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TASK: These are my Friends….


Jack Gonzalo Estrada Chávez Jhondec Oliver Solis Consuelo

Ángela Beatriz Capcha Escandón Dany Aron Santiago Tineo

(AC-S05) Week 5 - Task: Assignment - These are my friends...

Step 1: Get into pairs.

Step 2: Check this week’s study material and your sessions’ notes with your partner. You can use the
"Taller” session’s example as a model.
Step 3: Outline the dialogue you are going to present, taking into consideration that it will last 2 minutes
and that it is expected to contain:
Situation: In the dialogue, each student introduces two friends, a girl and a boy in a creative way (Use a
photo). Ask different questions and answers. Use the Grammar and Vocabulary from Unit 1. Maintain a
logical and coherent order.
The expressions and questions learned throughout the unit:
Vocabulary and expressions from Unit 1 (Weeks 1-5)
Countries, cities, and nationalities.
Greetings, depending on the time of day the conversation takes place.
Phrases and questions, such as "What's your name?", "Where are you from?", "How old are you?"
Yes/no questions like "Is he/she...?"
1st, 2nd, and 3rd person in singular and plural

Step 4: Review your dialogue, paying attention to the spelling and if you are answering the questions
consistently (makes sense) and correctly.
Next, record the dialogue paying close attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
Remember that the dialogue should be at a slow pace and be able to transmit your personal emotions,
conveying the interest of a real situation.

Good night teacher, my name is Dany and today we are going to present our work called "These are my

DANY: Hey guys, good to see you again after so long, I'm bringing two friends of mine who were my classmates in my
school, they're both brothers and they're currently studying accounting. Their names are Rosa and Raúl Díaz. his last
name is spelled D-I-A-Z. They are very friendly and I hope they get along with all of you.

JACK: Hi, nice to see you. I am also studying accounting. I brought two of my friends, her name is Ana Huerta, she is
from Trujillo and is studying Electrical Engineering, she likes to cook and listen to music and he is John. He is enrolled
in the computer engineering course. He is very sociable and still doesn't speak Spanish very well.

ANGELA: I hadn't heard much about those engineering careers, your friend Ana told me that she had pain and she
asked me if she could accompany her to the pharmacy. See you.

OLIVER: Hello everyone, I didn't know that Ana was so bad, I hope she recovers, I brought my friend Rodrigo who is
20 years old, he invites us to go to the movies, but there are only 2 movies available that are horror and comedy

ANGELA: We girls don't like horror movies, we want to see the comedy movie.
DANY: I understand now we're going to watch the comedy movie. I'm going to buy the drinks and oliver the food.

Dani: Let's Go

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