek to have something to praise, but there really is no content.

Question: What is reality?
Answer: Reality is the only thing that exists, it is all that exists. Reality or truth is synonymous with
universe, and universe is synonymous with infinite space. Reality or truth is the way the universe
conducts itself. Reality is the eternal recursiveness of the universe.

Question: Why is reality different for each being?

Answer: Because of their genetic and biological history, because of their planetary complexes, because
of the individual particulars that inhibit and blind each consciousness of humanity. It is a product of
the evolutionary and historical moment in which humanity dwells, but there will come a time when
all human consciousnesses will be unified in the truth.

Question: Where does reality come from?

Answer: Reality does not arise, because we would have to say that there is a moment prior to reality,
and there is no moment prior to reality, because reality is the only constant in the universe. There is
a moment prior to the existence of time41 , in which there is only emptiness and infinite space. But
even that moment does not escape from being reality. Reality is the all-encompassing reality of the

Question: How can I know if my reality is real or just an illusion?

Answer: If you understand the workings of the universe and conduct yourself according to that
knowledge, your reality is the only absolute truth existing in the universe. But if your reality is about
your own name and particular situations, then your existence is not real, you live a situation which is
called the dream of appearance, you live humanity.

Question: What do you think about Buddhism and Siddhartha Gautama?

Answer: I am asked about Siddhartha Gautama, but I have studied them all. A fortune teller told
Siddhartha Gautama's father that he could be either a very prominent conqueror or a very spiritual
person. So the father, who was a conqueror, wanted to isolate him from suffering so that he would not
develop feelings of that kind. At a certain moment he [Siddhartha Gautama] encounters suffering and
he is startled, because he saw an old woman in the street or something like that. Then the person who
was accompanying him, a kind of domo major that was customary in those days, told him about that.
From this he went beyond the walls of his father's domain, and he began to know the suffering of the
people. This led him to a spiritual development. And at one point he abstains, locks himself in a cave
and almost starves to death. And when he comes out of that cave, because he realized that his death
was not going to have an object -because he was going to be locked in a cave-, he sees a person tuning
a one-stringed instrument. He realizes that if the string is too tight it breaks, and if it is not tight enough
it is useless. He resolved that a balance must be reached. Very well... all this that I said has no real

41 Comment: Here it would be more appropriate to say "prior to the existence of the supraconsciousness", because neither
time nor even consciousness are alien to the void (without the unification of infinite space in a single consciousness there
could not be an infinite universal void, since when consciousness fills the universe, it becomes conscious of infinite space
and this consciousness of infinite space is what "creates" the infinite void), but the supraconsciousness, which is "born"
from it, when it is absolutely empty.
cosmic utility. The only truth that saves humanity, that saturates all the extremes of consciousness,
that shows us the path to follow, that goes far beyond a relief or an inspired phrase, is the concatenated
understanding of the universal mechanism.

Question: Does metaphysics have to do with understanding the universal mechanism?

Answer: Metaphysics, in the strict sense, talks about everything that is not physical. There is a book
by Aristotle, entitled 'Metaphysics', and in it I found a part in which he talks about something
fascinating, after some conjectures.... What happens is that it is such an old text that it is broken into
pieces, but that piece that can be rescued says: "[...] Then we would be talking about the fact that
there is only one essence, and this essence by decomposition generates all the others". I found this
fascinating because in reality, the understanding of the universal mechanism reveals that the void
absorbs upon itself and breaks down generating these spheres that generate all the other essences. So
that principle that Aristotle arrived at is correct. Now, all the later current that they ponder as
metaphysics is more an instrument of empty phrases. Half-truths are complete lies. So when someone
wants to justify to his own ego that he has written a book, he resorts to phrases like, "All is light, all is
love, all is energy, we are all one." And it is true. But all these phrases spoken in this way, in this loose
form, do not go anywhere. Whoever says them seeks to aggrandize himself in front of others, to
aggrandize his own ego. There must be an orderly description that allows you to understand at the
level of reason your own existential function. Now, in the absence of an absolute truth, thoughts have
been generated that say that things do not have to be understood through reason. Of course the human
is understanding, and must assimilate things through reason, and that is the understanding that guides
and directs humanity toward healing.

Question: What is your opinion about the figure of Lucifer?

Answer: The word "satan" means opponent. God being an enormous sphere of supraconsciousness
that expands in the universal void, Satan is the opposing energy to the expansion of this sphere. Let
us remember that this sphere expands through those species that manage to touch the top of evolution
and merge into its sun to make it explode. And as the cosmos matures, more and more stars explode
at the same time in its bosom until a point is reached where the cosmos merges into a body of light
that [upon contact with the void] generates a new cosmic layer that will carry out this same procedure
again. So, "satan" is the energy that opposes these intelligent species to touch the top of evolution, they
are the mental vices that attack the awarenesses of the different intelligences, and all these mental vices
are born of existential ignorance42 . As an intelligent species -in this case humanity- is unaware of the
functioning of the universe, each human being lives to achieve his own ambition. That is why the
planetary habitat is devastated, that is why humanity disintegrates and self-destructs. And that is what
Satan is: the mental vices that are born of existential ignorance. And the medicine that heals us from
this process of self-destruction is the absolute understanding of the universe.

42 Commentary: Thus, "satan" is, let us say, the resistance that marks the gradual rhythm of expansion of the sphere of
supraconsciousness over the void. It is part of the rhythm of acceleration of the void, which is only perceived at an
infinitesimal level, that is to say, at a cosmic level, in the form of the evolution of life on the different planets and of the
evolution of intelligence itself: from ignorance to understanding.
Question: I am in a drug process. Sometimes I see the day coming when I will quit, and suddenly it
comes back stronger. If you have any useful information that you would like to share with me, I would
appreciate it.
Answer: Actually this problem of drug addiction is a problem that does not exist. Every human being
has to become addicted to something, because human existence lacks real meaning. So the one who
is not addicted or passionate about drugs, is passionate about his work or a false love or his personal
history. Somehow, every human is addicted to something, and that is a compulsion of the human
mind because of its existential ignorance. When someone frees you from drugs, he is not taking away
any vice, he is only changing one vice for another, maybe now your vice is to attend talks of former
drug addicts, of falsely cured, who now have the other addiction or replace it with any other, whether
it is work, the apparent human progress, or to form a family to which you dedicate all your life energy.
It is equally lacerating. Moreover, toxic vices are less lacerating, because they simply destroy the
material body, which is apparent. Mental vices, on the other hand, destroy the whole species. You
don't really have a drug problem, nor has anyone ever had one. The problem of humanity is existential
ignorance, and the only way out of that terrible condition that is the human condition is through
universal understanding.

Question: Why, if you are a cosmic perceiver, don't you ask the universe what is the real importance
of life?
Answer: When one looks at oneself, one does not find the meaning of life. But when you subtract
yourself from the cosmic perspective and see humanity as a whole with other intelligent species and
with other planets where life has not been generated, and with other planets where life has already
been generated but intelligence has not yet been generated, it becomes clear that the cosmic meaning
of life is to generate intelligence, and the meaning of intelligence is to access the understanding of the
universal mechanism, because this is the only way to achieve the next universal step. Life does not
have an individual sense, but a collective sense, and it is unification, but unification in the right [at the
level of reason]. Now humanity, for example, is unified in egoism, it is unified in that everybody has
the same mentality, everybody wants to be rich, everybody wants to be a millionaire, everybody wants
to have everything. That is a unification in a selfishness that ends up destroying the species -first the
planetary habitat and then the species-. But when the functioning of the universe is understood, the
species is unified in the truth and carries out the necessary steps to achieve this sublimation, which is
the object of existence (no longer of life, no longer of intelligence). The object of existence is to
sublimate oneself towards a subtler plane (supraconsciousness). The meaning of human life, for the
moment, is to understand the universe and to make others understand it in order to free ourselves
from self-destruction. That is the only real meaning of existence [human or in the cosmos].

... A friend of mine once told me: "All demons hide behind ignorance". Since humanity is a species
that ignores the totality, it is possessed by thousands of "demons".

Question: What about witchcraft, does it exist or is it another human falsehood?

Answer: Witchcraft does exist, but not as it is conceived. It doesn't do anyone any harm if someone
kills a chicken and bathes a doll in blood and then sticks pins in it. That is not real. But there is a
witchcraft that is real and that is the one that actually destroys the intelligent species and it is the one
that is in everything. When you listen to any media and the advertisements start: "The great cheap, in
the super store, everything at 50%". Then all the people go out "bewitched", "hypnotized", to buy as
much as they can even if they don't need it, and in that way the department stores get resources to
continue [destroying].... All the department stores and all those who sell merchandise draw their
material from the same warehouse, which is the planet. So it generates, as well as the mass production
of all these products, the mass destruction of the planetary habitat. And through this collective "spell",
not only humanity, but the majority of intelligent species are destroyed. That is the spell that is real, it
is more powerful, it is the one they are not aware of and they are all victims of, and it is the one they
must free themselves from. In the other witchcraft of voodoo and chants and craziness they are not
really harmful and yes they are funny. On the other hand, the bewitchment of the mass media and of
the big corporations is a bewitchment that really has subdued humanity, and it is the one that guides
the different species towards self-destruction. Fashion, personality, appearance, are in no way human
inventions, but are "demons" that possess most intelligent species. And that witchcraft is not only real,
but it is what governs humanity at this moment.

Question: How can I stop thinking negative thoughts?

Answer: It is absolutely impossible for you to stop thinking negative things if you keep your human
nature. Maybe you consider that negative things are illness, economic situation, problems. But also
negative things are thinking about your own benefit, your own advantage, your own greatness. It is
negative in the sense that it destroys the species. There are only two frequencies of thought: the one
that relates to absolute understanding (the cosmic frequency of universal consciousness), and the other
is the one that relates to appearance, to ignorance (the planetary mental frequency). The only way you
can change your negative thinking to positive is to abandon human nature, and that is through
absolute understanding of the universe.

Question: I think that in some ways to be truly aware of the workings of the universe is much more
than just knowing it, but surely it must be felt.
Answer: It is absolutely false. You don't need to feel it, you just need to understand it. It is as if I told
you that in order to be able to apply the multiplication tables it is not enough to understand them, I
also have to feel them. It is impossible to feel the multiplication tables. It is impossible to feel how the
universe works. You can only understand and be governed by it. The same with the multiplication
tables, you don't need to feel them. If you need to do an equation, some mathematics, or clarify any
mathematical question, you will have to make use of the multiplication tables. The same is true for the
species, if it wants to adapt to the mechanics that the universe demands in order to integrate itself into
the process of cosmic evolution instead of self-destructing, it has to understand how the universe works.
It does not have to feel it, it just has to understand. The supreme level of consciousness is
understanding. And understanding can only be about the universe. That sensation you are looking for
is in the limbic layer, which is just the second brain layer, the one that deals with emotions and feelings
and sensations. Then there is the neocortex, the rational process.

[...] It does not demand to be felt, only assimilated through reason, that is to say, understood.43

Question: Would you please explain to me the vacuum and absolute motion?
Answer: Emptiness and absolute motion are the only two pure essences that exist, and all other
essences are given by the combination of these two.
Emptiness and nothingness are not the same thing. In fact, nothingness does not exist, while the
vacuum is absorption. When the vacuum is absolute in the universe, it generates so much absorption
at different points in infinite space, that at these points the universal vacuum is broken and these
bubbles or spheres of supraconsciousness are generated. Supraconsciousness is the core of this sphere,
and it constitutes the major part. Then it has a layer of light [and consciousness] that surrounds it.
And that layer of light [and consciousness], in turn, is enveloped by a proportionally very thin
luminous cloud. That luminous cloud is what is called cosmic space. But both light and cosmic space
are formed by the combination of absolute motion and emptiness. Taking into consideration that from
this perspective everything is motion, absolute motion is the major essence of the universe. Everything
runs from emptiness to absolute motion, and all the essences of our plane, including humanity, are a
manifestation of that transmutation, that change from emptiness to absolute motion. The human and
the cosmos and all the essences of our plane are different paths to superconsciousness, absolute motion.

43Comment: Nevertheless, in a way, it is felt. At all times, from the body. We cannot not feel the eternal recursiveness of
the universe, because it is all that exists, we are part of it. How does it feel? It is everything that exists, it is you, it is your
thoughts, it is your breath. What is understood is your place with respect to infinity and eternity.
The description of the workings of the universe explains everything, so it is checked through everything.
Question: If the sun is the father and the Earth is the mother, what would the moon be?
Answer: This person states that the Earth is the mother and the sun is the father, and this follows from
the fact that life is, in all cases, the material result of the fertilization of a planet by its ruling star, that
is, that the Earth is capable of catching the sun's ray and transforming that solar energy into life energy.
[...] The moon is a measure of cosmic balance that allows life on the planet as we know it, that is the
role of the moon, to generate a gravitational balance that shapes life on the planet around which it
revolves. So yes life is affected by the moon in a gravitational way, and it affects all aspects of life on
the various planets that have their moons. That is the influence of the moon: to generate a gravitational
balance that shapes life on the planet around which it revolves.

Question: Who is Yahweh or Jehovah or those gods of the Bible?

Answer: I could not describe every embodiment to you. What dwells at the bottom of all entities
whether mental or material are two energies: understanding [or] ignorance.

... The cosmic perception44 is that attunement that brings universal understanding to humanity. In
reality, nothing that has been said before these dates is important. But what is coming to the planet
now: the orderly description of the workings of the universe. That is the only knowledge worthy of
being assimilated, because it is the background knowledge that leads humanity toward healing and

... What [science and philosophy] must seek is to connect understanding with its universal function,
that is, what understanding exists for, that is, what we exist for. [...] [The understanding of the
universal mechanism] reveals that the human, by his capacity to understand, is a primary instrument
of cosmic unification. The human unifies with intelligences of other planets by understanding, but only
by the understanding of the universal mechanism.

On stories of social and economic success and failure, and the meaning of life.
... No human life has any sense, other than that of stumbling many times and humanity is getting older
to reach a genetic complexity that allows it to make an evolutionary leap that makes it connect to the
process of cosmic evolution, instead of self-destructing. But all human histories are in truth enormous
There are those who feel that they have justified their existence because they have had the dignity to
support themselves and have a good social position, and that they are above the indigent who lives in
a dumpster or lives on the sidewalk. So I ask you: Which radio is better, the one that serves to fit a
very elegant table, or the radio that the dog has out there in the yard with which it plays and bites it?

44 Commentary: Cosmic perception is the evolutionary mutation of humanity. The evolution of intelligence goes in the
direction of resolving the doubts that the intellect formulates, of which the most fundamental is: what am I and what do I
exist for¿, that is, how does the universe work?
Needless to say, neither of those two radios are good for what they were built for. It doesn't matter if
life apparently filled you with bliss, or if life apparently filled you with misfortune. The meaning of
human existence, the meaning of intelligence, is to gain access to understanding the workings of the
universe in order to integrate into the process of cosmic evolution. If you were the most respectable
lady in the world or a prostitute, there is no real difference, they are dull radios. That is the importance
and meaning of cosmic understanding. The human is an interplanetary antenna, but turned off. This
knowledge turns the antenna on and then reconnects you with what you were generated for.

Question: What is the Toxicum et Venenum?

Answer: Toxicum et Venenum45 : contempt for the species of origin.
It is the negative effect of enlightenment. When someone understands how the universe works, the
whole year is Halloween, because you see humanity in its reality. Every human act is dotted with
destruction and ignorance. Then it is very difficult to get used to that "pungent smell", which is not
perceptible by the human sense of smell, but only by the understanding.

Question: If the universe obeys a condition of physics, which sounds coherent because it has been seen
to do so, who or what made this law of physics, or where does this law come from? Does this law of
physics obey an even more subtle and elusive one? Could it not be that it is our mind that creates these
Answer: Our minds do not create these laws, but on the contrary, our minds are created by these laws.
I'll explain it this way: what is at the bottom... Taking into consideration that the universe is an eternal
recursion, it does not have a real beginning (the beginning is every instant that begins and there begins
the whole universal cycle). But there is a moment before time46 , and that would have to be taken as
the beginning. In that moment before time, emptiness is absolute in the universe. Emptiness and
nothingness are not the same, in fact nothingness does not exist, while emptiness is absorption. When
the vacuum is absolute in the universe it generates so much absorption at different points in infinite
space that at those points the universal vacuum is broken, and these bubbles or spheres of
supraconsciousness are generated, which from their birth expand at an extremely slow speed for the
enormous proportions of size to which I am referring. What is at the bottom of it all is the absorption
of the void upon itself, it generates these ruptures. It is absorption. Whoever understands absorption
and pressure, on the universal level, in that rupture and in that expansion, understood the whole
universe. Everything in the background is pressure and absorption.

45 Comment: This is a concept taken from the book 'The Mystery of the Cathedrals' by Fulcanelli.
46 Comment: I made it clear in a previous comment, but it is worth reiterating: there cannot be a moment prior to time,
because time is not a perception, but is inherent to the existence of space (without change, which is time, there would be a
static nothingness).
It said a very fat book of which I only rescued one sentence -but that sentence was worth the whole
book-, it said: "If you want me to tell you without veneration, if you want me to tell you without any
kind of devotion but in the clearest and purest form, god47 is pressure". And at that moment the author
of the book can see the pressure that pushes evolution, and the plants, and the behavior of the creatures
that inhabit the planet, and everything in the cosmos.... God is pressure, and the other thing is the
absorption that pulls, helps, cooperates with this universal synergy.

Commentary: Understanding that God is an expansive macro-sphere of supra-consciousness of which the cosmos is the

most external part, since this sphere expands by means of the procedure of cosmic evolution previously described.

Question: Is it possible to experience supraconsciousness in human life?

Answer: What is sought on this plane is understanding, and first goes the salvation of the species and
then the sensory experiences. The greater reality that surrounds this species is that we are self-
destructing. And that demands two actions from each individual: the first is passive, to understand the
universe; the second is active, to make everyone else understand, to save ourselves from self-
destruction, which is the worst experience the universe knows.

The only thing to be sought is understanding to free us from self-destruction.

On the value of an intelligent individual

... The ability to understand is what makes an individual worthwhile. A human individual is a vehicle
of [universal] consciousness. And the purity of a consciousness is measured by its preferences [i.e.,
whether it doubts or not].
Question: Is the fourth neural level you are talking about physically located in the brain?
Answer: I arrived at this definition of the fourth neural level because this situation behaves in the
same way as a neuron. When you understand how the universe works, you go beyond the planetary
boundary with your understanding. What is the planetary boundary? Your own name, your aunts,
your acquaintances, your friends, fashion, what is happening on the planet, that is the planetary
boundary. Then you are subtracted from seeing, from understanding, that there are intelligent species
on different planets that also live their different histories, they are in different historical moments. But
of that great mass of intelligent species, the majority disintegrates due to selfishness and ambition, and
only the minority that gains access to understand how the universe works is the one that takes the
evolutionary leap and instead of self-destructing, it sublimates its universal energy to the maximum, it
passes to the next universal phase. This knowledge unifies you with intelligences from different planets,
it is a minority that also accesses this knowledge, and this knowledge unifies them and guides their
steps. This is how a neuron behaves, it is a union between different [neurons] from different places,
and by itself it carries out an action in the others that are connected to it. So I came to understand
that this was a fourth neuronal level, which also guides and directs the steps of those who access this
knowledge, and changes the brain chemistry and changes the perception of the environment, one
accesses a fifth dimension. Human nature is abandoned and the next universal phase is accessed,
which is cosmic perception: observing everything that occurs from the perspective of universal
understanding. This knowledge goes beyond the human senses and gives us access to a new dimension
of awareness, of existence, which is the fifth dimension . 48

48 Comment: The concept of neuron and fifth dimension are inadequate here. A neuron is something very specific, and
the fact that something else has a similar behavior does not mean that it is also a neuron. Maybe it fits as a metaphor, but
not literally. And about the fifth dimension, yes, understanding changes the way we perceive the environment, but it does
not imply a new dimension of space; perhaps it would be better left as a new level of awareness. Although, it seems that
this dimension implies the integration of consciousness as part of physical space (it is the spatial dimensions and the
perception of the environment; but without perception there would be no space either, one is part of the nature of the
other, so it is not necessary to add it as an extra dimension)... but because of the lack of clarity about this concept, and
because it is problematic, it would be better to abandon it (Dimensions are not ways of conceiving reality, but characteristics
of the perceived space). I include this answer because, all in all, I find it interesting.
On the essence of the universe
... The universe is a binary system where 0 is the vacuum and 1 is the particle of absolute motion.

Question: What do you think about the hypothesis that the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs was sent
on purpose to make way for mammals to fully develop and thus continue with planetary evolution?
Answer: There is not someone who by purpose does things, but in the cosmos events occur in such
abundant numbers that it guarantees the evolutionary step, not of the planet but of the cosmos -again-
of that minority of planets that fulfill the conditions to be actively integrated in the process of cosmic
evolution. That is to say, the cosmos is not governed by a superior will but by a physical consequence
that guarantees the preservation of cosmic evolution.

Question: What do you think of Einstein's theory of relativity? You once said that Einstein's only
contribution was his famous formula E=mc2 .
Answer: E=mc2 means that everything that accelerates to the speed of light becomes light, and what
Einstein did not point out and I point out is that consequently everything that exists is compressed
light that upon acceleration becomes light again. But the most important thing that Albert Einstein
said was: "The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that the universe is comprehensible".
That is to say, Albert Einstein understands the nature of light, of galaxies, of black holes, but he does
not understand what place understanding plays in the cosmic gear. The revelation of alchemy is that
the human being, by his capacity to understand, and when he understands the functioning of the
universe, generates with beings from other planets that also have access to that understanding a cosmic
intertwining, and that cosmic intertwining generates a superior entity, and that superior entity is the
one that gives the cosmos its process of evolution and its reason for being.

... Nature is energy evolving, and evolution is movement in acceleration.
[...] Inanimate objects are a lower vibration. Everything in the background is absolute movement in
its various stages of development.

Question: How is everything expressible through numbers?

Answer: [...] Taking into account that the universe is a binary system where 0 is vacuum and 1 is
absolute motion.49

49 Comment: It is perfectly possible. Thus, all matter and everything in the cosmic plane, could be represented (or
computed) as a 0.00000001 or 0.000001 etc., in the same way as the largest or smallest infinities that exist between two
numbers, only in this case they would not be infinite, so that solid matter is constituted, but those numbers would be
changing every instant, in the same way that the energy of matter fluctuates and time "advances". That is to say, everything
in the cosmos would be a gradual advance from 0 to 1.
Regarding corrections or clarifications to the initial description (provided by Rodolfo Rafael Ramos
... The "incubated"50 have to go further than the one who brings the initial message, mainly because
the "incubated" is an ethereal being, it is the species itself that has some "crests" (as the clarifications
in the description by the beings who understand in a purer way the functioning of the universe).

On the highest essence of the universe

[When one dwells in the center of one sphere one dwells in the center of all, and dwells in all that
exists. Individuality is only an illusion. All individuality experienced in the process of transition from
emptiness to absolute motion is apparent.
All spheres are the same being at different points in infinite space].

Question: Does the pressure [of the sphere on the void] generate the understanding of the universal
mechanism [subtracting the consciousnesses to experience the universal mechanism for themselves]?
Answer: Pressure generates understanding and also generates pressure, but not pressure as the human
conceives it. For example, my grandfather knew the cosmic message, because he left evidence of it in
a book - I never knew my grandfather. At that time, precepts such as the big bang, the existence of
galaxies, superclusters, [etc.,] were not known, so he himself did not understand the message, nor was
his environment able to absorb it. Now, however, with the pressure, with the advance of science and
knowledge, concepts such as the big bang are in the public domain, and this pressure exerted by
understanding on the species makes these concepts more easily assimilated.

Question: What is God?

Answer: God51 is the energy that drives everything that exists. I thought that god was a sphere, but
when I realized that the universe unfolds in an eternal recursivity that is pushed by a pressure that
makes it encompass the totality of infinite space with a single consciousness, which by not having
anything to be conscious of disappears and leaves the universal void, which generates by absorption
in the same points of infinite space these bubbles or spheres that expand, I realized that god is not a
sphere, but god is the universal impulse, is the energy that inhabits everything that exists, is all that

50 Comment: This refers to individuals to whom the understanding of the universal mechanism has been transferred
through language.
51 Commentary: Understanding "god" not as everything that the human being does not know, which is the conceptual

meaning of "god", that is to say, that is "god" as a concept, but in this case reference is made to "god" as the greatest
essence of the universe.
52 Comment: Under this clarification, "god" is infinite space.

Question: Are there other techniques or ways to reflect or meditate on our life to reach a higher state
of consciousness?
Answer: The human is himself an embodied understanding, and understanding can only be about the
universe. That is why the meaning of human life and of all existing consciousness is to access the
understanding of the universal mechanism, and this knowledge transmutes the individual into a living
terminal of the universal consciousness and into a healing cell for humanity. Meditation, reiki,
mantras, mandalas, prayers, self-help therapies are of no use. The only thing that objectively
empowers the individual to fulfill his universal function is absolute understanding.

On the highest essence of the cosmos

... There are two mental frequencies, there are two frequencies of thought: one is the planetary one,
the one that speaks of one's own name, of egoism, of possessions, of the 80-year life.... And there is
another one which is the cosmic frequency, which is that of absolute understanding.
[...] Through the one who understands the universe, the greatest essence of the cosmos "visits" the
planet, and opens a possibility of salvation for this mad and lost humanity.

Question: "God" is the pressure that generates understanding?
Answer: I ask you to follow me in a mental visualization. There is a point where only emptiness exists
(someone would say that there is also darkness, but in fact darkness is a perception, and if there is no
one to perceive that space, then darkness does not exist, there is not even darkness), this is a point in
the universe that can only be accessed through understanding, and not a visualization, because there
is nothing to visualize (it is not as if there is nothing; there is a void). Emptiness and nothingness are
not the same, in fact nothingness does not exist, while emptiness is absorption. When the vacuum is
absolute in the universe, it generates so much absorption that the vacuum itself is broken, and a huge
bubble is generated, surrounded by light. Only this light is not radiated, because of the immense size
of this sphere. Let us remember that we are talking about infinite space, so this sphere is not generated
only once, but at equivalent distances throughout infinite space. That sphere, in its outermost layer
has the cosmic space where we are; behind the cosmic space there is a proportionally very thick body
of light, and the core of the sphere is the largest part of the sphere, it is a huge core covered by a body
of light, and that body of light has on top a film that is a luminous cloud, and that is the cosmic space.

This enormous nucleus of supraconsciousness, which is what they call god, is the energy that inhabits
everything that exists. There are several spheres, but "god", the being, is a single entity with several
spherical bodies, it is not a single sphere, but the essence of all the spheres of the universe and of
everything that exists, it is the pressure that pushes the expansion of these spheres.

In the cosmos, a force is generated in the cosmic void by the effect of this pressure, exerted from the
nucleus of the sphere. This force draws the subtlest awarenesses of different planets, of different
infected species, and reveals to them the workings of the universe. And then these already healed,
already purified awarenesses return to their different planets to try to transfer to their species of origin
(in my case humanity) the absolute understanding of the universal mechanism.53

53Comment: This process of access to the understanding of the universal mechanism seems absurd to me; I consider more
in accordance with the conception that the ethereal being of the whole species gradually gains access to the understanding
That minority of intelligent species that manages to assimilate this knowledge, is the one that unifies,
touches the top of evolution, merges into its guiding star and achieves the outburst of this guiding star,
and thus teleports its already purified energy from the cosmos to the higher light body.

of the universal mechanism, and not through the experience of a single individual who then transfers it to the rest of the
species orally.
And there it continues in a humanly incomprehensible bliss. As the cosmos matures, more and more
stars explode at the same time in its bosom until the cosmos merges into a body of light which on
contact with the void generates a new and further cosmos. And that is how this sphere slowly expands.
In fact, its expansion is imperceptible. It would be impossible to perceive an expansion, because it
expands through the cosmic layer, and the cosmic layer is proportionally microscopic compared to
the sphere. So you cannot see the expansion with the naked eye. However, this sphere expands at the
speed of light, which for the enormous size ratio I am referring to, is nothing.

On the superimposition of fundamental issues over particular issues

... Do not deviate in bisectors. This knowledge is not a game nor is it dogma, it is a warning that
humanity is in enormous danger. In fact humanity is on the verge of self-destruction. I do not want
these bisectors [non-fundamental doubts, which do not relate to the logic of the universe, to the
understanding of our origin and place in the universe] to become another object of mental alienation.
The mind is an essence that is very easily alienated, so we must be very careful how we use it. Some
people are alienated by a saint, some by a piece of cloth, some by a lock of hair, and some can also be
alienated by dispensable details, such as the nature of matter, atoms, and so on. That is not what we
are looking for. If we do not devote our life energy to understanding perfectly the workings of the
universe and making it clear to others, the terrible experience of self-destruction awaits us. This
[understanding the universal mechanism] is not a game, it is a warning. The core is to focus on solar
feeding to become beings of light over billions of years. Solar feeding dissolves all differences: racial,
economic and finally gender. So [just] guide people to understand that the planet is going to be
swallowed up by the sun, and the only way to survive that is to feed off the sun to become light beings
over billions of years, and then endow with consciousness our guiding star to explode and teleport our
energy to the next universal phase. Focus on that. Understand is synonymous with comprehend, and
comprehend is synonymous with compress. This could very well come down to solar power because
the planet is going to be swallowed by the sun and to move into the next universal phase.54

Question: I understand that there is a level of consciousness that even plants have, right?
Answer: Not consciousness precisely. Everything is the same energy at different speeds. A stone and
thought are the same. Everything that accelerates up to the speed of light, becomes light. Light when
it accelerates and passes a certain speed, becomes consciousness, and consciousness when it accelerates
and passes a certain speed, reaches the universal limit of speed, absolute motion, or the omnipresent
supraconsciousness. All are different speeds of the same energy. And consciousness is another velocity
prior to absolute motion. If you ask me what things are: everything that exists are different velocities
prior to absolute motion: a stone, consciousness, light, anything on this plane, whatever you tell me,

54 Comment: Some research in favor of the possibility that animals can perform a photosynthetic process to obtain energy
sheds the following light: "Agriculture is a global symbiosis: our version of what the pea aphid does, without the luxury of
keeping symbionts in our own bodies. We simply plant them in the fields. Could humans find a way to feed on solar energy
like plants? It sounds unlikely, but there is some evidence that animals can already do this in some form." Source:
""There is no way on Earth for genes from an alga to function inside an animal cell,"" study co-author Sidney K. Pierce,
professor emeritus at the University of South Florida. "And yet here they do. They allow the animal to rely on sunlight for
nutrition." If humans wanted to hack our own cells to do photosynthesis, the researchers say, we could use a similar
mechanism. [...] "It's a hedge against starvation," Pierce told me. "In an ecological sense, photosynthesis can provide
animals with considerable freedom."" Source:
This - the tangible possibility of solar power and its evolutionary consequences - is fundamental. For if this is not possible,
then nothing matters, and we are inexorably doomed, our consciousness, our ability to perceive the universe, to disappear.
And consciousness and intelligence play no role in the evolution of the cosmos, which will simply fade away. Thus, life
becomes nothing more than a taste of the pain and joy involved in existence. An experience, of course, unsolicited.
all are velocities prior to absolute motion, and everything ends up accelerating towards absolute
If you want to see it without passion, without veneration, even without respect: everything that exists
are velocities prior to absolute movement, and everything ends up accelerating towards absolute
movement. You, me, the others, the sound, the listener [these letters, the one who reads them], is a
manifestation of that transmutation from emptiness to absolute movement.

Question: How to relieve withdrawal from drugs, such as cocaine, and overcome depression? How to
balance my brain dopamine level?
Answer: The difficult thing about giving up drugs is that drugs offer a pleasurable sensation without
asking for anything in return, when human reality is full of emptiness and unreason.55 So it is very
difficult to abandon a free ecstasy - even if it is chemical - to return to a reality that offers nothing but
ambition and competition. I assure you that in reality there are no drug addicts, but rather, everyone
else is alienated, exacerbated with false idea of themselves, with false positive ideas, with madness.
When someone is very much into drugs and leaves them, there is also a chemical descent, added to
the fact that in reality the world does not offer anything. Hence the difficulty or the impossibility of
getting off drugs. Then, if you get off drugs, where do you go? Let's assume the best future that a
rehabilitated person would like to have:
-I was very into drugs. I was shooting heroin, cocaine, morphine.... All the ones you can think of. But
[I met a person or by myself] I went to swear to "Drug Addicts Anonymous," and then I quit drugs,
met a good woman, got married, had children, now I'm a banker [or businessman, or graduate]. And
fortunately my problem is behind me.
Completely false. At least the toxic vice destroys only the body, while mental vices destroy the whole
human species. That man who gets up and gives a kiss to his children, another to his wife, goes to work
in his car, is there 8 hours a day, goes to eat at a restaurant, returns.... 56He is not good, but he is a cell
that together with the others destroys the species and the planet, and he is also headed for certain
death. No human life goes beyond, I am going to say 100 years, but in reality almost no human life
goes beyond 90 years, and in those 90 years there is no time for anything, except to realize that you
are going to die. In that sense, whoever gives up the chemical drug, changes it for a social, or mental,
or work drug, but in reality is not escaping the problem, but is becoming more deeply part of the
problem that humanity has, which is ambition, selfishness, individuality.57 So the only way to get out
of that addiction, out of that problem, out of that vicious and destructive mental circle, is to understand

55 Comment: Perhaps this is the entrance, the psychological door to addictions, but in reality, what is difficult to overcome
drug addiction lies in the physiological dependence that is created as a consequence of prolonged consumption.
56 Comment: It describes very well the current philosophical state of the human being. No matter how many beautiful

ideas the human has and so on, that is the current reality of humanity, not for everyone, but it is from here on down, that
is, roughly speaking, this described is the best one can be in today's world, in modern human society.
57 Comment: I do not agree with placing a lifestyle immersed in toxic vices above what is "normal" and even desirable in

today's human society, because from a physical and mental well-being, it is possible to wake up, as long as one has the
ability to question EVERYTHING. While submerged in drug addiction, it is not possible to think anything clearly, much
less serve to awaken one's own awareness, let alone that of others. I thought I agreed with the fact that individuals, once
adapted to human society, are more difficult to awaken, because they get caught up in mental constructs such as proper
names and personal histories. But then I considered that the aptitude to question oneself, which is the beginning of the
expansion of awareness, should not be affected by one lifestyle or another, but this aptitude determines, at the beginning,
the chosen lifestyle. Thus, those who will be drug addicts will be so, those who will be employees and bureaucrats, too, and
among the masses, those who have the aptitude to question themselves, will do so and will seek the answers, and perhaps
adapt, with some discomfort, to some of the essential human activities (related to physiological needs: from shelter and
food, to romantic love).
perfectly the functioning of the universe, and then to dedicate all your life energy to make everyone
else understand it.58 From that moment on, human life becomes meaningful. I assure you that the
richest man in the world, Carlos Slim, Donald Trump, whoever you tell me, the most millionaire man,
when he spends the night and he is done with those caviar dinners, getting drunk with champagne,
having eighty-six prostitutes, there will come a moment when he is sitting on his bed and he says: "And
then? In other words, one cannot fill one's life with falsehoods, nor with fortunes of money, nor with
drugs. The only way for human awareness to find true peace and fulfillment is to understand the
universe, and this knowledge leads you to expand it to others, to objectively achieve the salvation of

Question: What is your opinion about the body chakras?

Answer: [...] Beyond me questioning whether or not the chakras exist, [if they do,] they are of no real
use. As long as I am aligning the chakras to myself, as long as I am turning to look at myself, we are
not going to advance anywhere. Also if I align the chakras to another individual, I am acting in
appearance. What I have to look at is the larger organism, humanity, and heal it of its only disease,
which is existential ignorance. As others are aligning their chakras, meditating, going crazy, humanity
is running in leaps and bounds towards self-destruction.

About half-truths
... Yesterday I was talking to a person and I explained to him the mechanism of the universe, and he
-Ram Dass said the same thing. He says: "You are a drop of the ocean, and you have all the
information that the ocean has, but you cannot see yourself, only the ocean knows who you are and
one day you are going to join it".
It sounds very poetic, very romantic, and it also communes with the truth, but it is a phrase in
metaphor that does not allow the consciousness to adapt well to the mechanism to which it has to
adapt. So, although this phrase communes with the truth, it acquires value when the mechanism of
the universe is understood in a cold way. But if it is said in this way, it says nothing to anyone, everyone
can interpret what he wants. What has to be done is to get rid of metaphors and explain in a clear and
concise way the functioning of the universe (metaphors are already part of the "old order"). I have
heard this half-truth of the drop of the sea and the whole sea many times before and many feel very
enlightened and inspired when they say it. But in reality it is necessary to know organically, coldly,
concretely what is our relationship as human beings with the totality of the infinite space.

Question: How can I free myself from my vices and imperfections?

Answer: Your vices and imperfections are not what you suppose them to be. Your vices and
imperfections are those that derive from your own name and from the false idea that you have created
58 Comment: At first glance, it would seem that in order to understand the workings of the universe, or to have the energy
and time to even be interested in these questions, it is necessary to be physically and mentally well. But I could be wrong
and this could be the real solution to human problems, of any kind; perhaps understanding motivates to seek wellbeing,
first individually, and then collectively.
of yourself, from the false idea that the world generated for you. The only way to free yourself from
these mental vices is by understanding the universal mechanism. We are all the same being inside.
The understanding of the universal mechanism peels away the various crusts of the ego until the divine
spark that dwells within each individual is revealed. And that is what is inside each individual when
he is already purified, it is the universal essence, you become a living terminal of the universal
consciousness; it is a body lent to "god" to operate on the planet, even in spite of the catastrophic
consequences that the individual may experience because of this, it does not matter because he is no
longer identified with his material being, but with the universal cycle. Besides, it is the only constructive
work of human existence.

Question: I think it is very bold to say that those who experience astral travels are mentally deranged.
They have been happening to me since I was a child and I am not mentally deranged.
Answer: Not only those who experience astral travel: all human beings are alienated59 mentally. The
mind is made to alienate itself. The one who is not alienated with his girlfriend or boyfriend, is
alienated with a car, and the one who is not alienated with money, and the one who is not alienated
with school, and the one who is not alienated with any other subject. The mind is made to be alienated,
because the mind seeks to understand the whole universe. Then, not understanding the universe, it
becomes obsessed with any point.

Question: Why do I always get 11? What does it mean?

Answer: It means that you are the most important being in the world and that the 11th is chasing you
because that is the most important thing. Or, it is a hallucination that you are having that has no
significance whatsoever, and your life span is so brief that it is actually imperceptible to mankind.
Choose which of those two is the truth. I tell you, the truth is that your existence is imperceptible and
that there is nothing important in you that you are being given clues that go nowhere. It is something
your awareness invents to justify its existence.

... Someone once told me: "Others do not exist, they are only chemical signals that reach your brain.
So you are the protagonist of your own story". [...] Then I realized that yes, to a certain extent or from
a certain mental plane, others are only chemical signals, and one has to move through those chemical
signals to achieve the ultimate goal, which is to bring the understanding of the universal mechanism
to the human species.

Question: What do you think about science?

Answer: False human science is based on measurements and repetitions that do not explain themselves
nor lead to an understanding of the whole...60

On atoms and the deciphering of the universe

59 Commentary: Here "alienate" should be understood as: to become engrossed or obsessed.

60 Comment: Certainly science does not explain the most important thing: the role of understanding as a physical product
of the universe, the role of consciousness in the cosmic gear, in the evolutionary process of the cosmos. But, it is the best
we have to approach to understand the universe, because otherwise, it would require faith, without mathematics, without
logic, without scientific method, there is no way to access any objective and real understanding, we would fall back into
superstitions and religious dogmas that require faith. That is the importance of mathematics and the scientific method as
a means to approach reality and seek to understand the workings of the universe.
Nothing that does not give scientific or mathematical proof (or at least is based on it) deserves to be taken into consideration
as a plausible explanation; it would be merely a hypothesis based on a dogmatic belief.
If only the experience of the gnosis in which the whole universe was supposedly seen is taken as a basis, but then there is
no proof, then it is an unsupported explanation, requiring faith. But if this explanation is logical, then perhaps it can
dispense with all the scientific gaps in the explanation, for it would be revealed that knowing this (our origin in eternity
and our place in infinity) is the only really important thing, and if it is logical and comports with all that is scientifically
known so far about the physics of the universe and the cosmos, then it may well be true.
There is only one essence, which in its combination with emptiness generates all the others, 1 being
absolute motion, and 0 being empty space. From that essence which is absolute motion and emptiness,
all the other essences of our plane are generated. Hence the universe is a binary system.

Question: Do you believe that thoughts disconnect us from reality?

Answer: No. Thoughts can either connect you to reality or completely destroy you and all of humanity.
They do not so much disconnect us; it is the instrument through which you connect yourself and
connect all of humanity to the universe, or disconnect yourself and disconnect the entire human species
from the possibility of salvation.

About connecting with the cosmic frequency

... When you look up at the sky and the stars at night, and you realize that we are one of many species
that are seeded in cosmic space, that's when you generate the connection with individuals who are
thinking that on other planets.

Question: People who try to fill their lives with money and women, it is because their lives have no
meaning for them.
Answer: The meaning of human life is to collect money and have women, or if you are a woman it is
to collect money and have men. There is no further in human life. Human life is about making money,
having children and having family around and spending a lot of money. That's the only real meaning
of human life.61

Question: Is everyone a demon until they awaken their awareness?

Answer: Yes, every human being is a demon until he understands the workings of the universe. By
demon I do not mean a being with horns, but a selfish, ambitious, destructive and expedient being.
Human nature is individual convenience and consequently the destruction of the planet.

Question: Are we in the middle of the three existential planes?

Answer: There is only one absolute plane which is reality. We are all in reality, we are all on the same
plane. What differentiates us are the perspectives born of individual understanding. A ten year old
child is in a room playing with a fifteen year old teenager who is thinking about the friends he has in
the colony. A politician is thinking about the state of the country. An economist would be thinking
about the world situation. A cosmic perceiver is understanding everything from infinite space. The

61 Comment: This refers to the meaning of life from the human perspective, not to the universal meaning of human
blueprint is the same, what changes is the perception, and the perception changes by the level of
individual understanding.

Question: Does the understanding of the universe have to be intellectual?

Answer: Yes, there are many who talk about the rational mind, and who say that the rational mind
should not be used. I tell you, the only mind that exists is the rational mind, and it is the one that
serves, and everything has to be assimilated at the level of reason, as you understand mathematics,
history or chemistry, so you have to understand the functioning of the universe. That the rational mind
has to be turned off is one of the worst crazy things I have ever heard in my life, and I have heard
some good crazy things.

Question: What do you think about the wave of violence?

Answer: Humanity is doomed to self-destruction. The human is the executioner of the human. The
devil is man, and there is no escape from that, except by understanding the universal mechanism.
Human life is a labyrinth with only one way out: the politician, the philanthropist, the artist, the
gourmet, the chef, the thief, all are equally misguided and trapped. The only way to awaken from this
terror that is human life is the understanding of the universal mechanism.

Question: What do you mean by humans being of the physical cosmos and cosmic perceivers of the
Answer: Humans live in appearance, in the physical cosmos, they live 80 years, they buy what they
can, they see how many experiences they can live.... While cosmic perceivers do not inhabit the planet,
we only have a physical body placed on the planet for that physical body to carry the understanding
of the universal mechanism to the species in turn, in my case the human species.

Question: What is "metacosmic being"?

Answer: A metacosmic being is one who understands the workings of the universe. And it is
metacosmic because it sees things from outside the cosmos, thinks not of itself, but of the mechanics
of the universe, and uses its material being as a useful instrument to expand upon humanity's
understanding of the universal mechanism.

... [Says an astronomer who is checking my books to validate me, that] if mathematically something
is possible, it means that physically it is also possible.62

Question: When Descartes said "First I think, therefore I am", he gave the mind the weight of being
the only way to access existence.
Answer: I have questioned myself: How do I know that I do exist, and that I am not someone else's
hallucination, that I am not someone else's dream? And yes, the proof that you exist and that you are
alive is that you are thinking, and that inner being lets you know that you exist.63

About homicide
Every human is equally bad. There is no such thing as a good human or anything like that. All humans
are bad. If some young people go on a motorcycle and kill another to show the boss that they are
capable of killing -that's the custom-, it doesn't affect that much. It affects more to use toilet paper and
flush [the toilet] all humanity at the same time, without stopping. Going to the supermarket and
grabbing eight plastic bags. That is much more harmful. From the cosmos you don't see one person
killing another. You do see how the beaches and rivers are filling up with plastic. Evil is not what
humans suppose, but the unconscious acts that they are dragged to do en masse and that generate the
destruction of humanity. Now if someone grabs a machine gun and goes out to kill twenty people,
nothing is going to happen. But all of humanity continues going to the stores to buy, everyone keeps
on going to the toilet, everyone keeps on buying in transnational stores, those are the small acts that
destroy the planet and the human species, and that no one can stop committing.64

Question: What do you think about metaphysics?

Answer: Meta: that which is beyond. Physics: that which can be touched, that which is tangible. What
do I think of metaphysics? That only he who is able to see [with logic and mathematics] beyond the
tangible has access to salvation, and I am not referring to individuals, but to intelligent species.65

62 Comment: That astronomer clearly knows nothing about philosophy of science and philosophy of mathematics.
63 Comment: It does not seem to me sufficient verification for such a doubt. The mind and that thought would be a product
of the being that "dreams" your existence.
64 Comment: This, although controversial, is only a comparison in terms of damage specifically on the organism, which

would be the whole of life on Earth. In no way should it be considered as the acceptance of one kind of destructive acts
over others, but only as a comparison of damages on the organism.
65 Comment: This is a wrong definition of what philosophical metaphysics is. And in reality everything in the universe is

physical; everything that exists has its physical manifestation.

On healing66
Question: What is the difference between the "healing" that you propose (transpersonal alchemy) and
the one proposed by Alejandro Jodorowsky?
Answer: That Jodorowsky tells you, for example:
-I have a cough that won't go away.
-Dress up as a prostitute and offer yourself to your father.
That's one of his psychomagic prescriptions. O:
-I have no money.
-Put three gold coins up your anus and take them out praying an Our Father.
Then you ask Jodorowsky:
-Hey, why are you telling people to do that?
And he says to you:
-What happens is that the body wants to heal itself, and if you make a sacrifice, the body will say "I
already have permission to heal myself", and then it heals itself.
On the other hand, transpersonal alchemy is, first of all, that you speak [or write] your life, what your
life is, how your life is. Once you speak it and listen to yourself, it is a true healing, and I am not
suggesting you, but when you speak it and listen to it, the healing begins. [...] You are taking it out of
you from rotting inside, your life story and your problem. [...] After the cosmos, having "heard" it
brings you absolute healing. [...] The person is made to understand and assume that the universe is
perfect just the way it is [...] And after that you explain the workings of the universe and its true reason
for being.
[The healing -of the "soul", when it is sick with selfishness, resentment, hatred, etc.- consists in
understanding how the universe works and what our reason for being is.]
-My girlfriends have never loved me, and I was always despised, my mother didn't care for me, the
girl did....
Then this effect occurs:
I am telling you about this tragedy on a ship:
-Notice that nobody has loved me....
And suddenly someone comes along and tells us:
-The ship is sinking!
I am not going to tell you:
-No. It's just that my mom didn't carry me....
That is of no interest right now. Now we all have to do everything so that the ship doesn't sink. And
that heals you of: "Nobody loved me. Nobody pays attention to me...". The ship is sinking. Your
problems are not important at all. What is important is that we all come to salvation. And that heals
you from your own problems [by enabling you to fulfill your true and higher existential function].
If I were to tell you my traumas now, or if someone were to tell us:

66Comment: From the cosmic perspective, any intelligent individual who ignores the functioning of the universe is a
consciousness "sick" of selfishness, condemned to suffer and to contribute to the self-destruction of its species of origin,
which is the real being (since individuals are apparent, transitory).
-I was raped fifteen times when I was a little boy, and they put me in jail unjustly....
If an [urgent, life or death] situation arises right now, all the depressing stories I told you are of no
interest, because what is of interest is to turn to the salvation of this superior power.
... No one can say that he healed an individual if he did not heal the entire human species67 . It would
be like saying that I removed the cancer from a cell, but not from the organism. The healing of the
individual consists in enabling him to go to the healing of the species, and if this effect is not achieved,
there is no healing.
All human stories are false. A classic human story:
-This man had nothing, he was very poor... and all of a sudden [blablablablá], and now he is a great
businessman, he is already a millionaire.
I once heard someone say that he helps street children:
-The most palpable evidence of this destructive society are the street children. But in my shelter we
enable them, we comb them, we bathe them and we condition them so that they can integrate into
And I ask him:
-Didn't you just say that this is a destructive society that generates these street children? Then you take
them from there, from being destroyed, to become destroyers.
In humanity, one can only destroy or be destroyed. So, there is no healing.

Question: Understanding the universe is difficult, because it involves getting rid of yourself, and that
is complicated. Let alone making others understand this.
Answer: Yes, but I will tell you what the other part is, why we do [as complicated as it is] come [to
understand the universe and make others understand it]: because in this world there is nothing to do,
and if you already know this you cannot escape, then it is also a refuge to hide from the world. If you
do this completely, there is no more space for other things to happen, because you have your life
saturated with this activity, with this intention. And if you don't saturate it, you carry it out to a greater
or lesser extent; maybe you are not completely "incubated", but you do bring it up, you do expand it,
you do make it known.
And there is a very simple method, so that you do not wear out and you do it effectively: when the
subject comes up, share access to this information [the description of the universal mechanism], and
tell the person: "I assure you that here you will truly understand the whole universe and your reason
for being and the meaning of your existence. If you don't find it here, you haven't lost anything, but if
you do find it here, you will access a new dimension of existence, you will leave the human phase".68

67 Commentary: This is because all individual problems arise from living in a sick and rotten environment such as the
current human society, in which selfishness and ambition prevail. Healing", at the human level, consists in adapting to that
environment, that is to say, it consists in becoming corrupt. And healing at the cosmic and universal level consists in
understanding the functioning of the universe (not as an individual, but as a species).
68 Commentary: In reality, the method through which the whole of humanity could have access to

understand the functioning of the universe, is not through the effort of expanding it over the
environment, but by reaching absolute clarity, dispensing with all dogma and faith, and verifying this hypothesis
by any of the valid means for the construction of knowledge (logic, mathematics, empirical sciences). Then humanity will
assimilate it, as happened, for example, with Darwin's theory, heliocentrism or the discovery of the other galaxies, and in
general as has happened with revolutions of this type, which transform the conception of the origin and place of humans
in the universe.
On the existential function of the mind
The mind is for understanding. The only object of understanding is the universe. The mind fulfills its
existential function when it understands the universal mechanism, and [thus] it leaves the human
phase and jumps to the next evolutionary phase, which is cosmic perception. Then the brain has had
its raison d'être and the whole evolutionary process has been justified. 69

On my intention to purify this description to write books and give them away as gifts
Question: You said to someone who wanted to give away your books: "If you already understand how
it works, then you describe it, write it down and give it yourself, because you cannot give away
something that is not yours".
Answer: Besides, there is another reason for that. Alexander Graham Bell was the one who invented
the telephone. He was not as much the owner of the telephone as any human being in modern society,
he just invented the telephone but it was not part of his life. Now, however, none of us can get rid of
the cell phone, it is already integrated into us. The same with this knowledge: it belongs more to the
new generations than to the original one (Rodolfo Ramos). A book written by someone who received
it from me will be worth more, and a book written by someone who received it from him will be worth
more. And so the more time passes, the more it becomes part of the human species. And if you make
the effort to write a book, it penetrates more strongly in your awareness and also in humanity.70

Never approach what may look like a movie or a cartoon, always go the way of nature and evolution.

On modern human society, and the symptoms of the road to self-destruction.

[Today] to be racist, abusive, contemptuous, greedy, is virtue and you can be like that, openly a
disgusting being, and that is applauded and followed by humanity. For example, Donald Trump...

Question: Is what is called a demon a level of awareness?

69 Comment: I am not sure that evolution takes place in that way, because as such this so-called 'cosmic perception' is not
a divergent species from the human nor did it arise as a consequence of adaptation to the environment (perhaps a form of
mental adaptation to the human social environment of today). It would be necessary to review how the evolutionary process
of the species is and if this could be a case. In any case, the question is: does universal understanding arise as an adaptive
consequence of humans to their environment?
70 Comment: If the universal mechanism is not an invention but a discovery, in the construction of knowledge the

discoverers (and their methods or the logical steps they followed) are cited, but the discovery itself is the description of a
phenomenon accessible to anyone who follows the same method or the same logical steps; it belongs to no one.
Answer: Yes, the devil is all the mental vices that attack humanity and are born of existential ignorance,
such as hatred, jealousy, pride, and all those that are born of ignorance, and operate in the destruction
of the species of origin (in this case humanity).
[...] Let's tell a lie, like humans:
-I'm going to be possessed by the devil.... [And he begins to make noises and gestures and to utter
Nobody is affected by that. But the fact that everybody goes in a herd to the end of the month sales,
and they keep on going shopping, generates the devastation of the planetary habitat and condemns
the species to an unbearable hell a little later on when resources are exhausted, when less and less
people concentrate more and more capital and everybody else lives in misery, when a nuclear war
occurs and there is already a food shortage... when rottenness advances and the only way to feed
oneself is cannibalism. It does no harm to anyone if a person makes gestures and curses and spits on a
crucifix, no one is affected. But if everyone goes in a herd to continue consuming for no reason, that
does generate the laceration of the planetary habitat and also of humanity. The real devil is not the
one who tells you: "Ah! I curse Jesus!"; the real devil is the one who tells you: "Come to the Palace
night sale!".

Question: The philosophy of various philosophers has certain points.

Answer: All talk is just words when you are not describing the workings of the universe. And all
philosophies are false philosophies71 , all sentences are single sentences if you are not explaining clearly:
why you came into the world, where you are going after you die and what is your place in the universal
mechanism. It is no use for me to say, "All is love. Everything is energy. Hold hands. Awaken your
true self." All that is nonsense. When someone wants to deify himself, he will tell you: "Give love and
receive love, love...". You have to give a sober explanation that can be assimilated by understanding,
like chemistry, like physics? Any explanation that subtracts from the universal mechanism is another
form of mental alienation. If I show you a piano key, in a place where there has never been a piano,
you can weigh the key, you can see it under the microscope, know what its structure is... but you will
not know what it is or what it is for. Until you see the key placed on the piano and listen to the music
and see how the key sounds, then you will know what that thing is. But if I just give you the single key,
you can't know what it is. The human being can self-analyze all he wants, and come up with theories
and see evolution, but if he does not know how the universe works, he will not know what he exists
for, what his existential function is. Everything that is said is only words when the functioning of the
universe is unknown.

Question: Descartes sought to understand how the universe works, through mathematics?
Answer: Albert Einstein said: "The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that the universe
is comprehensible". That is, Albert Einstein understood the nature of light, of galaxies, even of black
holes, but he did not understand what place the human plays in the universal gear, so he did not
understand anything at all. Now, [anyone who has accessed the description of the workings of the
universe that I offer], knows what the meaning of human life is and how it fits into the universal gear.
Albert Einstein understood [a part of] the cosmos. You already know that there is a metacosm to the

71 Comment: That is, philosophies of falsehood or partial knowledge.

void and another metacosm to the light body, you know that we are in the outermost part of an
enormous sphere of supraconsciousness that expands over the void. [...] [Whoever has understood the
description of the universal mechanism offered throughout this text] has surpassed Einstein, because
next to Einstein he is any other ignorant human being. 72

On the adaptation of humankind over the next millennia

... If we do not abandon material nourishment, humanity is not saved. Let's suppose that at this very
moment ambition would end, that no one would want to hoard, that no one would have more than
anyone else. This would generate the exponential multiplication of humanity. Everyone, however
humble they may be, eats and defecates. And there comes a point when humanity is so abundant that
the planet can neither provide the nutrients nor withstand the toxin by humanity thrown, and then
that would also generate the destruction of humanity. Only solar feeding is the way of healing, but
when it comes as a product of understanding the universal mechanism.

Question: I have been getting into astral travel and have managed to unfold a couple of times, but not
controlled. Could you talk a little bit about the astral guardians and the temples that exist on that
Answer: There is more truth in a drop of water than in all the temples of the world. And astral travel
has no objective utility. For what we are here for, the cosmobiological reason for which intelligent
individuals are generated, is for them to understand the functioning of the universe and save their
species of origin (we are humanity).

On how referring to the description of the workings of the universe resolves doubts and present
problems that the individual is experiencing
Universal truth has the characteristic of adapting itself to all planes of existence, [...] because there is
really only one universal consciousness, and that is the one that experiences everything through
individuals [such as the one writing and the one reading this].

On the effect of understanding the universal mechanism

... This is an effect that seeks to favor humanity. It has to break first with the idea of individuality. The
human always seeks personal or individual benefit, and as each individual seeks his own benefit,

72Comment: Of course Einstein, like all humans who throughout the history of the species have been moved by the
curiosity to understand everything (essentially philosophers and scientists), contributed to the construction of the knowledge
that today makes it possible to formulate the description of the complete universal mechanism (although its verification
and greater clarity are still lacking).
humanity disintegrates and self-destructs; precisely because of this, this is how most intelligent species
die. The understanding of the universal mechanism is an act that is offered for the benefit of the entire
human species, so it has to be assimilated.

On destruction and universal perfection

... We have to start from the principle that the universe is perfect. [...] What we have to assimilate is
that this corruption, this destruction and these vices of awareness are part of universal perfection. In
the cosmos an unthinkable quantity of intelligent species is generated, the majority disintegrates and
self-destructs because of these mental vices, and the minority that gains access to understand the
functioning of the universe is the one in which individuals leave behind their personal conveniences.
That minority of intelligent species unifies and adapts and touches the top of evolution. Through that
minority, the cosmos itself carries out its process of evolution. It is a gradual process, but it becomes
pleasant to the extent that one goes deeper into this knowledge; the despair of death, which is the
condition that governs humanity, ends.

On living for enjoyment

... There is a phrase that Alejandro Jodorowsky says that I love, and he says: "When you achieve inner
silence, you will hear the cry of the world". There is no virtue in keeping your mind silent for three
hours, you have the same value as a chair or a table. But if you succeed in silencing your ego, then
you do "hear" the suffering of humanity, and this silence imposes on you the obligation to come to the
aid of humanity. We are not here to make a personal story, but to understand the workings of the
universe and then expand it upon humanity to free it from self-destruction. The human being is
condemned to live a miserable and ridiculous life, in the sense that it is a period of less than a hundred
years, then that generates, to will and not, a despair of death. There is no happiness from the human
perspective, even what they consider happiness, is another shade of their continuous despair. So, the
only proper way to live, is to make your material being an instrument of expansion of cosmic
understanding, and from that moment human life becomes meaningful....

Question: What is the astral body?

Answer: The astral body is a level of awareness that is acquired by understanding how the universe

On the meaning of human life

Human life is a labyrinth with only one way out, which is universal understanding. The gourmet, the
criminal, the politician, the designer, the graduate, the engineer, and all are equally trapped; no reality
is better or worse than any other, until one can understand the workings of the universe, because only
in that way can one correspond to the higher universal function. In reality no one is his own name, his
academic degree, his sex, his race, all that is apparent. The important thing is to become one with the

absolute understanding of the universe, and in that way one transcends the human or mundane phase,
which is the ugliest phase known to the universe, and one can transcend into a valid and real existence.

On the root cause of change

... It will not be political revolutions that will save humanity from self-destruction, but a mental shift:
the shift from ignorance to understanding.

Question: Sometimes you get lost, and you question whether you are on the right track.
Answer: Your particular path is as wise as few others. Because really the only meaning of human
existence is to search for its reason for being. Whenever a consciousness approaches a book, a TV
show, a movie, anything it approaches, deep down it wants to search for its existential reason. "Is there
a universal reason for me to be alive, or am I an accident of the cosmos and find myself here reasoning
and questioning myself without meaning, with no way out?" Of course intelligence has an organic
function in the universe, and that is interplanetary entanglement, and this interplanetary entanglement
only occurs by understanding how the universe works.

On the human condition

... [Every intelligent individual who ignores the workings of the universe] has a virtual existence, a life
of 80 years where "Carlos told Laura that my uncle and sister-in-law..." pure falsehoods, pure things
that do not exist.

On Awakening Awareness
... There is a movie that I love because they managed to make this metaphor [of the awakening of
awareness] very well, and it is the Matrix (1999). It's reality: "Let's see, wake me up to reality". Humans
think: "Oh, I've been awakened to reality, life is going to be very easy and everything is going to be
harmonious...". And no. It's like Neo [the main character in the movie]: he's already woken up to
reality, and he realizes that he's stuck in an incubation tube, and that all of humanity is trapped and
that doom is already a given. So, instead of everything being laughter and fun since you woke up, no;
the awakening of awareness imposes an enormous responsibility and obligation. You can no longer
fool yourself and go back into the Matrix: "Well, I'll go on with my life as an accountant or lawyer".
No. You have already seen the deep danger, you have already seen the terrible universal reality, so
that is why you become an instrument for the expansion of this knowledge73 , because you cannot
dedicate yourself to any other task when you see the terrible and imminent danger of which humanity
is a victim. But you also acquire the real possibility of saving humanity from such a cruel fate. The

73Commentary: At this moment, preaching is not necessary, because it would be dogmatic, because the
description is neither complete nor clear and requires faith; rather, at this moment the awakening of
awareness implies seeking knowledge, seeking to verify this hypothesis about the functioning of the
universe, and seeking the real answer to the fundamental questions of human existence.
Matrix movie is a good metaphor, that's the reality: [...] when you wake up from the dream of
appearance, you lead a real existence, but one of responsibility to humanity. [...] The "incubatee" is
the one who has to help those who have not yet awakened, the idea is to get everyone out of the
"Matrix", until we are all in the real world [mentally in the universal reality], and then the nightmare
is over. But as long as people are still trapped in their own name, in their 80-year life, in the idea of
themselves, then those of us who have already awakened have the obligation to wake them up from
that dream, and the only way to wake them up is by describing the universal mechanism. [...] Truth
has the characteristic of breaking the personal mold, transmuting the awareness and integrating it into
the interplanetary community.


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