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Gough et al.

Systematic Reviews 2012, 1:28


Clarifying differences between review designs

and methods
David Gough*, James Thomas and Sandy Oliver

This paper argues that the current proliferation of types of systematic reviews creates challenges for the terminology
for describing such reviews. Terminology is necessary for planning, describing, appraising, and using reviews, building
infrastructure to enable the conduct and use of reviews, and for further developing review methodology. There is
insufficient consensus on terminology for a typology of reviews to be produced and any such attempt is likely to be
limited by the overlapping nature of the dimensions along which reviews vary. It is therefore proposed that the most
useful strategy for the field is to develop terminology for the main dimensions of variation. Three such main
dimensions are proposed: (1) aims and approaches (including what the review is aiming to achieve, the theoretical and
ideological assumptions, and the use of theory and logics of aggregation and configuration in synthesis); (2) structure
and components (including the number and type of mapping and synthesis components and how they relate); and
(3) breadth and depth and the extent of ‘work done’ in addressing a research issue (including the breadth of review
questions, the detail with which they are addressed, and the amount the review progresses a research agenda). This
then provides an overarching strategy to encompass more detailed descriptions of methodology and may lead in time
to a more overarching system of terminology for systematic reviews.
Keywords: Aggregation configuration, Complex reviews, Mapping, Methodology, Mixed methods reviews, Research
methods, Scoping reviews, Synthesis, Systematic reviews, Taxonomy of reviews

Background some of the important conceptual and practical diffe-

Research studies vary in many ways including the types rences between different types of systematic review. It
of research questions they are asking, the reasons these does not aim to provide an overall taxonomy of all
questions are being asked, the theoretical and ideological types of reviews; the rate of development of new
perspectives underlying these questions, and in the approaches to reviewing is too fast and the overlap of
research methods that they employ. Systematic reviews approaches too great for that to be helpful. Instead,
are a form of research; they are (and the theoretical and the paper argues that, for the present at least, it is
ideological perspectives underlying these methods) a more useful to identify the key dimensions on which
way of bringing together what is known from the re- reviews differ and to examine the multitude of differ-
search literature using explicit and accountable methods ent combinations of those dimensions. The paper also
[1]. Systematic methods of review have been successfully does not aim to describe all of the myriad actual and
developed particularly for questions concerning the im- potential differences between reviews; this would be a
pact of interventions; these synthesize the findings of task too large even for a book let alone a paper. The
studies which use experimental controlled designs. Yet focus instead is on three major types of dimensions of dif-
the logic of systematic methods for reviewing the litera- ference. The first dimension is the aims and approaches of
ture can be applied to all areas of research; therefore reviews; particularly in terms of their methodologies
there can be as much variation in systematic reviews as (their ontological and epistemological foundations and
is found in primary research [2,3]. This paper discusses methods of synthesis). The second dimension is the
structure and components of reviews. The third dimen-
* Correspondence: sion is the breadth, depth, and extent of the work done by
EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of a review in engaging with a research issue. Once these
London, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL, UK

© 2012 Gough et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
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Gough et al. Systematic Reviews 2012, 1:28 Page 2 of 9

three aspects of a review are clear, consideration can be research [15]. In this way, polarized debates about the
given to more specific methodological issues such as utility and relevance of different research paradigms may
methods of searching, identifying, coding, appraising, and further complicate terminological issues and conceptual
synthesizing evidence. The aim of this paper is to clarify understandings about how reviews actually differ from
some of the major conceptual distinctions between one another. All of these difficulties are heightened
reviews to assist the selection, evaluation, and develop- because review methods are undergoing a period of
ment of methods for reviewing. rapid development and so the methods being described
are often being updated and refined.
Clarifying the nature of variation in reviews Knowledge about the nature and strengths of different
As forms of research, systematic reviews are undertaken forms of review is necessary for: appropriate choice of
according to explicit methods. The term ‘systematic’ review methods by those undertaking reviews; consider-
distinguishes them from reviews undertaken without ation of the importance of different issues of quality and
clear and accountable methods. relevance for each stage of a review; appropriate and
The history of systematic reviews is relatively recent [4,5] accurate reporting and accountability of such review
and despite early work on meta-ethnography [6], the field methods; interpretation of reviews; commissioning of
has been dominated by the development and application of reviews; development of procedures for assessing and
statistical meta-analysis of controlled trials to synthesize undertaking reviews; and development of new methods.
the evidence on the effectiveness of health and social inter- Clarifying the nature of the similarities and differences
ventions. Over the past 10 years, other methods for review- between reviews is a first step to avoiding these potential
ing have been developed. Some of these methods aim to limitations. A typology of review methods might be a
extend effectiveness reviews with information from qualita- solution. There are many diverse approaches to reviews
tive studies [7]. The qualitative information may be used to that can be easily distinguished, such as statistical meta-
inform decisions made in the statistical synthesis or be analysis and meta-ethnography. A more detailed examin-
part of a mixed methods synthesis (discussed later). Other ation, however, reveals that the types of review currently
approaches have been developed from a perspective which, described often have commonalities that vary across types
instead of the statistical aggregation of data from con- of review and at different stages of a review. Three of these
trolled trials, emphasize the central role that theory can dimensions are described here. Exploring these dimensions
play in synthesizing existing research [8,9], address the also reveals how reviews differ in degree along these over-
complexity of interventions [10], and the importance of lapping dimensions rather than falling into clear categories.
understanding research within its social and paradigmatic
context [11]. The growth in methods has not been accom- Review aims and approaches
panied by a clear typology of reviews. The result is a com- Primary research and research reviews vary in their
plex web of terminology [2,12]. ontological, epistemological, ideological, and theoretical
The lack of clarity about the range of methods of stance, their research paradigm, and the issues that they
review has consequences which can limit their develop- aim to address. In reviews, this variation occurs in both
ment and subsequent use. Knowledge or consensus about the method of review and the type of primary research
the details of specific methods may be lacking, creating the that they consider. As reviews will include primary studies
danger of the over-generalization or inappropriate applica- that address the focus of the review question, it is not
tion of the terminology being used. Also, the branding of surprising that review methods also tend to reflect many
different types of review can lead to over-generalizations of the approaches, assumptions, and methodological
and simplification with assumptions being made about challenges of the primary research that they include.
differences between reviews that only apply to particular One indication of the aim and approach of a study is
stages of a review or that are matters of degree rather than the research question which the study aims to answer.
absolute differences. For example, concepts of quality Questions commonly addressed by systematic reviews
assurance can differ depending upon the nature of the include: what is the effect of this intervention (addressed
research question being asked. Similarly, infrastructure sys- by, for example, the statistical meta-analysis of experi-
tems developed to enable the better reporting and critical mental trials); what is the accuracy of this diagnostic tool
appraisal of reviews, such as PRISMA [13], and for registra- (addressed by, for example, meta-analysis of evaluations
tion of reviews, such as PROSPERO [14] currently apply of diagnostic tests); what is the cost of this intervention
predominantly to a subset of reviews, the defining criteria (addressed by, for example, a synthesis of cost-benefit
of which may not be fully clear. analyses); what is the meaning or process of a phenomena
A further problem is that systematic reviews have (addressed by, for example, conceptual synthesis such as
attracted criticism on the assumption that systematic meta-ethnography or a critical interpretative synthesis of
reviewing is applicable only to empirical quantitative ethnographic studies); what is the effect of this complex
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intervention (addressed by, for example, multi-component primary research) [18]. In both primary research and
mixed methods reviews); what is the effect of this reviews, theoretical work is undertaken during the
approach to social policy in this context (addressed by, for process of the research; and, just as with the theory testing
example, realist synthesis of evidence of efficacy and rele- reviews, the nature of the concepts may be relatively
vance across different policy areas); and what are the attri- simple or very complex.
butes of this intervention or activity (addressed by, for
example, framework synthesis framed by dimensions Aggregative and configurative reviews
explicitly linked to particular perspectives). The distinction between research that tests and research
Although different questions drive the review process that generates theory also equates to the distinction
and suggest different methods for reviewing (and methods between review types made by Voils, Sandelowski and
of studies included) there is considerable overlap in the colleagues [19,20] (although we have been very in-
review methods that people may select to answer these fluenced by these authors the detail of our use of these
questions; thus the review question alone does not provide terms may differ in places). Reviews that are collecting
a complete basis for generating a typology of review empirical data to describe and test predefined concepts
methods. can be thought of as using an ‘aggregative’ logic. The pri-
mary research and reviews are adding up (aggregating)
Role of theory and averaging empirical observations to make empirical
There is no agreed typology of research questions in the statements (within predefined conceptual positions).
health and social sciences. In the absence of such a In contrast, reviews that are trying to interpret and
typology, one way to distinguish research is in the extent understand the world are interpreting and arranging
that it is concerned with generating, exploring, or testing (configuring) information and are developing concepts
theory [16]. (Figure 1). This heuristic also maps onto the way that
In addressing an impact question using statistical meta- the review is intended to inform knowledge. Aggrega-
analysis, the approach is predominantly the empirical test- tive research tends to be about seeking evidence to
ing of a theory that the intervention works. The theory inform decisions whilst configuring research is seeking
being tested may be based on a detailed theory of change concepts to provide enlightenment through new ways of
(logic model) or be a ‘black box’ where the mechanisms by understanding.
which change may be affected are not articulated. The Aggregative reviews are often concerned with using
review may, in addition to testing theory, include methods predefined concepts and then testing these using prede-
to generate hypotheses about causal relations. Testing fined (a priori) methods. Configuring reviews can be
often (though not always) wants to add up or aggregate more exploratory and, although the basic methodology
data from large representative samples to obtain a more is determined (or at least assumed) in advance, specific
precise estimate of effect. In the context of such reviews, methods are sometimes adapted and selected (iteratively)
searching aims to identify a representative sample of as the research proceeds. Aggregative reviews are likely
studies, usually by attempting to include all relevant studies to be combining similar forms of data and so be interes-
in order to avoid bias from study selection (sometimes ted in the homogeneity of studies. Configurative reviews
called ‘exhaustive’ searching). Theoretical work in such
analyses is undertaken predominantly before and after
the review, not during the review, and is concerned Philosophy: Idealist Realist
with developing the hypothesis and interpreting the
findings. Relationto Generate Explore Test
In research examining processes or meanings the theory:
approach is predominantly about developing or explo- Approachto Configuring Aggregating
ring theory. This may not require representative samples synthesis:
of studies (as in aggregative reviews) but does require Methods: Iterative A priori
variation to enable new conceptual understandings to be Theoreticalsearch ‘Exhaustive’search
generated. Searching for studies in these reviews adopts Quality Valuestudy Avoidbias
assessment: contributions
a theoretical approach to searching to identify a suffi-
cient and appropriate range of studies either through a Product: Emergentconcepts Magnitude& precision
rolling sampling of studies according to a framework Reviewuse: Enlightenment Instrumental
that is developed inductively from the emerging litera-
ture (akin to theoretical sampling in primary research)
Figure 1 Continua of approaches in aggregative and
[17]; or through a sampling framework based on an
configurative reviews.
existing body of literature (akin to purposive sampling in
Gough et al. Systematic Reviews 2012, 1:28 Page 4 of 9

are more likely to be interested in identifying patterns Table 1 Examples of review types
provided by heterogeneity [12]. Predominant review type Review questions
The logic of aggregation relies on identifying studies Aggregative
that support one another and so give the reviewer ‘What works?’ reviews What is the effect of a health or social
greater certainty about the magnitude and variance of intervention?
the phenomenon under investigation. As already dis- Diagnostic test What is the accuracy of this diagnostic
cussed in the previous section, the approach to searching tool?
for studies to include (the search strategy) is attempting Cost benefit How effective is the benefit of an
to be exhaustive or, if not exhaustive, then at least avoid- intervention relative to its cost?
ing bias in the way that studies are found. Configuring Prevalence How extensive is this condition?
reviews have the different purpose of aiming to find Configurative
sufficient cases to explore patterns and so are not Meta-ethnography [4] What theories can be generated from the
necessarily attempting to be exhaustive in their search- conceptual literature?
ing. (Most reviews contain elements of both aggregation Critical interpretative What theories can be generated from the
synthesis [8] conceptual literature?
and configuration and so some may require an unbiased
set of studies as well as sufficient heterogeneity to Meta narrative review [11] How to understand the development of
research on an issue within and across
permit the exploration of differences between them). different research traditions?
Aggregating and configuring reviews also vary in their Configuring and aggregative
approach to quality assurance. All reviews aim to avoid Realist synthesis [9] What is the effect of a social policy in
drawing misleading conclusions because of problems in different policy areas?
the studies they contain. Aggregative reviews are con- Framework synthesis [25] What are the attributes of an intervention
cerned with a priori methods and their quality assurance or activity?
processes assess compliance with those methods. As the
basis of quality assurance is known a priori, many
aspects of this can be incorporated into the inclusion review are appropriate, but this is not always the case. Se-
criteria of the review and then can be further checked at a veral methods of review are applicable to a wide range of
later quality assurance stage. The inclusion criteria may, review approaches. Both thematic [26] and framework
for example, require only certain types of study with spe- synthesis [24,25] which identify themes within narrative
cific methodological features. There is less consensus in data can, for example, be used with both aggregative and
the practice of quality assessment in configurative reviews; configurative approaches to synthesis.
some adopt a similar strategy to those employed in aggre- Reviews that are predominantly aggregative may have
gative reviews, whereas others reject the idea that the similar epistemological and methodological assump-
quality of a study can be assessed through an examination tions to much quantitative research and there may be
of its method, and instead prioritize other issues, such as similar assumptions between predominantly configura-
relevance to the review and the contribution the study can tive reviews and qualitative research. However, the
make in the review synthesis to testing or generating the- quantitative/qualitative distinction is not precise and
ory [21-23]. Some of the differences between aggregating does not reflect the differences in the aggregative and
and configuring reviews are shown in Figure 1. configurative research processes; quantitative reviews
Although the logics of aggregating and configuring re- may use configurative processes and qualitative reviews
search findings demand different methods for reviewing, can use aggregative processes. Some authors also use
a review often includes components of both. A meta- the terms conceptual synthesis for reviews that are pre-
analysis may contain a post hoc interpretation of statis- dominantly configurative, but the process of configuring
tical associations which may be configured to generate in a review does not have to be limited to concepts; it
hypotheses for future testing. A configurative synthesis can also be the arrangement of numbers (as in subgroup
may include some components where data are aggregated analyses of statistical meta-analysis). The term ‘inter-
(for example, framework synthesis) [24,25]. Examples of pretative synthesis’ is also used to describe reviews
reviews that are predominantly aggregative, configurative, where meanings are interpreted from the included stu-
or with high degrees of both aggregation and configuring dies. However, aggregative reviews also include interpre-
are given in Table 1 (and for a slightly different take on tation, before inspection of the studies to develop criteria
this heuristic see Sandelowski et al. [20]). for including studies, and after synthesis of the findings to
Similarly, the nature of a review question, the assump- develop implications for policy, practice, and further re-
tions underlying the question (or conceptual framework), search. Thus, the aggregate/configure framework cannot
and whether the review aggregates or configures the results be thought of as another way of expressing the qualitative/
of other studies may strongly suggest which methods of quantitative ‘divide’; it has a more specific meaning
Gough et al. Systematic Reviews 2012, 1:28 Page 5 of 9

concerning the logic of synthesis, and many reviews have Structure and components of reviews
elements of both aggregation and configuration. As well as varying in their questions, aims, and philoso-
phical approach, reviews also vary in their structure. They
can be single reviews that synthesize a specific literature to
Further ideological and theoretical assumptions answer the review question. They may be maps of what re-
In addition to the above is a range of issues about search has been undertaken that are products in their own
whose questions are being asked and the implicit ideo- right and also a stage on the way to one or more syntheses.
logical and theoretical assumptions driving both them Reviews can also contain multiple components equating to
and the review itself. These assumptions determine the conducting many reviews or to reviewing many reviews.
specific choices made in operationalizing the review
question and thus determine the manner in which the Systematic maps
review is undertaken, including the research studies To some degree, most reviews describe the studies they
included and how they are analyzed. Ensuring that contain and thus provide a map or account of the
these assumptions are transparent is therefore impor- research field. Some reviews go further than this and
tant both for the execution of the review and for ac- more explicitly identify aspects of the studies that help
countability. Reviews may be undertaken to inform describe the research field in some detail; the focus and
decision-making by non-academic users of research extent of such description varying with the aims of the
such as policymakers, practitioners, and other mem- map. Maps are useful products in their own right but
bers of the public and so there may be a wide range can also be used to inform the process of synthesis and
of different perspectives that can inform a review the interpretation of the synthesis [3,30]. Instead of
[27,28]. The perspectives driving the review will also automatically undertaking a synthesis of all included
influence the findings of the review and thereby clarify studies, an analysis of the map may lead to a decision to
what is known and not known (within those perspec- synthesize only a subset of studies, or to conduct several
tives) and thus inform what further primary research syntheses in different areas of the one map. A broader
is required. Both reviewer and user perspectives can initial review question and a narrower subsequent review
thus have an ongoing influence in developing user-led question allows the synthesis of a narrower subset of
research agendas. There may be many different agen- studies to be understood within the wider literature
das and thus a plurality of both primary research and described in terms of research topics, primary research
reviews of research on any given issue. methods, or both. It also allows broader review ques-
A further fundamental issue that is related to the types tions to create a map for a series of reviews (Figure 2) or
of questions being asked and the ideological and theoret- mixed methods reviews (Figure 3). In sum, maps have
ical assumptions underlying them is the ontological three main purposes of: (i) describing the nature of a
and epistemological position taken by the reviewers. Ag- research field; (ii) to inform the conduct of a synthesis;
gregative reviews tend to assume that there is (often and (iii) to interpret the findings of a synthesis [3,31].
within disciplinary specifications/boundaries) a reality The term ‘scoping review’ is also sometimes used in a
about which empirical statements can be made even if number of different ways to describe (often non-systematic)
this reality is socially constructed (generalizations); in maps and/or syntheses that rapidly examine the nature of
other words they take a ‘realist’ philosophical position the literature on a topic area [32,33]; sometimes as part of
(a broader concept than the specific method of ‘realist the planning for a systematic review.
synthesis’). Some configurative reviews may not require
such realist assumptions. They take a more relativist
idealist position; the interest is not in seeking a single
‘correct’ answer but in examining the variation and Broad review
complexity of different conceptualizations [12,29]. question
These philosophical differences can be important in
understanding the approach taken by different
reviewers just as they are in understanding variation Broad map
in approach (and debates about research methods) in
primary research. These differences also relate to how
reviews are used. Aggregative reviews are often used to
Synthesis 1 Synthesis 2 Synthesis 3
make empirical statements (within agreed conceptual
perspectives) to inform decision making instrumentally
whilst configuring reviews are often used to develop Figure 2 A map leading to several syntheses.
concepts and enlightenment [30].
Gough et al. Systematic Reviews 2012, 1:28 Page 6 of 9

Broad review Broad review

question question

Sub- Sub- Other

synthesis 1 synthesis 2 synthesis

Mixed Mixed
synthesis synthesis
Figure 3 A mixed method review with three syntheses. Figure 4 Mixed knowledge review.

Mixed methods reviews a causal model. The first part of the process is a form of
The inclusion criteria of a review may allow all types of configuration in clarifying the nature of the theory and
primary research or only studies with specific methods what needs to be empirically tested; the second part is
that are considered most appropriate to best address the the aggregative testing of those subcomponents of the
review question. Including several different methods of theory. The difference between this method and more
primary research in a review can create challenges in ‘standard’ systematic review methods is that the search
the synthesis stage. For example, a review asking about for empirical evidence is more of an iterative, investi-
the impact of some life experience may examine both gative process of tracking down and interpreting evi-
randomized controlled trials and large data sets on na- dence. Realist synthesis will also consider a broad
turally occurring phenomena (such as in large scale co- range of empirical evidence and will assess its value in
hort studies). Another strategy is to have sub-reviews terms of its contribution rather than according to
that ask questions about different aspects of an issue some preset criteria. The approach therefore differs
and which are likely to consider different primary re- from the predominantly a priori strategy used in either
search [34,35]. For example, a statistical meta-analysis standard ‘black box’ or in theory driven aggregative
of impact studies compared with a conceptual synthesis reviews. There have also been attempts to combine ag-
of people’s views of the issue being evaluated [34,35]. gregative ‘what works’ reviews with realist reviews [36].
The two sub-reviews can then be combined and con- These innovations are exploring how best to develop
trasted in a third synthesis as in Figure 3. Mixed methods the breadth, generalizability and policy relevance of ag-
reviews have many similarities with mixed methods in pri- gregative reviews without losing their methodological
mary research and there are therefore numerous ways in protection against bias.
which the products of different synthesis methods may be There are also reviews that use other pre-existing
combined [35]. reviews as their source of data. These reviews of reviews
Mixed knowledge reviews use a similar approach but may draw on the data of previous reviews either by
combine data from previous research with other forms using the findings of previous reviews or by drilling
of data; for example a survey of practice knowledge down to using data from the primary studies in the
about an issue (Figure 4). reviews [37]. Information drawn from many reviews can
Another example of a mixed methods review is realist also be mined to understand more about a research field
synthesis [9] that examines the usefulness of mid-level or research methods in meta-epidemiology [38]. As
policy interventions across different areas of social policy reviews of reviews and meta-epidemiology both use
by unpacking the implicit models of change, followed by reviews as their data, they are sometimes both described
an iterative process of identifying and analyzing the evi- as types of ‘meta reviews’. This terminology may not be
dence in support of each part of that model. This is helpful as it links together two approaches to reviews
quite similar to a theory-driven aggregative review (or which have little in common apart from the shared type
series of reviews) that aggregatively test different parts of of data source. A further term is ‘meta evaluation’. This
Gough et al. Systematic Reviews 2012, 1:28 Page 7 of 9

can refer to the formative or summative evaluation of pri- Review resources and breadth and depth of review
mary evaluation studies or can be a summative statement The resources required for a systematic review are not
of the findings of evaluations which is a form of aggrega- fixed. With different amounts of resource one can
tive review (See Gough et al. in preparation, and [39]). achieve different types of review. Broad reviews such as
mixed methods and other multi-component reviews
Breadth, depth, and ’work done’ by reviews are likely to require more resources, all else being con-
Primary research studies and reviews may be read stant, than narrow single method reviews. Thus, in
as isolated products yet they are usually one step in larger addition to the breadth of review is the issue of its depth,
or longer-term research enterprises. A research study or the detail with which it is undertaken. A broad
usually addresses a macro research issue and a specific review may not have greater resources than a narrow
focused sub-issue that is addressed by its specific data review in which case those resources are spread more
and analysis [16]. This specific focus can be broad or thinly and each aspect of that breadth may be undertaken
narrow in scope and deep or not so deep in the detail in with less depth.
which it is examined. When time and other resources are very restricted
then a rapid review may be undertaken where some
Breadth of question aspect of the review will be limited; for example, breadth
Many single component aggregative reviews aim of review question, sources searched, data coded, quality
for homogeneity in the focus and method of included and relevance assurance measures, and depth of analysis
studies. They select narrowly defined review questions [46,47]. Many students, for example, undertake literature
to ensure a narrow methodological focus of research reviews that may be informed by systematic review
findings. Although well justified, these decisions may principles of rigor and transparency of reporting; some
lead to each review providing a very narrow view of both of these maybe relatively modest exercises whilst others
research and the issue that is being addressed. A user of make up a substantial component of the thesis. If rigor
such reviews may need to take account of multiple of execution and reporting are reduced too far then it
narrow reviews in order to help them determine the may be more appropriate to characterize the work as
most appropriate course of action. non systematic scoping than as a systematic review.
The need for a broader view is raised by complex Reviews thus vary in the extent that they engage with
questions. One example is assessing the impact of com- a research issue. The enterprise may range in size from,
plex interventions. There are often many variants of an for instance, a specific program theory to a whole field
intervention, but even within one particular highly speci- of research. The enterprise may be under study by one
fied intervention there may be variations in terms of the research team, by a broader group such as a review
frequency, duration, degree, engagement, and fidelity of group in an international collaboration or be the focus
delivery [40]. All of this variation may result in different of study by many researchers internationally. The enter-
effects on different participants in different contexts. prises may be led academic disciplines, applied review
The variation may also impact differentially within the collaborations, by priority setting agendas, and by
hypothesized program theory of how the intervention forums to enable different perspectives to be engaged in
impacts on different causal pathways. Reviews therefore research agendas. Whatever the nature of the strategic
need a strategy for how they can engage with this com- content or process of these macro research issues,
plexity. One strategy is to achieve breadth through reviews vary in the extent that they plan to contribute to
multi-component reviews; for example, a broad map such more macro questions. Reviews thus vary in the
which can provide the context for interpreting a extent that this research work is done within a review;
narrower synthesis, a series of related reviews, or rather than before and after a review (by primary studies
mixed methods reviews. Other strategies include ‘mega or by other reviews).
reviews’, where the results from very many primary Reviews can be undertaken with different levels of
studies or meta-analyses are aggregated statistically (for skill, efficiency, and automated tools [48] and so
example, [41,42]) and multivariate analyses, where resources do not equate exactly with the ‘work done’ in
moderator variables are used to identify the ‘active progressing a research issue. In general, a broad review
ingredients’ of interventions (for example, [43,44]). with relatively little depth (providing a systematic over-
Whether breadth is achieved within a single review, view) may be comparable in work done to a detailed
from a sequence of reviews, from reviews of reviews, narrow review (as in many current statistical meta-
or from relating to the primary and review work of analyses). A multi-component review addressing com-
others, the cycle of primary research production and plex questions using both aggregative and configuring
synthesis is part of a wider circle of engagement and methods may be attempting to achieve more work,
response to users of research [45]. though there may be challenges in terms of maintaining
Gough et al. Systematic Reviews 2012, 1:28 Page 8 of 9

consistency or transparency of detail in each component review (and resources and the work aimed to be
of the review. In contrast, a rapid review has few done) within the state of what is already known and
resources and so is attempting less than other reviews other research planned by the review team and
but there may be dangers that the limited scope (and others; and (vii) the resources used to achieve this.
limited contribution to the broader research agenda) is
not understood by funders and users of the review. How Clarifying some of the main dimensions along which
best to use available resources is a strategic issue reviews vary can provide a framework within which
depending upon the nature of the review question, the description of more detailed aspects of methodology can
state of the research available on that issue and the occur; for example, the specific strategies used for
knowledge about that state of the research. It is an issue searching, identifying, coding, and synthesizing evidence
of being fit for purpose. A review doing comparatively and the use of specific methods and techniques ranging
little ‘work’ may be exactly what is needed in one from review management software to text mining to
situation but not in another. statistical and narrative methods of analysis. Such clearer
descriptions may lead in time to a more overarching
Conclusion system of terminology for systematic reviews.
Explicit accountable methods are required for primary
Competing interests
research and reviews of research. This logic applies to all The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
research questions and thus multiple methods for
reviews of research are required, just as they are Authors’ contributions
All three authors have made substantial contributions to the conception of
required for primary research. These differences in types the ideas in this paper, have been involved in drafting or revising it critically
of reviews reflect the richness of primary research not only for important intellectual content, and have given final approval of the
in the range of variation but also in the philosophical and version to be published.
methodological challenges that they pose including the Authors’ information
mixing of different types of methods. The dominance of DG, JT, and SO are all directors of the Evidence for Policy and Practice
one form of review question and review method and the Information and Coordinating Centre (EPPI-Centre) [49].
branding of some other forms of review does not clearly Acknowledgements
describe the variation in review designs and methods and The authors wish to acknowledge the support and intellectual contribution
the similarities and differences between these methods. of their previous and current colleagues at the EPPI-Centre. They also wish to
acknowledge the support of their major funders as many of the ideas in this
Clarity about the dimensions along which reviews vary paper were developed whilst working on research supported by their grants;
provides a way to develop review methods further and to this includes the Economic and Social Research Council, the Department of
make critical judgments necessary for the commission, Health, and the Department for Education. The views expressed here are
those of the authors and are not necessarily those of our funders.
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