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Watch the three videos attached below and briefly answer the following questions:

1. What is the difference between malinformation, misinformation, and disinformation?

The difference between malinformation, misinformation, and disinformation lies in the intent and
awareness associated with sharing information. Malinformation refers to true information shared with
harmful intent, often carried out by hackers. Misinformation involves spreading false information
without malicious intent, where the person sharing may be unaware of its inaccuracy. Disinformation, on
the other hand, is the intentional spread of false information with the aim of causing harm and
manipulation, typically to damage reputations or influence public opinion negatively.

2. How do you think we can combat fake news in the context of science, technology, and society?

To combat fake news in the context of science, technology, and society, we should: Educate Ourselves,
learn how to recognize real and fake news. we can implement measures such as promoting media
literacy, supporting fact-checking initiatives, advocating for transparency in technology, fostering
interdisciplinary collaboration, promoting responsible social media use, and encouraging critical thinking
and fact-checking before sharing information.

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