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Proliferation of fake news on social media


Social Media Manipulation

Fake news is a common technique in disinformation campaigns, in which foreign entities or interest
groups seek to distort public perception and disrupt democratic processes.

The fast expansion of social media platforms has altered how we receive and share information.
However, the digital revolution has also resulted in a troubling phenomenon: the spread of bogus news.
This article investigates the critical issues related with the proliferation of fake news on social media
platforms, as well as the broader societal ramifications. Example of the current issue about social media
manipulation is WILLIE GONZALES the man who was caught on video physically assaulting a cyclist and
pulling out a gun, asks vloggers to be mora responsible" in posting on social media In the fight against
social media manipulation, a comprehensive strategy involves four key elements: learning from
psychology, giving users control, teaching digital skills, and using smart computer tools. First, we must
understand how online manipulation works by studying human behavior and psychology. Second,
empowering social media users with the ability to control what they see and share is essential, ensuring
they're not forced into consuming misleading content. Third, educating people about digital literacy,
including how to distinguish between truthful and deceptive online information, is crucial. Lastly,
employing advanced computer programs, like sentiment analysis and pattern recognition, helps detect
and combat manipulation effectively. When combined, these elements form a robust approach to
safeguarding the integrity of social media platforms.

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