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Diamond Hudson

Self-evaluation: Persuasive speech

1. I wasn’t really satisfied with my speech because it was overall not my best work. The format

wasn’t really what the professor required. I'll put more effort into studying and practicing my

speech than I do for class assignments in the future when I must do a demonstration or a

presentation in front of an audience.

2. Some examples of the things that I could’ve done better would rehearsing more. I tend to forget

what supposed to say so I’ll have my phone there for a guideline. Another example would be I

would like to do better at the following: not staring at the outline as much; preventing hands

from making tense motions; and always being joyful and gregarious rather than solemn.

3. Looking at the feedback that I received from the professor the way I couldn’t pronounce some

word such as pneumonia in my persuasive speech. There were moments when I thought I could

have shared only a portion of the relevant facts with the audience while still making emotional

pleas to them.

4. I feel like I did improve as a speaker over the course of this class because receiving different

criticism from students and the professor made me change the way I think when it comes to

doing speeches. It's interesting to note that I found that a lot of the strategies used in compelling

speaking are ones I can easily execute, such making great eye contact, speaking with assurance

and conviction, and engaging the audience. But I don't feel comfortable saying this, especially

when it's to make up for a lack of data and supporting facts.

5. The most helpful quest in this course was being able to look back at my speeches and being

confident enough to share it with the class to receive good or bad feedback. It's wonderful to

share my knowledge and viewpoints with people because I have faith in my research

techniques, sources, and personal judgment.

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