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Sejarah semantik

 First is Aristoteles (322bc) as we know that he was some kind of aaa one of the first Greek
philosopher to use the term "meaning" when he defines what a word is.... what the definition of
word is, According to him, words are the smallest units that contain or have meaning. So he use
the term meaning to define what a word is.
 And Then we he Plato (347bc), aaa plato as we know is the Aristotle's teacher,,,,, also said that
language utternce have implicit meanings, implicit meaning. so it is similar to Aristotle's
explanation with the definition of what a words is.
 And Then semantic studies developed.... and then we go to the aaa year of 1825 where cchr
reisig, and he is a philospher aaaaa german philosopher that states 3 new concepts regarding
linguistic study. The first is semasiology, which is the study of meaning, the second is syntax,
which is the study of sentence structure, and the third is etymology, which is the study of the
origin of words, changes in word structue, and changes in meaning, so even though the study of
semantic is already there but the term semantics itself in this year i mean in that year is not
invented yet, so yeah that is pretty interesting.
 So in that year it was not invented yet but at the end of the 19th century, Michael Breal, a French
scholar in his essay Essai de Semantique, used the term semantics and said that semantics was a
new field of science, so yeah that is the history of the term semantic in linguistic study.
 As time progressed in 1961, Ferdinand de Saussure, as we know as the father of modern
linguistics. Had revolutionary thoughts about language, especially related to the study of
meaning, Saussure argued that to understand meaning, we need to consider two important
dimensions, namely synchronic and diachronic. The synchronic approach focuses on analyzing
language at a particular point in time, while the diachronic highlights the change and evolution of
language over time. In addition, Saussure and his successors emphasized that language must be
viewed as a gestalt, a gestalt is originally a german term which means whole structure that cannot
be resolved into its parts. This concept later became the root of structural linguistics, where
emphasis is placed on the internal relationships and structure of language.
 After Ferdinand's concept became widespread, German philologist Jost Triers then adopted
Ferdinand de Saussure's views by conducting descriptive studies and concrete research in Oslo in
1957 regarding "structural semantics."
 Then figures such as Hockett, an American linguist (1954), also spoke out and stated that
language is a complex that has central and peripheral elements.
 and finally there is Chomsky (1957), a very famous linguistics professor who agrees with the
importance of semantics in linguistics. and Since then, the study of semantics has grown rapidly
and has become one of the main focuses of the research in the field of linguistics.
 So in the next we will disscuss about what is semantics, and what is the study of semantics and
for that matter it will be discuss by brother ahmad fakhrur rozi, brother ahmad time is yours........

• Before we discuss types of meaning, it would be better if we first understand what meaning is.
First, the father of modern linguistics, Ferdinand de Saussure, said that every linguistic sign or
language consists of two elements, namely the signifier and the signifiant. Signifie refers to the
concept or meaning of a sound sign, while signifiant refers to sounds formed from phonemes in
the language concerned. Therefore, every linguistic form must have two related elements, namely
form and meaning. Form is the physical element of a speech. Forms have levels from smallest to
largest, namely starting from phonemes, morphemes, words, phrases, clauses, sentences,
paragraphs and discourse. There are various forms of language that have a mental concept called
• So in summary, meaning can be interpreted as connecting language with the outside world in
accordance with the agreement of language speakers so that individuals can understand each
other (Djayasudarma, 2012: 7).

 First is lexical meaning Lexical meaning is the real meaning, in accordance with the referent, in
accordance with the sensory vision. As an example:
 (3) My sister tidied up the guest chairs.
 (4) All chairs are neatly arranged.
 (5) Council members compete for seats.
 The lexical meaning of the word chair can be seen in examples (3) and (4), namely that a chair is
a seat with legs and a back, while (5) does not refer to the lexical meaning but to another
meaning, namely position or position. Thus, lexical meaning is the actual meaning of a real
description of the conceptsymbolized...

 Second is Gramatical Meaning, grammatical meaning can be identified only after linguistic
elements are combined with one another. Grammatical meaning emerges due to grammatical
processes, arising from the relationships between language elements within larger units, such as
derivative words, phrases, or clauses. Consider the following sentences:
(1) The cat climbed the tree.
(2) The tree climbing was impressive.
In sentence (1), the word 'climbed' conveys the action of moving upward. However, in sentence
(2), the gerund form 'climbing' takes on a different grammatical meaning, indicating the activity
or skill of ascending. The transformation in meaning occurs through grammatical processes,
demonstrating how the combination of linguistic elements within larger units contributes to
nuanced grammatical meanings. This phenomenon showcases how certain elements, when
grammatically processed, take on distinct meanings within the context of a sentence or phrase.

 Third is Referential meaning is a type of meaning in linguistics that refers to the

relationship between linguistic expressions (words, phrases, sentences) and the real world,
concrete objects, or concepts. Referential meaning is related to the ability of language to
represent or refer to something outside the linguistic sign itself.

 In the context of referential meaning, a linguistic expression is considered to have a referent or
connection with a particular object or concept in the real world. For example, in the sentence
"The Eiffel Tower is in Paris", the referential meaning of the phrase "The Eiffel Tower" is the
Eiffel Tower in the real world, namely the physical structure that stands in Paris.
 So in essence, referential meaning highlights the relationship between language and the external
world represented by the language.

 Fourth is nonreferential meaning Seperti yang sudah kita bahas makna referen berkaitan dengan
sumber atau acuan yang dimiliki oleh kata tersebut. Jika yang menjadi pokok perhatiannya adalah
acuan, maka makna nonreferensial adalah makna yang tidak memiliki acuan. Misalnya, kata dan,
atau, karena termasuk dalam makna nonreferensial karena tidak memiliki acuan atau referen
 Fifth and six is Makna Denotatif dan Konotatif
Makna denotatif juga berhubungan dengan makna referensial karena makna denotasi ini kadang
dihubungkan dengan hasil pengamatan seseorang melalui penglihatan, pendengaran, penciuman,
dan perasaan secara langsung. Oleh karena itu, makna denotasional berhubungan dengan
informasi faktual yang objektif.

Sedangkan makna konotatif merupakan seperangkat gagasan atau perasaan yang mengelilingi
leksem tersebut dan juga berhubungan dengan nilai rasa yang ditimbulkan oleh leksem tersebut.
Nilai rasa berhubungan dengan rasa hormat,suka/senang, jengkel, benji, dan sebagainya
(Suwandi, 2008: 83). Contoh perbandingan denotatif dan konotatif:
(11) Tubuhnya sangat langsing.
(12) Tubuhnya sangat kurus.
Jika dihubungkan dengan keadaan fisik seseorang kedua kata yaitu langsing dan kurus memiliki
makna denotasi yang sama yaitu “berat badan yang kurang‟. Tetapi Dalam penggunaannya,kedua
kata tersebut memiliki makna konotasi yang berbeda. Langsing merujuk pada makna konotasi
yaitu berat badan yang ideal, biasanya menjadi idaman bagi perempuan, sedangkan kata kurus
berkonotasi negatif karena kurang makan, kurang gizi,
atau karena penyakit.

 The last is Figurative meaning, that is a departure from its literal reference. In figurative meaning,
the unit's meaning deviates from its actual reference. Consider the following sentences:
(1) I'll be burning the midnight oil to finish the project on time
(2) Sharing a joke can break the ice in awkward situations

In example 1 it does not directly refer to the literal meaning of burning the midnight oil but it
express the figurative meaning to working late into the night or early morning hours.
In example 2 it does not directly refer to the literal meaning of breaking the ice phsycally but This
phrase means to initiate a conversation in a formal or tense setting.

And the next material will be presented by brother ahmad fakhrur Rozi

What is semantics? Etymologically, the term semantik, or semantics in English and

semantique in French comes from the word sema, a noun in Greek which means 'sign' or
'symbol' or it can also be semaino which means 'to mark' or 'symbolize'. Terminologically,
semantics can be defined as a field of linguisaics that studies the meaning of language. Or
in the definition written in English language literature, "a major branch a linguistics
devoted to the study of meaning in language" or "The branch of linguistics which studies

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