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Assignment – 3

Emotional Intelligence

Aryan Sood (8912461)

Applied Manufacturing Management – Design Integration and 3D Printing Stream
COMM8381 – Communications for Effective Management in Industry

Professor: Tonino Commisso

There are several different kinds of intelligence, and we should know how to integrate them into
our lives. Everyone is familiar with the intelligence quotient or, to simply say IQ. IQ is primarily
associated with once ability to memorize, logical reasoning, and retrieving items from a memory.
The other one is the curiosity quotient, which refers to one’s ability to be motivated to learn a
particular subject or a skill.
Emotional intelligence or emotional quotient is a person's ability to understand one’s emotions as
well as others. Emotional Intelligence as described by author – Daniel Goleman is the ability to
“Recognize, understand and manage our own emotions”. In simple words it means that our
emotions can drive our behaviour and can impact people in a positive or in a negative way and
learning how to manage or control those emotions. Many people with high emotional
intelligence can identify how they are feeling and what is the meaning of that feeling. Also, how
does this affect their behaviour as well as other people. It is difficult to manage the emotions of
other people as we can’t control how other person feels or how they behave.
EI is often described as the ability to use, understand, handle and manage emotions. Studies
show that people with high EI have positive workplace performance. EI is associated with
empathy as it involves people connecting their personal experiences with others(team members,

10 Qualities that Define EI

1.Empathy – It is the ability to understand or feel what other person is experiencing or going
through. In simple words it means the capacity to place oneself in other person’s position.
Essentially, it is putting yourself in someone else’s boots and experiencing what they are feeling.
There are two different types of empathy:
Affective Empathy – it refers to the sensation or feeling a person gets in response to others
emotion which can include copying what that person is feeling or by just getting streesed when
we detect other person’s stress level or anxiety.
Cognitive Empathy – Also know as perspective taking, refers to the ability of a person to identify
and understand someone else’s emotion.

2.Self-Awareness – the ability to know about your feelings, thoughts and actions.It can also
be referred as conscious knowledge of one’s personal character , feelings and motives.Also it
signifies how we perceive others to see us in the society.This involves recognizing the stimuli an
individual will come across and then plan how to tackle them or overcome them.
3.Curiosity – A state in which an individual wants to learn more about something.Curiosity
also serves as a connection to self – awareness another quality of emotional
intelligence.Curiosity can be considered as a power skill, getting curious about what others a re
going through, what they are feeling.This learning attitude affects positively in other areas of our
lives such as in our relationships.

4.Analytical Mind – People with high EQ and courageous people are genius that
analyse and practice all new information that comes in their way.People with this
ability can easily identify problems , obstacles and can figure out a way to
overcome them.
5.Belief – It is the power to understand emotions in yourself and in others and recognize the
feelings as this guides us to how to respond to situations without reacting impulsively.Believing
that the things in our life are for a reason and everything turns out to be positive at the end .When
we can combine belief with our hardwork , positive mindset and confidence one can achieve
anything they desire in their life.

6.Optimistic – It is important component as it can have great effect on one’s emotional well-
being , relationships , and overall success in different aspects of life.To improve our relationships
we need to start think constructively and clearly and maintain a positive attitude.Attitude is
always in our control and we can live each day by being positive as when we are positive we are
smarter and more motivated.

7.Needs & Wants – People with high emotional intelligence can distinguish between what
they need in their life and what they want.People who know the difference between the two can
easily prioritize basic-level stuff such as survival and safety.The difference between needs and
want is buying a expensive car and buying an economical car for daily use.

8.Passionate -It is an essential quality that compliments and enhances one’s emotional
intelligence. Passion pushes you towards your aim or your goal. It brings positive aura that helps
us to maintain our positive wellbeing and inspires us to keep moving forward.

9. Adaptability – It reflects an individual’s ability to thrive and adjust in various different

situations particularly which involve changing emotions and environments.Ability to adapt to
emotional challenges , maintaining composure and clear mondset.

10.Desire to succeed and help others succeed -A person with high emotional
intelligence desires overall success which means not just for themselves but also for their peers.It
is a valuable aspect as it reflects a combination of personal motivation and interpersonal
skills.They are motivated by a strong desire to grow and achieve their goals and lead a fulfilling
My Top 3 EI Qualities

1.Self -Awareness – Self awareness is one of my prominent EI abilities.I understand and

recognize my emotions , as well as my strengths , weaknesses and it triggers in various
situations.Self awareness allows me to align my actions with my authentic self , values and my
aims.I’ve been actively working on polishing and improving my listening skills as sometimes I
realise I get caught in my own thoughts.I think I have a clear understanding of my own thoughts ,
behaviours , and areas of improvement.I consider self- awareness as a really valuable trait and
communicating it correctly can help me build better relationships and have solid personal and
professional growth.

2.Empathy – Another key ability that I think is my top ability is eempathy.It basically
involves my capacity to understand and recognize others point of view and feelings.I can
recognize nonverbal cues and know about other person’s emotional state of mind.By considering
this as one of my top ability it makes it easier for me to relate with people from different
backgrounds and I can interact with classmates , colleagues positively with great ease such as
helping a peer.

3.Adaptability – This ability shows my capability to adjust in different scenarios mostly

when dealing with changing emotions. I can handle the unexpected obstacles that one may face
anywhere. Just as an example , taking on different roles in a group discussion or in a group
project based on the environment. Adaptability has helped me in many areas such as handling
stress , setbacks and to change my point of view or approach to different aspects of life.Basically
looking at everything with a positive approach that keeps me motivated and passionate to
achieve my goals.
3 Qualities That Require Improvement

1.Curiosity – It is an essential component and I think I need to improve as this component

enhances other elements of EI as well.Improving curiosity is really essential for me for building
and strengthening the relationships , communication and most important to reach professional
success. I think it will allow me to connect and understand others an a deeper level as of now I
lack this ability and which makes me slow down for overall growth and progress.I also consider
that if I strengthen this ability this will automaticallu=y deepen my empathy anabling me to
understand other at more higher level which may lead to supportive interactions.

2.Optimistic -Improving this ability can have a positive impact on my overall well being and
well being of others who are around me.I consider if I improve this ability I can experience
higher level of happiness and it can also improve my physical health resulting in strengthened
immune system.I think I need to improve this ability is because for me it gets difficult to bounce
back from a failure or from setbacks.Another reason I want to be more optimistic is to influence
my family and friends. Moreover I can set and work toward my goal with more enthusiasm and

3. Analytical Mind-Improving this ability can help my problem-solving skills and, majorly
my decision-making ability. I lack in this area as I cannot make proper decisions, especially
when it comes to emotionally charged situations. Also, I’m not good at addressing emotional
issues, so I lack this ability. By improving this ability, I can identify and address myself
emotionally and find solutions considering emotions.

In conclusion, the top 10 qualities or abilities related to EI(Emotional intelligence) contribute to
more effective relationships , personal growth, etc. These abilities help a person navigate their
emotions and feelings and those of others with great sensitivity and understanding. When all
these qualities are combined, they create a foundation for emotionally intelligent behavior and
These qualities collectively promote healthier and better relationships, positive thinking,
improved decision-making, and a positive point of view on anything you face in your personal or
professional life. Improving these abilities can lead a person’s life to a more satisfying and higher
quality of life.

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