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Experiment No.

4 Title
To be familiarize with the working of 3D Scanner for printing of various products.
5.1 Objectives
• Gain an in-depth understanding of the technology and principles behind 3D scanning
for printing applications.
• Explore different types of 3D scanners, such as laser scanners, structured light scanners,
and photogrammetry systems, and their respective capabilities.
• Learn about the scanning process, including setup, calibration, and capturing accurate
and high-resolution scans of various objects.
• Familiarize oneself with the software and hardware components involved in 3D
scanning, including post-processing software and the integration of scanners with 3D
• Develop the skills and proficiency to effectively operate and utilize 3D scanners for
capturing detailed and precise scans that can be used for 3D printing various products.
• Understand the limitations and challenges associated with 3D scanning for printing,
and explore potential solutions to overcome them.
5.2 Theory
A 3D scanner is a device that captures the physical characteristics of an object and converts it
into a digital 3D model that can be used for printing various products. The working principle
of a 3D scanner involves the following steps:
• Scanning Technology:
Different scanning technologies are employed, such as laser-based, structured light, or
photogrammetry. Laser scanners emit laser beams that measure the distance to the object's
surface, while structured light scanners project patterns onto the object and analyze the
distortion to determine its shape. Photogrammetry scanners use multiple photographs taken
from different angles to reconstruct the object's 3D model.
• Data Acquisition:
The scanner emits the necessary signals (laser beams, structured light patterns, or captures
images) and collects the corresponding data from the object's surface. Sensors in the
scanner detect the reflected or scattered signals and record the information.
• Point Cloud Generation:
The collected data is processed to create a point cloud, which is a dense set of 3D points
representing the surface of the scanned object. Each point in the cloud contains spatial
coordinates (X, Y, Z) and sometimes additional attributes like color or intensity.
• Mesh Creation:
The point cloud is then used to generate a mesh, which is a connected network of vertices,
edges, and faces that form a solid surface representation of the object. This mesh defines
the geometry of the scanned object and can be further refined to increase its accuracy and
• Texture Mapping:
If the scanner captures color information, texture mapping is performed to apply the
captured colors from the object's surface onto the corresponding areas of the mesh. This
enhances the visual appearance of the 3D model.
• File Export:
The final 3D model is typically saved in a common file format like STL (Standard
Tessellation Language) or OBJ (Wavefront OBJ) that can be read by 3D printing software
and used for the production of various products.
5.2.1 Working of 3D Scanner
A 3D scanner works by utilizing various scanning technologies to capture the physical
attributes of an object and convert them into a digital 3D model. There are different types of
3D scanners, such as laser scanners, structured light scanners, and photogrammetry scanners.
Laser scanners emit laser beams onto the object's surface and measure the reflected light to
determine distances and capture shape information. Structured light scanners project patterns
onto the object and analyze the distortion of these patterns to reconstruct the object's shape.
Photogrammetry scanners use multiple photographs taken from different angles to create a 3D
During the scanning process, the scanner
emits signals (laser beams, structured light
patterns, or captures images) and collects
the corresponding data from the object's
surface. Sensors in the scanner detect the
reflected or scattered signals and record the
information, which includes spatial
coordinates (X, Y, Z) and potentially
additional attributes like color or intensity.
This data is then processed to generate a
point cloud, which is a collection of 3D
points representing the object's surface
From the point cloud, a mesh is created by connecting the points with vertices, edges, and faces.
This mesh forms a solid surface representation of the object. If the scanner captures color
information, texture mapping can be applied to the mesh to preserve the object's color and
texture details.
The final 3D model, typically represented by the mesh and texture information, is exported in
a compatible file format such as STL or OBJ. This file can be further processed or used directly
in 3D printing software to prepare the model for printing. The 3D printer then uses the digital
model to produce the desired object layer by layer.
In summary, a 3D scanner works by capturing data from an object's surface using scanning
technologies, processing the data to generate a 3D model, and exporting the model for use in
applications such as 3D printing. It enables the creation of accurate digital representations of
physical objects, opening up possibilities for various industries including manufacturing,
design, healthcare, and entertainment.
5.2.2 The significance of 3D scanning
Its significance in product printing is multifaceted and encompasses various aspects:
1) Replication of Physical Objects:
3D scanning allows for the accurate replication of physical objects in a digital format. By
capturing the precise geometric information of an object, 3D scanning enables the creation
of a digital model that can be used for 3D printing. This capability is particularly valuable
for industries such as manufacturing, prototyping, and reverse engineering, where physical
objects need to be reproduced or modified.
2) Streamlined Design Process:
3D scanning significantly streamlines the design process by providing a means to quickly
and accurately capture the shape and dimensions of existing objects. This eliminates the
need for manual measurements or creating complex CAD models from scratch. Designers
can use 3D scans as a starting point, making modifications or enhancements to the digital
model as needed, thereby saving time and effort in the design phase.
3) Customization and Personalization:
3D scanning enables customization and personalization of products by capturing the unique
features or dimensions of individual objects or persons. This capability has applications in
various industries, including healthcare (prosthetics and orthotics), fashion (custom-fit
clothing and accessories), and consumer goods (customized home decor or personalized
items). 3D scanning facilitates the creation of tailor-made products that meet specific
customer requirements.
4) Preservation and Documentation:
3D scanning plays a crucial role in the preservation and documentation of historical
artifacts, cultural heritage, and other valuable objects. By creating detailed digital replicas,
3D scanning ensures the preservation of these objects in a digital format, allowing for
research, analysis, and even virtual exhibition. It helps safeguard important artifacts, reduce
physical handling, and enable wider accessibility for educational or research purposes.
5) Rapid Prototyping and Iterative Design:
3D scanning enhances the rapid prototyping process by capturing real-world objects and
converting them into digital models. This allows for the quick production of physical
prototypes using 3D printing technology. The ability to scan, modify, and print prototypes
in an iterative manner significantly accelerates the design validation and refinement
process, saving time and costs associated with traditional prototyping methods.
6) Quality Control and Inspection:
3D scanning plays a critical role in quality control and inspection processes. By comparing
the 3D scan of a manufactured product against its intended design or specifications,
deviations, defects, or manufacturing errors can be quickly identified. This enables
manufacturers to take corrective actions promptly, ensure product quality, and reduce the
risk of faulty or non-compliant products reaching the market.
5.2.3 Principles of 3D Scanner
The principles of 3D scanning revolve around the capture, representation, and utilization of
three-dimensional data. The process involves the conversion of real-world objects or
environments into digital models that can be manipulated, analyzed, and reproduced.
At its core, 3D scanning relies on the principle of capturing spatial information through various
technologies such as laser scanning, structured light, or photogrammetry. These techniques
measure the geometry, shape, and surface characteristics of objects, creating a point cloud or
mesh representation. The next principle is data representation, where the captured point cloud
or mesh is converted into a digital model. This conversion often involves data processing and
manipulation, including noise reduction, alignment, and surface reconstruction. The resulting
digital model represents the physical object's geometry, enabling visualization and
manipulation in virtual environments.
The utilization of 3D scanning data is another key principle. The digital models obtained from
3D scanning can be used for a wide range of applications. They serve as a foundation for 3D
printing, allowing the physical replication of objects with precision. 3D scanning also
facilitates product design and customization by providing accurate measurements and shape
information. It enables reverse engineering, where existing objects are digitally reconstructed
for analysis or reproduction.
Moreover, 3D scanning plays a crucial role in quality control and inspection processes. By
comparing scanned objects against CAD models or specifications, deviations, defects, or
manufacturing errors can be identified and addressed. It is also instrumental in cultural heritage
preservation, as it allows the digitization and documentation of artifacts, enabling research,
analysis, and virtual exhibition.
5.2.4 Types of 3D Scanners:
• Laser-based Scanners: These scanners use laser technology to capture the shape and
geometry of objects. They emit a laser beam onto the object's surface and measure the
time it takes for the laser to bounce back, creating a 3D point cloud. Laser-based
scanners can have different configurations such as handheld scanners, tripod-mounted
scanners, or long-range scanners.
• Structured Light Scanners: Structured light scanners project patterns of light onto the
object's surface and capture the deformations or distortions of the patterns. By
analyzing these deformations, the scanner calculates the object's shape and generates a
3D model. Structured light scanners can be handheld or mounted on a tripod, offering
different scanning ranges and accuracies.
• Photogrammetry: Photogrammetry involves capturing multiple images of an object
from different angles and using specialized software to analyze the images and
reconstruct the object's 3D geometry. This technique relies on the principle of
triangulation, where the software matches common features in the images to calculate
the object's shape and position.
• Contact Scanners: Contact scanners use physical probes or sensors that directly touch
the object's surface to capture its shape. These scanners are suitable for capturing
intricate details and measuring precise dimensions. Contact scanners can be
mechanical, using a mechanical arm with position encoders, or optical, utilizing sensors
that detect the object's surface variations.
5.2.5 Working Mechanism of 3D Scanners:
The working mechanism of 3D scanners varies depending on the technology used. Laser-based
scanners emit laser beams and measure the reflected or scattered light to calculate the distance
to the object's surface. Structured light scanners project patterns onto the object and analyze
the deformations to determine its shape. Photogrammetry scanners analyze multiple images
and use triangulation to reconstruct the object's geometry. Contact scanners either physically
touch the object's surface or use optical sensors to capture its shape.
In all cases, the scanners capture data points from the object's surface, creating a point cloud
or mesh representation. These data points contain information about the object's coordinates in
three-dimensional space. The captured data is then processed using specialized software to
remove noise, align different scans, and reconstruct a complete 3D model of the object.
The accuracy and resolution of 3D scanners depend on various factors such as the scanning
technology, sensor quality, and scanning technique. Each type of 3D scanner has its advantages
and limitations, making them suitable for specific applications ranging from industrial
metrology and quality control to digital archiving and virtual reality.

5.2.6 Scanning Technologies Used in 3D Scanners:

• Laser-based Scanning: Laser-based scanners utilize laser technology to measure distances
and capture the shape of objects. They emit laser beams and analyze the reflected or
scattered light to calculate the object's geometry.
• Structured Light Scanning: Structured light scanners project patterns onto the object's
surface and analyze the deformations to determine its shape. This technology often uses
cameras to capture the pattern deformations and convert them into 3D data.
• Photogrammetry: Photogrammetry scanners rely on multiple images captured from
different angles. Specialized software analyzes the images, identifies common features, and
triangulates their positions to reconstruct the object's 3D shape.
• Contact Scanning: Contact scanners use physical probes or sensors that directly touch the
object's surface to capture its shape. These scanners are suitable for capturing fine details
and precise measurements.
5.2.7 Data Acquisition and Processing in 3D Scanning:
In 3D scanning, data acquisition involves capturing the geometry and surface characteristics
of an object using the chosen scanning technology. This process typically requires moving the
scanner around the object to capture multiple viewpoints or images. The acquired data is then
processed using specialized software to clean up noise, align different scans or images, and
merge them into a cohesive 3D representation.
Point Cloud Generation and Mesh Creation:
Once the data is acquired and processed, it is converted into a point cloud, which is a set of 3D
coordinates representing the object's surface points. Point clouds can be further processed to
create a mesh, which is a connected network of polygons that forms the surface of the object.
Meshes provide a more detailed and visually appealing representation of the scanned object.
5.3 Application of 3D Scanners in Product Printing:
1) Prototyping: 3D scanners facilitate the rapid prototyping process by capturing the shape
and geometry of physical prototypes. This data can then be used to create digital models,
which can be modified and optimized before being 3D printed, resulting in faster iteration
and development cycles.
2) Customization and Personalization: With 3D scanners, products can be customized and
tailored to individual requirements. By scanning specific body parts or objects,
personalized products can be created, such as custom-fit medical devices, orthotics,
jewelry, and consumer products.
3) Quality Control and Inspection: 3D scanning allows for detailed inspection and quality
control of printed products. Scanned digital models can be compared to the intended design
specifications to identify any discrepancies or defects, ensuring the printed products meet
the required standards.
4) Digital Archiving and Preservation: 3D scanners are employed in the preservation of
cultural heritage and artifacts. By scanning and creating digital replicas of valuable objects,
museums and heritage organizations can safeguard and share their collections without
risking damage to the original pieces.
5) Design and Visualization: 3D scanners assist designers in capturing real-world objects or
environments for inspiration and reference. Scanning physical objects or scenes provides a
digital representation that can be integrated into virtual environments, aiding in the design
process and visualization of concepts.
5.4 Procedure
1) Begin by setting up the 3D scanner, ensuring it is connected to the computer and
calibrated for optimal performance.
2) Prepare the object by placing it on a stable surface and cleaning it if necessary.
3) Adjust the scan settings on the scanner software, specifying parameters such as
resolution, area, and speed.
4) Activate the scanner and follow the instructions to capture scans of the object from
various angles and viewpoints.
5) If multiple scans are required, use the software to align and merge the individual scans
into a complete 3D model.
6) Clean and refine the scan data using the scanner's software, removing any unwanted
artifacts or noise.
7) Validate the accuracy of the scan by comparing it to the original object or design
8) Export the scan data in a compatible file format for further processing and use in
product printing.
9) Utilize the scan data in 3D modeling software or CAD software to make any necessary
adjustments or modifications to the design.
10) Finally, proceed with product printing by converting the refined scan data into a format
suitable for the 3D printer and initiating the printing process.
5.6 Data and Observations

Scan Object Level of Detail Accuracy

1 A High 0.1mm

2 B Medium 0.2mm

3 C Low 0.5mm

In the table above, the "Scan" column represents the sequential scan number, while the "Object"
column denotes the object being scanned. The "Level of Detail" column describes the level of
detail captured by the 3D scanner, categorized as high, medium, or low. The "Accuracy"
column specifies the precision of the scanning process, indicated in millimeters (mm).
5.7 Results and Discussions
he application of 3D scanners in product printing yields significant results and opens up new
possibilities in various industries. By utilizing 3D scanning technology, accurate and detailed
digital representations of physical objects can be obtained, enabling efficient and precise
replication or customization.
One of the key results of using 3D scanners is the ability to capture intricate details and complex
geometries of objects. This level of detail allows for high-fidelity replication, ensuring that the
printed products closely resemble the original objects. It also facilitates the customization of
products, as the scanned data can be modified and adapted to meet specific requirements.
Furthermore, the use of 3D scanners enhances the efficiency of the product development
process. By rapidly capturing physical prototypes and converting them into digital models,
designers and engineers can iterate on the design more quickly and make necessary adjustments
before proceeding with printing. This reduces the time and cost associated with traditional
prototyping methods.
Additionally, 3D scanners play a crucial role in quality control and inspection of printed
products. By comparing the scanned digital models to the intended design specifications,
manufacturers can identify any deviations or defects. This ensures that the printed products
meet the required standards and minimizes the risk of faulty or subpar items reaching the
The discussion surrounding the application of 3D scanners in product printing emphasizes the
transformative impact it has on various industries. It enables the creation of highly customized
products, improves design iteration processes, and enhances quality control measures. The use
of 3D scanners enhances efficiency, accuracy, and flexibility in product development,
ultimately leading to improved customer satisfaction and business success.
5.8 Conclusions
In conclusion, the application of 3D scanners in product printing offers significant advantages
and opportunities for various industries. The ability to capture detailed and accurate digital
representations of physical objects enables efficient replication, customization, and rapid
prototyping. By utilizing 3D scanning technology, manufacturers can enhance their design
processes, streamline production, and improve quality control measures. The results obtained
from 3D scanning include the ability to capture intricate details, optimize design iterations, and
ensure product compliance with design specifications. Moreover, the use of 3D scanners
facilitates customization and personalization, allowing for the creation of tailored products that
meet individual requirements. Overall, the integration of 3D scanners in product printing
revolutionizes traditional manufacturing approaches by enabling faster production cycles,
reducing costs, and enhancing overall product quality.

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