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Emotional intelligence

What is Emotional
 Emotional Intelligence is a person’s ability to understand their
own emotion, the emotions of others, and to act appropriately
using these emotions.
 Emotionalintelligence never stop growing. Because we are
always evolving as people, EQ is something that must be
Ei is believed to include four basic abilities

 The ability to perceive emotions

 The ability to understand emotions
 The ability to use emotions for reasoning
 The ability to regulate or control emotions
characteristics of

Emotional intelligence
Self -awareness
Being self-aware enables us to identify
our feelings and realize how our emotions,
behavior, reactions and actions may affect
others. Moreover, people with high EI
control their emotions instead of letting
their emotions control them. It is also
easier for them to identify their strengths
and limitations and allows them to improve
their abilities and perform better. Self-
awareness usually involves –
• Appropriate self-assessment
• Emotional awareness
• Self-confidence
Self –regulation leads to the ability to monitor
and regulate our impulses and emotions better.
Self-regulation helps us to control our reactions
and handle ourselves better in demanding or
difficult situations, like when we feel angry. It
also allows us to be more mindful, thoughtful,
and easily adapt to change. Self-regulation
makes us more assertive and express our
emotions appropriately. People with high levels
of self-regulation have strong conscientiousness
and are accountable for their behavior. Self-
regulation tends to include –
The ability to relate to the emotional states
of others is one of the most important
features of EI. However, empathy involves a
lot more than understanding others’
feelings. Empathy includes how we respond
to others based on the available emotional
information. Empathy also enables us to
analyze the power dynamics which direct
interactions and relationships in social
settings. Being empathetic helps us to be
aware of the different perspectives, needs
and wants of others and identify hidden
emotions as well. Emotionally intelligent
people with a high degree of empathy can
relate with the people around them without
being judgmental.
High EI is also closely associated with intrinsic
motivation. Emotionally. They are highly passionate
individuals who pursue their goals and needs, seek
challenges and are exceptionally effective and
productive. Instead of external rewards like money,
fame and power, they seek internal rewards like
inner peace, satisfaction, pride with their work and
personal growth. They never hesitate from taking
initiatives and are committed to accomplishing the
goals they set. Self-motivation involves the
following elements:
Need for personal development
Strong desire for achievement
Commitment to goals
Keen on taking initiatives
Ready to take action on opportunities
Social skills
Individuals with strong social skills are more
approachable and easier to like. This is another
crucial element of EI. Social skills enable us to focus
on collective goals rather than individual goals and
helps us become team players. People with high EI
and social skills can become exceptional
communicators and mediators. It also helps them to
effectively handle disputes and build stronger
relationships. Social skills can also be helpful for
managers in organizations for building connections
with workers. Core social skills include verbal
communication, body language, active listening,
persuasiveness and leadership skills. It usually
involves the following:
Interpersonal skills
Relationship skills
Leadership skills
Being trustworthy
1. Emotional perception

 Perceiving emotions is one of the most basic elements of EI. It is only

by understanding their and others’ emotions accurately, one can
perceive feelings within them and other people around them.
Perceiving emotions effectively requires that we understand both
verbal signals and nonverbal communication, like facial expressions,
gestures and body language.
2. Reason using emotions

 Another crucial aspect of emotional intelligence is the ability for

reasoning with emotions. It requires that we utilize emotions to
encourage and control our thoughts, behaviors and cognitive
activities. Understanding emotions can help us realize what is
important to us and prioritize our attention towards it. EI can also
help us to respond and react to situations and things that attract our
3. Understanding emotions

 Emotions can convey an array of subtle meanings and messages and

so feelings must be perceived accurately. If someone portrays
feelings of sadness, we must interpret the emotion as sadness and
not as disappointment or depression for instance. Moreover, we
must also understand what their emotions are trying to express and
analyze the cause of their emotions. Misinterpreting emotions can
not only lead to problems in the relationship, it can also adversely
affect certain tasks, activities and situations.
4. Emotional management

 Our ability to manage our own emotions is perhaps the most

important level of emotional intelligence. Regulating and controlling
our emotions can help us respond properly to situations and to
others’ emotions. Managing emotions can help to express ourselves
better, improve communication and strengthen relationships.
 EI can substantially affect the following
aspects of our life:

1. Academic or work performance

-High levels of emotional intelligence can help us deal with different social complexities in school, university and the
2. Physical health
-When we are better able to manage our emotions, we are more capable of coping with difficult emotions, such as
anxiety and stress, as well. Low emotional intelligence can lead to a number of health issues such as –
Higher levels of stress
Increase in blood pressure
Lower the immune system
Higher risk of heart attacks & strokes
Increases infertility
Accelerates the aging process
3. Mental health
-Our mental health can be severely affected due to uncontrolled difficult
emotions which can lead to stress, anxiety and depression. Being able to
identify, understand and manage our emotions empowers us to build a
stronger sense of self-worth and self-esteem. 

4. Social intelligence
-Emotional quotient allows us to connect with our environment and other
people around us in a much more meaningful way. Social intelligence helps
us identify our well-wishers and friends, analyze if someone likes us and
improves social communication. 

5. Interpersonal relationships
-Emotional perception and regulation helps us to better identify and
understand the emotions of others. Moreover, EI also enables us to express
ourselves more clearly and improves communication which positively
affects personal and social relationships. 
lets try to answer this !!!

Give the correct answer.

1.________ is a person’s ability to understand their own emotion, the emotions of others, and to act
appropriately using these emotions.
2.________leads to the ability to monitor and regulate our impulses and emotions better.
3._________it is the ability to relate to the emotional states of others is one of the most important features
of EI
4._______ is being self-aware enables us to identify our feelings and realize how our emotions, behavior,
reactions and actions may affect others.
5. EI stands for __________.
lets try to answer this !!!

ENUMERATION!!! Write HEI if it is High Emotional Intelligence and

LEI if it is Low Emotional Intelligence
1-5. What are the Characteristics of Emotional ____1.Excelent leadership skills.
____2.Does not judge others.
____3.Gets upset easily.
____4.Feel misunderstood.
____5.Difficulty accepting feedback.

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