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ON with
Name:______________________________________ Grade and Section:____________________
Learning Module N LIVING
ON 4
What is this module about?

In this module, we will discuss how to have a deeper relationship with God by having a devotion.

The following topic is included in this module:

Popular Devotion
- Novena

What do you need to learn?

In this module, the learners will be able to meet the following competencies:

1. Relate the lives of the saints to their daily experiences. (DICES)

2. Reflect on the importance of being active and conscious in participating prayer services and
devotions. (DICES)
3. Participate and lead novena of their respective patron/ patroness. (DICES)


Directions: Write down at least three (3) prayer petitions you asked God for.


2. ______________________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________________

Let’s listen and learn…

Day 1

Concept Notes:
Novena- is a nine- day period of private or public prayer to obtain special graces, to implore special
favors, or make special petitions. (Novena is derived from the Latin novem, meaning nine.)

 We pray novenas to grow in patience and place our trust in God, just as the Apostles prayed
in anticipation of the Holy Spirit coming to them.

 We pray novenas to become disciples, growing in discipline and opening our hearts to
God’s will. Whether our intention is answered or not, we finish the nine days in gratitude
for God’s presence in our lives.

 We also pray novenas to ask for a saint’s intercession on the nine days leading up to that
saint’s feast day.

Types of Novenas
We pray novenas in anticipation before or after a funeral, praying for the soul of the person who has
passed away and asking God to be close to those who mourn them. This could be a saint’s novena that
they were close to or a novena to Christ, such as the Sacred Heart Novena.

We hope to prepare ourselves for the nine days leading up to a sacrament or another important day
with these novenas. For example, some couples might pray a novena before their wedding day, or you
might pray the St. Andrew, Christmas Novena leading up to the Birth of Jesus.

Novenas in petition ask God to answer a prayer or ask a specific saint for their intercession. First,
identify your petition or intention for prayer. Then, select a saint associated with the subject matter. For
example, you might pray the St. Joseph the Worker Novena if you’re praying about employment; we
offer this novena in Hallow.

These novenas are prayed as an act of penitence; we pray for nine days asking God for His mercy.
They are often given as a penance after the sacrament of confession.

Directions: Answer the following question.

Choose one saint whom you can relate your experiences in life with.

Day 2

Time started:______ Time finished:________

Directions: Search for three (3) different novenas and write the intentions or purposesof those




Let’s listen and learn…

Day 3

Concept Notes:

How to pray a Novena

Identify your intention.

Before you commit to praying for nine days, take some time to consider what your intention is for
prayer. Are you looking to prepare yourself for an event spiritually? Or pray for a loved one that is
struggling? Maybe you’re simply looking for encouragement to develop a strong prayer habit.

Choose a novena.
After you’ve taken some time to prepare yourself for prayer, select a novena that matches your
intention. This might be a prayer for that specific intention, or it might be a novena to a saint who is
known and loved in the subject you’re struggling with or feeling gratitude for in this season of your
life. Know that it doesn’t have to be a “perfect” fit; by taking time each day to pray for a special
intention will hopefully bring you clarity, peace and guide you to put your trust in God.

Dedicate nine days.

Once you start a novena, dedicate time each day to being present with God and pray it with Him.
Sometimes staying on track is difficult. We recommend setting aside a specific time and setting a
reminder on your phone (or in Hallow) or adding it to your calendar for the nine days. You might also
consider asking someone to pray the novena with you to hold each other accountable.

Embrace the novena.

When you set out on this prayer journey, try to embrace it each day fully. Each day might look a little
different for you, but try to accompany your time in prayer with other acts of faith. This might be
fasting from social media or gossip, or it could be doing a kind thing for someone else each day. Let
these nine days of prayer transform you in more ways than just devoting the time to pray each day.

Be patient.
If you come to the end of your novena and your prayers appear to be unanswered, know that God hears
your prayers and loves you. And often, our prayers are not answered in the way we hoped. Ask for
God’s help in trusting in Him and in desiring that His will be done.

Directions: Answer the following question.

What should we do if our prayers are answered by God after our novena?

Directions: Enumerate the types of Novena and write one (1) example of prayer for each novena.

Type of novena Prayer

DICES CLEVE Curriculum Map 4
Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)



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