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Žil raz jeden kráľ menom Artuš a bol kráľom Británie.

Arthur bojoval v mnohých bitkách a v poslednej bitke bojoval proti svojmu vlastnému synovi
Morderovi pri Camlan. Zabil svojho syna a sám sa vážne zranil

Sir Bedivere vzal kráľa po bitke na ostrov Alavon. Kráľ chcel vrátiť meč Excalibur do jazera.
Dostal ho už dávno od pani jazera.

Kráľ bol príliš slabý, aby vstal a hodil meč do jazera.

Sir Bedivere sa ponúkol, že to urobí sám.

Dvakrát oklamal kráľa, aby ho hodil do jazera.

Kráľ sa nahneval a rozhodol sa, že to urobí sám.

Once upon a time there lived a king named Arthur and he was the king of

Arthur fought many battles, and in the last battle he fought against his own
son Morder at Camlan.
He killed his son and was seriously injured himself

Sir Bedivere took the king to Alavon Island after the battle.
The king wanted to return the sword Excalibur to the lake.
He got it a long time ago from the lady of the lake.

The king was too weak to get up and throw the sword into the lake.
Sir Bedivere offered to do it himself.

Twice he tricked the king into throwing him into the lake.
The king got angry and decided to do it himself.

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