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The Six Skills of Volleyball

● Serve
● Pass
● Set
● Spike or Attack
● Block
● Dig

Overhead Serve
a player stands behind the inline and serves the ball an attempt to drive it into the opponent's Court his or her
Main's objective is to make it land inside the court it is also desirable to set the pulse Direction speed
acceleration that it becomes difficult for your ship to handle the ball

also call reception is a tech by team to properly handle the opponent's serve or any form of attack proper
handling includes not only preventing the ball from touching the cord but also making reached position with a
Setter standing quickly behind and precisely

which leads to setting the set is usually the second contact that a team makes with the ball the main goal of
setting is to put the ball in the air in such a way that it can be driven by an attack into the opponent's Court the
Southerner coordinates the offensive movements of a team and is a player who ultimately decides which player
will attack the ball

Jump Set
as with passing one may distinguish between an overhead and a bump, set this is used when the ball is high
above the net and can be properly handled with just its fingertips

the attack also known as the spike is usually the Third Contact a team makes with the ball the object of attacking
is to handle the ball so that makes it land on the opponent's court and cannot be defended a player must make a
series of steps to approach jump and swing at the ball

refers to the action taken by players standing at the net stop or alter an opponent's attack block that is aimed
completely stopping an attack thus making the ball remain an opponent's court is called offensive a well is
executive and the block is performed by jumping and reaching the penetrate with one's arm and hand over the
net to Performance

ging's ability to prevent ball from touching once Court after spider attack particularly a ball that is nearly
touching the ground in many aspects this skills similar to passing or bumpy overhand dig and bumps are used to
distinguish between defensive or offensive actions

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