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Promart's Systems Framework

Promart is a big national organization in Perú. I worked there three years ago and this is what I saw
about performance:
1. Inter-relatedness of organizational functions:
- One element of this organization that is affected by recruitment and selection is
communication between workers. New people hired are usually shy or not very
communicative so, induction process is a fundamental key in every organization.
- One element of the organization that affects recruitment and selection are monthly sales
because if people don’t buy things in the store, human resource’s workers couldn’t hire
new people for different areas.
2. Internal Factors:
Productivity, quality, safety is an important piece in recruitment and selection process at
Promart because in this job, people need and want to feel safe. There are risk and dangerous
tasks, this is the reason why human resource’s collaborators in the interview and induction
process explain about the importance of safety, quality and productivity rules in the
3. External Factors:
Competition is a fundamental piece in the recruitment and selection process at Promart
because there are others big stores like them in the city. This is why, Promart always
explain to their collaborators that they need to offer an expert and kind service to all
4. Inputs, Outputs and Throughputs:
- Input= Applicants
- Throughput= Selection process
- Output= New hire
5. Feedback:
Every month, all collaborators receive feedbacks from their boss but Promart’s manager
used to congratulated to one worker for him effort and engagement with the company. This
was an amazing feedback and a big recognition for all employees. Furthermore, an
inspiration to everybody.

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