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Unit 7: Enviroment protection

1. What is the most serious problem of the enviroment nowaday?
 It’s pollution
2. What should we do to help protect enviroment?
 I think we should …
3. What activities do people do on EarthDay?
 They pick up litter, plant trees, buy green products and turn off devices
4. As a student, what do you do to protect the enviroment?
 As a student, I practice 3Rs, turn off the devices when not using, I clean
the school yard and the class room, besides I also plant trees in the school
garden and in my neighborhood
Unit 8: Shopping
1. How often do you go shopping?
 I go shopping once/ twice/ three times … a week
everyday/ every two days…
2. Where do you often go shopping?
 I often go shopping at supermarket/ at convenience store/ at open-air
market …
3. How do you get there?
 I get there by bike/ by car/
 I walk there/ I get there on foot.
4. What are its opening hours?
 From … a.m to … p.m
5. What do you do there?
 I buy goods, snacks, clothes;
 I browse;
 I meet and chat with friends;

6. What do you like and don’t like about it?
 I like its convenience, the variety of goods and clean ( đối với
convenience store )
 I like its goods, delicious and tasty. The price is fixed so I don’t need to
bargain ( đối với supermarket )
Unit 9: Natural disasters.
1. Can you name some natural disasters?
- Yes, there are some natural disasters such as: flood, tornado, landslide,
earthquake, storm, volcanic eruption, tsunami.
2. What natural disasters often happen in your hometown?
- Storm and flood often happen in my hometown.
3. What should people do before a storm?
- People should prepare an emergency kit, listen to instructions from local
authorities and strengthen houses.

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