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In the previous module, you have learned about trend; its meaning, nature, and importance with the
lives of people. In this module, you will be introduced to the concept of network. It will deal with the
discussion of local network which refers to interconnected processes internal to the individual person’s
mind, mental faculty or thoughts such as strategic analysis and intuitive thinking that are ultimately
demonstrated in decision-making.
What is labor? Can you relate to globalization? Globalization or globalisation is the process of
interaction and integration among individuals, companies, and governments worldwide. It is primarily an
associated process of interaction and integration that is associated with social and cultural aspects. How
labor and migration has been institutionalized to reply to the utilization crisis within the country? These
queries will be answered as you embark the journey to the activities designed to assist you to understand the
content of this subject.
This module can show you the concrete effects of globalization, coupled with the interconnections
of peoples and nations. It will additionally demonstrate the advantages of collaboration and cooperation so
as to equip the learners with the knowledge and skills required which can be used to help them face the
challenges of the fast changing society nowadays.


Explain strategic analysis and intuitive thinking. (HUMSS_MCT12-Ic-e-2)
a. Define strategic analysis and intuitive thinking. (HUMSS_MCT12-Ic-e-1)
b. Differentiate key components in strategic and intuitive thinking. (HUMSS_MCT12-Ic-e-5)
Apply strategic analysis (HUMSS_MCT12-Ic-e-3)
Apply intuitive thinking in solving a problem problem in the community using a map of social
networks. (HUMSS_MCT12-Ic-e-4)
Explain the concrete effects of globalization and to one’s daily life. (HUMSS_MCT12-If-g-2)
Explain the need for collaboration and cooperation to achieve interconnectedness.

At the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
1. Define strategic analysis and intuitive thinking
2. Explain strategic analysis and intuitive thinking
3. Attain facility in strategic analysis
4. Use intuitive thinking in dealing with varied activities
5. Differentiate key components in strategic analysis and intuitive thinking
6. Examine how the map of social networks can be used to introduce creative solutions to a
particular problem in a community using intuitive thinking.
7. Provide examples of various activities in one's daily life that show the concrete effects of
8. List down the comprehensive effects of globalization.
9. Determine the interconnectedness of peoples and nations.
10. Cite examples of collaboration and cooperation.
11. Determine the various contributions of the parts to a whole.

Understanding Local Networks
Labor and Migration

As an initial activity, you will be assess on your prior knowledge about information communication
technology. This is to find out what are the things you need to learn more about the subject matter. Write
your answer on you answer sheet.
Test I. Instruction: Read each statement carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if the
statement is false.
1. Intuitive thinking is known as the flashing of insight.
2. Intuition, like rationality is one of the tools of knowledge.
3. Rational thinking is better than intuitive thinking.
4. Analytical mind usually exercises strategic thinking.
5. Intuitive thinking involves a more spontaneous, instinctive, and unplanned process of solving a problem
6. Intuitive thinking does not necessarily require a careful planning in advance.
7. Getting the right person to do a task is one of the key points of strategic thinking.
8. Intuition and reason complement each other.
9. Analytical thinking is characterized as brain-centered, focused and time-bound.
10. Analytical tools are not needed in intuitive thinking.

Test II. Multiple Choices: Encircle the letter of the correct answer on the following questions below.
1. Which of the following reasons of migration from one country to another is considered the most important
in today’s world?
a. Better living conditions b. Higher wages
c. To escape persecution d. For a better climate
2. What is the natural rate of unemployment in the Philippines?
a. Zero b. Below 50 percent of the population
c. Above 50 percent of the population d. About 80 percent of the recent population
3. Which of the following will not contribute to hourly wages being lowered in Philippines than in the
United States?
a. Philippines lack much of the infrastructure of the U.S.
b. Philippines has less capital per worker than the U.S. does.
c. Philippines labor force is less educated than the U.S. labor force.
d. Philippines technology lags behind that of the U.S.
4. What are the effects of the labor migration in the country?
a. Skilled workers will be insufficient. b. Decrease in the remittances
c. Increase in the remittances d. Both a and c
5. How does immigration now into the United States as a fraction of the Philippine population is compared
to the beginning of the 20th century?
a. Much greater (more than ten times as large)
b. Somewhat greater (between twice as large and ten times as large)
c. About the same
d. Somewhat smaller (between one tenth as large and half as large)
6. How many percent do overseas Filipino workers constitute to the total Filipino population?
a. 10 percent b. 20 percent
c. 30 percent d. 40 percent
7. Which country from the option below has the biggest proportion of migrants is deployed within Asia?
a. Middle East b. East Asia
c. Europe d. South East Asia
8. Which country has the biggest proportion of migrants deployed?
a. Asia and United States b. China and India
c. Australia and New Zealand d. Saudi Arabia and Dubai
9. Mass migration takes place in the Philippines primarily because of what reason?
a. The government is lazy to help the poor
b. The government is rich enough to employ the jobless
c. Failure of government to provide decent jobs and decent wages to its people.
d. Failure of the government to equally distribute its wealth.
10. How common is it for people to migrate from one developing country to another?
a. More common than migration from developing countries to developed countries.
b. Less common than migration from developing countries to developed countries, but more
common than migration between developed countries.
c. Less common than migration between developed countries, but more common than migration
from developed countries to developing countries.
d. Less common than migration from developed countries to developing countries, but more than
migration from developing countries to developed countries.
11. What is the main the reason why migrant Filipinos called new economic heroes?
a. It is because they contribute a lot in the economy.
b. It is because they are exploited and abused.
c. It is because they are the product of extreme poverty in the country
d. It is because they died in other country.
12. What do you call a person who searches for a job sequentially?
a. Searches while employed
b. Accepts the first job offers
c. Accepts the best job offer after applying for a pre-specified number of jobs
d. Accepts or rejects job offer as they arrive
13. What is the natural rate of unemployment in the Philippines?
a. Zero b. Below 50 percent of the population
c. Above 50 percent of the population d. About 80 percent of the recent population
14. How many countries and destinations do these overseas Filipino workers found?
a. 100 countries b. 200 countries
c. 300 countries d. 400 countries
15. How can a compensation systems influence?
a. By motivating the workers b. By the quality of workers who work at the firm
c. By the workers who quit and who stay on the job d. All of the above


Reading 1: Strategic Analysis and Intuitive Thinking

Everyday we make choices in our lives. Sometimes our decisions are based on impulses that we
need to face along with the unfavourable consequences of our actions. We cannot afford to commit the same
mistakes at all times. This is why there are institutions that create strategic analysis at least intuitive thinking,
if the latter makes sense.
According to Urgel, E. (2017), Strategic analysis is the process of examining the organization’s
surroundings and resources to better formulate a strategy to meet the desired objectives and improved the
organization’s performance. It is the understanding of an organization’s external and internal environments.
It also deals with the creation and better utilization of resources in the pursuit of their objectives and
priorities. Such understanding is drawn from the facts data, and instructions at hand.
Strategic analysis, for example, can be done by an organization to analyse its losing performance. It
is based on data and information about the internal profile of its employees and their capabilities and work
attitudes. It can be done by the organization to investigate the external profile of its surrounding,
opportunities, and possible rivals. Moreover, intuitive thinking is sensing or knowing without using rational
processes such as reading facts and instructions. According to the dictionary, intuition is something that is
known or understood without proof or evidence. In short, intuitive is making choices and decisions
according to one’s hunch and gut feeling without knowing the reason why.
Good intuition results from long years of knowledge and experience which enable you to
comprehend how people think, act, and react, perceive and interpret, and interact with one another.
A critical mind or analytical mind usually exercises strategic thinking. Samantha Howland (2015)
identified six elements of strategic thinking designed to encourage strategic leadership among today’s
executives. It is drawn from a study of more than 20,000 executives in more than 175 countries. The six key
elements are abilities to anticipate, challenge, decide, interpret, learn, and align.
1. The ability to anticipate enables the executives to not only focus on the current situation but also
to look at the future. They should monitor the environment to foresee significant changes in the industry to
prepare them for possible threats as well as opportunities. For instance, an executive who keeps abreast with
trends and engages in trendspotting is more likely to be open to product changes or to beef up the company’s
product strength in anticipation of trend. An example is when a garment executive spots a consumer
preference for plaid print, he or she gradually reduces the production of apparels with floral design and shifts
to plaid print.
2. The ability to challenge involves raising questions instead of merely accepting information as it
comes. The purpose of raising questions is to trace the root causes of problems, to challenge existing beliefs,
and to find out biases and possible manipulation of the situation. Probing and investigation may also be
3. The ability to interpret is shown by testing a variety of hypotheses as well as comparing and
contrasting certain data prior to making decisions on particular issues. The executive avoids jumping into
conclusions without sound basis.
4. The ability to decide enables to executive to make a stand with courage and conviction despite
incomplete information at hand. The executive combines speed and quality in doing this for them to avoid
indecision or “analysis paralysis which prevent a leader from acting fast, thereby missing chances of
5. The ability to align enables the executive to have different divergent viewpoints, opinions, and
agenda to attain common goals and to pursue mutual interests. Open communication and dialogue will help
address the problem of misalignment and build trust leading to consensus and agreements.
6. The ability to learn is demonstrated by an executive who accepts feedback, constructive criticism,
and even failure which are altogether viewed as source of critical and valuable insights. He or she shows
willingness to immediately return to the right course when going off tract. Failures are considered lessons for
Strategic analysis is useful not only to an organization but also to an individual such as student like
you. Your current situation in striving to finish senior high school can be assessed by the following:
(a) knowing your strengths such as your competencies and values, weaknesses such as negative
attitude and needs to be filled,
(b) threats such as events and situations that prevent you from focusing on your studies, and other
factors that can help you improve your skills.
Are you failing or getting poor grades? What good habits can you develop to address this problem?
Whom can you approach to help you improve your grades? Strategic analysis can be a way to turn your
weakness into strengths and to take advantage of situations that will boost your confidence as a student. It
will guide you in staying on course toward finishing senior high school.
The honing and nurturing of a critical mind or strategic thinking must start at an early age. Students
like you should be provided with opportunities to develop this ability for self-improvement. It can also guide
you in giving service to others (for example as an officer in the student council). In such case, the students
develop strategic thinking which is reflected in his or her abilities to anticipate, decide, challenge, learn,
align, and interpret.
Intuitive thinking involves a more spontaneous, instinctive, and unplanned process of solving a
problem. Evaluation of the situation and the perceived alternative course of action are quick and board.
Actions and decisions spring from hunches and gut feeling based on unpremeditated ideas or experiences
rather from facts and hard data. This type of thinking tends to be imaginative and more applicable in
situations where facts are insufficient and previous related decisions are not readily available.
Intuitive thinkers do certain things which other do not. Carolyn Gregorie (2014), senior writer of
The Huffington Post provided the Ten Things Highly Intuitive People Do Differently. The following
activities are as follows:
1. Listening to an inner voice. They pay attention to intuition and allow it to guide them.
2. Taking time to be alone and to reflect. Spending time in solitude is their way of engaging in
deeper thoughts and creative thinking. It is also called “mindfulness” which means looking into one’s
current experience without making judgement.
3. Listening to their bodies. They tune in to their bodies for gut feeling and physical sensation or
emotion associated with intuition.
4. Observing everything. They take note of the occurrence of odd things and keep an eye on the
frequency of coincidences, unexpected connections, and instantaneous decisions or actions done.
5. Paying attention to their dreams .It refers to the way of getting in touch with their “unconscious
thinking process” and of capturing information on how to live their lives.
6. Connecting deeply with others and staying in a positive mood. They can read a person’s mind
through his or her words, feelings, and actions. Avoiding negative emotions helps boost their intuitive
Analytical thinking applied in strategic analysis is brain-centered and focused. It deals with one
thing and is concerned with time. It is linear and inclined toward the abstract. It efficiently works in a
condition with sufficient time, relative stability, and established criteria for analysis such as rules. It comes
in handy when an explanation is needed. The process can be taught and learned in the classroom.
Intuitive thinking, on the other hand, possesses characteristics which mostly run in contrast to
analytical thinking. It is heart-centered, unfocused, and is not timebound. It view many things
simultaneously, is nonlinear, and is inclined toward the concrete and the real. It efficiently works in dynamic
conditions, under time pressure, and is instantaneous. It works well when the observer has gained experience
in a particular situation and he is ready to act on hunches and feeling, especially when an explanation is not

Strategic Thinking
According to Urgel, E (2017), Strategic analysis and planning have five essential components. These
components are the following:
1. Committed people. The initial step in strategic planning is getting the right people at the right
time. They are essential in effectively carrying out a strategy. These people comprise the management staff,
officers, and stakeholders. They are also called engagers.
2. Long-term strategic objectives. The objectives are poised to enhance the organizations
performance. There is need to identify the beneficiaries in the operation who will receive the benefit from
the gains brought by improved efficiency in the operations and delivery of services of the organization. The
people involved in setting the objectives are referred to as aimers.
3. Strategic alternatives. The planning team should be able derive options from brainstorming and
SWOT Analysis. These alternatives may be of higher quality than the current strategy or may enable the
organization to respond with the ease, speed, and effectiveness when changes occur in the environment.
4. Evaluation and choice of strategies. The process of formulating a strategy which involves
evaluating and picking out which strategies could facilitate the attainment of long-term improvements. It
should include all those revealed by Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis of the
organization. From the evaluation of alternative strategies, options which are superior to the current
approach may be found, and change for organization’s improvement can be undertaken. Those who
participate in searching for and selecting strategic alternatives are calle option genrators.
5. Monitoring of strategy implementation. There should be a plan for formal and regular reporting
and other measures of plan implementation. These will enable the organization to know whether or not the
plan is carried out properly and the objectives are met. The monitoring system should provide ample room
for correction when improper implementation of the strategies is observed and when objectives ar not being
met. Strategizers are those who implement and monitor strategy.

Intuitive Thinking
The components of intuitive thinking differ from those of strategic analysis and planning. According
to Amy Baylor (1997), there are three components of intuition and intuitive thinking: immediacy, sensing
relationship, and reason.
1. Immediacy. This refers to the timing in intuitive thinking. The time involved in intuitive thinking
is quick where decisions, actions, and solutions come up fast without planning or deliberation. Baylor quotes
George Mandler (1995), named it as “mind popping” when thoughts, ideas, and solutions come to mind non-
2. Sensing Relationship. This refers to the establishment or formulation of connections among ideas.
This is basic in intuition. The establishment of connection is necessary is associated with a person’s
knowledge, and
3. Reason. It deals with intuition which involves certain type of reasoning.
The table below shows the differences between strategic thinking and intuitive thinking based on
Urgel, E. (2017)
Notes to remember:
❖ Labor is the work done by a group of workers or by a particular worker.
❖ Labor relation refers to the relationship between employers and employees in industry along with
the political decisions and laws that affect it.
❖ Migration improves the quality of people’s. It helps improve the aspect of the social life of every
individual as they embark new customs, culture, and languages that improve brotherhood among people.
❖ Labor migration means migration for the purpose of seeking employment.
❖ The main reason of migration is uneven development along with factors like poverty, landholding
system, and fragmentations of land, lack of employment opportunities, large family-size and natural
❖ Globalization refers to the connection of various parts of the world which results in expansion of
multicultural, political, and economic activities.
❖ Globalization is defined as the integration of goods and people among various countries as they
move from one country to another.
❖ The positive effects of globalization include a number of factors namely education, trade,
technology, competition, investments and capital flows, employment, culture and organization structure.
❖ The negative effects of globalization include influence in multinational corporations which focus
on promoting a consumer culture, exploitation of workers and markets and influencing societal values.
❖ Collaboration refers to the process of working together to create something new in support of a
shared vision.
❖ Cooperation is important in networks where individuals can exchange relevant information and
resources in support of each other’s goals rather than focus on share goal.


Notes to remember:
❖ Globalization means connection of different parts of the world which results in the expansion of
international cultural, economic, and political activities.
❖ Thus, globalization is the movement and integration of goods and people in various countries.
❖ Globalization has positive effects which include a number of factors namely education, trade,
technology, competition, investments and capital flows, employment, culture and organization structure.
❖ Globalization enhances goodwill and goodwill in various countries.
❖ Globalization concept can lead to the loss of cultural identity.
❖ The negative effects of globalization include influence in multinational corporations which focus
on promoting a consumer culture, exploitation of workers and markets and influencing societal values.
❖ Globalization can cause the spread of communicable diseases and cause social degeneration.
❖ Globalization has improved the standard of living through improved education due to the global
expansion of corporations.
❖ Thus, globalization makes an individual more competent and globally competitive.


Notes to remember:
❖ Interconnectedness of peoples and nations produce a transcontinental collaboration in the society.
❖ Interconnectedness tells about interactions between domestic and global affairs.
❖ Interconnectedness of peoples and nations speed up the process of communications, information
and merging ideas.
❖ It also increases the scope of trade, business and finance in the country.


Notes to remember:
❖ Collaboration and cooperation in globalization speaks of modernity and optimistic approach in
the modern society.
❖ Collaboration and cooperation in globalization protects a country from social degradation and
scientific improvement.
❖ It adapts understanding of new cultures, beliefs and values, increases the opportunity of
❖ Collaboration and cooperation in globalization creates an exchange of ideas and information
between countries and its people.

ACTIVITY 1: Picture Analysis Direction: Write an essay on the picture that you think based from
the supplementary reading picture.
ACTIVITY 2: Instruction: What will you do if you confronted are with this situation below. Use your
intuitive and rational thinking in your explanation. Write them on the four boxes provided below. Write your
answer on a separate sheet.

Processing Questions:
1. How do you find the activity?
2. Are your response-answers automatic or well-thought?
3. What realizations you have learned after the activity?
4. Does this activity affect or change your worldview in looking certain situation like this?
A network is a group of people with whom we interact everyday.
The networks of relations within each person is embedded include family, friends and
Technology enhances these varied networks regardless of our location.
The social structures that we create and where we belong are networked.
Our human existence and relationships are nested in both loacal and global networks that constitute
meaning and action.
We are invited to look at the network of realtionships that continue to shape our personal and social
In an increasingly interconnected world, we can understand ourselves only to the xtent tat we
understand others.

Discovery of Non-Intuitive Things There are three ways of discovering non-intuitive things.
The following are as follows:
1. Gaining more experience. Experience is a great teacher. More experiences you have the easier it is
for you to see the similarities between new ideas and previous learning. Experience teaches you to identify if
various kind of projects, objectives or problems are straight forward or not. It also teaches you which one
employs nonintuitive (or counter intuitive) issues to address. In other words, experience hones your intuition.
It can make non-intuitive thinking become intuitive thinking.
2. Experimentation. Experimentation can help you uncover inconsistencies. Tinkering is a great way
to discover something that isn’t consistent with what you thought.
3. Learn by reading, studying & teaching and learning process with your mentors. The more you
build your foundation, the more you learn about the nuances, differences and subtleties of a wide array of
mysteries. Then, intuitive thinking and non-intuitive thinking become easier in the real life context.


A. Instruction: Read each statement carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if the
statement is false. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
1. Strategic analysis and intuitive thinking both use reason but in different ways.
2. Strategic analysis works best only for bigger organizations like business institution.
3. Intuitive thinking is not accepted in the scientific world.
4. Rational reasoning is better than intuitive thinking.
5. Critical tools are needed in instinctive thinking.
6. Intuitive thinking is hunch-based and spontaneous.
7. Intuition is something known as infused knowledge.
8. Strategic analysis must be used always to ensure success in life.
9. Individuals engaged in strategic analysis apply all cognitive processes in the orientation towards
attainment of success in future.
10. Only the internal environment is important in strategic analysis
11. The honing of a critical mind must start at an early age
12. In a business organization, strategic analysis may mean understanding of its external and internal
13. Analytical thinking views things simultaneously in a nonlinear way.
14. Experience can be considered as a tool of intuitive thinking.
15. SWOT and PEST are good examples of analytical tools.

B. Instructions: Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false. Write your answer on your notebook.
1. Collaboration and cooperation in globalization creates an exchange of ideas and information between
countries and its people.
2. Collaboration and cooperation in globalization are traditional and obsolete.
3. It adapts understanding of new cultures, beliefs and values.
4. It allows to loss personal touch and replaced personal conversation with digital communications.
5. It increases the opportunity of employment.
6. It protects a country from social degradation and scientific improvement.
7. Collaboration and cooperation in globalization may not be working in family and people.
8. Collaboration and cooperation in globalization will build a gap of social classes in the society.
9. It speaks of modernity and optimistic approach in the modern society.
10. It promotes exploitation and abuses particularly in the vulnerable sectors.

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