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UO Law School Spring 2022

Student Process for Remote Final Exams

This guide is designed to assist students taking a remote final exam for the Spring 2022 semester.

I. Technical Requirements.................................................................................................................................................. 1

II. Time Zones and Deadlines ............................................................................................................................................. 2

III. Before the Exam Best Practices ..................................................................................................................................... 2

IV. Create the Exam Answers Document in Microsoft Word on OneDrive .......................................................................... 2

V. Access the Exam ............................................................................................................................................................ 3

VI. Uploading Exam Answers to MyLaw* ........................................................................................................................... 3

VII. Grading ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4

VIII. Questions and Support ............................................................................................................................................... 4

I. Technical Requirements
Remote exams will be accessible on Canvas and will be viewable at the date and time of the exam. Canvas
is accessed by going to and logging in with your Duck ID and password.
Students are automatically enrolled in their classes through Canvas.

Computer with Windows 10 or macOS

A laptop or desktop computer running Windows 10 or macOS is required for exams. Using an iPad,
Chromebook, or other tablet is not supported.

OneDrive is Microsoft’s cloud storage service. All exam answers must be saved to OneDrive. OneDrive is
accessed by going to and logging in with your email and password.
Students have access using the email. See if you have any issues
accessing your account.

Microsoft Word Online

Microsoft Word is accessible as an app directly in your browser. This online version of Word saves your
document to OneDrive in real time. Using Word online, instead of the application on your computer, is the
recommended method of typing final exams as it minimizes the risk of losing work due to computer errors
or any other technical difficulties. You can access it by going to and logging in
with your email and password.

MyLaw is the password-protected website used to distribute information and material specific to UO Law
faculty, staff, and students. Go to to access MyLaw and log in with your Duck
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ID and password. Access to MyLaw is granted to all law school instructors, staff, and students by the Law IT
team. Be sure to login to MyLaw BEFORE exam day to make sure you have access. If you have trouble
logging into MyLaw, create a ticket using the UO Service Portal Law School General Support request
BEFORE the exam period begins.

* STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED to provide their exam answers as directed in the course instructions.

Technical Support
For assistance in accessing any of these resources, create a ticket using the UO Service Portal Law School
General Support request BEFORE the exam period begins.

II. Time Zones and Deadlines

Keep in mind that all exam release times and answer deadlines are in Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). If you are
in a different time zone, you MUST adhere to exam times based on PDT.

III. Before the Exam Best Practices

1. Make sure all your software is up to date. This includes, but is not limited to, Microsoft Office and
operating system updates.
2. About an hour prior to the exam, be sure to restart or shut down your computer completely and
power it back up. Do this at least an hour before the exam start time in the event your computer
starts to automatically run updates when it reboots.
3. Check your internet connection. Make sure you have a reliable internet connection in the room
where you intend to take your exam. If possible, use an ethernet cord to ensure a reliable
connection, instead of using a wireless connection.
4. Create a space where you can sit for several hours that will ergonomically work for you and will
allow you to focus on your final exam.
5. If you are living with others, inform your household of the times that you will be taking your final
exams and ask to not be disturbed.
6. Close all other open internet tabs and windows you may have open in your internet browser and
quit all other applications that may be open on your computer.
7. Read through the exam instructions at least twice to make sure that you understand them.
8. Create your Word document before the exam to triple check that the correct exam name and
anonymous number are on the document.

IV. Create the Exam Answers Document in Microsoft Word on OneDrive

Note: We strongly recommend that you use the online version of Microsoft Word to minimize the risk of
software or hardware issues and lost work.
1. Log in to your Microsoft Office365 account in an internet browser using your email
address and password at
2. If prompted, select “Work or school account” and NOT “Personal account.”
3. Click on the Word icon, then select “New blank document.”
4. Click on File > Save As and select “Save As (save a copy online).”
5. Name your document “Course Name Final Exam Anonymous Number” (e.g., “Criminal Law Final
Exam 583”).

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6. Put your ANONYMOUS NUMBER in the top right-hand corner of the answer document. DO NOT
7. Follow the standard formatting indicated on the instructions that were sent out prior to the exam.

V. Access the Exam

1. Log onto Canvas:
2. Select the course for which you are taking the exam.
3. The Exam Instructions, sent in a Canvas Announcement, will direct you where to find the exam in
4. Based on the exam instructions, log into Canvas and find the Final Exam:
a. Find the “Class Name Final Exam” module, quiz, or assignment. The final exam questions
will be available at the exact time that your exam begins.

Potential Problem - The final exam does not appear to unlock on time.
Remain calm. Work through the following steps until the exam unlocks:
1. Make sure you are looking in the correct area based on the exam instructions.
Did the instructor say the exam will be a module, assignment, or quiz?
2. Refresh your browser.
3. Log all the way out of Canvas and then log back in.
4. Finally, email with the subject line “Help.”
a. Briefly explain the problem.
b. Include a screen shot.
c. Stay calm. We will email you as soon as we can.

5. View/download the exam questions once they have unlocked.

a. Only exams uploaded to modules will be downloadable. Exams in assignments or quizzes
will only be viewable in Canvas.
6. Save your answers frequently as you work.
a. The word “Saved” will appear at the top of your document next to the document name as
long as you are connected to the internet.
7. When finished, delete the downloaded exam from your computer (only applicable to final exams
released via Module).
8. You are responsible for timing yourself and adhering to exam time limits.

VI. Uploading Exam Answers to MyLaw*

1. Save your exam answers again.
a. The word “Saved” will appear at the top of the document next to the document name as
long as you are connected to the internet.
2. Put your ANONYMOUS NUMBER on your answers.
a. Do not put your name on your answers.
3. Save your answers onto your computer in an easy-to-find place!
a. Select “File” à “Save As” à “Download a Copy”
b. Save this downloaded copy of your answers onto your desktop as a Word document ending
in .docx

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i. ONLY Word files that end in .docx can be uploaded to MyLaw.
DO NOT save your answers as a pdf or any other file type.
ii. Title your answer document so you know what it is!

4. Upload your answer document to MyLaw.

a. Log in to MyLaw:

Potential Problem: I cannot connect to MyLaw.

1. Email with the subject line “Help.”
2. Include a screen shot.
3. Stay calm.
4. Do not email your exam answers without permission from Elaine.

b. Click “Upload Exams” in the QUICK LINKS menu of the MyLaw Home page.
c. Select your course from the drop down list.
d. Choose your answer document file.
i. Take your time! Breathe and select the correct answer document for upload.
ii. Only one document may be uploaded per course!
iii. Screenshots of the upload process are here:
e. Click “Submit”
f. Wait for the upload confirmation email from MyLaw.
i. Open up the email to verify that you uploaded the correct document.

VII. Grading
All JD and LLM courses will be graded anonymously. For additional information, see

VIII. Questions and Support

For questions and support with technology, Canvas, or the exam process (including incorrect document
uploads), email with the subject line “Help.”
Email Dean Sandy Weintraub at

Emergency (other than an IT problem during an exam)

Contact Dean Weintraub at the exam emergency number 541-346-3400 or .


* Uploading answers: If the instructions for a specific exam tell you to upload your answers to Canvas,
then do not upload them to MyLaw.

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