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Unit 8 B
date and place of birth: B
occupation: B
1 Grammar what they studied: A
A how they became famous: B
No, she isn’t. She’d prefer to start her own campaign. causes they support: B
charities they are involved in: B
Notice! how they raise money: N
1 I’d rather we didn’t just donate money. awards/recognition they received: B
2 I’d rather we took some positive action reason why they became interested
ourselves instead. in humanitarian issues: S
3 So does that mean you’d rather not work through
a charity?
1 g 5 d
4 Yes, I think I’d prefer not to do that.
2 c 6 b
5 I’d rather get directly involved and start our
own campaign. 3 h 7 e
6 Yes, I’d prefer to do that, too. 4 f 8 a
An infinitive verb (or an object + infinitive) follows prefer.
3 Listening
A base form verb or a past tense verb in a clause
follows rather. A
The speaker is talking about fair trade.
1 … you’d rather not work through a charity? B
2 I’d rather get directly involved … Purpose: a Labeling: a
3 I’d prefer not to do that. History: b Criticism: b
4 I’d prefer to do that. C
5 I’d rather we didn’t just donate money.
1 T 4 F
6 I’d rather we took some positive action.
2 T 5 F
7 … most people would prefer charities to organize
3 T 6 F
campaigns, …
5 Speaking
1 start 4 didn’t organize
2 to get 5 not to work 1 ✓ Everyone should have enough to eat.
3 to donate 6 not raise 2 ✓ Each of us could be poor one day.
4 ✓ We should give children a good chance in life.
2 Reading
1 live on 4 have the right
1 Angelina 2 Shakira 3 Angelina
2 can’t afford 5 unemployed
3 benefits 6 have a responsibility

1 have the right 4 live on
2 unemployed 5 benefits
3 can’t afford 6 have a responsibility

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masterMind level 1

6 Grammar B
A 1 It helps people in a time of crisis.
It’s difficult for young people to get jobs because 2 What world organizations need to do is provide
employers want people with work experience, but training that will enable countries to develop their
students don’t have work experience. own economies.
3 Giving aid to countries that are facing economic
Notice! problems seems a good idea.; Importing cheap food
1 What’s really difficult for them is getting their can also hurt local producers who cannot compete,
first job … and therefore lose their income.; Providing medical
2 What students need is good work experience while care and education …
they’re in school … 4 It’s important to continue …
3 How students prepare for work is so important. 5 If an aid organization provides money and food,
4 Who gets the best job very often depends on it can create dependence which is harmful to the
already having the right skills and experience. local economy.
5 And where you get your first job can influence your 6 Giving aid to countries that are facing economic
whole future career. problems seems a good idea.; If an aid organization
provides money and food, it can create dependence
Each word introduces a noun clause. which is harmful to the local economy.; Importing
cheap food can also hurt local producers who
cannot compete, and therefore lose their income.;
1 ’s really difficult for them is getting What world organizations need to do is provide
2 students prepare for work is training that will enable countries to develop their
3 you get your first job can own economies.
7 When a country has all its aid supplied in the form of
C money or food …
1 What young people need are more training
opportunities. C
2 How you write your job application is very important. 1 to countries that are at war is not right
3 Who interviews you makes a big difference. 2 don’t provide aid, people will suffer
4 Where you work can affect your self-confidence. 3 should do is make people work for the aid they receive
5 What can create a good impression is a 4 to give suffering people a little money or food
positive attitude. 5 the government to increase the size of aid payments
6 provide to many countries, has both advantages and
7 Writing
The writer suggests that international aid may cause lifeSkills
a country to be dependent rather than solving its A
problems. It can also hurt local producers. Possible answers:
Rights are the freedoms we enjoy and the things we can
choose to do.
Responsibilities are the obligations we have and the
things we have to do.

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masterMind level 1

Language wrap-up

1 Vocabulary
1 poverty 7 live on
2 refugees 8 responsibility
3 right 9 injustice
4 afford 10 humanitarian
5 underprivileged 11 foundations
6 unemployed 12 Ambassadors

2 Grammar
1 would rather 4 start
2 to provide 5 to organize
3 we didn’t send 6 them

1 the world needs is more tolerance and
2 some countries are poorer than others is this the
topic of tonight’s debate
3 most help is needed is in schools and hospitals
4 receives the most aid is decided by the
international community
5 you’ve just lost your job is the worse time to think
about training
6 what is really important is getting help to people
who need it most

Speaking workshop
Solution 1: Limit rent increases to one or two percent
a year.
Solution 2: Provide cheaper housing, using taxes from
rich people.

✓ restated the problem in her own words.
✓ suggested two solutions.
✓ added details to support each solution.
✓ made a concluding statement.

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