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Event Info
MC Championship 1
Sunday, November 17, 2019, 9PM BST

Event Teams


Dethridge iJevin CaptainSparklez iHasCupquake

Wolv21 CaptainPuffy GamerBurry JOEYGRACEFFA


InTheLittleWood SolidarityGaming Quig HBomb94

NettyPlays TankMatt* ShubbleYT BBPaws


Vikkstar123 PeteZahHutt LDShadowLady Smallishbeans

Rafessor FlorianFunke Smajor1995 yammy_xox


JackSucksAtMC WilburSoot Krtzy KaraCorvus

Ph1LzA Ryguyrocky King_Burren Michaelmcchill


KryticZeuZ Vixella The_Eret JCtheCaster

Drgluon Flabaliki James_Prime MysterySalesman

* TankMatt substituted for MiniMuka starting from the second game of this MCC

editor’s note: the teams are in order of when they were announced on Twitter. don’t sue me pls.
Game One: Parkour Warrior (x1.0)

Decision Dome
None - first game

Parkour Warrior: 5
Skyblockle: 3
Rocket Spleef: 3
Lockout Bingo: 2
Hole in the Wall: 2
Survival Games: 2
Foot Race: 2

Game Details
Game Scoring
- 15 coins for completing a challenge.
- 20 coins for completing a mini-course.
- 500 coins for completing the entire course.
The game lasts for 10 minutes. There are 8 mini-courses with 3 challenges each. Players will
receive a checkpoint when they complete a mini-course (not a challenge).

Game Timeline
First players to complete each challenge
Stage 1-1 (The Matchsticks): Quig in 0:04
Stage 1-2 (The Hanging Hoops): Rafessor in 0:14
Stage 1-3 (The Sidesteps): JCtheCaster in 0:25
Stage 2-1 (The Right Pain): Rafessor in 0:37
Stage 2-2 (The Narrow Ledge): Vikkstar123 in 1:04
Stage 2-3 (The Switchback): Vikkstar123 in 1:21
Stage 3-1 (The Jumping Weaver): Quig in 1:36
Stage 3-2 (The Holey Moley): Quig in 1:43
Stage 3-3 (The Wide Hoops): PeteZahHutt in 1:58
Stage 4-1 (The Ladder Hop): PeteZahHutt in 2:10
Stage 4-2 (The Triple Bounce): Quig in 3:03
Stage 4-3 (The Ladder Climb): Quig in 4:07
Stage 5-1 (The Slaloming Posts): Quig in 4:26
Stage 5-2 (The Thin Hoops): PeteZahHutt in 5:14
Stage 5-3 (The Wall Clinger): PeteZahHutt in 5:40
Stage 6-1 (The Six Rings): PeteZahHutt in 6:16
Stage 6-2 (The Angled Jumps): PeteZahHutt in 6:51
Stage 6-3 (The Tuning Forks): PeteZahHutt in 7:55
Stage 7-1 (The Sneaky Jumper): PeteZahHutt in 8:19

First 5 to complete each mini-course

Stage 1 (Mesa):
1. JCtheCaster - 0:24
2. Rafessor - 0:24
3. Krtzy - 0:26
4. Vikkstar123 - 0:26
5. FlorianFunke - 0:28

Stage 2 (Garden):
1. Vikkstar123 - 1:21
2. Quig - 1:25
3. Ph1LzA - 1:25
4. PeteZahHutt - 1:28
5. WilburSoot - 1:32

Stage 3 (Jungle):
1. PeteZahHutt - 1:58
2. Quig - 1:59
3. WilburSoot - 2:25
4. CaptainSparklez - 2:34
5. Vikkstar123 - 2:38

Stage 4 (Space):
1. Quig - 4:07
2. PeteZahHutt - 4:49
3. CaptainSparklez - 5:01
4. Krtzy - 5:02
5. HBomb94 - 5:23

Stage 5 (Ocean):
1. PeteZahHutt - 5:40
2. Krtzy - 6:07
3. Vikkstar123 - 6:13
4. HBomb94 - 6:30
5. Quig - 7:24
Stage 6 (City):
1. PeteZahHutt - 7:55

Final Standings
1. PeteZahHutt - Stage 7-2
2. Quig - Stage 6-3
3. Vikkstar123 - Stage 6-3
4. Krtzy - Stage 6-2
5. HBomb94 - Stage 6-1
6. FlorianFunke - Stage 6-1
7. CaptainSparklez - Stage 6-1
8. Rafessor - Stage 5-3
9. Ryguyrocky - Stage 5-2
10. WilburSoot - Stage 4-3
11. Smajor1995 - Stage 4-3
12. Michaelmcchill - Stage 4-3
13. James_Prime - Stage 4-3
14. JackSucksAtMC - Stage 4-2
15. Ph1LzA - Stage 4-2
16. InTheLittleWood - Stage 4-2
17. SolidarityGaming - Stage 4-2
18. Smallishbeans - Stage 4-2
19. King_Burren - Stage 4-2
20. JCtheCaster - Stage 4-2
21. Dethridge - Stage 4-2
22. iJevin - Stage 4-2
23. ShubbleYT - Stage 4-2
24. Flabaliki - Stage 3 -3
25. CaptainPuffy - Stage 3-2
26. LDShadowLady - Stage 3-2
27. BBPaws - Stage 3-2
28. yammy_xox - Stage 3-1
29. KaraCorvus - Stage 3-1
30. JOEYGRACEFFA - Stage 2-3
31. The_Eret - Stage 2-3
32. Vixella - Stage 2-3
33. NettyPlays - Stage 2-2
34. Wolv21 - Stage 2-2
35. iHasCupquake - Stage 2-2
36. Drgluon - Stage 2-2
37. KryticZeuZ - Stage 2-2
38. MysterySalesman - Stage 2-1
39. GamerBurry - Stage 1-3
40. TankMatt - Did not play

Game Recap
Individual leaderboard after this game:
1. PeteZahHutt - 405 (+405)
2. Quig - 355 (+355)
3. Vikkstar123 - 355 (+355)
4. Krtzy - 340 (+340)
5. HBomb94 - 325 (+325)
6. FlorianFunke - 325 (+325)
7. CaptainSparklez - 325 (+325)
8. Rafessor - 290 (+290)
9. Ryguyrocky - 275 (+275)
10. Smajor1995 - 225 (+225)

Team leaderboard after this game:

1. Lime Llamas - 1,375 (+1,375)
2. Green Guardians - 1,035 (+1,035)
3. Yellow Chickens - 920 (+920)
4. Purple Pandas - 905 (+905)
5. Red Rabbits - 710 (+710)
6. Aqua Horses - 645 (+645)
7. Pink Parrots - 595 (+595)
8. Orange Ocelots - 530 (+530)
9. Cyan Creepers - 500 (+500)
10. Blue Bats - 415 (+415)
Game Two: Foot Race (x1.5)
Decision Dome
Blue Bats get Cupid’s Bow - Flabaliki was offline, so they didn’t receive it
Orange Ocelots get Crossbows - everyone missed except JOEYGRACEFFA who shot a
chicken in Skyblockle
Cyan Creepers get Dunk - NettyPlays tried shooting a chicken… I don’t know what to say.

Foot Race - 7
Skyblockle - 4
Hole in the Wall - 3
Survival Games - 2
Rocket Spleef - 1
Lockout Bingo - 1

Game Details
Map: Python’s Crypt
Game Scoring
- 500 coins for finishing all laps first.
- The amount of coins awarded decreases by 12.5 coins every time subsequent players
- No coins are rewarded for not completing the race.
The game lasts for 6 minutes and each player must complete 2 laps of the entire course in
order to win coins.

Game Timeline
<0:10> Quig is in the lead!
<1:28> PeteZahHutt took the lead!
<1:44.65> PeteZahHutt finished lap 1 at position #1!
<1:50.90> Smajor1995 finished lap 1 at position #2!
<1:57.35> InTheLittleWood finished lap 1 at position #3!
<2:00.10> Quig finished lap 1 at position #4!
<2:01.15> SolidarityGaming finished lap 1 at position #5!
<2:04.00> King_Burren finished lap 1 at position #6!
<2:04.20> FlorianFunke finished lap 1 at position #7!
<2:05.35> Ph1LzA finished lap 1 at position #8!
<2:05.85> NettyPlays finished lap 1 at position #9!
<2:06.90> Smallishbeans finished lap 1 at position #10!
<2:10.20> KaraCorvus finished lap 1 at position #11!
<2:11.15> ShubbleYT finished lap 1 at position #12!
<2:11.60> Vikkstar123 finished lap 1 at position #13!
<2:11.70> Ryguyrocky finished lap 1 at position #14!
<2:12.25> Dethridge finished lap 1 at position #15!
<2:13.85> Krtzy finished lap 1 at position #16!
<2:18.40> Wolv21 finished lap 1 at position #17!
<2:19.60> CaptainSparklez finished lap 1 at position #18!
<2:20.30> WilburSoot finished lap 1 at position #19!
<2:20.95> HBomb94 finished lap 1 at position #20!
<2:21.05> James_Prime finished lap 1 at position #21!
<2:22.00> iHasCupquake finished lap 1 at position #22!
<2:23.50> Michaelmcchill finished lap 1 at position #23!
<2:25.05> KryticZeuZ finished lap 1 at position #24!
<2:25.95> iJevin finished lap 1 at position #25!
<2:31.25> LDShadowLady finished lap 1 at position #26!
<2:35.75> Rafessor finished lap 1 at position #27!
<2:36.35> JCtheCaster finished lap 1 at position #28!
<2:38.35> CaptainPuffy finished lap 1 at position #29!
<2:40.30> Drgluon finished lap 1 at position #30!
<2:50.40> yammy_xox finished lap 1 at position #31!
<2:52.05> JOEYGRACEFFA finished lap 1 at position #32!
<2:54.25> GamerBurry finished lap 1 at position #33!
<3:02.65> Flabaliki finished lap 1 at position #34!
<3:06.15> TankMatt finished lap 1 at position #35!
<3:08.35> MysterySalesman finished lap 1 at position #36!
<3:14.70> JackSucksAtMC finished lap 1 at position #37!
<3:15.00> BBPaws finished lap 1 at position #38!
<3:29.50> PeteZahHutt has finished the race at position #1! (Lap time: 1:44.85)
<3:45.85> Quig has finished the race at position #2! (Lap time: 1:45.75)
<3:49.20> SolidarityGaming has finished the race at position #3! (Lap time: 1:48.05)
<3:53.55> King_Burren has finished the race at position #4! (Lap time: 1:49.55)
<3:55.15> Ph1LzA has finished the race at position #5! (Lap time: 1:49.80)
<3:56.75> Smajor1995 has finished the race at position #6! (Lap time: 2:05.85)
<3:59.40> Vikkstar123 has finished the race at position #7! (Lap time: 1:47.80)
<4:01.85> Dethridge has finished the race at position #8! (Lap time: 1:49.60)
<4:06.30> Krtzy has finished the race at position #9! (Lap time: 1:52.45)
<4:06.60> FlorianFunke has finished the race at position #10! (Lap time: 2:02.40)
<4:07.50> Wolv21 has finished the race at position #11! (Lap time: 1:49.10)
<4:10.20> Smallishbeans has finished the race at position #12! (Lap time: 2:03.30)
<4:14.55> Ryguyrocky has finished the race at position #13! (Lap time: 2:02.85)
<4:16.40> The_Eret finished lap 1 at position #39!
<4:18.80> James_Prime has finished the race at position #14! (Lap time: 1:57.75)
<4:20.65> Rafessor has finished the race at position #15! (Lap time: 1:44.90)
<4:25.35> CaptainSparklez has finished the race at position #16! (Lap time: 2:05.75)
<4:26.45> ShubbleYT has finished the race at position #17! (Lap time: 2:15.30)
<4:26.80> KaraCorvus has finished the race at position #18! (Lap time: 2:16.60)
<4:27.35> Michaelmcchill has finished the race at position #19! (Lap time: 2:03.85)
<4:33.30> JCtheCaster has finished the race at position #20! (Lap time: 1:56.95)
<4:35.40> NettyPlays has finished the race at position #21! (Lap time: 2:29.55)
<4:36.25> Vixella finished lap 1 at position #40!
<4:36.55> LDShadowLady has finished the race at position #22! (Lap time: 2:05.30)
<4:38.75> iHasCupquake has finished the race at position #23! (Lap time: 2:16.75)
<4:38.90> WilburSoot has finished the race at position #24! (Lap time: 2:18.60)
<4:47.95> iJevin has finished the race at position #25! (Lap time: 2:22.00)
<4:52.50> InTheLittleWood has finished the race at position #26! (Lap time: 2:55.15)
<4:59.05> TankMatt has finished the race at position #27! (Lap time: 1:52.90)
<5:05.70> KryticZeuZ has finished the race at position #28! (Lap time: 2:40.65)
<5:06.35> HBomb94 has finished the race at position #29! (Lap time: 2:45.40)
<5:14.30> CaptainPuffy has finished the race at position #30! (Lap time: 2:35.95)
<5:23.45> Drgluon has finished the race at position #31! (Lap time: 2:43.15)
<5:23.90> yammy_xox has finished the race at position #32! (Lap time: 2:33.50)
<5:31.75> MysterySalesman has finished the race at position #33! (Lap time: 2:23.40)
<5:39.55> JOEYGRACEFFA has finished the race at position #34! (Lap time: 2:47.50)
<5:47.70> BBPaws has finished the race at position #35! (Lap time: 2:32.70)
<5:58.20> GamerBurry has finished the race at position #36! (Lap time: 3:03.95)
<6:00.00> The race has ended! DNF: JackSucksAtMC, Vixella, Flabaliki, The_Eret

Game Recap
Top 5 laps:
1. PeteZahHutt first lap - 1:44.65
2. PeteZahHutt second lap - 1:44.85
3. Rafessor second lap - 1:44.90
4. Quig second lap - 1:45.75
5. Vikkstar123 second lap - 1:47.80

Individual leaderboard after this game:

1. PeteZahHutt - 905 (+500)
2. Quig - 843 (+488)
3. Vikkstar123 - 780 (+425)
4. Krtzy - 740 (+400)
5. FlorianFunke - 713 (+388)
6. SolidarityGaming - 685 (+475)
7. King_Burren - 673 (+463)
8. Smajor1995 - 663 (+438)
9. Ph1LzA - 660 (+450)
10. CaptainSparklez - 638 (+313)

Team leaderboard after this game:

1. Lime Llamas - 3,832 (+2,457)
2. Purple Pandas - 3,044 (+2,139)
3. Green Guardians - 2,555 (+1,520)
4. Yellow Chickens - 2,440 (+1,520)
5. Red Rabbits - 2,438 (+1,728)
6. Aqua Horses - 2,334 (+1,689)
7. Cyan Creepers - 2,132 (+1,632)
8. Pink Parrots - 1,647 (+1,052)
9. Orange Ocelots - 1,564 (+1,034)
10. Blue Bats - 847 (+432)
Game Three: Rocket Spleef (x1.5)
Decision Dome
Blue Bats get a Chicken Swap - KryticZeuZ missed their shot
Yellow Chickens get a Fox Launcher - WilburSoot released a fox in Lockout Bingo which
killed four chickens in Lockout Bingo and two in Hole in the Wall.
Aqua Horses get a Paint Bucket - The dome was painted Aqua. How classy!

Rocket Spleef - 6
Lockout Bingo - 4
Hole in the Wall - 3
Skyblockle - 1
Survival Games - 0

Game Details
Game Scoring
- 3 coins for all surviving players each time a player dies.
- 33 coins for every personal elimination made.
- 25 coins to each surviving player at the end of the round if only one team remains. (No
coins are awarded if more than one team survives.)
The game lasts for 3 rounds with 3 minutes each round.

Game Timeline
Round 1 (Map: Interconnect)
<0:04> Drgluon fell off the map!
<0:10> LDShadowLady was killed by their teammate, Smallishbeans! What a knucklehead!
<0:20> Flabaliki was killed by James_Prime
<0:20> NettyPlays fell off the map!
<0:21> JackSucksAtMC was killed by TankMatt
<0:23> GamerBurry was killed by King_Burren
<0:27> yammy_xox was killed by FlorianFunke
<0:31> KryticZeuZ was killed by JOEYGRACEFFA
<0:32> BBPaws was killed by TankMatt
<0:34> Dethridge was killed by TankMatt
<0:35> JCtheCaster was killed by BBPaws
<0:35> TankMatt was killed by Smallishbeans
<0:35> Krtzy was killed by FlorianFunke
<0:36> ShubbleYT was killed by iJevin
<0:36> James_Prime was killed by FlorianFunke
<0:38> Vixella fell off the map!
- Team Blue Bats eliminated! 9 teams remain.
<0:38> KaraCorvus was killed by JOEYGRACEFFA
<0:51> iHasCupquake was killed by Ph1LzA
<0:51> SolidarityGaming was killed by FlorianFunke
<0:52> CaptainPuffy was killed by FlorianFunke
<0:53> MysterySalesman fell off the map!
<0:55> FlorianFunke was killed by their teammate, Vikkstar123! What a knucklehead!
<0:56> Rafessor was killed by Michaelmcchill
<0:59> InTheLittleWood fell off the map!
- Team Cyan Creepers eliminated! 8 teams remain.
<1:00> JOEYGRACEFFA was killed by Michaelmcchill
<1:02> Smallishbeans was killed by Ph1LzA
<1:02> Vikkstar123 was killed by The_Eret
<1:03> HBomb94 was killed by The_Eret
<1:08> WilburSoot was killed by The_Eret
<1:13> PeteZahHutt was killed by CaptainSparklez
- Team Lime Llamas eliminated! 7 teams remain.
<1:14> iJevin was killed by Ryguyrocky
<1:19> King_Burren was killed by Ryguyrocky
<1:24> Quig fell off the map!
- Team Green Guardians eliminated! 6 teams remain.
<1:24> Wolv21 was killed by Ph1LzA
- Team Aqua Horses eliminated! 5 teams remain.
<1:35> Michaelmcchill was killed by Ryguyrocky
- Team Purple Pandas eliminated! 4 teams remain.
<1:38> Ph1LzA was killed by The_Eret
<1:46> The_Eret was killed by Smajor1995
- Team Pink Parrots eliminated! 3 teams remain.
<1:47> CaptainSparklez was killed by Ryguyrocky
- Team Orange Ocelots eliminated! 2 teams remain.
<2:08> Smajor1995 was killed by Ryguyrocky
- Team Red Rabbits eliminated! Winner: Ryguyrocky

Round 2 (Map: Rings)

<0:21> iHasCupquake was killed by KryticZeuZ
<0:24> Vixella was killed by King_Burren
<0:35> GamerBurry was killed by King_Burren
<0:43> NettyPlays was killed by Drgluon
<0:44> Drgluon was killed by King_Burren
<0:51> Smallishbeans was killed by TankMatt
<0:52> BBPaws was killed by KryticZeuZ
<0:52> TankMatt was killed by JOEYGRACEFFA
<0:54> ShubbleYT was killed by Dethridge
<0:54> JOEYGRACEFFA was killed by Dethridge
<0:59> Krtzy was killed by FlorianFunke
<1:01> Dethridge was killed by Rafessor
<1:02> KryticZeuZ was killed by their teammate, Flabaliki! What a knucklehead!
<1:02> yammy_xox was killed by KryticZeuZ
<1:03> SolidarityGaming fell off the map!
<1:03> LDShadowLady was killed by Flabaliki
<1:12> Flabaliki was killed by James_Prime
- Team Blue Bats eliminated! 9 teams remain.
<1:14> JackSucksAtMC was killed by King_Burren
<1:18> HBomb94 was killed by Ph1LzA
<1:23> JCtheCaster was killed by King_Burren
<1:23> iJevin was killed by James_Prime
<1:26> James_Prime was killed by KaraCorvus
<1:32> Smajor1995 was killed by Vikkstar123
- Team Red Rabbits eliminated! 8 teams remain.
<1:34> MysterySalesman was killed by Quig
<1:34> Rafessor fell off the map!
<1:35> KaraCorvus was killed by Rafessor
<1:36> Michaelmcchill was killed by The_Eret
<1:36> WilburSoot was killed by Smajor1995
<1:39> Vikkstar123 was killed by Quig
<1:40> CaptainPuffy was killed by King_Burren
<1:45> Ryguyrocky fell off the map!
<1:57> King_Burren fell off the map!
- Team Purple Pandas eliminated! 7 teams remain.
<1:59> InTheLittleWood fell off the map!
- Team Cyan Creepers eliminated! 6 teams remain.
<2:06> The_Eret was killed by FlorianFunke
- Team Pink Parrots eliminated! 5 teams remain.
<2:21> Wolv21 fell off the map!
- Team Aqua Horses eliminated! 4 teams remain.
<2:28> FlorianFunke was killed by Quig
<2:39> PeteZahHutt was killed by CaptainSparklez
- Team Lime Llamas eliminated! 3 teams remain.
<2:57> CaptainSparklez fell off the map!
- Team Orange Ocelots eliminated! 2 teams remain.
<3:00> The round has ended! Survivors: Ph1LzA, Quig
Round 3 (Map: Tower)
<0:10> TankMatt was killed by yammy_xox
<0:12> James_Prime was killed by SolidarityGaming
<0:14> SolidarityGaming was killed by JackSucksAtMC
<0:15> GamerBurry was killed by their teammate, CaptainSparklez! What a knucklehead!
<0:22> CaptainPuffy was killed by their teammate, Dethridge! What a knucklehead!
<0:27> Drgluon was killed by their teammate, Flabaliki! What a knucklehead!
<0:30> iHasCupquake fell off the map!
<0:36> yammy_xox was killed by Ph1LzA
<0:39> Dethridge was killed by MysterySalesman
<0:40> MysterySalesman was killed by ShubbleYT
<0:41> iJevin was killed by yammy_xox
<0:42> NettyPlays was killed by Flabaliki
<0:43> JCtheCaster fell off the map!
<0:47> Flabaliki was killed by NettyPlays
<0:55> KryticZeuZ was killed by Quig
<1:00> LDShadowLady was killed by KaraCorvus
<1:01> JackSucksAtMC was killed by CaptainSparklez
<1:04> Vixella was killed by Smallishbeans
- Team Blue Bats eliminated! 9 teams remain.
<1:09> The_Eret was killed by KaraCorvus
- Team Pink Parrots eliminated! 8 teams remain.
<1:15> King_Burren was killed by Quig
<1:16> JOEYGRACEFFA fell off the map!
<1:19> Smallishbeans was killed by Vikkstar123
<1:20> FlorianFunke was killed by KaraCorvus
<1:21> WilburSoot was killed by Vikkstar123
<1:26> ShubbleYT was killed by their teammate, Quig! What a knucklehead!
<1:43> Smajor1995 was killed by Krtzy
- Team Red Rabbits eliminated! 7 teams remain.
<1:51> InTheLittleWood was killed by Wolv21
- Team Cyan Creepers eliminated! 6 teams remain.
<1:52> Rafessor fell off the map!
<1:55> Quig was killed by CaptainSparklez
<1:58> Wolv21 fell off the map!
- Team Aqua Horses eliminated! 5 teams remain.
<1:59> Ryguyrocky fell off the map!
<2:00> Ph1LzA was killed by CaptainSparklez
- Team Yellow Yaks eliminated! 4 teams remain.
<2:04> HBomb94 was killed by Michaelmcchill
<2:12> Vikkstar123 was killed by KaraCorvus
<2:19> PeteZahHutt was killed by Krtzy
- Team Lime Llamas eliminated! 3 teams remain.
<2:23> Michaelmcchill was killed by BBPaws
<2:26> CaptainSparklez was killed by Krtzy
- Team Orange Ocelots eliminated! 2 teams remain.
<2:48> KaraCorvus was killed by BBPaws
<2:52> BBPaws was killed by Krtzy
- Team Green Guardians eliminated! Winner: Krtzy

Game Recap
Top 5 players this round:
1. CaptainSparklez - 742.5 (495 unmultiplied)
2. Ryguyrocky - 730.5 (487 unmultiplied)
3. Ph1LzA - 715.5 (477 unmultiplied)
4. King_Burren - 711 (474 unmultiplied)
5. FlorianFunke - 697.5 (465 unmultiplied)

Individual leaderboard after this game:

1. Quig - 1,302 (+459)
2. PeteZahHutt - 1,202 (+297)
3. FlorianFunke - 1,178 (+465)
4. King_Burren - 1,147 (+474)
5. Vikkstar123 - 1,140 (+360)
6. Ph1LzA - 1,137 (+477)
7. CaptainSparklez - 1,133 (+495)
8. Ryguyrocky - 1,112 (+487)
9. Krtzy - 1,080 (+340)
10. Smajor1995 - 984 (+321)

Team leaderboard after this game:

1. Lime Llamas - 5,943 (+2,111)
2. Purple Pandas - 5,440 (+2,396)
3. Yellow Chickens - 4,453 (+2,013)
4. Green Guardians - 4,225 (+1,670)
5. Red Rabbits - 3,604 (+1,166)
6. Aqua Horses - 3,594 (+1,260)
7. Cyan Creepers - 3,104 (+972)
8. Pink Parrots - 3,065 (+1,418)
9. Orange Ocelots - 2,842 (+1,278)
10. Blue Bats - 1,621 (+774)
Game Four: Lockout Bingo (x2.0)
Decision Dome
Blue Bats get Dunk - Vixella shot the sign for Skyblockle instead
Cyan Creepers get Crossbows - All of their shots missed or went unused :(
Red Rabbits get Mega Chicken - Smallishbeans spawned a Mega Chicken in Lockout Bingo
and it stayed in that sector

Lockout Bingo: 7
Skyblockle: 5
Hole in the Wall: 4
Survival Games: 2

Game Details
Game Scoring
- Coins are earned by obtaining items, and the rewards decrease as more teams obtain
the item.
- 50 coins to each team member for collecting an item first.
- 35 coins to each team member for collecting an item second.
- 25 coins to each team member for collecting an item third.
- No coins are rewarded after 3 teams have collected an item.
The game lasts for 12 minutes with a total of 25 items.

Game Timeline
Items Collected
Mushroom Stew: Lime 1st, 0:58 | Purple 2nd, 1:31 | Aqua 3rd, 1:42

Music Disc: Yellow 1st, 1:03

Cooked Porkchop: Red 1st, 1:36 | Cyan 2nd, 1:50 | Lime 3rd, 1:53

Cooked Chicken: Yellow 1st, 1:51 | Aqua 2nd, 3:01 | Pink 3rd, 3:09

Campfire: Lime 1st, 2:19 | Purple 2nd, 3:16 | Aqua 3rd, 3:23
Cauldron: Green 1st, 3:04 | Orange 2nd, 4:04 | Lime 3rd, 4:51

Minecart with Hopper: Lime 1st, 4:28

Block of Redstone: Green 1st, 4:29 | Orange 2nd, 8:48 | Lime 3rd, 9:08

Bookshelf: Pink 1st, 4:45 | Purple 2nd, 6:19 | Yellow 3rd, 7:42

Yellow Concrete: Red 1st, 5:14 | Green 2nd, 7:51 | Pink 3rd, 10:03

Compass: Green 1st, 5:17 | Cyan 2nd, 8:22 | Lime 3rd, 9:15

Clock: Green 1st, 6:28 | Orange 2nd, 8:37 | Cyan 3rd, 8:54

Redstone Repeater: Green 1st, 7:45 | Aqua 2nd, 9:08 | Lime 3rd, 10:41

Block of Gold: Green 1st, 8:00

Note Block: Aqua 1st, 8:05 | Green 2nd, 8:20 | Yellow 3rd, 10:52

Firework Rocket: Red 1st, 8:44

Powered Rail: Green 1st, 9:05 | Aqua 2nd, 9:43 | Purple 3rd, 10:23

Loom: Cyan 1st, 9:26 | Red 2nd, 11:48

Cartography Table: Yellow 1st, 9:32 | Cyan 2nd, 9:57 | Red 3rd, 10:44

Smithing Table: Red 1st, 10:09 | Purple 2nd, 10:37 | Cyan 3rd, 11:19

Purple Concrete: Green 1st, 10:45 | Orange 2nd, 11:27

<2:36> yammy_xox was slain by Vikkstar123
<2:56> Ph1LzA was slain by Vikkstar123
<3:55> KaraCorvus was slain by James_Prime
<3:55> James_Prime was slain by King_Burren
<4:01> WilburSoot was slain by Vikkstar123
<4:02> KryticZeuZ was blown up by Creeper
<4:04> ShubbleYT fell from a high place
<4:28> MysterySalesman was slain by Ph1LzA
<4:49> James_Prime was slain by Ph1LzA
<5:06> Smallishbeans was slain by Ph1LzA
<5:07> GamerBurry was slain by Smajor1995
<6:05> JackSucksAtMC was slain by Zombie
<6:06> Flabaliki was slain by Smallishbeans
<6:18> The_Eret was slain by King_Burren
<6:35> KaraCorvus was blown up by Creeper
<7:23> Drgluon was blown up by Creeper
<7:23> MysterySalesman was shot by Skeleton
<7:48> LDShadowLady was shot by Skeleton
<7:48> GamerBurry was slain by King_Burren
<8:24> MysterySalesman was slain by BBPaws
<8:27> Drgluon was slain by JCtheCaster
<8:37> Flabaliki tried to swim in lava
<9:08> Quig tried to swim in lava
<10:23> James_Prime drowned
<10:42> Dethridge was shot by Skeleton
<10:47> MysterySalesman was slain by FlorianFunke
<10:49> Flabaliki was blown up by Creeper
<11:30> MysterySalesman was blown up by Creeper
<11:47> CaptainSparklez burned to death
<11:55> iJevin was blown up by Creeper
<11:57> CaptainPuffy hit the ground too hard

Game Recap
Top 5 players this round:
1. HBomb94 - 6 items
2. Vikkstar123 - 5 items
3. NettyPlays - 4 items
4. Krtzy - 3 items
5. CaptainPuffy - 3 items

Individual leaderboard after this game:

1. Quig - 1,772 (+470)
2. PeteZahHutt - 1,477 (+275)
3. FlorianFunke - 1,453 (+275)
4. Vikkstar123 - 1,415 (+275)
5. Ph1LzA - 1,337 (+200)
6. Ryguyrocky - 1,312 (+200)
7. King_Burren - 1,312 (+165)
8. CaptainSparklez - 1,273 (+140)
9. Smajor1995 - 1,244 (+260)
10. HBomb94 - 1,176 (+470)

Team leaderboard after this game:

1. Lime Llamas - 8,143 (+2,200)
2. Green Guardians - 7,985 (+3,760)
3. Purple Pandas - 6,760 (+1,320)
4. Yellow Chickens - 6,053 (+1,600)
5. Red Rabbits - 5,684 (+2,080)
6. Aqua Horses - 5,234 (+1,640)
7. Cyan Creepers - 4,744 (+1,640)
8. Orange Ocelots - 3,962 (+1,120)
9. Pink Parrots - 3,865 (+800)
10. Blue Bats - 1,621 (+0)

Game Five: Hole in the Wall (x2.0)

Decision Dome
Blue Bats get Crossbows - Nobody used them :|
Cyan Creepers get Dunk - TankMatt didn’t notice it...
Red Rabbits get Paint Bucket - The dome was painted Red. How pretty!

Hole in the Wall - 5
Survival Games - 3
Skyblockle - 3

Game Details
Game Scoring
- 4 coins to all surviving players each time a player dies.
- 300 coins to all members of the last team standing.
- 300 coins to everyone left alive when the round ends.
The game lasts for 3 rounds with 3 minutes per round.

Game Timeline

Round 1
Red Rabbits: Smajor1995 (#39, 0:08), LDShadowLady (#40, 0:05), yammy_xox (#19, 1:17),
Smallishbeans (#6, 2:01)
Orange Ocelots: iHasCupquake (#38, 0:08), JOEYGRACEFFA (#27, 0:27), CaptainSparklez
(#9, 1:37), GamerBurry (#30, 0:25)
Yellow Chickens: JackSucksAtMC (#33, 0:13), Ph1LzA (#11, 1:34), WilburSoot (#8, 1:41),
Ryguyrocky (#15, 1:25)
Lime Llamas: Vikkstar123 (#5, 2:03), PeteZahHutt (#4, 2:03), FlorianFunke (#29, 0:27),
Rafessor (#21, 1:04)
Green Guardians: HBomb94 (#31, 0:16), Quig (#3, 2:04), BBPaws (#35, 0:09), ShubbleYT
(#7, 1:54)
Cyan Creepers: InTheLittleWood (#10, 1:37), NettyPlays (#36, 0:09), SolidarityGaming
(#28, 0:27), TankMatt (#34, 0:11)
Aqua Horses: Dethridge (#16, 1:25), iJevin (#37, 0:09), Wolv21 (#22, 1:03), CaptainPuffy
(#25, 0:33)
Blue Bats: Flabaliki (#26, 0:33), Vixella (#32, 0:14), KryticZeuZ (#18, 1:25), Drgluon (#17,
Purple Pandas: Michaelmcchill (#1), KaraCorvus (#14, 1:25), Krtzy (#1), King_Burren (#24,
Pink Parrots: James_Prime (#13, 1:26), JCtheCaster (#20, 1:17), The_Eret (#12, 1:29),
MysterySalesman (#23, 0:34)

Round 2
Red Rabbits: Smajor1995 (#38, 0:19), LDShadowLady (#24, 1:12), yammy_xox (#22, 1:22),
Smallishbeans (#16, 1:34)
Orange Ocelots: iHasCupquake (#23, 1:17), JOEYGRACEFFA (#32, 1:00), CaptainSparklez
(#25, 1:12), GamerBurry (#35, 0:56)
Yellow Chickens: JackSucksAtMC (#15, 1:35), Ph1LzA (#40, 0:06), WilburSoot (#5, 2:11),
Ryguyrocky (#9, 1:54)
Lime Llamas: Vikkstar123 (#19, 1:27), PeteZahHutt (#34, 0:56), FlorianFunke (#31, 1:01),
Rafessor (#39, 0:18)
Green Guardians: HBomb94 (#28, 1:05), Quig (#6, 2:10), BBPaws (#26, 1:07), ShubbleYT
(#14, 1:35)
Cyan Creepers: InTheLittleWood (#2, 2:22), NettyPlays (#36, 0:31), SolidarityGaming (#29,
1:02), TankMatt (#3, 2:18)
Aqua Horses: Dethridge (#37, 0:30), iJevin (#4, 2:17), Wolv21 (#27, 1:07), CaptainPuffy
(#7, 1:57)
Blue Bats: Flabaliki (#10, 1:42), Vixella (#20, 1:24), KryticZeuZ (#30, 1:01), Drgluon (#18,
Purple Pandas: Michaelmcchill (#1), KaraCorvus (#11, 1:41), Krtzy (#21, 1:24),
King_Burren (#17, 1:27)
Pink Parrots: James_Prime (#8, 1:55), JCtheCaster (#13, 1:35), The_Eret (#12, 1:36),
MysterySalesman (#33, 0:58)

Round 3
Red Rabbits: Smajor1995 (#21, 1:10), LDShadowLady (#6, 1:45), yammy_xox (#36, 1:03),
Smallishbeans (#33, 1:04)
Orange Ocelots: iHasCupquake (#8, 1:40), JOEYGRACEFFA (#9, 1:28), CaptainSparklez
(#30, 1:06), GamerBurry (#34, 1:04)
Yellow Chickens: JackSucksAtMC (#11, 1:27), Ph1LzA (#29, 1:06), WilburSoot (#20, 1:10),
Ryguyrocky (#24, 1:10)
Lime Llamas: Vikkstar123 (#26, 1:08), PeteZahHutt (#27, 1:07), FlorianFunke (#17, 1:13),
Rafessor (#13, 1:26)
Green Guardians: HBomb94 (#14, 1:20), Quig (#31, 1:06), BBPaws (#38, 1:02), ShubbleYT
Cyan Creepers: InTheLittleWood (#16, 1:13), NettyPlays (#12, 1:27), SolidarityGaming (#5,
2:03), TankMatt (#4, 2:07)
Aqua Horses: Dethridge (#23, 1:10), iJevin (#35, 1:03), Wolv21 (#22, 1:10), CaptainPuffy
(#37, 1:02)
Blue Bats: Flabaliki (#39, 1:02), Vixella (#18, 1:10), KryticZeuZ (#19, 1:10), Drgluon (#28,
Purple Pandas: Michaelmcchill (#3, 2:07), KaraCorvus (#32, 1:05), Krtzy (#40, 0:22),
King_Burren (#15, 1:20)
Pink Parrots: James_Prime (#7, 1:41), JCtheCaster (#2, 2:09), The_Eret (#10, 1:27),
MysterySalesman (#25, 1:08)

Game Recap
Top 5 players this game:
1. Michaelmcchill - 2,112 (1,056 unmultiplied)
2. ShubbleYT - 1,384 (692 unmultiplied)
3. Krtzy - 1,056 (528 unmultiplied)
4. James_Prime - 736 (368 unmultiplied)
5. InTheLittleWood - 736 (368 unmultiplied)

Individual leaderboard after this game:

1. Michaelmcchill - 2,105 (+1,056)
2. Quig - 2,092 (+320)
3. ShubbleYT - 1,840 (+692)
4. Krtzy - 1,773 (+528)
5. PeteZahHutt - 1,697 (+220)
6. Vikkstar123 - 1,695 (+280)
7. FlorianFunke - 1,625 (+172)
8. Ryguyrocky - 1,600 (+288)
9. King_Burren - 1,568 (+256)
10. CaptainSparklez - 1,497 (+224)

Team leaderboard after this game:

1. Purple Pandas - 10,944 (+4,184)
2. Green Guardians - 10,553 (+2,568)
3. Lime Llamas - 9,863 (+1,720)
4. Yellow Chickens - 8,133 (+2,080)
5. Red Rabbits - 7,124 (+1,440)
6. Cyan Creepers - 6,864 (+2,120)
7. Aqua Horses - 6,738 (+1,504)
8. Pink Parrots - 6,281 (+2,416)
9. Orange Ocelots - 5,402 (+1,440)
10. Blue Bats - 3,261 (+1,640)
Game Six: Skyblockle (x2.5)
Decision Dome
Orange Ocelots get Dunk - It went unused :(
Green Guardians got a powerup - It went unused :(
Red Rabbits get Fox Launcher - Smallishbeans let a fox loose in Skyblockle who killed one
chicken in Skyblockle and two in TGTTOS

Skyblockle - 4
Survival Games - 4

Game Details
Game Scoring
- 10 coins to all surviving players each time a player dies.
- 70 coins for every personal elimination made.
- 150 coins to all members of the last team standing.
The game lasts for 18 minutes with 1 round.

Game Timeline
<2:22> MysterySalesman fell out of the world
<5:59> WilburSoot fell out of the world
<7:00> The border is shrinking!
<7:21> Wolv21 was killed by the world border
<7:22> JOEYGRACEFFA was killed by the world border
<7:23> iHasCupquake was killed by the world border
<7:26> Dethridge was killed by the world border
<7:27> Vixella was killed by the world border
<7:29> Drgluon was killed by the world border
<7:30> Flabaliki was killed by the world border
<7:30> The border has stopped shrinking!
<7:31> KryticZeuZ was killed by the world border
- Team Blue Bats eliminated! 9 teams remain.
<8:43> LDShadowLady didn’t want to live in the same world as Krtzy
<9:00> The border is shrinking!
<9:07> iJevin left the game
<9:16> Smallishbeans was knocked into the void by Krtzy
<9:23> NettyPlays was killed by the world border
<9:25> James_Prime was slain by Quig
<9:30> The border has stopped shrinking!
<9:42> Ph1LzA was knocked into the void by PeteZahHutt
<9:45> PeteZahHutt tried to swim in lava placed by Ryguyrocky
<9:49> Rafessor tried to swim in lava placed by Ryguyrocky
<9:49> Vikkstar123 tried to swim in lava placed by Ryguyrocky
<9:53> Ryguyrocky didn’t want to live in the same world as Rafessor
<9:54> JackSucksAtMC burned to death
- Team Yellow Chickens eliminated! 8 teams remain.
<10:57> GamerBurry was knocked into the void by Krtzy
<11:00> The border is shrinking!
<11:05> InTheLittleWood didn’t want to live in the same world as Quig
<11:06> The_Eret fell out of the world
<11:11> TankMatt fell from a high place whilst fighting Quig
<11:12> Quig was slain by SolidarityGaming
<11:13> SolidarityGaming fell from a high place whilst fighting Quig
- Team Cyan Creepers eliminated! 7 teams remain.
<11:30> The border has stopped shrinking!
<13:00> The border is shrinking!
<13:00> Smajor1995 fell out of the world
<13:30> The border has stopped shrinking!
<13:33> CaptainSparklez fell out of the world
- Team Orange Ocelots eliminated! 6 teams remain.
<13:47> yammy_xox was slain by HBomb94
- Team Red Rabbits eliminated! 5 teams remain.
<13:52> BBPaws was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting JCtheCaster
<13:56> JCtheCaster was slain by HBomb94
- Team Pink Parrots eliminated! 4 teams remain.
<14:05> CaptainPuffy was slain by FlorianFunke
- Team Aqua Horses eliminated! 3 teams remain.
<14:27> FlorianFunke was slain by HBomb94
- Team Lime Llamas eliminated! 2 teams remain.
<15:00> The border is shrinking!
<15:27> ShubbleYT was slain by Krtzy
<15:29> HBomb94 was slain by Krtzy
- Team Green Guardians eliminated! Winners: Krtzy, KaraCorvus, Michaelmcchill,
Game Recap
Top 5 players this game:
1. Krtzy - 2,150 (860 unmultiplied)
2. HBomb94 - 1,400 (560 unmultiplied)
3. Quig - 1,325 (530 unmultiplied)
4. Michaelmcchill - 1,275 (510 unmultiplied)
5. King_Burren - 1,275 (510 unmultiplied)

Individual leaderboard after this game:

1. Krtzy - 2,633 (+860)
2. Quig - 2,622 (+530)
3. Michaelmcchill - 2,615 (+510)
4. ShubbleYT - 2,180 (+340)
5. King_Burren - 2,078 (+510)
6. FlorianFunke - 2,025 (+400)
7. Ryguyrocky - 2,000 (+400)
8. PeteZahHutt - 1,927 (+230)
9. HBomb94 - 1,924 (+560)
10. Vikkstar123 - 1,875 (+180)

Team leaderboard after this game:

1. Purple Pandas - 16,919 (+5,975)
2. Green Guardians - 14,878 (+4,325)
3. Lime Llamas - 12,488 (+2,625)
4. Yellow Chickens - 10,033 (+1,900)
5. Cyan Creepers - 9,164 (+2,300)
6. Red Rabbits - 9,074 (+1,950)
7. Pink Parrots - 8,156 (+1,875)
8. Aqua Horses - 7,988 (+1,250)
9. Orange Ocelots - 6,802 (+1,400)
10. Blue Bats - 4,011 (+750)
Game Seven: TGTTOS (x2.5)
Decision Dome
Blue Bats get a Mega Chicken - It was thrown outside of the dome and instantly died :(
Yellow Chickens get a Chicken Swap - Ryguyrocky forgot he had to hit a CHICKEN...
Orange Ocelots get a Dunk - JOEYGRACEFFA tried shooting a chicken...


Survival Games: 4

Game Details
Game Scoring
- 80 coins to the first player to whack a chicken, which decreases by 2 coins every time
someone finishes.
The game lasts for 6 rounds with 90 seconds per round.

Game Timeline
Round 1 (Map: Pit)
Red Rabbits: Smajor1995 (#1, 0:19), LDShadowLady (#8, 0:31), yammy_xox (#10, 0:32),
Smallishbeans (#12, 0:33)
Orange Ocelots: iHasCupquake (#31, 0:51), JOEYGRACEFFA (#22, 0:43), CaptainSparklez
(#24, 0:43), GamerBurry (#7, 0:29)
Yellow Chickens: JackSucksAtMC (#39, 1:05), Ph1LzA (#26, 0:46), WilburSoot (#36, 0:58),
Ryguyrocky (#5, 0:28)
Lime Llamas: Vikkstar123 (#4, 0:27), PeteZahHutt (#6, 0:29), FlorianFunke (#15, 0:38),
Rafessor (#20, 0:41)
Green Guardians: HBomb94 (#17, 0:40), Quig (#34, 0:55), BBPaws (#40, 1:22), ShubbleYT
(#25, 0:44)
Cyan Creepers: InTheLittleWood (#33, 0:54), NettyPlays (#18, 0:41), SolidarityGaming (#3,
0:26), TankMatt (#9, 0:31)
Aqua Horses: Dethridge (#16, 0:38), iJevin (#19, 0:41), Wolv21 (#35, 0:56), CaptainPuffy
(#13, 0:33)
Blue Bats: Flabaliki (#32, 0:54), Vixella (#14, 0:36), KryticZeuZ (#30, 0:50), Drgluon (#38,
Purple Pandas: Michaelmcchill (#28, 0:48), KaraCorvus (#11, 0:32), Krtzy (#2, 0:23),
King_Burren (#27, 0:46)
Pink Parrots: James_Prime (#29, 0:48), JCtheCaster (#23, 0:43), The_Eret (#21, 0:43),
MysterySalesman (#37, 0:58)

Round 2 (Map: Boats)

Red Rabbits: Smajor1995 (#19, 1:03), LDShadowLady (#7, 0:49), yammy_xox (#23, 1:06),
Smallishbeans (#6, 0:45)
Orange Ocelots: iHasCupquake (#31, 1:26), JOEYGRACEFFA (#26, 1:15), CaptainSparklez
(#4, 0:39), GamerBurry (#25, 1:10)
Yellow Chickens: JackSucksAtMC (#27, 1:16), Ph1LzA (#3, 0:38), Ryguyrocky (#5, 0:43)
Lime Llamas: Vikkstar123 (#9, 0:50), PeteZahHutt (#1, 0:33), FlorianFunke (#28, 1:18),
Rafessor (#17, 1:00)
Green Guardians: HBomb94 (#13, 0:55), Quig (#2, 0:35), BBPaws (#32, 1:26), ShubbleYT
(#30, 1:21)
Cyan Creepers: InTheLittleWood (#10, 0:50), NettyPlays (#21, 1:04), TankMatt (#20, 1:03)
Aqua Horses: Dethridge (#12, 0:52), Wolv21 (#15, 0:57), CaptainPuffy (#34, 1:29)
Blue Bats: Vixella (#33, 1:28), KryticZeuZ (#16, 0:58)
Purple Pandas: Michaelmcchill (#29, 1:20), KaraCorvus (#14, 0:56), Krtzy (#8, 0:49),
King_Burren (#24, 1:08)
Pink Parrots: James_Prime (#18, 1:01), JCtheCaster (#22, 1:04), The_Eret (#11, 0:51)
DNF: WilburSoot, SolidarityGaming, iJevin, Flabaliki, Drgluon, MysterySalesman

Round 3 (Map: Doors)

Red Rabbits: Smajor1995 (#20, 1:24), yammy_xox (#22, 1:27), Smallishbeans (#11, 0:59)
Orange Ocelots: iHasCupquake (#13, 1:00), GamerBurry (#23, 1:29)
Yellow Chickens: Ph1LzA (#12, 0:59), WilburSoot (#14, 1:00), Ryguyrocky (#6, 0:51)
Lime Llamas: Vikkstar123 (#18, 1:19), PeteZahHutt (#4, 0:49), Rafessor (#8, 0:54)
Green Guardians: HBomb94 (#2, 0:47), Quig (#3, 0:49), BBPaws (#24, 1:29), ShubbleYT
(#15, 1:09)
Cyan Creepers: None
Aqua Horses: iJevin (#17, 1:18), Wolv21 (#21, 1:26), CaptainPuffy (#7, 0:52)
Blue Bats: KryticZeuZ (#5, 0:50)
Purple Pandas: Michaelmcchill (#1, 0:44), KaraCorvus (#10, 0:58), Krtzy (#19, 1:21),
King_Burren (#16, 1:15)
Pink Parrots: JCtheCaster (#9, 0:57)
DNF: LDShadowLady, JOEYGRACEFFA, CaptainSparklez, JackSucksAtMC,
FlorianFunke, InTheLittleWood, NettyPlays, SolidarityGaming, TankMatt, Dethridge,
Flabaliki, Vixella, Drgluon, James_Prime, The_Eret, MysterySalesman

Round 4 (Map: Cliff)

Red Rabbits: Smajor1995 (#13, 0:59), LDShadowLady (#9, 0:44), Smallishbeans (#5, 0:31)
Orange Ocelots: None
Yellow Chickens: JackSucksAtMC (#17, 1:11), Ph1LzA (#12, 0:58), WilburSoot (#10, 0:47)
Lime Llamas: Vikkstar123 (#22, 1:20), PeteZahHutt (#15, 1:06), FlorianFunke (#21, 1:19),
Rafessor (#20, 1:16)
Green Guardians: HBomb94 (#16, 1:06), Quig (#7, 0:40), ShubbleYT (#11, 0:56)
Cyan Creepers: InTheLittleWood (#23, 1:26), NettyPlays (#3, 0:28), SolidarityGaming (#8,
Aqua Horses: Dethridge (#14, 1:01), CaptainPuffy (#18, 1:12)
Blue Bats: KryticZeuZ (#19, 1:13)
Purple Pandas: Michaelmcchill (#4, 0:29), Krtzy (#1, 0:22), King_Burren (#6, 0:33)
Pink Parrots: James_Prime (#2, 0:24)
DNF: yammy_xox, iHasCupquake, JOEYGRACEFFA, CaptainSparklez, GamerBurry,
Ryguyrocky, BBPaws, TankMatt, iJevin, Wolv21, Flabaliki, Vixella, Drgluon, KaraCorvus,
JCtheCaster, The_Eret, MysterySalesman

Round 5 (Map: Walls)

Red Rabbits: Smajor1995 (#15, 0:49), LDShadowLady (#33, 1:08), yammy_xox (#26, 0:55),
Smallishbeans (#30, 1:00)
Orange Ocelots: iHasCupquake (#32, 1:06), JOEYGRACEFFA (#20, 0:51), CaptainSparklez
(#23, 0:53), GamerBurry (#13, 0:48)
Yellow Chickens: JackSucksAtMC (#36, 1:16), Ph1LzA (#6, 0:46), WilburSoot (#29, 0:59),
Ryguyrocky (#2, 0:44)
Lime Llamas: Vikkstar123 (#27, 0:57), PeteZahHutt (#3, 0:44), FlorianFunke (#10, 0:47),
Rafessor (#5, 0:46)
Green Guardians: HBomb94 (#4, 0:46), Quig (#12, 0:48), BBPaws (#25, 0:54), ShubbleYT
(#16, 0:49)
Cyan Creepers: InTheLittleWood (#9, 0:47), NettyPlays (#38, 1:25), SolidarityGaming (#18,
0:49), TankMatt (#39, 1:29)
Aqua Horses: Dethridge (#11, 0:47), iJevin (#34, 1:09), Wolv21 (#28, 0:58), CaptainPuffy
(#19, 0:50)
Blue Bats: Flabaliki (#17, 0:49), Vixella (#35, 1:13), KryticZeuZ (#22, 0:53), Drgluon (#37,
Purple Pandas: Michaelmcchill (#21, 0:53), KaraCorvus (#24, 0:54), Krtzy (#1, 0:43),
King_Burren (#14, 0:48)
Pink Parrots: James_Prime (#7, 0:47), JCtheCaster (#8, 0:47), MysterySalesman (#31,
DNF: The_Eret

Round 6 (Map: Glide)

Red Rabbits: Smajor1995 (#13, 0:47)
Orange Ocelots: JOEYGRACEFFA (#6, 0:33), CaptainSparklez (#14, 0:48)
Yellow Chickens: Ph1LzA (#5, 0:31), WilburSoot (#2, 0:27), Ryguyrocky (#7, 0:34)
Lime Llamas: Vikkstar123 (#11, 0:46), PeteZahHutt (#1, 0:25)
Green Guardians: Quig (#9, 0:40)
Cyan Creepers: InTheLittleWood (#3, 0:28)
Aqua Horses: iJevin (#4, 0:29), Wolv21 (#8, 0:39), CaptainPuffy (#16, 1:05)
Blue Bats: None
Purple Pandas: Michaelmcchill (#15, 0:53), KaraCorvus (#12, 0:47), Krtzy (#17, 1:19),
King_Burren (#10, 0:41)
Pink Parrots: JCtheCaster (#19, 1:29), MysterySalesman (#18, 1:25)
DNF: LDShadowLady, yammy_xox, Smallishbeans, iHasCupquake, GamerBurry,
JackSucksAtMC, FlorianFunke, Rafessor, HBomb94, BBPaws, ShubbleYT, NettyPlays,
SolidarityGaming, TankMatt, Dethridge, Flabaliki, Vixella, KryticZeuZ, Drgluon,
James_Prime, The_Eret

Game Recap
Top 5 players this game:
1. PeteZahHutt - 1,080 (432 unmultiplied)
2. Krtzy - 990 (396 unmultiplied)
3. Ph1LzA - 910 (364 unmultiplied)
4. Ryguyrocky - 900 (360 unmultiplied)
5. Quig - 895 (358 unmultiplied)

Individual leaderboard after this game:

1. Krtzy - 3,029 (+396)
2. Quig - 2,980 (+358)
3. Michaelmcchill - 2,911 (+296)
4. ShubbleYT - 2,396 (+216)
5. King_Burren - 2,376 (+298)
6. Ryguyrocky - 2,360 (+360)
7. PeteZahHutt - 2,359 (+432)
8. HBomb94 - 2,230 (+306)
9. FlorianFunke - 2,205 (+180)
10. Vikkstar123 - 2,185 (+310)

Team leaderboard after this game:

1. Purple Pandas - 20,064 (+3,145)
2. Green Guardians - 17,293 (+2,415)
3. Lime Llamas - 15,468 (+2,980)
4. Yellow Chickens - 12,638 (+2,605)
5. Red Rabbits - 11,554 (+2,480)
6. Cyan Creepers - 10,964 (+1,800)
7. Aqua Horses - 10,178 (+2,190)
8. Pink Parrots - 9,751 (+1,595)
9. Orange Ocelots - 8,512 (+1,710)
10. Blue Bats - 4,981 (+970)
Game Eight: Survival Games (3x point gain)
Decision Dome
I wonder what amazing palette of games the contestants can vote for today? oh,
nevermind, it’s just Survival Games. Have fun!

Game Details
Map: City Living
Game Scoring
- 10 coins to all surviving players each time a player dies.
- 60 coins for every personal elimination made.
- 150 coins to each member of the last surviving team.
The game lasts for 1 round which lasts for 13 minutes.

Game Timeline
<0:15> The grace period has ended. PvP is enabled!
<0:37> Krtzy was slain by JCtheCaster
<1:00> King_Burren was slain by James_Prime
<1:03> James_Prime tried to swim in lava whilst fighting King_Burren
<1:22> Michaelmcchill was slain by iJevin
<1:50> CaptainSparklez was blown up by Ph1LzA
<2:22> JOEYGRACEFFA was slain by Ph1LzA
<2:37> GamerBurry was slain by WilburSoot
<2:48> Drgluon was slain by Wolv21
<2:51> Flabaliki tried to swim in lava
<2:52> Vixella was slain by iJevin
<3:05> KryticZeuZ was slain by iJevin
- Team Blue Bats eliminated! 9 teams remain.
<3:07> Ryguyrocky was slain by Vikkstar123
<3:09> JackSucksAtMC was slain by their teammate, WilburSoot! What a knucklehead!
<3:10> Ph1LzA was slain by PeteZahHutt
<3:18> WilburSoot was slain by PeteZahHutt
- Team Yellow Chickens eliminated! 8 teams remain.
<3:20> Quig looted Ice Cool Boots from an airdrop!
<4:00> The border is shrinking!
<4:10> Dethridge was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting JCtheCaster
<4:14> iHasCupquake was slain by Vikkstar123
- Team Orange Ocelots eliminated! 7 teams remain.
<4:22> MysterySalesman was slain by Wolv21
<4:30> iJevin was slain by JCtheCaster
<4:30> Wolv21 was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting JCtheCaster
<4:30> The border has stopped shrinking!
<4:38> CaptainPuffy was shot by JCtheCaster
- Team Aqua Horses eliminated! 6 teams remain.
<4:40> yammy_xox was slain by Quig
<4:41> LDShadowLady was slain by Quig
<4:45> Quig was slain by BBPaws
<4:50> HBomb94 was slain by Vikkstar123
<4:53> BBPaws was slain by Vikkstar123
<4:58> Smallishbeans was slain by PeteZahHutt
<5:00> ShubbleYT was slain by Rafessor
- Team Green Guardians eliminated! 5 teams remain.
<6:00> The border is shrinking!
<6:26> InTheLittleWood was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting PeteZahHutt
<6:26> NettyPlays was slain by Vikkstar123
<6:29> FlorianFunke was slain by SolidarityGaming
<6:30> The border has stopped shrinking!
<6:36> SolidarityGaming was killed by Rafessor using magic
<6:36> Rafessor was killed by Rafessor using magic
<6:37> PeteZahHutt was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting SolidarityGaming
<8:00> The border is shrinking!
<8:30> The border has stopped shrinking!
<9:00> The border is shrinking!
<9:02> JCtheCaster looted Sawn-off Crossbow from an airdrop!
<9:02> Vikkstar123 was shot by TankMatt
- Team Lime Llamas eliminated! 4 teams remain.
<9:30> The border has stopped shrinking!
<9:50> TankMatt was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting JCtheCaster
- Team Cyan Creepers eliminated! 3 teams remain.
<9:52> KaraCorvus was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting Smajor1995
- Team Purple Pandas eliminated! 2 teams remain.
<10:27> Smajor1995 was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting JCtheCaster
- Team Red Rabbits eliminated! Winners: JCtheCaster, The_Eret

Game Recap

Top 5 players this round:

1. JCtheCaster - 2,850 (950 unmultiplied)
2. Vikkstar123 - 1,920 (640 unmultiplied)
3. PeteZahHutt - 1,710 (570 unmultiplied)
4. The_Eret - 1,590 (530 unmultiplied)
5. Rafessor - 1,320 (440 unmultiplied)
Individual leaderboard after this game:
1. Quig - 3,330 (+350)
2. Krtzy - 3,029 (+0)
3. Michaelmcchill - 2,941 (+30)
4. PeteZahHutt - 2,929 (+570)
5. Vikkstar123 - 2,825 (+640)
6. ShubbleYT - 2,666 (+270)
7. JCtheCaster - 2,614 (+950)
8. FlorianFunke - 2,505 (+300)
9. HBomb94 - 2,470 (+240)
10. Ryguyrocky - 2,470 (+110)

Team leaderboard after this game:

1. Purple Pandas - 21,444 (+1,380)
2. Lime Llamas - 21,318 (+5,850)
3. Green Guardians - 20,623 (+3,330)
4. Cyan Creepers - 15,194 (+4,230)
5. Pink Parrots - 14,941 (+5,190)
6. Red Rabbits - 14,914 (+3,360)
7. Yellow Chickens - 14,678 (+2,040)
8. Aqua Horses - 13,238 (+3,060)
9. Orange Ocelots - 9,442 (+930)
10. Blue Bats - 6,001 (+1,020)
Final Game: Dodgebolt
Teams Playing
Purple Pandas (1st) v. Lime Llamas (2nd)

Game Timeline
Round 1
<0:06> Vikkstar123 missed their shot intended for KaraCorvus
<0:08> King_Burren missed their shot intended for Vikkstar123
<0:14> Vikkstar123 missed their shot intended for King_Burren
<0:29> KaraCorvus missed their shot intended for PeteZahHutt
<0:32> Krtzy missed their shot intended for Vikkstar123
<0:38> Vikkstar123 missed their shot intended for Michaelmcchill
<0:45> Krtzy missed their shot intended for Rafessor
<0:53> Krtzy was shot by PeteZahHutt
<0:55> PeteZahHutt missed their shot intended for Michaelmcchill
<1:01> King_Burren missed their shot intended for FlorianFunke
<1:03> KaraCorvus missed their shot intended for FlorianFunke
<1:14> FlorianFunke missed their shot intended for Michaelmcchill
<1:16> FlorianFunke missed their shot intended for Michaelmcchill
<1:19> King_Burren missed their shot intended for Vikkstar123
<1:20> Michaelmcchill missed their shot intended for PeteZahHutt
<1:35> Vikkstar123 missed their shot intended for King_Burren
<1:41> PeteZahHutt missed their shot intended for KaraCorvus
<1:55> Michaelmcchill missed their shot intended for honestly nobody idek
<1:56> Rafessor was shot by KaraCorvus
<2:01> King_Burren was shot by Vikkstar123
<2:09> Michaelmcchill missed their shot intended for FlorianFunke
<2:09> FlorianFunke missed their shot intended for Michaelmcchill
<2:12> FlorianFunke missed their shot intended for Michaelmcchill
<2:13> Michaelmcchill missed their shot intended for FlorianFunke
<2:18> KaraCorvus missed their shot intended for Vikkstar123
<2:23> Michaelmcchill was shot by Vikkstar123
<2:25> FlorianFunke missed their shot intended for KaraCorvus
<2:46> KaraCorvus missed their shot intended for PeteZahHutt
<2:48> KaraCorvus missed their shot intended for PeteZahHutt
<2:55> PeteZahHutt missed their shot intended for KaraCorvus
<3:18> KaraCorvus was shot by PeteZahHutt
<3:18> The round has ended! Winner: Lime Llamas
Lime Llamas: 1 - Purple Pandas: 0

Round 2
<0:09> PeteZahHutt missed their shot intended for Krtzy
<0:10> FlorianFunke missed their shot intended for KaraCorvus
<0:13> Michaelmcchill missed their shot intended for Vikkstar123
<0:20> KaraCorvus missed their shot intended for PeteZahHutt
<0:20> KaraCorvus was shot by PeteZahHutt
<0:28> Michaelmcchill was shot by PeteZahHutt
<0:37> Krtzy missed their shot intended for Vikkstar123
<0:40> Vikkstar123 was shot by Krtzy
<0:41> PeteZahHutt missed their shot intended for Krtzy
<0:45> Rafessor missed their shot intended for Krtzy
<0:47> Krtzy missed their shot intended for Rafessor
<0:52> PeteZahHutt was shot by King_Burren
<1:02> Rafessor missed their shot intended for Krtzy
<1:05> Rafessor missed their shot intended for Krtzy
<1:32> Rafessor was shot by Krtzy
<1:34> King_Burren missed their shot intended for FlorianFunke
<1:48> FlorianFunke missed their shot intended for Krtzy
<1:53> Krtzy missed their shot intended for FlorianFunke
<2:00> FlorianFunke missed their shot intended for King_Burren
<2:30> FlorianFunke was shot by Krtzy
<2:30> The round has ended! Winner: Purple Pandas

Lime Llamas: 1 - Purple Pandas: 1

Round 3
<0:06> Rafessor missed their shot intended for King_Burren
<0:29> PeteZahHutt missed their shot intended for Krtzy
<0:43> Michaelmcchill missed their shot intended for Rafessor
<0:45> Vikkstar123 was shot by Krtzy
<0:52> FlorianFunke missed their shot intended for Krtzy
<0:59> PeteZahHutt missed their shot intended for King_Burren
<1:08> King_Burren missed their shot intended for PeteZahHutt
<1:18> PeteZahHutt missed their shot intended for Krtzy
<1:27> Krtzy missed their shot intended for PeteZahHutt
<1:28> Michaelmcchill missed their shot intended for PeteZahHutt
<1:44> Michaelmcchill was shot by PeteZahHutt
<1:48> Rafessor missed their shot intended for King_Burren
<2:12> PeteZahHutt was shot by Krtzy
<2:14> Rafessor missed their shot intended for Krtzy
<2:18> Krtzy was shot by FlorianFunke
<2:18> FlorianFunke was shot by Krtzy
<2:22> King_Burren was shot by Rafessor
<2:30> KaraCorvus missed their shot intended for Rafessor
<2:37> Rafessor was shot by KaraCorvus
<2:37> The round has ended! Winner: Purple Pandas

Purple Pandas: 2 - Lime Llamas: 1

Purple Pandas win MCC 1!

Final Scores and Rankings

Team Ranking

Game Scores


1 Purple Pandas 905 2139 2396 1320 4184 5975 3145 1380 21,444

2 Lime Llamas 1375 2457 2111 2200 1720 2625 2980 5850 21,318

3 Green Guardians 1035 1520 1670 3760 2568 4325 2415 3330 20,623

4 Cyan Creepers 500 1632 972 1640 2120 2300 1800 4230 15,194

5 Pink Parrots 595 1052 1418 800 2416 1875 1595 5190 14,941

6 Red Rabbits 710 1728 1166 2080 1440 1950 2480 3360 14,914

7 Yellow Chickens 920 1520 2013 1600 2080 1900 2605 2040 14,678

8 Aqua Horses 645 1689 1260 1640 1504 1250 2190 3060 13,238

9 Orange Ocelots 530 1034 1278 1120 1440 1400 1710 930 9,442

10 Blue Bats 415 432 774 0 1640 750 970 1020 6,001

Individual Ranking

Game Scores


1 Quig 355 488 459 470 320 530 358 350 3,330

2 Krtzy 340 400 340 165 528 860 396 0 3,029

3 Michaelmcchill 225 275 384 165 1056 510 296 30 2,941

4 PeteZahHutt 405 500 297 275 220 230 432 570 2,929

5 Vikkstar123 355 425 360 275 280 180 310 640 2,825
6 ShubbleYT 210 300 168 470 692 340 216 270 2,666

7 JCtheCaster 210 263 123 100 340 380 248 950 2,614

8 FlorianFunke 325 388 465 275 172 400 180 300 2,505

9 Ryguyrocky 275 350 487 200 288 400 360 110 2,470

10 HBomb94 325 150 231 470 188 560 306 240 2,470

11 King_Burren 210 463 474 165 256 510 298 70 2,446

12 KaraCorvus 130 288 399 165 252 510 268 360 2,372

13 Smajor1995 225 438 321 260 88 270 330 430 2,362

14 Rafessor 290 325 285 275 188 240 270 440 2,313

15 Ph1LzA 210 450 477 200 160 150 364 250 2,261

16 SolidarityGaming 210 475 135 205 232 330 188 430 2,205

17 CaptainSparklez 325 313 495 140 224 280 198 40 2,015

18 Smallishbeans 210 363 219 260 260 120 282 260 1,974

19 InTheLittleWood 210 188 243 205 368 220 254 280 1,968

20 The_Eret 95 0 426 100 344 230 100 530 1,825

21 Wolv21 80 375 321 205 196 20 196 310 1,703

22 James_Prime 225 338 207 100 368 140 216 80 1,674

23 BBPaws 145 75 255 470 84 300 86 250 1,665

24 WilburSoot 225 213 234 200 348 10 228 200 1,658

25 iJevin 210 200 213 205 176 110 180 360 1,654

26 CaptainPuffy 145 138 156 205 204 320 278 200 1,646

27 TankMatt 0 175 186 205 316 240 110 410 1,642

28 Dethridge 210 413 150 205 176 50 222 150 1,576

29 yammy_xox 130 113 144 260 172 290 166 210 1,485

30 LDShadowLady 145 238 93 260 200 100 214 220 1,470

31 NettyPlays 80 250 84 205 144 130 168 290 1,351

32 JackSucksAtMC 210 0 144 200 244 200 90 120 1,208

33 KryticZeuZ 80 163 198 0 212 90 226 100 1,069

34 JOEYGRACEFFA 95 88 258 140 208 30 180 50 1,049

35 iHasCupquake 80 225 69 140 204 40 114 160 1,032

36 MysterySalesman 65 100 189 100 156 0 74 170 854

37 GamerBurry 30 63 30 140 84 210 192 60 809

38 Flabaliki 160 0 159 0 180 80 66 80 725

39 Drgluon 80 125 60 0 228 70 14 70 647

40 Vixella 95 0 99 0 200 60 82 90 626

Videos on Demand
Red Rabbits: Smallishbeans / LDShadowLady / Smajor1995 / yammy_xox
Orange Ocelots: CaptainSparklez / iHasCupquake / JOEYGRACEFFA / GamerBurry
Yellow Chickens: JackSucksAtMC / Ph1LzA / WilburSoot / ryguyrocky
Lime Llamas: Rafessor / Vikkstar123 / PeteZahHutt / FlorianFunke
Green Guardians: Quig / HBomb94 (Bingo only) / ShubbleYT (Facebook, needs account) /
Cyan Creepers: SolidarityGaming / NettyPlays / InTheLittleWood / TankMatt
Aqua Horses: Dethridge / iJevin / Wolv21 / CaptainPuffy
Blue Bats: Dr gl uo n (4 videos) / Vixella / Flabaliki / KryticZeuZ
Purple Pandas: KaraCorvus / Krtzy (Highlights) / Michaelmcchill / King_Burren
Pink Parrots: The_Eret / Jameskii / ScotGriswold / JCtheCaster

Admin Stream: MCC Vods

Twitter Highlight Videos:

- Players missing eggs in the Decision Dome
- Reactions to the initial countdown
- Parkour Warrior
- Hole in the Wall
- Survival Games (Smajor1995 highlights)
- Dodgebolt
- Lockout Bingo (Ph1LzA)
- TGTTOS (InTheLittleWood and NettyPlays childbirth celebration)
- Lockout Bingo (Green Guardians)

Transcript written by Orca on Nov. 21-22, 2019 - Last updated on August 4, 2021 (Game-
by-game individual scores)

Minecraft Championship is an online 40-player streamable Minecraft tournament event

created and prepared by Noxcrew, organized by Smajor1995 and iHasCupquake, and
managed by Noxite.

This is a fan-made transcription of the event. We are not affiliated with the Noxcrew or the
Minecraft Championship in any way whatsoever. For questions, corrections, and
suggestions, you can contact us on Twitter.

Thanks for reading. :)

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