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The Extended Family

Age: 16-18 years old

Level: A1

# Students: 9

Topic/context: Simple Present

Lexical items: Family and relationships

Main aim: Will be able to talk about their family and their relationships
Outcome: The student will be able to express situations by using the Simple Future.
Skills: Reading, listening, speaking, writing
Interaction: Individual work, pair work, whole class.
Learning Styles: Visual, auditory, verbal, physical
Intelligences: Visual, intrapersonal, kinesthetic, linguistic.
Material: Laptop, projector, workbook, cards, audio.
Time: 50 minutes

T: Hello classroom, good morning.
T: How are you? How were your Christmas vacations?
T: How do you pass your holidays?
T: Awesome, I pass holidays with my family, do you pass the holidays with your family?
T: And do you have a big family or a small family?
T: Okay, well now we going to listen an audio and we going to repeat by checking with the
tree family you going to write the missing words?

Pre- listening:
Task Type: Guess the word
Procedure: The will divide in two groups and one of them its going to take a paper. They
going to read it and by using the vocabulary they going to guess the secret word.
Main aim: Will be able to talk about their family and their relationships
Outcome: The student will be able to express situations by using the Simple Future.
Skills: Speaking.
Interaction: Group
Learning Styles: Auditory, verbal.
Intelligences: Visual, linguistic.
Material: Laptop, projector, workbook, cards, audio.
Time: 5 minutes
T: Well now sit down, and now that you know the members of the family we going to
listen a conversation of two friends that talk about their family and you going to
answers some questions.

While- Listening:
Task Type: Photo story
Procedure: The students will read and listen two women discussing family photos and
they will answer true and false.
Main aim: Will be able to talk about their family and their relationships
Outcome: The student will be able to express situations by using the Simple Future.
Skills: Listening
Interaction: Individual
Learning Styles: Auditory
Intelligences: Auditory
Material: Laptop, projector, workbook, cards, audio.
Time: 4 minutes
T: Well students, do you have a big family?
T: How many people are in your family?
T: Well now we going to complete a chart with your personal information and then we
going to compare answers. Okay?

Post- Listening:
Task Type: Speaking
Procedure: The students will complete the chart with information about your extended
family. Write the number of people for each relationship.
Main aim: Will be able to talk about their family and their relationships
Outcome: The student will be able to express situations by using the Simple Future.
SkillS: Speaking
Interaction: Pair work
Learning Styles: Speaking
Intelligences: Speaking
Material: Laptop, projector, workbook, cards, audio.
Time: 5 minutes
T: Well, now in the family we have many types of relationships? And what kind of
relationships do you think I’m talking about?
T: I will give you some examples. My mother and my father are married, my
grandmother is a widowed, and my uncles are divorced.
T: So now, we going to read, listen and repeat the next words.
Pre – Listening 2:
Task Type: Relationships and marital status.
Procedure: The students will listen and repeat the next words.
Main aim: Will be able to talk about their family and their relationships
Outcome: The student will be able to express situations by using the Simple Future.
SkillS: Listening
Interaction: Individual work
Learning Styles: Auditory
Intelligences: Auditory
Material: Laptop, projector, workbook, cards, audio.
Time: 3 minutes
Transition :
T: Now, for the next activity will listen some conversations that talk about relationships
and will infer what kind of relationship they have.

While – Listening 2 :
Task Type: Listen to clasify
Procedure: The students will listen and infer the marital status of the person in each
Main aim: Will be able to talk about their family and their relationships
Outcome: The student will be able to express situations by using the Simple Future.
SkillS: Listening
Interaction: Individual work
Learning Styles: Auditory
Intelligences: Auditory
Material: Laptop, projector, workbook, cards, audio.
Time: 4 minutes
Transition :
T : As we knew in the conversation we have different kind of marital status, so now each
of you going to pass to the board and going to write one sentence by using the two
vocabulary, for example…

Post- Listening 2:
Task Type: Write sentences
Procedure: The students will pass to the board and by using the vocabulary will pass to
the board and will write one sentence with the two vocabularies.
Main aim: Will be able to talk about their family and their relationships
Outcome: The student will be able to express situations by using the Simple Future.
SkillS: Listening
Interaction: Individual work
Learning Styles: Auditory
Intelligences: Auditory
Material: Laptop, projector, workbook, cards, audio.
Time: 4 minutes

Pie Chart :


Negation Question Affirmative

My in laws live in Rio.

My aunt and uncle don’t work in an office.

Do they have any children? Yes, they do.

Language Work:
Task Type: Complete the conversation
Procedure: The students will complete the sentences by using the simple present.
Main aim: Will be able to talk about their family and their relationships
Outcome: The student will be able to express situations by using the Simple Future.
Skill: Writing
Interaction: Individual work
Learning Styles: Writing
Intelligences: Interpersonal
Material: Laptop, projector, workbook, cards, audio.
Time: 4 minutes
T: Now you going to listen carefully the next conversation because we going to use it in
the next activity.

Comprehension Check:
Task Type: Conversation Model
Procedure: The students will listen and read a conversation.
Main aim: Will be able to talk about their family and their relationships
Outcome: The student will be able to express situations by using the Simple Future.
Skill: Listening
Interaction: Individual work
Learning Styles: Auditory
Intelligences: Auditory
Material: Laptop, projector, workbook, cards, audio.
Time: 4 minutes

T: Finally, by using the example of the conversation that you listen you form in pairs to write one
conversation like the last conversation and you going to present it in front of the class.

Final Task:
Task Type: Report news about the relationships
Procedure: The students will form in pairs and going to write a conversation by taking the
example the las conversation model, and they will present it in front of the class.
Main aim: Will be able to talk about their family and their relationships
Outcome: The student will be able to express situations by using the Simple Future.
Skill: Speaking and writing
Interaction: Pair Work
Learning Styles: Verbal
Intelligences: Linguistic, auditory and verbal
Material: Laptop, projector, workbook, cards, audio.
Time: 4 minutes
Final transition:
T: And now you can talk about your family members and their relationships.

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