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Long before the reign of the Olympians, the Titans ruled over everything, the universe,
the oceans, the land, and even the underworld. Birthed by the primordials, Uranus (the
sky) and Gaea (the earth), they each had their own places to rule. The Titans also had
brothers; the three one-eyed Cyclopes, and the Hecatonchires. The three one-eyed
Cyclopes are as follows; Brontes (thunder), Steropes (lighting), and Arges (Bright), they
were the ones who designed and gave Zeus his weapon, the thunderbolt. After Cronus
overthrew his father, him and his sibling took over. There are twelve prominent Titans
who ruled over the cosmos, namely; Oceanus- the Titan God of oceans and waters;
Thetis- Titan Goddess of fresh waters. They bore 6000 spirit of ocean and stream
(oceanids), they had to divorce in order to stop the damage they were causing;
HyperionTitan God of light and observation; Thea- Titan Goddess of sun and light. They
had three children which are, Helios(the sun), Selene (the moon), and Eos(the dawn);
Coeus- Titan God of oracles, wisdom, and foresight; Phoebe- Titan Goddess of
prophecy and intellect. They had children which are, Asteria and Leto, Leto and Zeus
bore a twin which are, Artemis and Apollo; Crius- Titan God of constellation. He fought
with the Olympians during the Titanomachy, hence he was imprisoned in Tartarus;
Mnemosyne- Titan Goddess of memory. She did not marry any of her brothers; Iapetus-
Titan God of mortal life or God of death. He was the father of the Titan, Prometheus and
Epimetheus; Themis- Titan Goddess of law, order, and justice. She represented natural
and moral order and law and she was the second wife of Zeus; Cronus- the Titan ruler
of the universe, he was the youngest among the titans but he was the most powerful.
He is the father of Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades; Rhea- Titan Goddess of fertility, she is
the wife of Cronus. Rhea and Cronus had six children; Hestia, Hera, Demeter, Zeus,
Hades, Poseidon. Before overthrowing his father, Uranus cursed Cronus that his
children will someday overthrow him. As a precaution, every time Rhea bore a child, he
would eat them. When the Goddess birthed Zeus, she asked Gaea to help her trick
Cronus in order not to eat her child. They tricked him into eating a stone and it worked.
The titanomachy started the time when Uranus cursed his child. After the Gods
defeated the Titans, they now took over. They resided at Olympus, hence, they are
called the Olympians. They have twelve rulers on Olympus; Zeus- (ruler of the gods)
God of sky, lightning, and thunder; Poseidon- God of the sea; Hera- (queen of the
Gods) Goddess of marriage, and child birth; Athena- Goddess of wisdom and strategic
warfare; AresGod of war and violence; Artemis- goddess of the hunt and moon; Apollo-
god of light, sun, and prophecy; Aphrodite- Goddess of love and passion; Demeter-
Goddess of fertility; Hermes- the messenger between the Gods and men; Hephaestus-
God of blacksmith; Dionysus- the god of wine. Hades- the God of the underworld, and
her sister, Hestia- the Goddess of hearth was not included in the council because,
Hades lives in the underworld, while Hestia stripped herself from the position and gave
her seat to Dionysus. Fun fact: The Goddess Aphrodite came from Uranus’ testicles
when Cronus cut it with a sickle that then dropped on the sea from and she emerged
from it. So technically, Aphrodite is not Zeus’ sister, she was basically their aunt. Fun
fact: Hephaestus and Aphrodite are husband and wife. Fun fact: Aphrodite and Ares had
an affair, Hephaestus knew and he deviced a plan in order to catch them because the
Olympians did not believed him.

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