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Fate is a ugly lonely looser, who is bullied every day in his life, until he was

not aware of his own SS rank power,

Fate had a shitty job holding a flag outside a castle walls,and he complained about
being hungry all the time. One day, he saw a group of adventurers passing by.

They were talking about their adventures and how one of them had reached level six.
Suddenly, they saw some goblins attacking a merchant's cart.

The adventurers quickly sprang into action. One of them, the leader, rode a horse
and protected the archer while shooting down the goblins.

The others fought off the goblins that got too close. One adventurer with long hair
skillfully fought off monsters, while another used a big axe to hulk smash the

After the adventure, they went back to the city. hulk Smash proudly talked about
leveling up.

Then they discussed how to share the things they got from the fight.

Fate felt envious, but he knew he could never become an adventurer. He felt useless
and hungry again, thinking his job was dumb and his special skill was useless, but
wait a minute this losser did not have any super skill,but he has only one curse
which is Gluttony.

Despite feeling this way, he knew he should be thankful to even have a job, even if
it wasn't what he wanted.

Later that day, the city was bustling with activity. The adventurers from earlier
were trying to upgrade their weapons when they heard an announcement about the
arrival of the Holy Knights. They quickly hid from them. As the knights passed by,
an orange rolled towards their boots.

The merchant apologized and tried to pick it up, but one of the knights kicked him

Despite the merchant's apologies, the knights started bullying him, claiming he
insulted them and deserved punishment. Eventually, the leader of the knights
intervened and warned the merchant to avoid such incidents in the future.

Meanwhile, Fate, still complaining about his hunger, was almost done with his
shift. The trio of Holy Knights arrived and asked if Fate had done his job
properly. Fate confirmed he had.
The leader dropped some coins for payment, but when Fate went to pick them up, one
of the knights stepped on his hand, insulting him for being filthy and unnoticed.

Fate, unable to fight back, endured the humiliation. His stomach growled again,
angering the leader of the knights even more.

He complained that the noise made it seem like they weren't feeding him.

They accused Fate of embarrassing the Viic family and kicked him away. One of them
kicked Fate several more times, while the girl joined in, calling Fate's skill
useless and implying that he only survived because they gave him money.

In his mind, Fate explained that in this world, everyone's value depended on the
special powers they received from the gods, called skills.

The leader of the trio warned Fate that if he slacked off, it would reflect poorly
on them as his employers.

They ordered Fate to get up, but when he tried, another guy stepped on his face,
telling him to hurry up. They intensified their bullying, claiming Fate needed to
be disciplined for failing to follow orders.

However, a voice from afar tells them to stop. It's the famous Lady Roxy Hart, i
think guys this bitch is very hot, what do you think tell me the comments.

She elegantly complains that Holy Knights shouldn't abuse the people they swore to

The trio is annoyed by her presence. Roxy explains that guarding the gate is an
honorable duty for a Holy Knight, and it's the trio's responsibility to watch over

The leader argues that it's also his duty to provide employment to people like

Roxy questions why they're treating Fate poorly. The guy twists her words and tells
the others they'll leave.

Roxy walks towards Fate, checking if he's okay and helping him up. She uses her
handkerchief to clean his injuries, but Fate notices the Trio's leader looking at
Roxy in a strange way.

After cleaning him up, Fate thanks her, and Roxy says she's only doing what a Holy
Knight should do.
She then tells Fate his shift is over and hers will begin. Fate hands her the pole,
and Roxy asks him to let her know if the trio continues bullying him.

Fate replies that he's already used to it and leaves.

Later that night, Fate sits in the bar, pondering Roxy's words. He worries that the
trio might retaliate against her, so he decides not to involve her in the

The bar owner approaches him and asks if the trio treated him the same as usual. He
warns Fate that if this continues, he'll end up like the last guy.

The bar owner explains that the trio subjects their employees to endless abuse and
harsh labor, but no one can prove it because former employees didn't live long
enough to tell their stories.

Despite the warning, Fate ignores it and thanks the bar owner for the meal. The bar
owner then says he'll pray that Fate doesn't meet the same fate as the others.

Meanwhile, Fate walks through the streets, his stomach rumbling again due to his
strange skill that keeps him constantly hungry.

He curses this skill, wishing he had something more useful. In this world, your
worth is determined by your skill, and Fate feels like trash because of his.

Suddenly, Fate spots some thieves climbing up a wall. He rushes back to alert Roxy
about the situation.

Upon hearing the news, Roxy gives him her pole and says she'll handle the thieves.
Fate wishes her luck as she heads inside.

He hears sounds of fighting and then silence. Seeing an injured thief in the
distance, Fate initially wants to run away but remembers Roxy's trust in him.

He decides to confront the thief, using the pole to defend himself.

Suddenly, everything goes dark around Fate, and he hears a voice saying his
gluttony skill has activated, boosting all his stats to over 100.

He also gains two new skills, identify and telepathy.

Confused by what just happened, Fate drops the pole.

Roxy rushes over to check on him, noticing he looks unwell. Fate realizes he can no
longer hear her thoughts like before.
He pretends he isn't hurt but can still hear her thoughts, which surprises him.

Roxy plans to report the situation to her superiors, but Fate suggests she take all
the credit to avoid trouble from the trio.

Grateful for his help, Roxy asks Fate if he would like to work for her family.

She warns Fate that he'll meet a bad fate if he continues working for the trio, and
suggests he work for her family instead, where he'll be treated fairly.

Fate starts thinking about his options: does he want to keep being treated poorly
or work for Roxy and have a better future? He realizes that if he doesn't take the
opportunity, someone else will suffer like he did.

Roxy explains that the Holy Knights' duty is to guard the entrance, not to exploit
others. In the end, Fate agrees to work for her, seeing it as a chance for a
brighter future.

He returns home still puzzled by his sudden status changes. He doesn't understand
his new skills but assumes telepathy allowed him to hear Roxy's thoughts.

Worried about his gluttony skill activating and the changes in his body, he pushes
those thoughts aside, thinking that now he can probably defeat monsters easily.

The next day, Fate goes to the shopping street in search of a weapon, but he only
has two coins to spend.

The merchant scolds him, saying he can't even afford a basic knife with that
amount. Fate has been in this city for five years, but due to poor conditions, he
could only save up those two coins.

The merchant offers Fate some cheap weapons from a barrel if he wants. Fate decides
to check them out, using his identify skill to examine each blade.

Most of them are junk until he finds one at the back. He identifies it and realizes
the blade is neglected, much like himself.

Suddenly, the swords start speaking, causing Fate to panic quietly. The sword,
named Greed, tells him that if Fate buys it, it will make him stronger.

It also calls him "gluttony," leaving Fate confused about how the sword knows.
Greed explains they have similarities.

After some thought, Fate decides to buy the sword.

Meanwhile, the trio are upset because Roxy is trying to hire someone without asking
them first.
One of the friends wants to teach Roxy a lesson, but their leader doesn't really

They think there are plenty of other people who need that job.

The friend keeps complaining about Roxy, but another friend explains that Roxy's
family and theirs are important to the kingdom, so going against her could cause

Then, the friend says it's time for him to go to the military district, but the
others are confused.

They ask why he cares so much, and he explains that he wants to learn about a study
on how to live forever. The friends laugh at this idea, and the leader walks away.

Meanwhile, Fate goes to the edge of the city with his new sword. The sword keeps
saying his name to remember it.

It warns him that enemies are coming, and Fate gets scared. A goblin attacks him,
but Fate's eyes change, and he defeats it with one swing.

Another voice in his head explains that his "gluttony" skill was activated, making
him stronger.

Fate is confused but keeps fighting more goblins that come in groups. After hours
of fighting, Fate defeats hundreds of goblins and gains more skills and strength.

His friend, Greed, asks if he's still hungry, and Fate realizes his stomach hasn't
made noise all day.

He asks Greed what's happening, and Greed explains that it's because of the
gluttony skill.

Normally, people have to win battles to get stronger, but gluttony is like cheating
– it steals strength and skills from defeated enemies.

The only downside is that Fate can't gain experience and level up. Fate asks how
Greed knows all this, and the sword reveals they're the same.

Even though Fate is confused, he notices an adventurer group approaching him.

Greed warns him not to reveal his gluttony skill because it breaks a sacred rule.
Fate understands and decides he can't team up with others; he must fight alone.
Greed reassures him that he's not truly alone because Greed is there. Fate agrees
and starts to head back, but Greed stops him, insisting he collect the goblins'
ears to sell for money.

Fate feels bad about killing so many goblins but follows Greed's advice and earns
some coins. He decides to buy meat for dinner, but Greed suggests he maintain the
sword first. Fate agrees but encounters a suspicious man and a scared little girl.

The girl's touch triggers Fate to hear her plea for help. Seeing her fear, Fate
decides to save her, despite the man's concealed abilities.

The girl ends up in a warehouse, chained, while the man taunts her, saying she'll
be a plaything for the holy knights.

Fate is carefully watching, but Greed tells him not to interfere because the man
they're watching is stronger. However, Fate feels a strong urge to help anyone
suffering, especially now that he has the power to do so.

In another part of the story, we see an orphanage where the nun is teaching the
children about how their world was created by Holy La Place.

An older lady mentions that their God left their world and granted people special
powers, which the children call skills.

The nun instructs the children to thank Holy La Place for their meal, and they
obediently start eating, except for one boy who hasn't touched his food.

When asked if he's okay, the boy explains that he feels abandoned because Holy La
Place doesn't seem fair. He notices how Holy Knights and warriors have incredible
skills, while he feels left out.

Because of his weak skill, the boy feels down. Somehow, the nun believes he'll feel
better when she explains that in the old times, nobody had skills, stats, or

It was a time when everyone was equal. The boy wishes he was born in that world.

The nun comforts him, but then another person rushes in to say they couldn't find a
girl who went missing. They plan to search for her in the city.

This missing girl is the same one captured by the bad guy.

He kicks the pole she's chained to, taunting her to cry and scream, claiming she'll
be a toy for the Holy Knights. But the girl remains silent. The guy walks away,
giving her a chance to sob quietly.
The girl hears footsteps, but it's Fate approaching her. He reassures her that
everything will be okay, frees her from the chains, and urges her to escape

However, the other guy returns and insults Fate, calling him names and belittling
him as someone who thinks he's a is the superman of this world, but do you think
guys about this superman.

Fate smiles at the girl and gets ready to fight with Greed against the bad guy.

The guy taunts Fate, questioning if he can protect the girl while fighting.

As the guy gets closer and the girl clings to Fate in fear, Fate realizes they need
to find safety, but he doesn't know where to go.

Greed suggests backing away because the other guy thinks Fate is weaker, so they
can use that to their advantage. Fate listens and starts running away with the

The guy follows them slowly and threatens to kill Fate if he knocks down any boxes.

He then tries to anger Fate by saying the girl will become obedient once she sees
Fate defeated.

Despite this, Fate manages to reach their destination safely.

Greed advises Fate to attack now, so Fate knocks down some boxes where the guy is
passing and uses them to jump and attack him.

The guy dodges most of the attack, only getting a scratch on his cheek. However, he
becomes serious, and his sword starts to glow ominously.

Greed recognizes that the guy's skill could pose a problem and instructs Fate to
strike him down with his weapon.

Fate uses the boxes again to leap toward the guy and successfully not only cuts his
sword in half but also slices the guy while keeping him alive.

Fate asks about the guy's intention to take the girl to the Holy Knights and who
ordered him to kidnap her, but the guy refuses to answer.

So, Fate decides to inflict pain by stabbing his wound until he agrees to reveal
that Hotto Valeric was the one who hired him.
It turns out Hotto Valeric is a dangerous individual who used to bully Fate and
enjoys teaching orphan kids archery skills by shooting at their heads instead of
apples. Fate then reassures the girl and tells her she will be safe from now on.

At first, Fate is impressed with the new skill, but he quickly realizes that if the
guy had used it, Fate would have been seriously injured.

He complains to Greed, saying Greed should have warned him earlier. Greed simply
calls Fate a hero for trying to save the girl.

However, Fate denies being a hero and admits he wouldn't have confronted the guy if
he knew about his skill.

Greed explains that battles often depend on luck in the moment, so the stronger
person doesn't always win.

Fate decides his new goal is to become strong enough to avoid relying on luck to

Greed then asks about Fate's plans for tomorrow, as it will be his first day
working for the Hearts. Fate confirms, and Greed asks if he's going to show up
looking like a "PLV." This reminds Fate that he forgot to buy new clothes.

Meanwhile, in a bar, an old man shares the news that Sir Mason was attacked by a
Divine dragon in Galia.

The barman wonders what will happen to the Hart family, and the old man says Roxy
will take over. However, he doubts if she can handle the Holy Knights like Sir
Mason did.

The barman dismisses the Veric siblings as unreliable and suggests changing the
subject. The old man then asks about Fate, and the barman mentions Fate used to
visit the bar regularly after work.

The next day, Fate arrives at the Holy Knight District looking fresh. He's
awestruck when he sees Roxy's huge mansion.

They meet by a fountain, and Roxy smiles, saying she was waiting for him. Fate is
speechless, taken aback by her beauty. He compliments her, and she blushes.

She takes him on a tour inside, and the first stop is a grave – her father's. Roxy
explains he died five days ago while confronting a Divine Dragon in GIA, a
continent overrun by monsters.

Despite the dangers, it wasn't expected to be fatal, but the Divine Dragon appeared
after 1,000 years, sending her father to another world.
Fate realizes she's been grieving but still looks out for him. Feeling sorrowful,
Roxy reassures him, saying they'll work together to make their home a joyful place.

Fate almost shakes her hand but stops, remembering it would activate telepathy. He
points elsewhere, and luckily, the maid Chef Haru appears.

Roxy introduces them, and Haru immediately threatens Fate, reminding him to behave
like a proper servant.

But first, they sit down for lunch. Fate eagerly devours some meat, behaving like
someone who hasn't eaten in ages.

Haru becomes annoyed because this isn't how a proper servant should act. Fate is
later assigned the task of trimming the bushes every day for a week, keeping them
tidy and clean. The other servants suggest he takes breaks and doesn't overwork

They also mention they always found Fate strange because he talks to his sword and
acts like a maniac when he eats meat.

Fate responds only to the meat part, explaining that the last time he ate meat was
five years ago. The old servants laugh it off until Fate's stomach starts making
noise, i think fate's stomach is making more than fate,

They tell Fate they've just had lunch and ask if he ate. Haru appears and informs
Fate that Roxy wants to see him.

He follows Haru but feels uneasy about his stomach situation. Haru leads him to
another part of the garden where he meets Roxy.

She offers him some tea and asks how he's adjusting to his job. However, Fate's
thoughts are consumed by his hunger, and he feels even hungrier by the second.

Roxy calls his name several times until he snaps back to reality. It was the same
name his father used to call him, and he explains this to her.

She asks about his father, and Fate reveals that he died during a Monster Hunt.

He then asks why she calls him "Fate," but she simply says it's a nickname and that
since he's been working for her, he's like family.

Fate misunderstands the situation, feeling like a teenager who just received a
smile from a girl.
Suddenly, Fate begins to feel dizzy and collapses. When he wakes up in his room at
night, he finds a note from Roxy asking him to take a day off and rest.

Fate decides to ask Greed why he's been feeling hungrier and what caused him to
collapse. Greed is surprised that Fate is only addressing this now, as he's been
feeling hungrier for some time, but has been able to control it until now.

Greed explains that once the gluttony skill gets a taste of souls, it becomes

The more Fate devours, the stronger he will become, but it will also intensify his
hunger, leading him to crave more and more souls.

By activating his skill, Fate will be compelled to hunt and devour souls until his
last day alive.

Fate asks what will happen if he doesn't give in to his hunger, and Greed explains
there are only two possibilities: he will either starve to death or lose control
and go on a rampage, endangering everyone around him.

Shocked by this revelation, Fate realizes he may become a monster. Greed advises
him that when his hunger approaches its limits, it will be visible in his eyes.

Fate checks his reflection in the mirror and discovers he has a sinister glare,
indicating his hunger has reached its peak. With no other options, Fate decides to
leave the city at night to hunt for souls.

As Fate ventures out, he notices that for some reason, all the warriors around him
smell delicious, intensifying his hunger even more.

Greed explains that Fate's increased hunger has activated his hunger boost, causing
his eyes to turn red.

This boost enhances Fate's gluttony skill, giving him better night vision, the
ability to track prey by scent, and the power to terrify and paralyze weaker

With this newfound power, Fate easily dispatches a group of goblins, reveling in
his strength.

However, the small goblins fail to satisfy his hunger. Greed advises him to head to
the Hobgoblin forests for a more substantial hunt.

Fate follows this advice and encounters hobgoblins, but even they cannot quell his

After a relentless hunt, Fate finally manages to satiate his appetite, but he vows
never to feel such intense hunger again. Greed warns him that he must hunt monsters
from time to time to keep his hunger in check.

Suddenly, the ground shakes, and Fate hides, spotting a huge monster carrying a

Greed explains that this is a Goblin King. Fate's eyes change, and Greed reveals
that the Goblin King and Fate have similar stats, but the goblin has health
regeneration, allowing it to heal wounds and fight for extended periods.

While the Goblin King enjoys its human prey, Fate seizes the opportunity to climb a
tree and strike at its arm.

However, Fate becomes distracted when he sees the human dessert lying on the

The monster attempts to smash him, but Fate manages to dodge its attacks, clearly

Greed urges him to trust him and rush in. Fate follows the advice and not only
blocks the monster's attacks but also manages to slice it down.

The gluttony skill activates again, propelling Fate to a whole new level. Now, he
has several skills, and all his stats reach five digits.

Exhausted, Fate sits down, and Greed tells him that the real challenge will begin

Greed explains that Fate's stats can now be used to unlock his first level. Fate is
confused, but Greed reveals it's another form he can take.

Greed explains that Fate can obtain new functions if he offers him his stats, but
it will cost every single stat point.

Fate hesitates, but Greed warns him that if he doesn't agree, he won't be able to
use him anymore. He then presents Fate with a choice: to either become strong by
himself or to make Greed strong, working together.

Fate decides to accept the deal and gives Greed his stats. Greed begins
transforming into a magic bow, and Fate discovers that he only needs to draw the
bow for the arrow to appear.

To test it, Fate shoots an arrow that easily tracks and defeats a nearby goblin.

Satisfied with the results, Fate decides to take the Goblin King's ears and drops
them at Sahara's orphanage, hoping the nuns will be able to feed the kids for a
The next day, Roxy tries to sneak out of the house. Fate doesn't recognize her and
mistakes her for a thief, telling her to stop moving.

Startled, Roxy turns around, and Fate apologizes for scaring her, noting that she
looks different than usual.

He asks if she's heading to the castle, but she reveals she's going into town for a
secret inspection. She urges Fate not to tell anyone, especially Haru, who would
scold her for dressing that way. Fate promises to keep her secret and tries to
return to work.

Roxy then decides to consider it a date in her head, suggesting that Fate will
escort her during the inspection.

As they head off, Roxy appears to be having too much fun. Fate advises her to slow
down, but she insists he stop calling her Roxy to avoid attracting attention.

Instead, she asks him to call her Lexi. Greed mocks Fate, but he tries to ignore
it. When Fate seemingly dodges a bullet, Roxy feels relieved, expressing her
happiness to hang out with him.

Greed interrupts their moment, but Fate grows tired of it and tries to throw the
sword away. Roxy stops him, explaining he can't treat his weapon that way. She then
realizes she's never taken a good look at his sword.

Fate worries because someone with a seemingly useless skill like him shouldn't have
a sword, and he can't tell anyone about his gluttony skill.

He ends up dropping the sword, and Roxy picks it up, promising to take Greed to her
family's blacksmith for maintenance.

The next day, Roxy tries to sneak out of the house. Fate doesn't recognize her and
mistakes her for a thief, telling her to stop moving.

Startled, Roxy turns around, and Fate apologizes for scaring her, noting that she
looks different than usual.

He asks if she's heading to the castle, but she reveals she's going into town for a
secret inspection.

She urges Fate not to tell anyone, especially Haru, who would scold her for
dressing that way. Fate promises to keep her secret and tries to return to work.

Roxy then decides to consider it a date in her head, suggesting that Fate will
escort her during the inspection.

As they head off, Roxy appears to be having too much fun. Fate advises her to slow
down, but she insists he stop calling her Roxy to avoid attracting attention.

Instead, she asks him to call her Lexi. Greed mocks Fate, but he tries to ignore

When Fate seemingly dodges a bullet, Roxy feels relieved, expressing her happiness
to hang out with him.

Greed interrupts their moment, but Fate grows tired of it and tries to throw the
sword away.

Roxy stops him, explaining he can't treat his weapon that way. She then realizes
she's never taken a good look at his sword.

Fate worries because someone with a seemingly useless skill like him shouldn't have
a sword, and he can't tell anyone about his gluttony skill.

He ends up dropping the sword, and Roxy picks it up, promising to take Greed to her
family's blacksmith for maintenance.

As they continue walking, Fate tells Greed that he will finally be polished, but
Greed doesn't reply.

Fate tries to check what's going on, but Greed is simply reveling in the moment
after being touched by Roxy.

Fate then mentions that Roxy smells nice, which makes him want to throw Greed away.
However, Roxy tells him to hurry up, and they leave the alleyway, stepping into the
bustling city streets filled with life, merchants, and all kinds of people.

Roxy spots some good-looking grapes and stops at a merchant's stall. The merchant
proudly explains that these grapes are from the hart Family Vineyard.

Roxy wants to taste them, and the merchant gives her two. Fate tries one and finds
it delicious. Roxy accidentally reveals that the grapes were cultivated at home,
which confuses the merchant. Fate realizes she might be discovered, but Greed gives
him an idea.

Fate steps in and explains to the merchant that one of her relatives works for the
hart Family. The merchant is convinced and walks away. Roxy thanks Fate for saving
her from the potential exposure.

But everyone's attention is drawn to something else – the Holy Knights are coming.
The entire mood of the city shifts as everyone goes silent and tries to look away.

They're worried, not knowing why the Holy Knights are here. Many think that the
lower-ranking Holy Knights have been abusing their power ever since Roxy's father
passed away. Yet, Fate's stomach makes noise as the Holy Knight passes by. Greed
makes fun of it, but the Holy Knight gets offended.

He demands to know who made that noise and approaches Fate. Fate gets on his knees,
trying to apologize, but the Holy Knight claims he can't hear him.

The Knight is about to kick Fate's head, but Roxy intervenes. She explains that
Fate already apologized, yet the Holy Knight starts picking on Roxy instead.

He wonders who this girl is who's trying to talk back to a Holy Knight. However,
when he looks at her closely, he almost recognizes her.

Everyone around then asks if she's not Roxy from the hart Family.

Fate gets worried that everyone will discover the truth, but Greed gives him a plan
to pretend they're lovers.

Fate is shocked and repeats it out loud. Roxy hears it and thinks it's a great
idea. She helps Fate get up and plays along, saying she prepared breakfast for him
but he didn't eat it.

Fate tries to act it out, and they end up having an improvised romantic moment. It
becomes so awkward that even Greed thinks it's getting uncomfortable.

Roxy is quite enjoying the charade and apologizes to the Knight before walking
away. Everyone starts thinking that couldn't possibly be Roxy hart because Holy
Knights can't cook at all.

The citizens disperse, and Roxy drags Fate into an alleyway. She then admits to
herself that she's never linked arms with a boy before, but Fate can hear her

He realizes that her heart is racing and apologizes while distancing himself. Roxy
lies, saying she's used to it, and starts walking away happily.

Fate gets down, thinking it might be tough for him to escort Roxy. He notices that
she stopped by a stall and sees her looking at a red gem.

She explains that she's interested in them because she's a girl. Then, she notices
some rocks and asks the merchant if those are also gems.

The merchant explains that they could either have a gem inside or not, it's a try-
your-luck type of deal. The merchant reveals it costs 10 bronze coins per ore and
asks if she wants to try it.

Greed explains that Fate can easily find out the best ones using his identify

Fate then tries to look at the rocks until he notices Roxy simply looking at a blue
gem. He realizes that she seems like a normal girl instead of a Holy Knight.
The merchant takes advantage of the moment, proposing a discount if Fate buys the
gem for his "girl." Fate gets shy, and Roxy decides to simply walk away.

He follows her, and she asks if Fate has any warrior acquaintances. Fate mentions
Manura and Oliver, but Roxy explains she needs to talk to active warriors, not
retired ones.

He gets curious, but their conversation is interrupted when they hear a discussion
about the Goblin Massacre. It turns out people think it was a high-level monster
who did it.

Roxy then starts chasing the two guys who were talking about it.

One of them thinks the monster theory is stupid because the Goblin King's ears were
donated to an orphanage.

Roxy interrupts the guys and asks about the details, inquiring if they know
anything about the roaming monster. However, they don't and walk away. She then
asks Fate to take her to where the warriors gather.

Fate realizes that Roxy is investigating the wandering monster who has been
appearing around the city in the last few days.

He takes her to the bar, where the barman, who thought Fate was dead, is surprised
to see him alive.

Fate introduces Roxy as his coworker, but the barman starts teasing him, mentioning
that he disappeared for a while and now brings his girl.

Fate gets flustered and worried that Roxy will be offended. Greed even mentions
that he could lose his head.

Roxy reacts by destroying her cup, not because she's angry, but because that's what
she wants to be fucked.

They have a huge meal, and the bartender explains what he knows about the
mysterious Goblin Wiper.

He literally explains that a warrior found a pile of goblins with their ears still

Roxy is confused because everyone would usually take the ears off to sell them for

Therefore, she thinks it's a wandering monster that has migrated from another
region. The barman explains that this would be bad for business, which confuses

The barman goes into detail, saying that people must pass through the goblin plains
if they want to do business in or out of the city.

Therefore, people won't want to travel, and it will destroy the city's economy.
Fate starts realizing his mistake when an old man enters the bar.

He thinks he's seeing a ghost because he also thought that Fate was dead. Turns
out, the old man also has some information.

They think the roaming monster is a Lick. Therefore, the Holy Knights will be
taking direct action to deal with it.

Greed tells Fate this will be a problem because he lost all his stats, yet Fate's
biggest worry is if Roxy joins the hunt and sees him.

A group of traveling warriors enters the bar, behaving typically, and one of them
grabs Roxy's shoulder, inviting her to have some fun with them.

Fate stands up to protect her, but she also rises and uses her skill to push the
guy against the wall. Everyone realizes that only a Holy Knight could do something
like that.

She then reveals her identity and apologizes for trying to trick everyone. The
warriors kneel to apologize in fear, even trying to pay her to spare them.

Roxy tells them to put their money away because she doesn't want people to fear the
Holy Knights, a group that should be protecting the weak.

She shares her father's dream to live in a world where everyone can laugh without
caring about their status. The old man realizes that Roxy is just like her father.

At that moment, Fate promises to himself that he will follow Roxy until she
accomplishes that dream. After having fun together, Roxy takes Fate to the

Greed loves the polishing massage and explains he will cut even faster.

Fate thanks her for helping him perform maintenance on Greed, but Roxy explains
that he also helped her get more information about the wandering monster.

Fate then gets curious and asks why she didn't know about the hunt. She explains
that since her father passed away, the Valeric family is literally using the
situation to deal with stuff without informing her.
Suddenly, they hear two voices and check the commotion. They notice that Hotto is
pulling a kid's arm, and Roxy tells him to release the kid.

The girl claims they're just taking a lost kid into their protection, but Roxy
orders Fate to help the kid. While doing so, the trio leader tries to talk to Fate,
but he ignores him.

Roxy then tells the trio she will be taking care of the kid and decides to question
the leader. She asks why he didn't inform her about the wandering Monster Hunt.

The guy tries to brush it off, saying he assumed she would be occupied thinking
about her father. Roxy claims she's fine, but the guy ignores her and walks away.

Hotto, the psycho, tells both the kid and Fate they're trash before walking away.
The kid reveals he hates Holy Knights, making Roxy apologize.

He's confused, but Fate quickly asks if he got lost from his mother. The kid
confirms, leading Fate and Roxy to help him look for his mother.

Fate thinks that he also got lost when he arrived in the city 5 years ago.

However, he was helped by a female Holy Knight.

He wonders what happened to her because he has never seen her around since then,
but we can clearly notice it was Roxy when she had short hair.

After walking around for some hours, they still cannot find the kid's mother.

However, she appears sometime later looking for her son. Fate is happy they managed
to find her, and he gets enchanted when he sees Roxy's pure smile.

She asks why he's staring at her, and he tries to make an excuse, saying that it's
getting late and they need to return.

Roxy then realizes the situation and makes him promise her one thing: if they get
in trouble, they will do it together.

He promises they will, and they rush home just to get scolded by the head maid.

Later at night, Fate asks Greed if there's a way to hunt monsters without Roxy
finding out.

Greed suggests he gets a special mask. Upon checking it, Fate realizes it's a
perception-warping magic item.

Greed explains that the mask will make him look different to whoever sees him. Fate
thinks that's perfect and buys it.

At the same time, he also ends up buying an ore from the other merchant. He gives
the ore to Roxy, who's a bit confused by it.

He simply explains that she's literally helping him in every aspect of his life and
asks her to open it. She doesn't notice the huge blue gem inside.

She promises to treasure it and asks if he wants a year's supply of meat as a

reward or maybe a wetstone for sharpening. Greed wants the wet stone, but Fate
refuses both.

Meanwhile, the Holy Knights are having a meeting without Roxy's consent.

While the trio's leader claims they will discuss their excursion to Galia during
nighttime, several adventurers are out in the fields.

They see the corpses of several goblins and think the monster has come around
again. They are not happy they were not able to capture it.

Meanwhile, Fate stands over a pile of goblins with his new mask on. The adventurers
see him and run for their lives, thinking he's the Lick.

They call him Corpse. Greed tells him he likes his new name. He asks Fate if he
isn't satisfied yet. Fate tells him he wants to get his stats as high as possible
before the Knights come after him.

At the Hart family castle, Fate is casually pruning flowers, leading a double life
that's really taking a toll on him.

Lady Roxy approaches him, telling him she has a secret mission for him. He asks her
if it's going to be another inspection.

Next, we see Fate in Lady Roxy's carriage. He doesn't look too happy. She points
out a vast expanse of land belonging to the Hart family.

He asks her if their secret mission involves harvesting grapes. She tells him she
wants him to see their grape vineyard up close after seeing their grapes in the

The carriage finally arrives at its destination, and Asia Hart, who is Roxy's
mother, comes out to greet them.

Roxy tells her she shouldn't have bothered, but her mother tells her she's feeling
good enough to be able to.

Roxy tells her not to overexert herself. Roxy's mother asks her who accompanied

She introduces Fate to her mother as a servant she hired. They exchange
pleasantries. Greed tells Fate he's relieved Aisha is nice.

Aisha tells Fate to come closer. She asks him if he likes her daughter.

Roxy is embarrassed by this question. She questions her mother, wondering why she
asked Fate such a question.

Aisha tells her she just wants to know his opinion about her as his employer. They
are both relieved she means the business-wise relationship.

Fate tells Aisha in all sincerity that he cares for Roxy and would serve her all
his life if allowed. Roxy is embarrassed once again and rushes off to her room in a
bid to hide it.

This exchange between Fate and Aisha reveals a tender moment of reflection and
concern for Roxy's well-being.

Aisha's worry about Roxy pushing herself too hard after her father's passing shows
her maternal instincts and concern for her daughter's emotional and physical

Fate's reassurance about Roxy's competence as a Holy Knight and her popularity
among the people brings some comfort to Aisha.

Roxy's flashback to her training with her father highlights her aspirations and the
weight of the legacy she carries as a member of the Hart family.

Her desire to fulfill her promise and follow in her father's footsteps adds depth
to her character and underscores her dedication to her responsibilities.

Overall, this scene provides insight into Roxy's upbringing, her relationship with
her father, and the expectations placed upon her as the head of the Hart family. It
adds emotional depth to the story and sets the stage for further exploration of
Roxy's character development.

At the vineyard, Fate joins other servants to harvest grapes. One of the servants
offers him a cup of freshly juiced grapes, and Fate thanks him.

He takes a sip and compliments its sweetness. The servant explains how the lords
and servants have worked together to make the grapes have such great flavor.
Fate asks if Sir Mason also had a hand in this.

The servant sadly confirms that Sir Mason passed away, and they weren't sure if
Roxy would come around for the harvest because of that.

Fate inquires if Roxy helped with the yearly harvest. The servant tells him that's
one of the things she comes for; the other is hunting monsters.

Fate asks about the monster hunting part. The servant explains that the current
harvest time is not just for grapes but several foodstuffs.

He mentions that monsters show up because they are usually hungry, and they deal
with a group of monsters called Cobalts.

At that moment, Fate's stomach growls, and the servant hears it, understanding that
Fate is hungry after working all day.

Fate's skill acts up, and Greed tells him that his skill is hungry for new monsters
to consume after consuming nothing but goblins.

Later in the day, after storing the bags of grapes, Roxy tells Fate to return to
the house without her. Fate walks down the path leading to the house and sees a
girl walking towards him with a huge battle axe hoisted on her shoulder.

As they walk beside each other, the girl calls out to Fate. When Fate looks into
her eyes, they resemble his when he activates his skill.

He tries to analyze her but can't glean anything.

She calls out to him again, and he asks her what she wants. She tells him she came
too early and that she came for the Cobalts but he can have them, stating that he
owes her one when they meet in the future.

As she walks away, Fate asks Greed if he knows who she was, but Greed tells him he
has no idea. Fate expresses his suspicion that Greed is hiding something from him.

Greed denies it, saying that even with all his knowledge, there are some things he
doesn't know. Fate thinks Greed sounds too proud of being ignorant.

At that point, Roxy meets up with Fate and gives him a bag to hold on to.

She tells him she went to get some grapes for herself and looks back at the strange
girl, informing Fate that she's a Galan.

Fate tells her that Galia was destroyed, to which she responds that's what she
heard as well.
Roxy goes into a history lesson, explaining that 4,000 years ago, Galia was a
strong nation until a surge of monsters caused its collapse by eliminating all its

Fate remarks that apparently some citizens survived. She tells him she hasn't seen
such a full-blooded Galen before. She suggests they both head to the house

Fate expresses concern about her monster hunt and asks if she'll be okay. She
reassures him, saying she won't be alone because some warriors will accompany her.

She also tells him not to worry since she's a magic knight after all. She then
turns back to flex her muscles but accidentally drops her basket of grapes in the

The next day, the vineyard is now a shadow of itself, completely cleared out by the
monsters, much to the dissatisfaction of the servants.

Next, we see the monsters close to a stream. Fate, Roxy, and some warriors are
watching them from behind the cover of some trees near the stream.

Fate asks Roxy to see if the monsters are Cobalts. One of the soldiers notices
movement within a bush and points everyone's attention to it.

A giant cobalt emerges, surprising both Fate and Roxy, as they've never seen a
cobalt that huge before.

Fate's mouth starts to water, and his skill yearns for some cobalt dish. Greed
tells him his mouth is watering because he's nearly out of time. Fate doesn't want
to enter his starvation state while close to Roxy.

He analyzes the monster to see its level and unique attributes. Greed tells him
it's a crowned beast.

Fate doesn't know what that is, so Greed explains that it's a monster born from the
accumulation of aggression over a long time.

He tells Fate it's nothing like the usual monsters and could be very difficult to
deal with. They all retreat to come up with a plan.

The soldiers and the villagers are scared and unsure of what to do. Roxy assures
them that she'll slay the beast since she's a Holy Knight.

She tells them she will dedicate her power to protect them all. While she reassures
them, Greed tells Fate she can't handle the monster on her own because she's too
Meanwhile, Roxy tells the soldiers to prepare for battle, but they inform her
they'll need until the next day to be fully prepared.

She tells them to do what they must. Greed asks Fate for his next course of action.
Fate thinks a level 50 monster is too much for him to handle at that moment.

However, he realizes he can't ignore all that's happening, and most importantly, he
can't let any harm come to Roxy. Fate decides to take on the monsters all by

He returns to the stream to find the Cobalts there. The crowned beast has some
Cobalt warriors guarding it, with several junior Cobalts moving with the pack as

Greed asks Fate for his next course of action. Fate tells him he's going to fight
like a glutton.

He rushes in and takes down several junior Cobalts, absorbing their skills with his
gluttony skill. Despite this, he's not convinced he has enough to take down the
crowned beast.

He shoots at the crowned beast, but it uses one of its warriors to block the shot.

The others try to protect the crowned beast, but Fate takes them down. After
absorbing their skills, he shoots again, aiming for the crowned beast. However, it
catches both of his arrows, surprising both Greed and Fate.

Greed tells Fate to get close to it and fight it with his sword form. Fate rushes
in without thinking. The crowned beast releases a skill, which Greed warns Fate
about, but it's too late. Fate is hit by the skill, but he manages to heal himself.

The crowned beast launches its skill again, knocking Fate out. Greed tries to get
him back on his feet, but he doesn't respond.

The crowned beast attempts to land the finishing blow, but it loses its arm in a
split second. Fate suddenly gets back on his feet, and Greed praises him for
tricking the crowned beast into thinking he was knocked out cold.

The crowned beast launches its skill again, but Fate dodges out of the way.
However, he is hit midair by a Cobal warrior.

Fate defeats the Cobal warrior and absorbs its stats with his gluttony skill.

At this point, Greed tells him he can use his first-level hidden art, but he will
need 10% of his stats for it. Fate agrees and allows Greed to take it so they can
defeat the crowned beast.

Greed transforms into a huge special bow as Fate charges Greed's skill. The crowned
beast also charges its skill.
They both launch their skills at the same time, but Greed's skill surpasses that of
the crowned beast.

It literally gives him a shortcut to heaven. Greed tells Fate that the regeneration
skill he got from the Goblin King has already healed him.

Fate is exhausted from the fight, and he tells Greed that his skill was overkill
when he sees the aftereffects.

Fate's skill activates, and he feels like he's in a frenzy. Greed warns him that he
is overloaded from devouring a monster with a higher level than him and tells Fate
to try to hold it in or he'll enter a state worse than his starvation state. Fate
falls to his knees and screams out in pain.

The next day, Roxy and the soldiers arrive at the lake to see the slain Cobalts.
They notice sword and arrow marks, and Roxy thinks they were caused by magic. She
sees the aftereffects of Greed's skill and wonders who could have done such a

Back at the house, Roxy explains everything to Aisha, with Fate sitting close to
her as well. Fate apologizes internally.

Aisha asks Roxy who could have done such a thing. Roxy wrongly suspects it was the
Gallan girl she saw the previous day.

Fate is relieved she doesn't suspect him. Roxy is happy the Cobalts were taken
down, and they can return to the capital. Aisha is happy to see Roxy so excited
around Fate.

Later in the day, Aisha calls Fate to her bedroom and asks him to stay by Roxy's
side to support her.

Fate doesn't think he's worthy, but Aisha tells him he just needs to have a desire
to help her.

She shares how she was able to support her husband, despite being a commoner,
through her determination to help. Aisha reveals that having only one Magic Knight
parent caused some problems for Roxy.

Suddenly, Aisha coughs for a while, and Fate rushes to hold her up. She tells him
her time is running out, which is why she wants him to look out for Roxy in her

She begs him and tells him to take his time to think about it. Fate agrees,

The next day, they leave the house in their carriage and head back to the capital.
Fate thinks he's not worthy of the duty given to him by Aisha since he's deceiving
the world by carrying the Gluttony skill.

At night, Fate continues to slay goblins, but he remains in his starvation state.
He wonders why his hunger isn't satiated.

Greed tells him that goblins are not enough to satisfy him anymore, and Fate
realizes there are no monsters other than goblins around. Greed warns him that time
is running out.

The next day, Fate is at the tavern with an eye patch over his right eye, feeling
unworthy to stand before Roxy.

Suddenly, Siroto, a knight, joins the hunt for the beast. Fate is surprised by
this, and he overhears discussions about Siroto's motives, learning that he seeks
glory from completing an easy task rather than joining the Galia Expedition, which
is considered safer.

Fate is shocked to hear about another expedition so soon after Sir Mason's death.

At the Knight's house, several knights, including Roxy and the trio Knights,
prepare to head off for the expedition.

Before leaving, Roxy visits her father's grave, sharing all that's happened and
asking for his protection.

Fate advises her not to go, fearing she might not return, but Roxy remains
determined. Greed reveals to Fate that the Vel's family arranged the Galia
Expedition because they have something against the hart family.

The trio Knights are happy because they think they can finally get rid of Roxy for

One of them, Had, is going on a trip called the Galia Expedition, hoping to get rid
of Roxy there. The other two are going to another city for research.

Hotto suspects they're keeping secrets from him and wants to know what they're up
to. Raphael just tells him to make sure he takes care of Roxy later.

At night, fate can't disobey direct orders or protect Roxy, but he can stand in the
way of Sirado and his Patrol. Sirado is happy to find fate, thinking he's found his

Fate activates his skill, and Hotto is happy to finally meet him. Sirado's henchmen
try to attack fate, but he notices they're slow because of their stats.

Fate easily defeats all three henchmen, making Hotto lose confidence.
Fate looks back at Hotto, and his henchmen abandon him very quickly. Even Einstein
would be amazed by how fast they left.

Hotto tries to encourage them, but they leave him alone to face Fate. Fate
approaches Hotto, who draws his sword.

Fate takes off his mask, and Hotto recognizes him immediately. Hotto asks how
someone like Fate became so strong, but Fate refuses to explain.

Instead, Fate tells Hotto to demonstrate the night powers he's proud of. Fate
activates his skills and checks Hotto's stats.

He notices the holy sword technique, a special skill for becoming a Holy Knight,
and wonders how Hotto got it.

He asks Greed if he can break a holy sword, and Greed says he can since he's

Hotto warns Fate that fighting with swords would be foolish. Hotto attacks Fate,
thinking he can defeat him instantly.

But Fate is already out of the way. Hotto is shocked, and Fate lands behind him.
Fate tells Hotto that his skill takes too long to launch.

Hotto turns around and strikes at Fate with his sword, but Fate effortlessly slices
Hotto's holy sword in two. Hotto looks shocked at his broken sword.

Fate casually catches one half and drops it to the ground, challenging Hotto to
continue the fight.

Hotto backs away, considering running away, but Fate urges him to stand and fight
like a true Holy Knight. Hotto keeps retreating, and Fate mocks him, calling him

Hotto trips and falls, and Fate mocks him further, reminding him of his earlier
statement about disciplining defiant dogs.

Hotto pleads for mercy, but Fate ignores him. Instead, Fate grabs him and uses
fallen trees to disfigure Hotto's face until he's unrecognizable.

Hotto begs Fate once again to stop. Fate is angry that Hotto has the audacity to
beg after how he treated others like trash.

Fate is also upset that Roxy might be in danger because of Hotto. Hotto pleads for
his life, and Fate asks him what Hotto's response was when Fate asked for the same

Fate throws Hotto into the air and activates Greed's skill. Greed transforms into a
crossbow, and Fate shoots several shots at Hotto while he's airborne.

When Hotto lands on the ground, he has lost his limbs. Hotto asks Fate why he won't
finish him off and begs Fate to end his suffering.

Fate tells Hotto he has a question for him first. Hotto asks if it's about Roxy,
recalling her volunteering for the Galia Expedition and vowing to sacrifice herself
to save others.

Fate confirms Roxy's determination. Hotto promises to cancel Roxy's expedition if

Fate spares his life.

Fate raises Greed over Hotto's chest, and Hotto pleads with him not to seek revenge
for Roxy. Fate tells Hotto to be quiet and activates his skill, increasing his
stats with Hotto's energy.

Fate gains the Holy Knight technique, becoming a Holy Knight. Greed informs him
that he can now access his second level using Hotto's stats. Fate approves, and
Greed absorbs Hotto's stats, transforming into his second level, known as "Great
C." Greed tells Fate that his blade can now cut through anything in the universe.

The next day, Roxy gets ready to leave, and the servants gather to see her off,
although they appear unhappy. Roxy reassures them, saying that three years will
pass quickly. She asks Haru to look after things while she's away. Roxy meets Fate,
and they share a silent moment before she assures him they'll meet again. Fate
tells her to take care, and she leaves.

Later, Haru gives Fate a letter of recommendation Roxy left for him, suggesting he
seek refuge at a Lord's manor for safety.

However, Fate declines, determined to forge his own path as a warrior. He packs his
things, and Greed asks if he's made his decision. Fate replies that if he can't
stop Roxy from traveling, he'll at least support her.

Fate bids farewell to the other servants, and Haru gives him his pay. She wishes
him luck, and he leaves, boarding a public carriage, hoping to be strong enough to
protect Roxy.

Meanwhile, Roxy stands before a group of knights and soldiers, announcing her plan
to fulfill her father's role by defeating a dragon and protecting the Royal capital
and its people. She asks for their help, and they cheer. As Roxy steps down from
the podium, Miria pledges to follow her wherever she goes.

A male soldier named Mugan approaches Roxy, revealing that he volunteered as well.
They exchange pleasantries, but Miria stereotypes him, suggesting he's eager for
the chance to face the dragon in battle.

Mugan acknowledges that miria's assessment is correct. miria, however, sees him as
just another naive warrior.

Mugan shares his true motivation for volunteering: he served under Sir Mason and
wishes to avenge him.

Roxy expresses her gratitude, then asks if Mugan's family supports his journey to
Galia. Mugan reveals that even his daughter encouraged him to bring back Gallian

He explains that his family has a scholarly background, but he's the only one who
became a warrior.

Roxy laughs and expresses confidence that their expedition will succeed with them

In the laboratory, a female scientist asks Rain for her attention and mentions a
commotion in town about some incident.

She shows Rain the slain goblins and notices that the arrow marks aren't ordinary.
Rain examines them closely and becomes intrigued.

She opens a book and shows the female scientist a depiction of a magic bow,
suggesting that its arrow caused the unusual markings.

The scientist wonders if magic arrows are different from fireballs. Rain explains
that the ability comes from the Black Sword, one of the Weapons of Mortal Sin.

These weapons, crafted from special materials, have the power to manipulate magic
at a high level. Rain believes that wielding such weapons can enhance the skills of
the user.

Meanwhile, Fate is resting in the public carriage and wakes up when they arrive in
the town of Tetra.

He climbs a flight of stairs and gazes over the city, feeling nostalgic as it
hasn't changed much.

Greed asks if Fate has been to the city before, and Fate explains he was there five
years ago while traveling to the capital.

Fate approaches a carriage driver and inquires about heading to Galia. The driver
informs him that they won't be traveling today due to the risk of monster attacks
at night, advising him to return tomorrow. Fate quickly walks away, feeling hungry.

Greed suggests that Fate grab something to eat and gather information before going
He mentions that if the town has a bug trading center, Fate might find a suitable
scabbard there.

Fate is surprised Greed still needs a scabbard, but Greed explains that despite
having the Holy Sword technique now, he requires a scabbard that matches his stats.

Greed suggests some meat for Fate after he receives his pay from Haru and asks if
Fate is considering his preferences.

At the local pub, a man named Said is pleading with several warriors to help save
his village, but they dismiss his offer of money, saying they're not interested in
hunting monsters.

They begin to bully Said, but Fate steps in to rescue him.

Fate easily overpowers the bully and his friends, forcing them to retreat from the
pub. Said tries to thank Fate, but Fate interrupts him, saying they haven't seen
each other in a long time.

In the past, Fate was bullied by Set and his friends, who labeled him as useless.

Fate's father, a warrior who fought against monsters, relied on Fate to prepare
herbal mixtures for his injuries.

Despite his skills, Fate was exiled from the village after his father's death
because the village chief deemed him worthless. The villagers chased Fate away,
branding him as a good-for-nothing.

Back in the present, SE kneels before Fate, pleading for his help. Fate recalls
Set, the son of the village chief who had exiled him.

Set admits that his request is selfish but emphasizes his need for a warrior's
strength. Fate glares at him angrily without responding, but Greed suggests it's a
chance for Fate to use his skill, Gluttony. Fate agrees to tackle the monster

Set expresses gratitude, admitting uncertainty about Fate's acceptance. Fate

instructs Set to lead the way to the monsters. Despite harboring resentment towards
Set for past actions, Fate recognizes the necessity of saving the village, laden
with memories of his father.

Set leads Fate back to the village, but the village chief, who is Set's father,
isn't pleased to see Set return with Fate, whom they had previously exiled. Set's
father still views Fate as a worthless good-for-nothing.

Set's daughter approaches Fate and asks him who he's talking to. Fate replies that
he's talking to himself, and she offers him a piece of candy.
Fate asks if she would like to play, and she agrees. He puts Greed away and arm
wrestles with her, letting her win easily, which makes her laugh happily.

SE returns with some food, apologizing for its small portion. Fate reassures him
it's more than enough and thanks him for the meal.

After taking a bite, Fate suddenly feels very tired and passes out. SE wonders what
caused Fate to pass out, and Set's daughter confesses that she gave him some candy.
Set asks her about it, surprised that his father would give it to her. Greed
understands that Fate has been affected.

Set tries to wake Fate up, but he doesn't respond. Suddenly, a scream breaks
through the night, and Set sees the Gargoyles attacking the village.

They breathe out flames as they begin their assault. Set continues trying to wake
Fate, but Greed knows he won't wake up.

A gargoyle lands on the roof of Set's house, and Greed wonders what they can do.
Set begins making an antidote for Fate.

Meanwhile, the village glows a bright orange in the dark. The village chief rushes
down the street, searching for Fate to use him as bait.

A gargoyle grabs him, securing its dinner for the night. Set gives Fate the
antidote, and he wakes up, feeling sick.

Fate is impressed by Set's ability to make the antidote. Disoriented, Fate doesn't
recognize where he is, and Set apologizes while explaining the situation. Flames
erupt outside Set's house, prompting Fate into action. He grabs Greed and heads

The village is in ruins, with every house on fire, and many villagers have
perished. Fate tries to find survivors but is disheartened by the devastation.

The Gargoyles are still feasting, and Fate confronts one. The gargoyle spews flames
at Fate, who dodges it.

Greed advises Fate to acknowledge the Gargoyles' advantage of having the high

Fate analyzes the Gargoyles' skills and stats, recognizing the threat posed by
their fireball skill.

He orders Greed to transform into a scythe, and when the gargoyle launches another
fireball, Fate cuts through it instead of dodging.
The Gargoyles realize Fate is fighting back, and they surround him, launching
fireballs simultaneously. Fate uses the scythe, cutting through the fireballs and
then the Gargoyles one by one. His gluttony skill activates, boosting his stats,
and he gains the fireball magic skill.

Noticing one Gargoyle remaining, Fate identifies it as the pack leader.

Analyzing the leader, Fate observes that it has a higher level than normal
Gargoyles and an additional skill of fire resistance.

The leader lunges at Fate, intending to use a fireball at point-blank range.

However, Greed warns Fate about this, advising him to take advantage of the

Fate swiftly lunges at the diving leader, striking it down with the scythe. His
gluttony skill activates once more, boosting his stats and granting him the fire
resistance skill.

The next day, Fate and Set survey the devastation that remains of the village. Only
Set and a few other villagers survived the attack.

Set expresses sadness, acknowledging that the place can no longer be called a
village. Fate analyzes the land and informs Set that the ground is no longer
fertile, making farming impossible.

Set inquires if Fate possesses the appraisal skill, which Fate confirms. Set
suggests that Fate could earn a living as an appraiser instead of being a warrior,
but Fate insists that he has no other way to live.

Set decides to move to the city to find a job for the sake of his daughter. He asks
Fate to punch him to help him make up his mind.

Though reluctant, Fate agrees upon Greed's advice to maintain Set's pride. After
Fate delivers the punch, Set expresses gratitude. Fate helps him back up and wishes
him good luck.

Returning to his old family house, Fate visits his parents' grave site. Reflecting
on his childhood memories, he tells his father that he's doing well now.

Meanwhile, Roxy and her entourage traverse the desert, pausing to gaze at the
horizon. Maria informs Roxy that they will soon reach Lanchester, where they'll
resupply. Mugan warns Roxy to be cautious of the Lord of Lanchester, but he
promises to explain later.

Switching back to Fate, he is inside a carriage. The driver questions Fate's

ability to protect him if he's so sleepy.

Fate apologizes, and the driver reminds him that he's paid for safety. Greed
remarks on the driver's arrogance, but Fate assures him of the man's safety,
claiming to be as strong as a rookie Holy Knight.
Though the man initially doubts Fate's strength, he begins to believe him.
Suddenly, the carriage comes to a halt as bandits block the path.

The man in the carriage wants to turn and flee, but Fate steps out to confront the

Greed suggests Fate should have demanded more money from the man. As Fate faces the
bandits, the man clings to him, begging for his life. Fate instructs the man to let
go so he can fight the bandits.

The bandit leader urges his men to attack Fate, but suddenly, a massive sword
descends from the sky, breaking their formation and knocking them down. Greed
informs Fate that only one person could perform such a feat. Fate looks up and sees
the girl he saw earlier.

She claims Fate owes her for her actions, though he doesn't understand. She asks to
join them, but when she boards the carriage, it tilts backward. She commands her
weapon, Sloth, to return to normal, and the carriage rights itself. They continue
their journey, and the girl asks Fate his name.

He introduces himself as Fate of Gluttony. She remarks on Fate's association with

Gluttony, revealing she's also a deadly sin skill owner named Mine with the skill
of Wrath.

Fate asks about deadly sin skills, and she wonders why Greed didn't tell him about
them. Mine's stomach rumbles, and Fate offers her some beef jerky.

The driver informs them they're nearing the city. Upon arrival, they witness a girl
being chased by people disguised as ghosts.

She pleads for help, and Lord Rudolph of Lanchester comes to her aid, defeating the

The onlookers praise him, but Fate and Mine remain indifferent. The driver mentions
Lord Rudolph is preparing a welcome party for the Galia Expedition's army.

Fate inquires with the driver if it's Lady Roxy's expedition, and the driver
confirms it.

Greed remarks that they passed by in their haste to catch up, prompting Fate to
exhale with relief.

The man offers Fate payment, but Mine intercepts, claiming she was the one who
saved him.

Greed comments on Mine's greediness, but Fate retorts that Greed isn't one to talk.
The driver expresses gratitude to Fate before leaving. Fate consults Greed on their
next move, and Greed suggests finding an inn.

Mine falls asleep while standing, leaning on Fate for support despite his warning.

As they walk through the city, Fate carries her, wondering why he must bear the

Greed remarks that they have no choice. Strangers welcome Fate to the city, but he
notices peculiar marks on their necks.

At a guarded point, Fate is denied passage for not being a citizen and directed to
an inn. He observes that the guards also bear marks on their necks, different from
those of the strangers. Greed explains that the marks signify class in a caste

Meanwhile, Rudolph reprimands actors for their poor performance in a secluded area,
striking them down. His personal guards note his unusual frustration and resolve to
avoid provoking him further.

Fate lays Mine on a bed in a room he secured at an inn. Greed expresses surprise
that Mine is still alive, revealing his past connection with her and Sloth.

Greed explains that Sloth is a deadly sin weapon, similar to him. Fate inquires
about deadly sin skills, prompting Greed to describe the seven deadly sin skills
that defy divine principles. He emphasizes that Gluttony is the most sinful,
capable of surpassing conventional limitations.

Curious about his own punishment, Fate wonders if his insatiable hunger is his
retribution. Greed explains that each sin carries its unique consequences.

Fate reflects on his transformation from being mocked for his powerlessness to
constantly feeding his skill to survive. Greed advises him to resist succumbing to
Gluttony and maintain a state of controlled starvation.

Putting on his mask, Fate ventures out to hunt. Greed warns him not to fully
satisfy his skill all at once but to do so gradually.

Fate encounters a Sandman, and Greed transforms into a bow. Greed advises Fate to
charge his new fire skill before firing the arrow, impressing Fate with the outcome
as they easily defeat the Sandman.

However, Fate's skill activates, tempting him to consume more Sandmen, but Greed
urges him to resist the temptation.

At the end, Mine wakes up feeling hungry and grabs something to eat. However, she
notices a poster offering a reward to whoever defeats the sand golem.

A stranger warns her of the danger, mentioning that even Lord Rudolph couldn't
defeat it.

Undeterred, Fate continues taking down the Sandmen one by one, gradually activating
his skill with each victory.

Greed remarks on Fate's growing familiarity with the process, though Fate admits
it's not a pleasant sensation. Greed advises Fate to satisfy his gluttony gradually
to avoid losing control.

When the sand golem appears, Fate recognizes it immediately. Despite warnings from
soldiers, Fate confronts the golem, aiming to satisfy his hunger.

The golem attacks with sand projectiles, but Fate counters with magic arrows. He
then engages in close combat, but the golem's wind magic poses a threat.

Fate transforms Greed into a scythe to counter the wind magic, ultimately
destroying the golem's core. He instructs Greed to absorb some of his stats to
ensure the core doesn't disappear.

Fate commands Greed to fire at will, leading to the destruction of the sand golem's
core. As Fate's skill activates, he gains the Sandstorm Magic skill. Despite
thinking the crater created by Greed's arrow is too large, Greed reassures him they
had no other option.

One of the warriors praises Fate's actions, but another expresses suspicion.

However, they brush it off and thank Fate for saving their lives. Introducing
himself as Baldo, one warrior asks Fate for his name.

Fate introduces himself as Corpse, prompting Baldo's curiosity. When Baldo inquires
about Fate's weaponry, Fate simply replies that he only carries a sword.

Greed interjects, indicating that Fate doesn't require additional equipment as he

can absorb stats from other players. Impressed by his power, Fate reflects on his
ability to surpass conventional level restrictions.

The next day, Fate returns to the room and finds Mine getting dressed. He asks her
where she's heading, and she tells him she's going to hunt the sand golem.

Fate informs her that he's already taken down the sand golem, much to her
frustration as she won't get the bounty. However, Fate promises to share half of
the bounty with her when he cashes it in.

As Fate prepares to collect the bounty, Mine asks him about his mask, and he
explains that it represents his identity as Corpse.

Suddenly, Lord Rudolph enters the inn and offers Fate a subordinate position. When
Fate questions Rudolph's intentions, he insists that Fate cannot refuse because of
his status as a Holy Knight.

Mine intervenes, calling Rudolph a kid and striking him with her axe, sending him
flying out of the inn.

Realizing the trouble they're in, Fate urges Mine to leave the city with him.
Exiting the inn, Fate approaches a carriage driver, asking for a ride as the scene
fades out.

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