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Tips for getting Good Marks in

A students can score good marks by following these steps before and during
examination -
 Having self belief that you can score good marks.
 Reaching the examination hall well in time.
 Reading the question paper carefully in the extra 15 minutes time
and selecting the Section/sequence of the questions properly.
 Keeping all the necessary items like admit card, geometry box
containg two good quality pens ,scale , compass, erasers etc. in a
transparent pouch.
 Solving questions (4) on every concept given in NCERT book.
 Being skilful and vigilant while solving the question paper.
 Selecting question that requires less calculation if given a choice.
 Writing formula before applying it.
 Drawing fig. /diagram with pencil.
 Doing minor rough work on the right side and keep reserve last
two pages for this.
 Using new page to start a new question and maintaining a
proper gap between every two solutions.
 Attempting LA/Case Based questions on the left page of answer
sheet so that the examiner can assess it at a glance.
 Maintaining a proper pace while solving the question paper so as
to finish it 15 minutes before the stipulated time and revising it
before submission.
 Highlighting answer of every question in the end.
 Prepare on the basis of blue print/pattern.
 Not indulging in last minute cramming.
 Putting margins on both sides.
 Giving least chance to the examiner to cut your marks.
 Not shunning hesitation in discussing the questions with teachers
and even with friends.
 Avoiding over attempting and over confidence.
 Avoiding cheating and other malpractices.
 Avoiding cutting and overwriting.
 Following an ideal time table.
 And the last but not the least “Have faith in GOD.”
.......BEST OF LUCK TO ALL....
Collection by : A. B. MEDAN

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