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Arnis and Disarming Techniques

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This martial art originated in the Phillippines. The primary weapon used in this traditional martial art is the cane or
baton. It also involves hand to hand combat, grappling, and weapons disarming.
Arnis was developed by the indigenous populations of the Philippines who used an assorted range of weaponry for
combat and self-defence. Arnis is otherwise known as eskrima, kali and garrote, and by even more names in
different Filipino regional languages. Encompassing both simple impact and edged weapons, arnis traditionally
involved rattan swords, daggers and spears.
In 1521, equipped with nothing more than bladed weapons and their fearsome arnis abilities, Filipino islanders
defeated Ferdinand Magellan’s armored, musket-bearing Spanish Conquistador forces when they tried to invade.
When the Spanish eventually returned and successfully conquered parts of the Philippines The traditions of arnis
were preserved, despite its prohibition, in the forms of ritual dance performance and mock battles. While earlier
Filipino martial arts were influenced by Spanish Colonization, the modern forms have been affected by the
countries contact with both the United States and Japan after gaining independence in 1898. Just over a century
later, in 2009 He government of the Philippines declared arnis to be the martial art and national sport of the
It is a Filipino Martial art that can be performed individually or with a partner. Using a single stick or a pair of
sticks for striking and blocking: It was founded by Remy Press and he used it as a self-defence system. Nowadays t
is considered as one of the events in Palarong Pambansa wherein Anyo is one of the popular one. It is a
combination of pre-arranged or choreographed striking, blocking and body shifting techniques.
Different styles of arnis are now being practiced all over the world. Although not as popular as other oriental
martial arts, it is highly respected for its practicality and effectiveness terms of self-defence and combat. In recent
South East Asean Game 2019 the Philippine Arnis Team wrapped up 14 gold medals that made them the champion.
Since Arnis began to develop an accessible story of Filipino cultural heritage, Senator Juan Miguel “Migz” Zubiri
authored and spearheaded the law declaring Arnis as the national sport of the country which at that time was
recently approved and signed by President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo into law. Today, the governing body of Arnis
in the Philippines is the PEKAF Philippine eskrima Kali Arnis Federation and the Chairman is Senator Juan
Miguel Zubiri.
1. Safety First: Participants must prioritize safety, using protective gear as needed and exercising caution
during practice and competitions.

2. Respect: Practitioners should show Respect to their instructors, training Partners, and the art itself. Bowing
or other traditional gestures may be part of this etiquette.

3. Skill Development: Emphasis is Often placed on the development of Proper techniques, footwork, and

4. Point System: In some Arnis competitions, points are awarded for successful strikes, blocks, and
disarmament techniques. rules may differ on scoring criteria.

5. Legal Target Areas: Specific target Areas for strikes and blocks may be defined, and hitting prohibited
Areas may result in penalties.

6. Weapon Specifications: Rules may detail the allowable dimensions and materials for training weapons
ensuring consistency in competitions.

7. Time Limits: Matches may have Specified time limits, and scoring may be based on the number of
successful techniques within that Time.

8. Judging Criteria: Judges may Evaluate factors like control, accuracy, and overall performance In
determining the winner

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