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Examination Question With Answer

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(JD)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ (CORE-14)

Business Mathematics 📐📊📚 (theory)

Chapter _1
Matrices and Determinants
. Short - Answer Type Questions

(a) What is a determinant?

(b) What is a co-factor?

(c) What is a minor of a determinant?

(d) What is a second order determinant? or What is the determinant of order two?

(e) What is third order determinant? or Write a note on determinant of third order?

(f) What is adjugate of a determinant? or Explain adjugate determinant within 3


(g) What is Sarrus diagram?

(h) What is Carmer's rule ?

(i) What is reciprocal determinant?

(j) When does the value of a determinant become zero?

(k) State any two characteristics of determinants.

(L) What is determinant's expansion?

(a) A determinant is a scalar value that can be computed from the elements of a
square matrix and encapsulates certain properties of the matrix.

(b) A cofactor is a scalar value associated with a particular element of a matrix,

obtained by removing the row and column containing that element and computing the
determinant of the remaining matrix.

(c) The minor of a determinant is the determinant obtained by removing the row and
column containing a particular element of the original determinant.

(d) A second-order determinant, or the determinant of order two, is a determinant

of a 2x2 square matrix, which can be computed using a specific formula involving
the elements of the matrix.

(e) A third-order determinant is a determinant of a 3x3 square matrix. It involves

expanding the matrix along any row or column and computing the determinant of the
resulting 2x2 matrices, multiplied by their respective elements.

(f) The adjugate of a determinant is a matrix obtained by taking the transpose of

the cofactor matrix of the original determinant. It is used in the process of
finding the inverse of a matrix.
(g) Sarrus diagram is a visual method used to compute the determinant of a 3x3
matrix. It involves writing the matrix elements in a specific pattern and summing
the products of diagonals to obtain the determinant.

(h) Cramer's rule is a method used to solve systems of linear equations by

expressing each variable as a ratio of two determinants, one of which involves
replacing the coefficients of the variable being solved with the constants of the

(i) The reciprocal determinant is the multiplicative inverse of the determinant of

a square matrix. It is used in finding the inverse of a matrix.

(j) The value of a determinant becomes zero when the rows or columns of the matrix
are linearly dependent, meaning one row or column can be expressed as a linear
combination of the others.

(k) Two characteristics of determinants are:

1. If the determinant of a matrix is zero, then the matrix is singular, and it
does not have an inverse.
2. The determinant of a product of matrices is equal to the product of their

(l) Determinant expansion is a method used to compute the determinant of a square

matrix by expressing it as a sum of products of its elements and their respective
cofactors or minors.

(i) What is a matrix ?

(ii) What is a scalar matrix ?

(iii) Explain the following within three sentences.

(a) Square matrix

(b) Diagonal matrix

(c) Symmetric matrix

(d) Scalar matrix

(e) Orthogonal matrix

(f) Rectangular matrix

(g) Comparable matrices

(h) Addition of matrices

(i) Singular matrix.

(iv) Explain the following:

(a) Zero or null matix

(c) Scalar matrix

(e) Inverse of a matrix

(b) Transpose of a matrix

(d) Adjoint of a matrix

(f) Singular and non-singular matrices

(i) (i) A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers, symbols, or expressions
arranged in rows and columns. It provides a compact and organized way to represent
and manipulate data, making it essential in various fields like mathematics,
computer science, and engineering.

(ii) A scalar matrix is a square matrix in which all the diagonal elements are
equal, and all other elements are zero. It represents a scaling operation and is
commonly used in transformations and linear algebra operations.

(a) A square matrix has an equal number of rows and columns.

(b) A diagonal matrix is a square matrix in which all non-diagonal elements are

(c) A symmetric matrix is a square matrix that is equal to its transpose.

(d) A scalar matrix is a diagonal matrix in which all diagonal elements are equal.

(e) An orthogonal matrix is a square matrix whose transpose is equal to its


(f) A rectangular matrix is a matrix that does not have an equal number of rows and

(g) Comparable matrices are matrices that have the same dimensions and can be added
or subtracted element-wise.

(h) Addition of matrices involves adding corresponding elements of matrices with

the same dimensions.

(i) A singular matrix is a square matrix that does not have an inverse.


(a) A zero or null matrix is a matrix in which all elements are zero.

(b) The transpose of a matrix is obtained by interchanging its rows and columns.

(c) The inverse of a matrix is another matrix that, when multiplied with the
original matrix, gives the identity matrix.

(d) The adjoint of a matrix is the transpose of the cofactor matrix of the original

(e) Singular matrices are matrices that do not have an inverse, while non-singular
matrices are those that have an inverse.

Explain Within 75 words
1) Write short note on sub-matrix.
A sub-matrix is a matrix formed by selecting a subset of rows and columns from a
larger matrix. It retains the structure of the original matrix but may have fewer
rows and columns. In business mathematics, sub-matrices are useful for analyzing
specific subsets of data within a larger dataset. For example, in financial
analysis, sub-matrices can be used to isolate certain financial instruments or time
periods for focused examination and decision-making.

2) Distinguish between Determinant and Matrix.

In business mathematics, a matrix serves as a structured representation of data,
enabling organized analysis and manipulation. It consists of rows and columns
containing numerical or symbolic elements. On the other hand, a determinant is a
scalar value associated with a square matrix, summarizing certain properties of the
matrix. It is crucial in various mathematical operations, such as solving systems
of equations and computing volumes in optimization problems. While matrices
facilitate data organization and manipulation, determinants provide essential
insights into the properties and behavior of matrices, aiding in decision-making
and problem-solving processes in business contexts.
____________________________________________Chapter _2
Mathematical Function
. Short - Answer Type Questions
(i) Function

(ii) Image of a function

(iii) Domain of a function

(iv) Range of a function

(v) Co-domain of a function

(vi) One-one function

(vii) Many-one function

(viii) Onto function

(ix) Into function

(x) One-one onto function

(xi) One-one into function

(xii) Many-one onto function

(xiii) Many-one into function

(xiv) Constant function

(xv) Linear function

(xvi) Rational function

(xvii) Exponential function

(xviii) Implicit function


(i) **Function:**
A function is a relation between a set of inputs (domain) and a set of possible
outputs (range), such that each input is related to exactly one output. In business
mathematics, functions are commonly used to model various relationships, such as
cost functions, revenue functions, and demand functions, which help analyze and
optimize business processes.

(ii) **Image of a Function:**

The image of a function is the set of all possible outputs (values) that the
function can produce when its domain values are inputted. In business mathematics,
understanding the image of a function helps determine the range of potential
outcomes, aiding in decision-making and forecasting.

(iii) **Domain of a Function:**

The domain of a function refers to the set of all possible input values for which
the function is defined. It defines the scope of the function's applicability and
operation. In business mathematics, the domain often represents variables such as
time, quantity, or price, depending on the specific context of the problem.

(iv) **Range of a Function:**

The range of a function is the set of all possible output values that the function
can produce corresponding to the input values in its domain. It represents the
complete set of outcomes or results of the function. In business mathematics,
understanding the range of a function helps identify potential outputs or results
of a business process or decision.

(v) **Co-domain of a Function:**

The co-domain of a function is the set that contains all possible output values of
the function. It differs from the range in that not all values in the co-domain may
be achieved as actual outputs. In business mathematics, the co-domain provides a
broader perspective on potential outcomes, helping assess the full range of

(vi) **One-one Function:**

A one-one function, also known as an injective function, is a function in which
each element in the domain maps to a unique element in the range. There are no
repeated outputs for different inputs. In business mathematics, one-one functions
represent scenarios where each input corresponds to a distinct outcome, such as
one-to-one marketing strategies.

(vii) **Many-one Function:**

A many-one function is a function where multiple elements in the domain may map to
the same element in the range. It can have multiple inputs producing the same
output. In business mathematics, many-one functions occur in situations where
several factors or inputs lead to a common result, like sales from different
product lines contributing to total revenue.

(viii) **Onto Function:**

An onto function, also known as a surjective function, is a function where every
element in the co-domain is mapped to by at least one element in the domain. The
range equals the co-domain. In business mathematics, onto functions represent
scenarios where all possible outcomes are achieved, leaving no gaps in the range of
potential results.

(ix) **Into Function:**

An into function is a function where not every element in the co-domain is mapped
to by elements in the domain. It means the range is a proper subset of the co-
domain. In business mathematics, into functions may indicate inefficiencies or
limitations in achieving certain outcomes within the broader context of business

(x) **One-one onto Function:**

A one-one onto function, also known as a bijective function, is a function that is
both one-one and onto. It means each element in the domain maps to a unique element
in the range, and every element in the co-domain is mapped to by exactly one
element in the domain. In business mathematics, bijective functions represent ideal
scenarios of one-to-one correspondence between inputs and outputs, facilitating
precise analysis and decision-making.

(xi) **One-one into Function:**

A one-one into function is a function that is one-one but not onto. It means each
element in the domain maps to a unique element in the range, but not all elements
in the co-domain are covered by the function's outputs. In business mathematics,
one-one into functions may indicate areas for improvement or optimization to
achieve broader coverage of outcomes.

(xii) **Many-one onto Function:**

A many-one onto function is a function that is onto but not one-one. It means
multiple elements in the domain may map to the same element in the co-domain, but
all elements in the co-domain are covered by the function's outputs. In business
mathematics, many-one onto functions reflect situations where multiple factors
contribute to achieving comprehensive outcomes, despite potential overlaps in

(xiii) **Many-one into Function:**

A many-one into function is a function that is neither one-one nor onto. It means
multiple elements in the domain may map to the same element in the co-domain, and
not all elements in the co-domain are covered by the function's outputs. In
business mathematics, many-one into functions highlight complexities or
inefficiencies in achieving desired outcomes, requiring further analysis and

(xiv) **Constant Function:**

A constant function is a function where the output is the same for all inputs. It
produces a constant value regardless of the input provided. In business
mathematics, constant functions are used to represent fixed costs, prices, or rates
that do not vary with changes in other variables.

(xv) **Linear Function:**

A linear function is a function that can be represented by a straight line on a
graph. It has a constant rate of change and is characterized by its slope and
intercept. In business mathematics, linear functions are commonly used to model
relationships between variables, such as cost-volume-profit analysis and linear

(xvi) **Rational Function:**

A rational function is a function that can be expressed as the quotient of two
polynomial functions, where the denominator is not zero. It may contain variables
in the numerator and denominator. In business mathematics, rational functions are
used to represent ratios, proportions, and rates of change in various economic and
financial models.

(xvii) **Exponential Function:**

An exponential function is a function in which the variable appears as an exponent.
It grows or decays at an exponential rate, characterized by a constant base raised
to a variable power. In business mathematics, exponential functions are prevalent
in modeling compound interest, population growth, and technological advancements.

(xviii) **Implicit Function:**

An implicit function is a function defined by an equation that does not explicitly
express one variable in terms of the other. It may involve multiple variables and
implicitly define the relationship between them. In business mathematics, implicit
functions are used to represent complex relationships or constraints in
optimization problems and economic models.

(xix)** Odd Function**

An odd function is defined as f(-x) = -f(x) for all x in its domain. It exhibits
symmetry about the origin, with opposite outputs for opposite inputs. Examples
include sine and tangent functions.

(xx) ** Even Function**

An even function is defined as f(-x) = f(x) for all x in its domain. Its graph is
symmetric about the y-axis. Examples include cosine and exponential functions.
____________________________________________Chapter _3
. Short - Answer Type Questions
What do you mean by:

(a) Limit of a function

(b) Left hand limit

(c) Right hand limit

(d) Continuity of a function

(e) 'x' tends to 'a'

(f) Close interval

(g) Open interval

(h) Semi closed interval

(I) What is maxima and minima of the Function

(a) **Limit of a Function:**
The limit of a function describes the behavior of the function as the input
approaches a particular value. It represents the value that the function approaches
as the input gets closer and closer to a specific point. In business mathematics,
limits are used to analyze the behavior of functions in various scenarios, such as
predicting future trends based on historical data or assessing the stability of
financial models under changing conditions.

(b) **Left Hand Limit:**

The left-hand limit of a function at a particular point represents the value that
the function approaches as the input approaches that point from the left side. It
is denoted as lim_(x→a^-) f(x), where 'a' is the point of interest. Left-hand
limits help determine if a function is continuous from the left at a given point,
providing insights into its behavior near discontinuities.

(c) **Right Hand Limit:**

The right-hand limit of a function at a particular point represents the value that
the function approaches as the input approaches that point from the right side. It
is denoted as lim_(x→a^+) f(x), where 'a' is the point of interest. Right-hand
limits help determine if a function is continuous from the right at a given point,
aiding in understanding its behavior near discontinuities.

(d) **Continuity of a Function:**

A function is continuous at a point if the limit of the function exists at that
point and is equal to the value of the function at that point. It implies that the
function can be drawn without lifting the pen, exhibiting no abrupt jumps or
breaks. In business mathematics, continuity ensures smooth transitions and reliable
predictions in mathematical models used for decision-making and analysis.

(e) **'x' tends to 'a':**

The expression 'x' tends to 'a' denotes the behavior of the variable 'x' as it
approaches a specific value 'a'. It is commonly used in the context of limits,
indicating the direction in which the input approaches a particular point.
Understanding 'x' tends to 'a' is crucial for analyzing the behavior of functions
and making predictions in various business scenarios, such as forecasting sales
trends or optimizing production processes.

(f) **Closed Interval:**

A closed interval is a set of real numbers containing both its endpoints. It
includes all the values between the endpoints, along with the endpoints themselves.
In business mathematics, closed intervals are used to represent ranges of values,
such as time periods, price ranges, or quantities, facilitating precise analysis
and decision-making.

(g) **Open Interval:**

An open interval is a set of real numbers containing all the values between its
endpoints, excluding the endpoints themselves. It represents an unbounded range of
values, extending infinitely in both directions. In business mathematics, open
intervals are utilized to define intervals where certain conditions or constraints
apply, aiding in problem-solving and optimization.

(h) **Semi-Closed Interval:**

A semi-closed interval is a set of real numbers containing one endpoint and all the
values between that endpoint and another point, including or excluding the endpoint
based on the context. It represents a bounded range of values, extending infinitely
in one direction. In business mathematics, semi-closed intervals are employed to
define constrained ranges of values, such as interest rates or profit margins,
guiding decision-making and analysis.

(i) **Maxima and Minima of a Function:**

Maxima and minima of a function refer to the highest and lowest points,
respectively, on its graph. They represent the peak and valley points where the
function attains its maximum and minimum values. In business mathematics, finding
maxima and minima is crucial for optimizing business processes, such as maximizing
profits, minimizing costs, or determining optimal production levels through
mathematical modeling and optimization techniques like differentiation.

Chapter _4
. Short - Answer Type Questions
What do you mean by:
(a) Integration

(b) Integral

(c) Indefinite integral

(d) Definite integral

(e) Integrand

(f) Define integral.

(g) Define definite integral.

(h) What is an anti-derivative of a function?

(i) What is the integral of x^{n} ?

(a) **Integration:**
Integration is a fundamental concept in calculus that involves finding the
accumulation of quantities over a certain interval. It is the reverse process of
differentiation and is used to compute areas, volumes, and other quantities by
summing infinitesimal contributions. In business mathematics, integration plays a
vital role in modeling and analyzing various aspects such as revenue, cost, profit,
and resource allocation.

(b) **Integral:**
An integral is a mathematical object that represents the accumulation of quantities
over an interval. It is denoted by the symbol ∫ and is used to find the total value
of a function over a specified range. Integrals have applications in diverse
fields, including physics, engineering, finance, and economics.

(c) **Indefinite Integral:**

An indefinite integral, also known as an antiderivative, is the most general form
of an integral. It represents a family of functions that differ by a constant.
Indefinite integrals are typically denoted by ∫f(x) dx and are used to find the
general solution to differential equations. In business mathematics, they are
employed to analyze cumulative effects or trends over time, such as total revenue
or accumulated costs.

(d) **Definite Integral:**

A definite integral is an integral with specified limits of integration,
representing the total accumulation of a function over a specific interval. It
yields a single numerical value, which corresponds to the net area under the curve
of the function between the specified limits. Definite integrals are extensively
used in business mathematics to compute total values, such as total profit over a
given time period or total expenditure on a project.

(e) **Integrand:**
The integrand is the function that is being integrated. It is the expression inside
the integral symbol and represents the quantity being accumulated or evaluated. In
business mathematics, the integrand can represent various quantities, such as
revenue functions, cost functions, or demand functions, depending on the specific
context of the problem.

(f) **Define Integral:**

An integral is a mathematical operation that determines the accumulation of
quantities over a specified interval. It represents the area under the curve of a
function and is used to compute total values, such as total revenue, total cost, or
total profit, by summing infinitesimal contributions over the interval.

(g) **Define Definite Integral:**

A definite integral is a specific type of integral with defined limits of
integration, representing the total accumulation of a function over a particular
interval. It yields a single numerical value, corresponding to the net area under
the curve of the function between the specified limits.

(h) **Anti-Derivative of a Function:**

An anti-derivative of a function is another function whose derivative is equal to
the original function. It represents the reverse process of differentiation and is
also known as an indefinite integral. In business mathematics, finding anti-
derivatives helps in determining cumulative effects, trends, or total values over
time, such as total revenue growth or cumulative profit.

(i) **Integral of x^n:**

The integral of x^n, where n is any real number except -1, is given by
(x^(n+1))/(n+1) + C, where C is the constant of integration. This formula is
derived from the power rule of integration. In business mathematics, this integral
is used to compute various quantities, such as area under curves, total revenue, or
total cost functions, depending on the specific context of the problem.
Explain the following:

(a) Integration by substitution.

(b) Integration by parts.

(c) Integration through partial fractions.

(d) Polynomial in x

(e) Proper fraction

(f) Rational fraction

(g) Rules for resolving a proper fraction into partial fractions.

(a) **Integration by Substitution:**
Integration by substitution is a technique used to simplify the integration of
complicated functions by substituting a new variable or expression. This
substitution transforms the integral into a simpler form that can be easily
evaluated. In business mathematics, integration by substitution is valuable for
solving integrals that involve complex expressions, such as those encountered in
cost functions, revenue functions, or demand functions.

(b) **Integration by Parts:**

Integration by parts is a method used to integrate the product of two functions by
applying the product rule for differentiation in reverse. It involves choosing one
function as u and the other as dv/dx, then applying the integration by parts
formula ∫u dv = uv - ∫v du. In business mathematics, integration by parts is
utilized to integrate functions that cannot be easily integrated by other methods,
such as revenue functions multiplied by cost functions or profit functions.

(c) **Integration through Partial Fractions:**

Integration through partial fractions is a technique used to decompose a rational
function into simpler fractions, making it easier to integrate. This involves
expressing the rational function as a sum of simpler fractions with denominators
that are factors of the original denominator. In business mathematics, integration
through partial fractions is valuable for integrating complex functions encountered
in financial models, investment analysis, or economic models.

(d) **Polynomial in x:**

A polynomial in x is an expression consisting of one or more terms, where each term
is a constant multiplied by a power of x. Polynomial functions are commonly used in
business mathematics to model various relationships, such as cost functions,
revenue functions, or profit functions, as they provide a flexible framework for
representing changing quantities over time or with respect to other variables.

(e) **Proper Fraction:**

A proper fraction is a fraction where the numerator is less than the denominator,
resulting in a value between 0 and 1. Proper fractions are commonly encountered in
business mathematics when dealing with proportions, percentages, or ratios, such as
profit margins, market shares, or investment returns.

(f) **Rational Fraction:**

A rational fraction is a fraction where both the numerator and denominator are
polynomials. Rational fractions arise frequently in business mathematics when
dealing with economic models, financial equations, or optimization problems, as
they provide a concise representation of complex relationships between variables.

(g) **Rules for Resolving a Proper Fraction into Partial Fractions:**

1. Factorize the denominator of the proper fraction into linear and/or quadratic
2. Express the proper fraction as a sum of partial fractions, with each partial
fraction having a simpler denominator than the original.
3. Determine the unknown coefficients of the partial fractions by equating the
original fraction with the sum of the partial fractions and solving for the
4. Integrate each partial fraction separately to obtain the final result.
In business mathematics, resolving proper fractions into partial fractions is
essential for simplifying integrals involving rational functions, allowing for
easier computation and analysis of various economic and financial models.

2. What is meant by definite integration? Explain the techniques of computing a

definite integral.
Definite integration determines the total accumulated value of a function over a
defined interval. Techniques include integration by substitution, parts, and
partial fractions. In business mathematics, these methods analyze total costs,
revenues, profits, or other accumulated quantities over specific time periods or
ranges. For example, integration helps compute total revenue earned from sales,
total cost incurred in production, or total profit generated within a given time
frame, aiding in financial analysis and decision-making processes.
____________________________________________Chapter _5
Compound Interest
. Short - Answer Type Questions
i) What is simple interest?

(ii) What is compound interest?

(iii) What is interest period?

(iv) What is interest ?

(v) What is the formula for the calculation of amount if interest is compounded

(vi) What is effective rate of interest ?

(vii) What is the formula for calculating time period when principal, simple
interest and rate o interest are given ?

(viii) What is the formula for finding the amount when interest is compounded

(ix) What is the interest of ₹5,500 for 5 years at 11% p.a.?

(x) What is the formula for calculating simple interest?

(xi) What is nominal rate of interest?

(xii) What is effective rate of interest ?

(i) **Simple Interest:**
Simple interest is a method of calculating interest on a loan or investment based
only on the initial principal amount. It is calculated as a percentage of the
principal amount and is typically not compounded over time.

(ii) **Compound Interest:**

Compound interest is a method of calculating interest on a loan or investment where
interest is added to the principal amount, and subsequent interest is calculated
based on the new total. This results in interest being earned on both the initial
principal and the accumulated interest.

(iii) **Interest Period:**

The interest period refers to the duration for which interest is calculated and
applied. It could be daily, monthly, quarterly, annually, or any other defined
period depending on the terms of the loan or investment.

(iv) **Interest:**
Interest is the cost of borrowing money or the return on investment earned over a
specified period. It is typically expressed as a percentage of the principal amount
and is calculated based on the interest rate and the duration of the loan or

(v) **Formula for Calculation of Amount with Monthly Compounding:**

The formula for calculating the amount with monthly compounding is:
\[A = P \times \left(1 + \frac{r}{100}\right)^{nt}\]
- A is the amount
- P is the principal amount
- r is the annual interest rate (in percentage)
- n is the number of times interest is compounded per year
- t is the time period (in years)

(vi) **Effective Rate of Interest:**

The effective rate of interest is the actual interest rate earned or paid over a
given period, taking into account the effect of compounding. It represents the true
cost of borrowing or the true return on investment, considering the compounding

(vii) **Formula for Calculating Time Period:**

The formula for calculating the time period when the principal, simple interest,
and rate of interest are given is:
\[t = \frac{SI}{P \times r}\]
- t is the time period
- SI is the simple interest
- P is the principal amount
- r is the rate of interest (in percentage)

(viii) **Formula for Finding the Amount with Quarterly Compounding:**

The formula for calculating the amount when interest is compounded quarterly is the
same as the compound interest formula, but with adjusted values for the compounding

(ix) **Example of Interest Calculation:**

For ₹5,500 at 11% p.a. for 5 years, using simple interest:
\[SI = \frac{P \times r \times t}{100} = \frac{5500 \times 11 \times 5}{100} =

(x) **Formula for Calculating Simple Interest:**

The formula for calculating simple interest is:
\[SI = \frac{P \times r \times t}{100}\]
- SI is the simple interest
- P is the principal amount
- r is the rate of interest (in percentage)
- t is the time period (in years)

(xi) **Nominal Rate of Interest:**

The nominal rate of interest is the stated rate of interest without considering the
effects of compounding. It is typically the annual interest rate mentioned in loan
agreements or investment contracts.

(xii) **Effective Rate of Interest (Reiterated):**

The effective rate of interest is the actual interest rate earned or paid over a
given period, considering the effect of compounding. It provides a more accurate
representation of the true cost of borrowing or the true return on investment
compared to the nominal rate.

____________________________________________Chapter _6
. Short - Answer Type Questions
Filled in the blanks

(i) The person who receives the annuity is called **annuitant**.

ii) If an annuity is payable at present at the beginning of each year, it is called

**annuity due**.

iii) If an annuity is to continue for a finite and definite number of periods, it

is known as ** annuity Certain**.

iv) If the installments of the annuity are payable at the end of 1, 2, ..., n years
from the present value, it is known as **Immediate annuity**.

v) An annuity that is to begin after a given number of years is known as **deferred

vi) When an annuity is to continue forever, it is called **perpetuity**.

vii) When annual payments continue until the happening of a certain event, it is
known as **contingent annuity**.

viii) A fund created by investing an amount of money for perpetual annual

scholarship or prize etc is called **endowment**.

ix) Any periodical payment of a fixed amount made at a regular interval is called

x) The person obliged to make annuity payments is known as **annutator**.

xi) An annuity payable for a fixed period is known as **term annuity**.

xii) The other name for deferred annuity is **Diversion**.

2. Answer in Two Sentences

(i) What is Annuity?

(ii) What is Immediate Annuity?

(iii) What is Annuity Due?

(iv) What s Annuity Contingent?

(v) What is Perpetual Annuity?

(vi) What is Deferred Annuity ?

(i) **Annuity:**
An annuity is a financial product or investment vehicle that provides a series of
periodic payments or income over a specified period. It is typically used for
retirement income, insurance payouts, or structured settlements. Annuities can be
classified based on the timing of payments, such as immediate annuities, annuities
due, or deferred annuities.

(ii) **Immediate Annuity:**

An immediate annuity is an annuity where payments begin immediately after a lump-
sum investment or premium is made. The annuitant starts receiving regular income
payments without any deferral period. Immediate annuities are suitable for
individuals seeking immediate income upon retirement or payout of a settlement.

(iii) **Annuity Due:**

An annuity due is a type of annuity where payments are made at the beginning of
each period, such as monthly or annually. Unlike ordinary annuities where payments
are made at the end of each period, annuity due payments are made at the beginning,
resulting in slightly higher present value due to the time value of money.

(iv) **Annuity Contingent:**

An annuity contingent is an annuity where payments are contingent upon the
occurrence of a specific event, such as reaching a certain age, surviving a
critical illness, or achieving a milestone. Payments begin only when the triggering
event happens, providing a form of financial protection or income supplementation
in specific circumstances.
(v) **Perpetual Annuity:**
A perpetual annuity, also known as a perpetuity, is an annuity that continues
indefinitely, with no predetermined end date. It provides a constant stream of
income payments that never cease, making it valuable for long-term financial
planning and ensuring ongoing income security.

(vi) **Deferred Annuity:**

A deferred annuity is an annuity where payments are postponed or deferred until a
future date, allowing the invested amount to grow over time through interest or
investment returns. Deferred annuities are often used for retirement planning,
providing a source of income in later years when individuals may need it most.
Answer within Two Three Sentences

(1) Present Value of an annuity.

(ii) Annuity Due

(iii) Sinking Fund

(iv) Perpetuity

(v) Contingent Annuity

(vi) Deferred Annuity

(vii) Immediate Annuity

(viii) Annuity Certain

(ix) What is Deferred Annuity?

(x) Define 'Contingent Annuity".

(xi) What is Amount of Annuity ?

(xii) What is Present Value of Annuity.

**Present Value of an Annuity:**
The present value of an annuity is the current worth of a series of future cash
flows or payments received or paid at equal intervals over a specified period. It
represents the total value of all future payments discounted to their present value
at a given interest rate. Calculating the present value of an annuity helps in
assessing its current worth and making informed financial decisions.

**Annuity Due:**
An annuity due is a type of annuity where payments are made at the beginning of
each period, such as monthly or annually. Unlike ordinary annuities where payments
are made at the end of each period, annuity due payments are made at the beginning,
resulting in slightly higher present value due to the time value of money.

**Sinking Fund:**
A sinking fund is a type of investment or savings account established to set aside
money regularly to repay a debt or fund a future financial obligation, such as the
replacement of a capital asset or repayment of a loan. It involves making periodic
contributions to accumulate a predetermined amount by a specific date, ensuring
financial stability and liquidity when needed.

A perpetuity is a type of annuity that continues indefinitely, providing a constant
stream of payments that never ends. It is characterized by regular payments that
continue indefinitely without a predetermined end date. Perpetuities are often used
for long-term financial planning and investment, providing a reliable source of
income in perpetuity.

**Contingent Annuity:**
A contingent annuity is an annuity where payments are contingent upon the
occurrence of a specific event, such as reaching a certain age, surviving a
critical illness, or achieving a milestone. Payments begin only when the triggering
event happens, providing a form of financial protection or income supplementation
in specific circumstances.

**Deferred Annuity:**
A deferred annuity is an annuity where payments are postponed or deferred until a
future date, allowing the invested amount to grow over time through interest or
investment returns. Deferred annuities are often used for retirement planning,
providing a source of income in later years when individuals may need it most.

**Immediate Annuity:**
An immediate annuity is an annuity where payments begin immediately after a lump-
sum investment or premium is made. The annuitant starts receiving regular income
payments without any deferral period. Immediate annuities are suitable for
individuals seeking immediate income upon retirement or payout of a settlement.

**Annuity Certain:**
An annuity certain is a type of annuity where payments are guaranteed to be made
for a specific period, regardless of the annuitant's lifespan. It provides a fixed
stream of income for a predetermined number of periods, ensuring financial
stability and income certainty for the annuitant.

**Amount of Annuity:**
The amount of annuity refers to the total value of all payments or cash flows
received or paid under an annuity contract. It represents the sum of all periodic
payments made or received over the life of the annuity, calculated based on the
annuity's terms, interest rate, and duration.

**Present Value of Annuity:**

The present value of an annuity is the current worth of all future cash flows or
payments received or paid under an annuity contract, discounted to their present
value at a given interest rate. It represents the total value of all future
payments in today's terms, helping in assessing the current worth of an annuity and
making informed financial decisions.
___________________________________________Chapter _7
Linear Programming
. Long - Answer Type Questions (500 words

1. Define a linear programming problem. State the different types of linear

programming problems and briefly point out the limitations of an L.P.P.
**Definition of Linear Programming Problem (LPP):**

A linear programming problem (LPP) is a mathematical optimization technique used to

find the best possible solution to a problem with linear constraints and a linear
objective function. In an LPP, decision variables are optimized to maximize or
minimize an objective function while satisfying a set of linear constraints.
**Types of Linear Programming Problems:**

1. **Maximization Problem:** In a maximization problem, the goal is to maximize the

value of an objective function subject to linear constraints. The objective
function is typically a linear combination of decision variables representing the
quantity to be maximized.

2. **Minimization Problem:** In a minimization problem, the goal is to minimize the

value of an objective function subject to linear constraints. The objective
function is a linear combination of decision variables representing the quantity to
be minimized.

3. **Feasibility Problem:** In a feasibility problem, the goal is to determine if a

feasible solution exists that satisfies all the linear constraints. The objective
function is not considered in feasibility problems, and the focus is solely on
determining the feasibility of the problem.

4. **Unbounded Problem:** In an unbounded problem, the objective function can be

infinitely increased or decreased without violating any of the linear constraints.
This occurs when the feasible region is unbounded, and no optimal solution exists.

5. **Infeasibility Problem:** In an infeasibility problem, no feasible solution

exists that satisfies all the linear constraints simultaneously. This occurs when
the constraints are contradictory or mutually exclusive, making it impossible to
find a solution that satisfies all conditions.

**Limitations of Linear Programming Problems (LPP):**

1. **Linear Constraints:** LPPs are limited to problems with linear constraints,

which may not accurately represent real-world situations in which relationships may
be nonlinear.

2. **Assumption of Certainty:** LPPs assume certainty in input parameters such as

coefficients, constants, and constraints. In reality, these parameters may be
uncertain or subject to variability, leading to potential inaccuracies in the

3. **Single Objective:** LPPs typically involve optimizing a single objective

function, which may not capture the complexity of real-world decision-making
scenarios that involve multiple conflicting objectives.

4. **Discrete Decision Variables:** LPPs often assume that decision variables can
take on continuous values, which may not always be feasible in practice, especially
in scenarios where decisions are discrete or binary.

5. **Computational Complexity:** Solving large-scale LPPs with numerous decision

variables and constraints can be computationally intensive and time-consuming,
requiring sophisticated optimization algorithms and computational resources.

6. **Sensitivity to Assumptions:** LPP solutions are sensitive to changes in input

parameters, constraints, and objective functions, making them potentially unstable
and unreliable in situations with uncertainty or variability.

Despite these limitations, linear programming remains a powerful tool in business

mathematics for optimizing resource allocation, production planning, supply chain
management, portfolio optimization, and other decision-making processes. By
carefully considering the assumptions and constraints of an LPP, analysts can
effectively apply linear programming techniques to address a wide range of
practical problems and improve decision-making outcomes.
2. Explain briefly the formulation procedure of a linear programming problem
The formulation procedure of a linear programming problem (LPP) involves several
steps to translate a real-world problem into a mathematical model that can be
solved using linear programming techniques. Here's a brief explanation of the
formulation procedure:

1. **Identify the Objective:** The first step is to clearly define the objective of
the problem. Determine whether the goal is to maximize profit, minimize cost,
optimize resource allocation, or achieve some other specific objective.

2. **Identify Decision Variables:** Decision variables represent the unknown

quantities or values that need to be determined to achieve the objective. Assign
symbols to represent these variables, such as \(x_1\), \(x_2\), ..., \(x_n\), and
define their meaning in the context of the problem.

3. **Formulate the Objective Function:** The objective function quantifies the

objective in terms of the decision variables. It represents the quantity to be
maximized or minimized and is typically expressed as a linear combination of the
decision variables, with coefficients representing the contribution of each
variable to the objective.

4. **Identify Constraints:** Constraints are limitations or restrictions that must

be satisfied in the problem. They represent the available resources, capacity
limits, or other operational requirements. Identify and define each constraint,
expressing them as linear inequalities or equations involving the decision

5. **Formulate the Constraints:** Translate each constraint into a mathematical

expression using the decision variables. Express constraints such as capacity
constraints, production constraints, budget constraints, or demand constraints as
linear equations or inequalities.

6. **Non-negativity Constraints:** In many linear programming problems, decision

variables are required to be non-negative, meaning they cannot take on negative
values. Add non-negativity constraints for each decision variable, ensuring that \
(x_i \geq 0\) for all \(i\).

7. **Write the Mathematical Model:** Combine the objective function and the
constraints to form the complete mathematical model of the linear programming
problem. The model should consist of the objective function, the constraints, and
any non-negativity constraints.

8. **Verify the Model:** Review the formulated mathematical model to ensure it

accurately represents the problem and captures all relevant information. Check for
consistency, completeness, and correctness of the model formulation.

9. **Simplify the Model:** If necessary, simplify the model by eliminating

redundant constraints, combining similar constraints, or reformulating the
objective function to make the problem more tractable and easier to solve.

10. **Test the Model:** Test the formulated model using sample data or hypothetical
scenarios to verify its correctness and effectiveness in solving the problem.
Adjust the model as needed based on the test results.

By following these steps, analysts can systematically formulate linear programming

problems to effectively address various optimization challenges in business
mathematics, such as resource allocation, production planning, inventory
management, transportation logistics, and financial portfolio optimization.

3. What are the three major problems that can be solved using the linear
programming techniques. Discuss each of them briefly.
Linear programming (LP) techniques are versatile tools that can be applied to solve
a wide range of optimization problems in business mathematics. Three major types of
problems commonly addressed using linear programming techniques are:

1. **Resource Allocation Problems:**

Resource allocation problems involve the optimal allocation of limited resources to
various competing activities or projects in order to maximize overall efficiency or
profit. These resources may include raw materials, labor, machine hours, capital,
or production capacity. Linear programming helps businesses optimize resource
allocation by formulating mathematical models that balance resource constraints
with production objectives. For example, in manufacturing industries, LP techniques
can be used to determine the optimal production mix to maximize profit while
satisfying constraints such as labor availability, machine capacity, and material
availability. Similarly, in project management, LP can help allocate limited funds
or resources to different projects to maximize the overall return on investment
while meeting project deadlines and resource constraints.

2. **Production Planning and Inventory Management:**

Production planning and inventory management involve optimizing production
schedules and inventory levels to minimize costs, meet customer demand, and
maximize profitability. Linear programming techniques are used to develop
mathematical models that balance production capacity, inventory levels, and
customer demand to achieve optimal outcomes. For example, in manufacturing
industries, LP can be used to determine the optimal production schedule that
minimizes production costs while meeting demand constraints and inventory targets.
In retail and distribution, LP techniques help optimize inventory replenishment
strategies, warehouse allocation, and distribution routes to minimize inventory
holding costs and transportation expenses while ensuring product availability and
customer satisfaction.

3. **Transportation and Logistics Problems:**

Transportation and logistics problems involve optimizing the movement of goods or
resources from suppliers to customers through various transportation modes and
distribution channels. Linear programming techniques are used to develop
transportation models that minimize transportation costs, maximize transportation
efficiency, and ensure timely delivery of goods. For example, in supply chain
management, LP can be used to optimize transportation routes, vehicle assignments,
and inventory levels to minimize total transportation costs while meeting customer
demand and service level requirements. Similarly, in logistics and distribution, LP
techniques help optimize warehouse location, inventory positioning, and order
fulfillment processes to minimize order processing time, inventory holding costs,
and transportation expenses while maximizing customer satisfaction.

In summary, linear programming techniques are powerful tools for solving a variety
of optimization problems in business mathematics, including resource allocation,
production planning, inventory management, and transportation logistics. By
formulating mathematical models that capture the complex interrelationships between
resources, constraints, and objectives, businesses can use LP techniques to make
informed decisions, improve operational efficiency, and achieve strategic goals.

4. What do you mean by duality in the linear programming. Distinguish a Dual

problem from a primal one.
Duality in linear programming refers to the relationship between two related
optimization problems known as the primal problem and the dual problem. These
problems are interconnected and provide valuable insights into the optimization
process. Let's explore the concept of duality and distinguish between the primal
and dual problems:

**Primal Problem:**
The primal problem is the original linear programming problem that seeks to
maximize or minimize an objective function subject to linear constraints. It
involves decision variables, an objective function, and a set of linear
constraints. The primal problem aims to find the optimal solution that maximizes
(or minimizes) the objective function while satisfying all the constraints.

**Dual Problem:**
The dual problem is derived from the primal problem and provides an alternative
perspective on the optimization problem. It involves formulating a new optimization
problem that is related to the primal problem but focuses on the constraints rather
than the objective function. The dual problem aims to find the optimal values for a
set of dual variables (also known as shadow prices or prices of resources) that
represent the marginal contribution or cost of each constraint to the objective

**Duality Relationship:**
The relationship between the primal and dual problems is characterized by duality
theory, which establishes a fundamental connection between the two problems. The
duality theory states that for every primal problem, there exists a corresponding
dual problem, and vice versa. Moreover, the optimal objective values of the primal
and dual problems are always equal, regardless of the specific values of the
decision variables and dual variables.

**Distinguishing Features:**

1. **Objective Function vs. Constraints:**

- In the primal problem, the focus is on optimizing the objective function
(maximizing or minimizing) while satisfying the constraints.
- In the dual problem, the focus is on optimizing the constraints (minimizing or
maximizing) while satisfying the objective function.

2. **Decision Variables vs. Dual Variables:**

- The primal problem involves decision variables that represent the quantities
to be determined or optimized.
- The dual problem involves dual variables that represent the prices or costs
associated with each constraint.

3. **Direction of Optimization:**
- The primal problem seeks to optimize the objective function in the direction
of maximizing or minimizing.
- The dual problem seeks to optimize the constraints in the direction of
minimizing or maximizing.

4. **Nature of Solutions:**
- The optimal solution of the primal problem provides the optimal values of
decision variables that maximize (or minimize) the objective function while
satisfying the constraints.
- The optimal solution of the dual problem provides the optimal values of dual
variables that minimize (or maximize) the cost or contribution of each constraint
to the objective function.
In summary, duality in linear programming refers to the relationship between the
primal and dual problems, where each problem provides complementary perspectives on
the optimization problem. Understanding duality and solving both the primal and
dual problems can provide valuable insights into the underlying structure of the
optimization problem and help in interpreting the solutions more effectively.

5. Explain briefly the following concepts of a linear programming problem:

(a)bjective function.
(b) Constraint functions.
(c) Non-negativity condition.
Linear programming is a mathematical technique used in business mathematics to
optimize the allocation of resources. In a linear programming problem, there are
three fundamental concepts: the objective function, constraint functions, and the
non-negativity condition.

(a) Objective Function:

The objective function defines the goal or objective of the linear programming
problem. It is a mathematical expression that needs to be either maximized or
minimized. In business mathematics, the objective function typically represents a
quantity that the organization wants to maximize (like profit) or minimize (like
cost). For example, if a company wants to maximize its profit, the objective
function could be represented as a linear combination of the variables involved,
such as revenue minus costs.

(b) Constraint Functions:

Constraint functions represent the limitations or restrictions on the decision
variables in a linear programming problem. These constraints arise due to limited
availability of resources, technological constraints, or regulatory requirements.
Each constraint function defines a boundary or condition that the decision
variables must satisfy. These constraints can be inequalities or equalities. For
instance, if a company has a limited budget for advertising and production capacity
constraints, these would be represented as constraint functions in the linear
programming problem.

(c) Non-negativity Condition:

The non-negativity condition requires that the decision variables in the linear
programming problem must be non-negative, meaning they cannot take on negative
values. This condition is often imposed because negative values for decision
variables would not make sense in practical business scenarios. For example, it's
not feasible for a company to produce a negative quantity of goods or to spend a
negative amount on advertising. Therefore, decision variables such as production
quantities, investment amounts, or resource allocations are constrained to be non-

In summary, the objective function defines the goal of the linear programming
problem, the constraint functions represent the limitations or restrictions on the
decision variables, and the non-negativity condition ensures that the decision
variables are realistic and feasible within the context of the problem. By
simultaneously optimizing the objective function subject to the constraints and the
non-negativity condition, linear programming enables businesses to make efficient
decisions and allocate resources effectively.

6. Write short notes on:

i) Degeneracy
(ii) Slack Variable
(ii) Surplus variable
(iv) Artificial variable.
(v) Limitation of L.P.P.
Sure, here are short notes on each of the given topics:

i) **Degeneracy**:
Degeneracy in linear programming refers to a situation where the basic feasible
solution of a linear programming problem has one or more variables at zero value.
These zero-valued variables don't contribute to the solution, leading to redundant
constraints and potentially affecting the efficiency of certain solution
algorithms. Degeneracy can occur in both primal and dual problems.

ii) **Slack Variable**:

In linear programming, a slack variable is introduced to convert an inequality
constraint into an equality constraint. It represents the amount by which the left-
hand side of the constraint is less than or equal to the right-hand side. Slack
variables help in transforming inequalities into a standard form that can be easily
solved using standard optimization techniques.

iii) **Surplus Variable**:

Surplus variables are introduced in linear programming to convert an inequality
constraint into an equality constraint. They represent the excess amount by which
the left-hand side of the constraint exceeds the right-hand side. Similar to slack
variables, surplus variables aid in transforming inequalities into a standard form
suitable for optimization.

iv) **Artificial Variable**:

Artificial variables are introduced during the phase 1 of the simplex method to
solve linear programming problems with inequality constraints. They are added to
convert inequality constraints into equality constraints and assist in finding an
initial feasible solution. These variables have no physical meaning in the context
of the problem and are eliminated in subsequent phases of the simplex method.

v) **Limitations of Linear Programming in Business Mathematics**:

Linear programming (LP) is a powerful mathematical technique used for optimization

in various fields including business mathematics. However, it has several

1. **Linearity Assumption**: LP assumes linearity in the objective function and

constraints. In real-world business scenarios, many relationships are not linear,
which can lead to inaccurate results.

2. **Certainty Assumption**: LP assumes that all parameters in the model are known
with certainty. In reality, business environments are often uncertain and dynamic,
making it challenging to accurately estimate parameters.

3. **Integer Constraints**: LP solutions are continuous, meaning they can take

fractional values. However, in some business problems, solutions must be integers
(e.g., number of units produced). LP cannot handle such integer constraints
directly, requiring additional techniques like integer programming.

4. **Complexity**: LP becomes computationally intensive as the number of decision

variables and constraints increases. Solving large-scale LP problems may require
significant computational resources and time.
5. **Limited Application**: LP is suitable for problems with well-defined and
structured objectives and constraints. Complex business problems involving multiple
objectives, non-linear relationships, or non-quantifiable factors may not be
effectively addressed using LP alone.

Despite these limitations, linear programming remains a valuable tool in business

mathematics for optimizing resource allocation, production planning, inventory
management, and other decision-making processes. It is often used in conjunction
with other techniques to address the complexities of real-world business problems

____________________________________________Chapter _8
Network Analysis ( CPM and PERT)
. Short - Answer Type Questions

1. Define an 'event' and an 'activity' in a Network diagram.

In the realm of network analysis, specifically in techniques like PERT (Program
Evaluation and Review Technique) and CPM (Critical Path Method), understanding the
concepts of events and activities is crucial for effective project management.
Let's delve into each:

In a network diagram, an event represents a point in time when something
significant occurs within the project. These significant occurrences can include
the start or completion of an activity, the occurrence of a milestone, or the
availability of resources. Events are depicted as nodes or circles in the network
diagram, often labeled with unique identifiers or names.

An event does not consume any resources or time; rather, it marks the beginning or
end of one or more activities. Events can be classified into different types based
on their relationship with activities:

1. **Start Event (SE):** This marks the initiation of the project or the beginning
of a specific phase within the project. It signifies the point in time when work on
the project officially begins.

2. **Finish Event (FE):** Conversely, the finish event indicates the completion of
the project or a particular phase within the project. It represents the point in
time when all activities have been successfully executed, and the project
objectives have been achieved.

3. **Intermediate Event (IE):** These events occur between the start and finish
events and represent significant milestones or checkpoints within the project.
Intermediate events help in tracking progress and identifying critical paths.

Activities, on the other hand, represent the tasks or work packages that need to be
completed to achieve project objectives. They are the building blocks of a project
and are depicted as arrows or lines between events in the network diagram. Each
activity has a defined duration, dependencies, and resources associated with it.

Key attributes of activities include:

1. **Duration:** The time required to complete an activity. This can be expressed

in units such as hours, days, or weeks, depending on the granularity of the project
2. **Dependencies:** Activities often have dependencies on one another, meaning
that the start or completion of one activity may be contingent on the start or
completion of another activity.

3. **Resources:** Activities require resources such as manpower, equipment,

materials, or finances to be completed. Resource allocation and management are
critical aspects of activity planning and scheduling.

4. **Predecessors and Successors:** Activities are linked together through

predecessor-successor relationships, indicating the sequence in which they need to
be performed. This sequence determines the flow of work within the project.

In summary, events mark significant points in time within a project, while

activities represent the tasks or work packages that need to be completed.
Understanding the interplay between events and activities is essential for
developing accurate project schedules, identifying critical paths, and effectively
managing project timelines and resources in techniques like PERT and CPM.

2. Explain the following terms of PERT/CPM.

(a) Earliest time

(b) Latest time

(c) Total activity slack

(d) Event slack

(e) Critical path.

Certainly! In PERT/CPM (Program Evaluation and Review Technique/Critical Path
Method), various terms are used to analyze and manage project schedules
effectively. Let's delve into each term:

(a) **Earliest Time (ET):**

The earliest time refers to the earliest possible time at which an event or
activity can occur without delaying the project's overall completion. For
activities, it represents the earliest start time based on the preceding
activities' durations and dependencies. For events, it signifies the earliest time
at which the event can occur, considering the earliest times of all preceding
activities leading to that event.

(b) **Latest Time (LT):**

The latest time denotes the latest allowable time at which an event or activity can
occur without delaying the project's completion. For activities, it represents the
latest start time that still allows the project to finish on schedule. For events,
it signifies the latest time at which the event can occur without affecting
subsequent activities or the project's completion.

(c) **Total Activity Slack:**

Total activity slack, also known as total float, represents the amount of time an
activity can be delayed without impacting the project's overall completion time. It
is calculated as the difference between the activity's latest start time (LS) and
earliest start time (ES) or the activity's latest finish time (LF) and earliest
finish time (EF). Total activity slack allows project managers to identify
activities that can be delayed without causing project delays.
(d) **Event Slack:**
Event slack, also known as event float, represents the amount of time a non-
critical event can be delayed without delaying subsequent events or the project's
completion. It is calculated as the difference between the event's latest time (LT)
and earliest time (ET). Event slack helps identify events that can be delayed
without impacting project timelines.

(e) **Critical Path:**

The critical path in a network diagram is the longest sequence of dependent
activities that determines the shortest possible duration for completing the
project. Activities on the critical path have zero total slack, meaning any delay
in these activities will directly delay the project's overall completion.
Therefore, the critical path highlights the activities that must be closely
monitored and managed to ensure the project stays on schedule.

In summary, these terms play vital roles in PERT/CPM for analyzing project
schedules, identifying critical activities and paths, and managing project
timelines effectively. By understanding and leveraging these terms, project
managers can develop realistic schedules, allocate resources efficiently, and
mitigate risks to ensure successful project delivery.

3. Define 'critical path', 'Slack time'. 'Resource levelling' and 'Dummy activity'
with reference to PERT/CPM.
Certainly! In the realm of PERT/CPM (Program Evaluation and Review
Technique/Critical Path Method), several terms play crucial roles in project
scheduling and management. Let's define each term:

1. **Critical Path:**
The critical path is the longest sequence of dependent activities in a network
diagram that determines the shortest possible duration for completing the project.
Activities on the critical path have zero slack time, meaning any delay in these
activities will directly delay the project's overall completion. Therefore, the
critical path highlights the activities that must be closely monitored and managed
to ensure the project stays on schedule.

2. **Slack Time:**
Slack time, also known as float or buffer, refers to the amount of time an activity
can be delayed without delaying the project's overall completion. Positive slack
indicates that an activity can be delayed without impacting the project timeline,
while zero or negative slack indicates that any delay in the activity will extend
the project duration. Slack time allows project managers to identify non-critical
activities and allocate resources more effectively.

3. **Resource Leveling:**
Resource leveling is a technique used in PERT/CPM to optimize resource utilization
and minimize resource conflicts throughout the project. It involves adjusting the
start and finish times of activities to ensure that resource requirements do not
exceed the available resources at any given time. Resource leveling helps prevent
overallocation or underutilization of resources, thereby reducing project delays
and costs.

4. **Dummy Activity:**
A dummy activity is a fictitious task added to the network diagram to represent a
logical relationship between two dependent activities. Dummy activities are
typically denoted by dashed lines and do not consume any time or resources. They
are used to clarify the precedence relationships between activities and ensure that
the network diagram accurately reflects the project's logical flow. Dummy
activities are particularly useful in situations where multiple activities converge
or diverge, and the relationships between them need to be clearly defined.

In summary, the critical path highlights the longest sequence of dependent

activities that determine the project's duration, while slack time allows for
flexibility in activity scheduling. Resource leveling optimizes resource
utilization to prevent conflicts, and dummy activities clarify logical
relationships between activities in the network diagram. Understanding these terms
is essential for effectively utilizing PERT/CPM techniques to plan, schedule, and
manage projects.

4. Distinguish between PERT and CPM.

PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) and CPM (Critical Path Method) are
both project management techniques used for planning, scheduling, and controlling
projects, particularly in large-scale engineering and construction projects. While
they share similarities and are often used together, there are also key differences
between them:

1. **Origin and Development:**

- PERT: PERT originated in the 1950s as a collaborative effort between the U.S.
Navy, Booz Allen Hamilton, and Lockheed Corporation to manage the Polaris submarine
missile program. It was developed to handle the uncertainty inherent in large-scale
research and development projects.
- CPM: CPM was developed around the same time as PERT by DuPont and Remington
Rand for managing construction projects. Unlike PERT, which focused on handling
uncertainty, CPM was primarily designed for projects with well-defined activities
and durations.

2. **Approach to Time Estimation:**

- PERT: PERT employs three time estimates for each activity: optimistic (a),
most likely (m), and pessimistic (b). These estimates are then used to calculate
the expected duration of each activity using a weighted average formula (TE = (a +
4m + b) / 6).
- CPM: CPM assumes that activity durations are known with certainty and do not
involve probabilistic estimates. Activities in CPM are typically represented using
deterministic time estimates.

3. **Focus on Uncertainty:**
- PERT: PERT is well-suited for projects with high levels of uncertainty and
variability in activity durations. It incorporates probabilistic time estimates to
account for uncertainty and risk in project schedules.
- CPM: CPM is more suitable for projects with relatively low uncertainty, where
activity durations can be estimated with a high degree of confidence. It does not
explicitly account for uncertainty and focuses on determining the critical path and
project duration based on deterministic estimates.

4. **Probability Analysis:**
- PERT: PERT allows for probabilistic analysis of project schedules, including
the calculation of the probability of completing the project within a specified
- CPM: CPM does not incorporate probabilistic analysis and focuses on
identifying the critical path and project duration based on deterministic estimates
of activity durations.

5. **Application Areas:**
- PERT: PERT is commonly used in research and development projects, product
development, and projects with high levels of uncertainty and risk.
- CPM: CPM is widely used in construction, manufacturing, and engineering
projects where activity durations can be estimated with a reasonable level of

In summary, while both PERT and CPM are used for project management, they differ in
their approach to time estimation, handling of uncertainty, and application areas.
PERT is suited for projects with high uncertainty, while CPM is better suited for
projects with well-defined activities and durations.

5. Explain the usefulness of PERT and CPM techniques in decision making.

PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) and CPM (Critical Path Method) are
powerful project management techniques that offer several benefits in decision-
making processes:

1. **Optimized Resource Allocation:**

- PERT and CPM help in identifying critical activities and paths within a
project schedule. By focusing resources on critical tasks, decision-makers can
ensure efficient resource allocation, preventing bottlenecks and delays. This
optimization of resource allocation leads to cost savings and improved project

2. **Risk Management:**
- PERT incorporates probabilistic time estimates and allows for risk analysis by
calculating the probability of completing the project within a specified timeframe.
By assessing the impact of uncertainties and risks on project schedules, decision-
makers can develop contingency plans, allocate resources strategically, and
mitigate potential delays or disruptions.

3. **Time Management:**
- CPM provides a deterministic approach to project scheduling, allowing
decision-makers to identify the critical path and prioritize activities that
directly affect the project's duration. By focusing efforts on critical activities,
decision-makers can streamline project timelines, meet deadlines, and ensure timely
project completion.

4. **Performance Evaluation:**
- Both PERT and CPM provide mechanisms for monitoring and controlling project
progress. By comparing actual performance against planned schedules, decision-
makers can identify deviations, assess project health, and take corrective actions
as needed. This enables continuous improvement and ensures project objectives are
met efficiently.

5. **Strategic Planning:**
- PERT and CPM facilitate strategic planning by providing insights into project
dependencies, timelines, and resource requirements. Decision-makers can use this
information to prioritize projects, allocate resources effectively, and align
project activities with organizational goals and objectives. This strategic
alignment enhances overall organizational performance and competitiveness.

6. **Communication and Collaboration:**

- PERT and CPM involve creating network diagrams that visually represent project
activities and their relationships. These diagrams serve as communication tools,
allowing decision-makers to convey project plans, milestones, and dependencies
effectively to stakeholders. This fosters collaboration, enhances transparency, and
ensures everyone involved in the project is on the same page.

7. **Cost Management:**
- By identifying critical activities and paths, PERT and CPM enable decision-
makers to optimize project schedules, minimize delays, and reduce project costs.
Additionally, by monitoring resource utilization and efficiency, decision-makers
can identify cost-saving opportunities, streamline processes, and improve overall
project cost management.

In summary, PERT and CPM techniques provide decision-makers with valuable insights
into project schedules, resource requirements, risks, and performance. By
leveraging these techniques, decision-makers can make informed decisions, optimize
resource allocation, mitigate risks, and ensure successful project outcomes.

6. Explain the meaning of crashing in network techniques.

Crashing in network techniques, particularly in the context of business mathematics
and network analysis, refers to the process of shortening the duration of a project
by allocating additional resources to critical activities. This technique is
commonly used in project management methodologies such as PERT (Program Evaluation
and Review Technique) and CPM (Critical Path Method) to accelerate project
completion without altering the project scope.

In network analysis, a project is represented as a network diagram consisting of

nodes and arrows. Nodes represent activities, while arrows represent the sequence
in which activities must be completed. The critical path is the longest path
through the network diagram and determines the minimum duration required to
complete the project.

When a project is behind schedule or when there is a need to meet tighter

deadlines, project managers may resort to crashing to expedite the project
completion. Crashing involves identifying critical activities along the critical
path and then allocating additional resources, such as manpower, equipment, or
funds, to these activities to reduce their duration.

The decision to crash activities involves a trade-off between time and cost. By
allocating additional resources to critical activities, the project manager can
reduce the overall project duration, but this usually comes at an increased cost.
Therefore, crashing should be carefully evaluated to ensure that the benefits of
time reduction outweigh the additional costs incurred.

To implement crashing effectively, project managers must follow a systematic


1. Identify Critical Activities: The first step is to identify the critical

activities on the critical path that have the least flexibility in terms of

2. Determine Crashable Activities: Not all activities can be crashed. Some

activities may have inherent limitations that prevent them from being completed
faster, while others may already be optimized. Project managers need to identify
activities that are crashable and have the potential to significantly impact
project duration.

3. Calculate Crash Costs: For each crashable activity, project managers need to
determine the additional resources required to shorten its duration. This may
involve analyzing resource constraints, negotiating with suppliers or contractors,
and estimating the cost implications of crashing.

4. Evaluate Trade-offs: Project managers must evaluate the trade-offs between

crashing costs and time savings. They need to consider factors such as the
project's budget, resource availability, quality requirements, and stakeholder
5. Implement Crashing: Once the decision to crash activities is made, project
managers must implement the necessary changes, allocate additional resources, and
closely monitor the progress to ensure that the desired time reductions are

6. Monitor and Control: Throughout the project execution phase, project managers
must continuously monitor the progress and performance of the crashed activities.
Any deviations from the planned schedule or budget should be promptly addressed
through appropriate corrective actions.

In summary, crashing is a valuable technique in network analysis that allows

project managers to expedite project completion by allocating additional resources
to critical activities. However, it requires careful planning, evaluation of trade-
offs, and effective implementation to ensure successful outcomes without
compromising quality or exceeding budget constraints.

7. Discuss in brief:
(i) Total float
(ii) Free float
(iii) Independent float.
In the realm of project management, particularly within network analysis methods
like PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) and CPM (Critical Path Method),
float refers to the flexibility or slack time available for activities in a project
schedule. Understanding different types of float is crucial for effective project
planning and management. Let's delve into each type:

(i) **Total Float:**

Total float, also known as slack or float, represents the amount of time an
activity can be delayed without affecting the project's overall completion date. In
other words, it is the maximum amount of time an activity can be postponed beyond
its earliest start date without delaying the project's finish date. Total float is
calculated by finding the difference between the late start and early start times
or late finish and early finish times of an activity. Activities with total float
can be delayed without affecting the project's critical path, making them less
critical to the project's timeline.

(ii) **Free Float:**

Free float is a subset of total float and represents the amount of time an activity
can be delayed without affecting the start of any successor activity. It denotes
the maximum amount of time an activity can be delayed beyond its early start date
without delaying the early start of any subsequent activity. Free float is
calculated by finding the difference between the early start time of the succeeding
activity and the early finish time of the current activity, minus the duration of
the current activity. Activities with free float can be delayed without delaying
the start of any subsequent activities but may still affect the project's critical

(iii) **Independent Float:**

Independent float is the amount of time an activity can be delayed without
affecting any other activity's float. It signifies the delay that an activity can
endure without delaying any other activity's float. Independent float exists when
there are multiple paths (parallel paths) between two activities, allowing for
flexibility in scheduling. It is calculated by finding the difference between the
early start time of the next activity and the late finish time of the current
activity, minus the duration of the current activity. Independent float provides
additional scheduling flexibility and can be leveraged to optimize resource
allocation and project timelines.
In summary, total float represents overall project flexibility, free float
signifies flexibility in scheduling successor activities, and independent float
provides flexibility without affecting other activities. Understanding and
effectively managing these types of float are essential for project managers to
ensure timely project completion and efficient resource utilization.

8. Explain the following terms as used in the PERT.

(a) Optimistic Time

(b) Normal Time

(c) Pessimistic Time

(d) Expected Time

(e) Variance.
In PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique), various time estimates are used
to assess the duration of project activities and calculate the overall project
schedule. These estimates are essential for managing project timelines and
understanding the uncertainty associated with activity durations. Let's delve into
each term:

(a) **Optimistic Time:**

- Optimistic time (a) represents the shortest possible duration in which an
activity could be completed under ideal conditions. It assumes that everything goes
smoothly without any delays, obstacles, or unforeseen issues. This estimate
reflects an optimistic outlook on the activity's duration and is typically based on
best-case scenarios.

(b) **Normal Time:**

- Normal time (m) represents the most likely duration for completing an activity
based on realistic expectations and past experience. It takes into account typical
conditions, resources, and constraints that may affect the activity's duration. The
normal time estimate is often used as the basis for planning and scheduling project

(c) **Pessimistic Time:**

- Pessimistic time (b) represents the longest possible duration in which an
activity could be completed under adverse conditions or in the presence of
significant obstacles or delays. It reflects a pessimistic outlook on the
activity's duration and considers worst-case scenarios, such as resource shortages,
technical difficulties, or unexpected setbacks.

(d) **Expected Time:**

- Expected time (TE) is the weighted average of the optimistic (a), normal (m),
and pessimistic (b) time estimates, calculated using the formula: TE = (a + 4m + b)
/ 6. The expected time provides a more balanced and realistic estimate of the
activity's duration, taking into account both optimistic and pessimistic scenarios.

(e) **Variance:**
- Variance (σ^2) measures the dispersion or spread of the time estimates around
the expected time. It quantifies the uncertainty or variability associated with the
activity's duration. Variance is calculated using the formula: Variance = ((b -
a) / 6)^2. A higher variance indicates greater uncertainty or risk associated with
the activity's duration, while a lower variance suggests more confidence in the
estimated duration.
In summary, these terms in PERT help project managers assess the uncertainty
associated with activity durations, plan project schedules more effectively, and
manage project risks. By considering optimistic, normal, and pessimistic scenarios,
along with their respective time estimates and variances, project managers can make
informed decisions, allocate resources efficiently, and mitigate potential delays
or disruptions in project execution.

9. Give the procedure of resource levelling using PERT/CPM. Describe the term
'resource of levelling' in the network analysis.
Resource leveling is a technique used in project management, particularly in
PERT/CPM (Program Evaluation and Review Technique/Critical Path Method), to
optimize resource utilization and prevent resource conflicts throughout the
project. The goal of resource leveling is to ensure that the project's resource
requirements do not exceed the available resources at any given time, thereby
minimizing resource bottlenecks and avoiding overallocation or underutilization of

The procedure of resource leveling using PERT/CPM involves the following steps:

1. **Develop the Network Diagram:**

- Create a network diagram that represents the sequence of activities and their
dependencies in the project. Each activity should be identified along with its
duration, dependencies, and resource requirements.

2. **Identify Resource Constraints:**

- Determine the availability of resources, including manpower, equipment,
materials, and finances, for each time period throughout the project duration.
Identify any resource constraints or limitations that may impact the project

3. **Calculate the Critical Path:**

- Analyze the network diagram to identify the critical path, which represents
the longest sequence of dependent activities that determine the shortest possible
duration for completing the project. Activities on the critical path cannot be
delayed without delaying the project's overall completion.

4. **Evaluate Resource Requirements:**

- Assess the resource requirements for each activity on the critical path and
identify any resource conflicts or overallocations. Determine if resources are
available as needed or if adjustments need to be made to avoid resource

5. **Adjust Activity Start and Finish Times:**

- Modify the start and finish times of non-critical activities to alleviate
resource conflicts and level resource utilization throughout the project. This may
involve delaying or accelerating activities to ensure that resource requirements do
not exceed available resources at any given time.

6. **Review and Iterate:**

- Review the revised project schedule to ensure that resource leveling has been
successfully implemented and that resource constraints have been addressed
effectively. Iterate as necessary to fine-tune the schedule and optimize resource
utilization while minimizing project duration.

The term "resource leveling" in network analysis refers to the process of smoothing
out resource utilization over the project duration to prevent resource bottlenecks
and conflicts. It involves adjusting the start and finish times of activities to
ensure that resource requirements do not exceed available resources at any given
time, thereby optimizing resource utilization and minimizing project delays.

Resource leveling helps project managers allocate resources more effectively,

prevent overallocation or underutilization of resources, and ensure a balanced
workload for project team members. By incorporating resource leveling into PERT/CPM
analysis, project managers can optimize resource utilization, mitigate risks, and
improve overall project performance.

10. What do you mean by the following?

(a) Node
(b) Network diagram
(e) Critical path
(d) GERT
(e) LOB
(f) MOST
Sure, I'll explain each term briefly:

(a) **Node**: In the context of network diagrams in project management, a node

represents a specific event or milestone in a project. It can also represent the
beginning or end of an activity. Nodes are usually depicted as circles or
rectangles in a network diagram.

(b) **Network diagram**: A network diagram is a graphical representation of the

sequence and dependencies of project activities. It visually displays the flow of
tasks and the relationships between them. Network diagrams are commonly used in
project management methodologies like PERT (Program Evaluation and Review
Technique) and CPM (Critical Path Method).

(c) **Critical path**: The critical path in a network diagram is the sequence of
activities that determines the shortest possible duration for completing the
project. It represents the longest path through the network and identifies the
tasks that must be completed on time to prevent delays in the project's overall

(d) **GERT (Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique)**: GERT is an extension of

PERT that allows for the modeling of probabilistic events and conditional branching
in project networks. It enables project managers to analyze and optimize project
schedules in situations where there is uncertainty or flexibility in task durations
and dependencies.

(e) **LOB (Line of Balance)**: Line of Balance is a scheduling technique used

primarily in construction projects to optimize resource allocation and monitor
progress over time. It involves plotting the planned quantities of work to be
completed against time, typically represented as a line graph, to ensure a smooth
and balanced workflow.

(f) **MOST (Method of Schedule Time)**: MOST is a technique used in business

mathematics and network analysis, specifically in PERT and CPM methodologies. It
focuses on estimating the duration of project activities by considering the most
likely, optimistic, and pessimistic time estimates for each task. These estimates
are then used to calculate the expected duration and variability of the project

In business mathematics, particularly in network analysis using PERT and CPM, these
concepts are essential for effectively planning, scheduling, and managing projects.
They provide project managers with valuable tools and techniques for optimizing
resource allocation, identifying critical tasks, and minimizing project duration
and costs.

11. Write short notes on:

(a) Dummy activities

(b) Crashing
(c) PERT
(d) Slack
(a) **Dummy Activities:**
- Dummy activities are fictitious tasks added to the network diagram to
represent logical relationships between dependent activities. They are denoted by
dashed lines and do not consume any time or resources. Dummy activities are used to
clarify precedence relationships, particularly in situations where multiple
activities converge or diverge. They ensure that the network diagram accurately
reflects the project's logical flow and dependencies, facilitating more precise
scheduling and analysis.

(b) **Crashing:**
- Crashing is a project management technique used to reduce the project duration
by allocating additional resources to critical activities. This typically involves
expediting activities by adding more resources, such as manpower, equipment, or
finances, to accelerate their completion. Crashing allows project managers to
compress the project schedule and meet tight deadlines, but it often comes with
increased costs. Project managers must carefully weigh the trade-offs between time,
cost, and resource utilization when deciding whether to crash activities.

(c) **PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique):**

- PERT is a project management technique used to analyze and manage projects
with uncertain activity durations. It incorporates probabilistic time estimates for
each activity, including optimistic, most likely, and pessimistic estimates, to
calculate the expected duration and variability of project completion time. PERT
utilizes network diagrams to depict the sequence of activities and their
dependencies, allowing project managers to identify critical paths, assess project
risks, and develop realistic project schedules. PERT is particularly useful for
research and development projects or projects with high levels of uncertainty.

(d) **Slack:**
- Slack, also known as float or buffer, represents the amount of time an
activity can be delayed without delaying the project's overall completion. Positive
slack indicates that an activity can be delayed without affecting the project
schedule, while zero or negative slack indicates that any delay in the activity
will extend the project duration. Slack allows project managers to identify non-
critical activities and allocate resources more effectively. Total slack refers to
the amount of time an activity can be delayed without affecting subsequent
activities or the project's completion, while free slack refers to the amount of
time an activity can be delayed without delaying the early start of its successor
activities. Slack management is crucial for optimizing project schedules and
mitigating risks.

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_____________________THE END ______________

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