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**Educational Visit to Naupada Police Station**

On 09/03/2024, students from VPM TMC LAW COLLEGE THANE embarked on an enlightening visit to
Naupada Police Station, starting promptly at 11:00 AM. As the clock struck 11:30 AM, all students
convened in the hall eagerly awaiting the arrival of Senior PI Abhijit Mahajan. Accompanying him was API
Sandesh Gavand, who graciously introduced the dignitaries, including Professor Amber Joshi. Professor
Joshi then presented Senior PI Mahajan with a bouquet of flowers, marking the commencement of the

Senior PI Abhijit Mahajan wasted no time in delivering a concise yet insightful introduction to the
intricate police hierarchy and the meticulous procedures involved in criminal investigations.
Furthermore, he shed light on the pressing issue of cybercrime, emphasizing its prevalence in
contemporary society. This was followed by a dynamic question and answer session, during which
students had the opportunity to engage directly with Senior PI Mahajan. Through his anecdotes about
the challenges he faced in his career, Senior PI Mahajan provided invaluable insights into the realities of
police work.

Despite the seriousness of the discussions, the atmosphere remained congenial, thanks to the
refreshments thoughtfully arranged by the police station. Following this, API Sandesh Gavand took the
floor to provide a comprehensive lecture on the police hierarchy, further enriching the students'
understanding of law enforcement structures.

The highlight of the visit came with the exploration of different departments within the police station.
Students had the privilege to witness firsthand the operations of various units, gaining practical insights
into the multifaceted nature of police work. A small photography session captured the affinity shared
among the participants, serving as a memento of the memorable experience.

Reflecting on the visit, students gained a deeper understanding of law enforcement practices and
procedures. They learned about the hierarchical structure of the police force and the intricate process
involved in conducting investigations. Moreover, the discussion on cybercrime underlined the urgent
need for enhanced capabilities in tackling digital threats.

However, one notable takeaway from the visit was the revelation made by Senior PI Mahajan regarding
the challenges faced by law enforcement agencies in combatting cybercrime. Despite the growing
prevalence of cyber threats, he highlighted the inadequacy of resources and training available to the
police force in this domain. This insight serves as a stark reminder of the evolving nature of criminal
activity and the urgent need for investment in cybersecurity infrastructure and expertise within law
enforcement agencies.
According to Senior PI Abhijit Mahajan, having a high level of awareness is the only key to tackle cyber
threats right from their inception. He emphasized that staying informed and vigilant about emerging
cyber threats is crucial in combating digital offenses effectively. As technology continues to evolve,
individuals and organizations must prioritize cybersecurity awareness and education to mitigate the risks
associated with cybercrime. Senior PI Mahajan's insight highlights the importance of proactive measures
in addressing the ever-changing landscape of cyber threats.

In conclusion, the visit to Naupada Police Station was a valuable educational experience for all
participants. It provided students with a firsthand glimpse into the complexities of law enforcement and
the challenges faced by those tasked with maintaining public safety. As we reflect on our visit, it is
evident that there is much to be learned and improved upon in the realm of cybersecurity, and we must
strive towards equipping our law enforcement agencies with the necessary tools and knowledge to
effectively combat digital threats in an increasingly interconnected world.



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