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Allyssa B.


Narrative Report

Social Laboratory 1 is one of our subjects which is the “Social Orientation, Community Immersion and
Extension”, wherein we have been tasked to engage in the tutoring program and be a student tutor in our
community. We are tasked to render 40 hours in our community immersion that will begin on April 1,
2022 and will end on May 6, 2022.

On the first day of the week in our tutorial session, I introduced myself to my tutee. After that I conducted
a pretest to determine the strengths and weaknesses of my tutee. Through this pre-test, I can have a better
understanding of the learning capability of my tutee and plan on what to teach her and the strategies to be
utilized in our tutorial session. In the pre-test, the tutee will identify the letters. I found out that she can
sing the alphabet song but she can't recognize the letter in non-alphabetical order. I discovered that she
can't recognize any of the letters so after the pre-test, we started the tutorial about letter names and sounds
as well as the uppercase and lowercase letters. In teaching letter names and sounds, I used flashcards,
chart, art materials and letter cards. I also used speaker and smartphones with nursery rhymes for her to be
more active before the tutorial. I created activities that will make her move around. For instance, let's
make letter A or other letters using stones. From that, she picked the stones and did the activity. I
observed that she's having a difficulty in remembering other letters and sounds but as we go along with
the tutorial session, I can see that she's improving in remembering the letters.

As we continued the tutorial session, I can see that my tutee shows improvement and making progress in
learning the topic. After we accomplished learning the alphabet, I proceeded with the new topic which is
the vowels and consonants. I observed that she has less mistakes in identifying the vowels and
consonants. Sometimes, she gets confused if the letter is a consonant or a vowel but after saying that it
must be put here because it's a consonant, I can see that she does her best to remember it and the next time
I asked her she can identify it easily. I also gave her an activity wherein we will sing the alphabet song
and she will clap her hands if the letter that we will mention as we sing the song is a vowel. I'm very
impressed that we accomplished it in just one session. After all the tutorial sessions, I conducted a
post-test to determine if she gained knowledge from the tutorial session. I'm satisfied with the outcome of
the tutorial session because I can see that she learned a lot from our tutorial.

As a tutor, I've realized that I need to be patient, dedicated and creative as well as to be resourceful when
it comes to utilizing learning materials that will be used in the tutorial sessions. I'm very thankful that I
learned a lot from the community immersion by tutoring my tutee. I'm happy that my tutee is learning
from it. Through this experience, it will make me a better educator in the future. I'm also grateful to have
the privilege to engage in the tutoring program that the college mandated.

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