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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division Unified Test
School Year 2023-2024
Name: ___________________________________________________ Grade and Section: ____________________
School: __________________________________________________ Date: _________________ Score: ___________

Directions: Read and analyze each item carefully. Select the best answer from the choices A, B, C,
and D. Give the correct answer to those items without choices, if there are any. Blacken the circle
that corresponds to your answer. You have one hour to finish the test. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!


1. What term describes the musical texture of Classical music, characterized by a clear melody supported
by harmonically simple accompaniment?
Ⓐ Heterophonic Ⓒ Monophonic
Ⓑ Homophonic Ⓓ Polyphonic

2. What historical events occurred during the Classical era that influenced the cultural and social
environment of the time?
Ⓐ French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars Ⓒ Renaissance
Ⓑ Industrial Revolution Ⓓ Victorian Era

3. Which dynamic contrast technique was extensively used in Classical music to indicate a gradual
increase and decrease in volume?
Ⓐ Crescendo and Diminuendo Ⓒ Pianissimo and Fortissimo
Ⓑ Legato Ⓓ Staccato

4. How did Beethoven bridge the late Classical era and the early Romantic era in his compositions?
Ⓐ By avoiding experimentation and innovation.
Ⓑ By incorporating Romantic elements and expanding musical expression.
Ⓒ By rejecting the use of orchestral instruments in favor of solo performances.
Ⓓ By strictly adhering to Classical forms and structures.

5. In what way did Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's early musical accomplishments contribute to the historical
development of Classical music?
Ⓐ Despite early recognition, Mozart's impact on the era was minimal.
Ⓑ His compositions were limited to solo piano pieces.
Ⓒ His early works focused exclusively on religious music.
Ⓓ His prolific compositions revolutionized traditional musical forms.

6. Which of the following statements best reflects the enduring influence of Classical music on contemporary
Ⓐ Classical music continues to inspire modern compositions across various genres and art forms.
Ⓑ Classical music has become obsolete, with no impact on modern compositions.

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Address: Mankilam, Tagum City, Davao del Norte

Telephone Number: (084) 216 0188
Website: | Facebook: DepEd Davao del Norte

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Ⓒ Contemporary composers seldom draw inspiration from the structures and themes of Classical music.
Ⓓ Modern compositions exclusively reject any influence from the Classical era.

7. When improvising an accompaniment for the fast movement of a Symphony, what should a
musician consider in terms of musical context?
Ⓐ Adapting the accompaniment to the specific dance form used in the movement.
Ⓑ Adhering strictly to the original orchestration.
Ⓒ Avoiding any variations in dynamics to maintain a consistent sound
Ⓓ Ignoring the structure of the Symphony and improvising freely.

8. When innovating improvisational techniques for a symphony, what could be a creative approach to
enhance the overall musical experience?
Ⓐ Adhering strictly to the traditional forms of each movement
Ⓑ Experimenting with unconventional instruments not commonly used in symphonies
Ⓒ Exploring unique harmonic progressions and rhythmic variations
Ⓓ Replicating the original orchestration without any variations

9. In performing an opera like "Idomeneo" by Mozart, which musical element is likely to be more
emphasized in Opera Seria?
Ⓐ Length of arias
Ⓑ Social satire
Ⓒ Spoken dialogues
Ⓓ Use of mythological characters

10. In evaluating Franz Joseph Haydn's impact as the "Father of the Symphony," what characteristic of
his symphonies would be most relevant?
Ⓐ The development of long forms for a large orchestra
Ⓑ The diverse nicknames given to his symphonies
Ⓒ The geographical locations where his symphonies were first performed
Ⓓ The number of years he served as musical director for the Esterhazy family


11. Which Renaissance art principle involves the use of proportional relationships to create a sense of
harmony and balance in a composition?
Ⓐ Emphasis Ⓒ Proportion
Ⓑ Movement Ⓓ Unity

12. What is a distinct characteristic of Renaissance art that emphasizes the realistic representation of
the human form and a focus on individualism?
Ⓐ Abstract expressionism Ⓒ Realism
Ⓑ Idealization Ⓓ Surrealism

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Address: Mankilam, Tagum City, Davao del Norte

Telephone Number: (084) 216 0188
Website: | Facebook: DepEd Davao del Norte

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
13. What mood or emotion is conveyed in the painting of the Conversion of Saint Paul by Caravaggio?
Ⓐ A minimalist and subdued emotional tone is achieved through the careful balance of geometric
shapes and muted tones.
Ⓑ An intense and dramatic atmosphere is conveyed through the use of tenebrism, emphasizing strong
contrasts of light and dark.
Ⓒ A playful and lighthearted mood is created by the use of bright, vibrant colors and symmetrical
Ⓓ A sense of calm and tranquility is achieved through soft lines and pastel colors.

14. Which of the following characteristics is more commonly associated with Renaissance arts, in
contrast to Baroque art?
Ⓐ Clarity and harmony in composition
Ⓑ Dynamic and dramatic compositions
Ⓒ Emotional intensity and theatricality
Ⓓ Ornate and elaborate ornamentation

15. Ana is an artist who creates artworks guided by the techniques and styles of the Renaissance and
the Baroque periods. Which of the following techniques and styles would most likely emphasize?
Ⓐ Avant-garde and experimental approaches
Ⓑ Emotional intensity and theatricality
Ⓒ Impressionistic and atmospheric effects
Ⓓ Minimalist and abstract forms

16. Brielle a grade 9 student, evaluates the famous Renaissance artwork, Adam and Eve. Which of the
following technique did Brielle observed?
Ⓐ Expressive, dynamic brushstrokes
Ⓑ Minimalist composition with subtle colors
Ⓒ Muted tones and atmospheric perspective
Ⓓ Strong chiaroscuro for dramatic effect

17. Zyrus is an artist creating a multimedia artwork inspired by the Renaissance and Baroque periods,
applying different media techniques to convey ideas. Which situation best captures the characteristics
of both art periods.

Ⓐ Creating a minimalist sculpture with clean lines and subdued tones

Ⓑ Employing bold colors and dynamic compositions
Ⓒ Experimenting with avant-garde forms
Ⓓ Using chiaroscuro and realistic portraiture

18. Which of the following situations BEST reflects the influence of Renaissance artists?
Ⓐ The artist crafts a central figure with realistic proportions
Ⓑ The artist creates a multimedia installation
Ⓒ The artist produces a dynamic composition

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Address: Mankilam, Tagum City, Davao del Norte

Telephone Number: (084) 216 0188
Website: | Facebook: DepEd Davao del Norte

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Ⓓ The artist sculpts a powerful and idealized figure

19.Which characteristic is most prominent in Gian Lorenzo Bernini's sculpture "Apollo and Daphne"?
Ⓐ Emphasis on classical symmetry and balance
Ⓑ Experimentation with abstract forms and unconventional materials
Ⓒ Mastery of dramatic lighting and intense emotional expression
Ⓓ Utilization of minimalism and subtle color palettes

20. Some of the Filipino artworks were influenced by the Spanish colonial period, which situation
BEST reflects the impact of European art, particularly the Baroque style.
Ⓐ Creating an intricate wooden Retablo adorned with religious paintings,
Ⓑ Embracing minimalism and simplicity in depicting local scenes
Ⓒ Employing realistic portraiture techniques
Ⓓ Experimenting with abstract forms and unconventional materials


21. Which component of fitness is crucial for maintaining joint health and preventing injuries?
Ⓐ Body Composition
Ⓑ Cardiovascular Endurance
Ⓒ Flexibility
Ⓓ Muscular Strength

22. Which of the following is a key benefit of regular flexibility exercises?

Ⓐ Enhanced joint range of motion

Ⓑ Higher resting heart rate
Ⓒ Improved cardiovascular health
Ⓓ Increased muscular strength

23. Which of the following is a term used to refer to dances primarily intended to get to know other
people whether formal or semi-formal occasion?

Ⓐ Ballroom Dance
Ⓑ Dance Sport
Ⓒ Social Dances
Ⓓ Zumba Dance

24. Which of the following is an example of Modern Standards dances?

Ⓐ Chachacha

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Address: Mankilam, Tagum City, Davao del Norte

Telephone Number: (084) 216 0188
Website: | Facebook: DepEd Davao del Norte

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Ⓑ Jive
Ⓒ Rumba
Ⓓ Tango

25. Which of the following is a measurable fitness goal?

Ⓐ “I want to be pretty like her”
Ⓑ “I want to feel more confident”
Ⓒ “I want to look better”
Ⓓ “I want to lose 5 pounds in one month”

26. Why is it important to track both short-term and long-term progress?

Ⓐ Only long-term progress matters

Ⓑ Only short-term progress matters
Ⓒ To confuse yourself
Ⓓ To ensure consistency and adjust goals as needed.

27. If someone has a suspected fracture, what should you do before seeking professional medical

Ⓐ Apply a tourniquet above the fracture.

Ⓑ Encourage the person to move the injured area to reduce stiffness.
Ⓒ Gently massage the fractured area.
Ⓓ Immobilize the injured limb and keep it elevated.

28. How should you assist someone with a dislocated joint?

Ⓐ Apply a hot compress to the dislocated joint.

Ⓑ Attempt to forcefully relocate the joint.
Ⓒ Encourage the person to move the joint to reduce stiffness.
Ⓓ Keep the joint immobile and seek medical help.

29. How would you best use the knowledge and skills learned in social dancing?

Ⓐ I will coordinate with community officials in conducting a social dancing program for the
Ⓑ I will make social dancing my lifetime fitness activity.
Ⓒ I will render and intermission number with my partner during fiestas.
Ⓓ I will share my skills by teaching community folks, young and old about social dancing.

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Address: Mankilam, Tagum City, Davao del Norte

Telephone Number: (084) 216 0188
Website: | Facebook: DepEd Davao del Norte

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
30. Emman asked “May I have this dance with you?” during your Prominade and this line implies.

Ⓐ Emman forcing a girl to dance.

Ⓑ Emman treats a girl with respect even in dancing.
Ⓒ Emman wishes to dance with somebody.
Ⓓ Emman who has no one to dance with.


31. What is the primary government agency responsible for addressing the drug situation in the
Ⓐ Department of Health (DOH)
Ⓑ Department of Justice (DOJ)
Ⓒ National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)
Ⓓ Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA)

32. Which Philippine president launched the controversial anti-drug campaign known as "Oplan
Ⓐ Benigno Aquino III Ⓒ Joseph Estrada
Ⓑ Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo Ⓓ Rodrigo Duterte

33. How does cultural influence impact substance use patterns?

Ⓐ Cultural acceptance may lead to increased substance use
Ⓑ Cultural diversity is unrelated to substance use
Ⓒ Cultural factors only influence non-psychoactive substances
Ⓓ Cultural norms have no effect on substance use

34. Which of the following is a central nervous system stimulant commonly abused for its euphoric
Ⓐ Cocaine Ⓒ LSD
Ⓑ Heroin Ⓓ Marijuana

35. What is the main active ingredient in tobacco that leads to addiction?
Ⓐ Caffeine Ⓒ Nicotine
Ⓑ Cocaine Ⓓ THC

36. What is the correct relationship between tolerance and substance abuse?
Ⓐ Tolerance decreases the risk of substance abuse.
Ⓑ Tolerance is a protective factor against substance abuse.
Ⓒ Tolerance is unrelated to substance abuse.

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Address: Mankilam, Tagum City, Davao del Norte

Telephone Number: (084) 216 0188
Website: | Facebook: DepEd Davao del Norte

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Ⓓ Tolerance often develops with substance abuse, leading to increased intake.

37. Which statement reflects a common misconception about substance use and abuse?
Ⓐ "Addiction is simply a lack of willpower."
Ⓑ "Experimenting with drugs once is unlikely to have any consequences."
Ⓒ "Only illegal drugs can lead to addiction."
Ⓓ "Prescription medications are always safe when used as prescribed."

38. What strategy is effective in managing substance issues within a community?

Ⓐ Avoiding open communication about substance use
Ⓑ Criminalizing individuals with substance use disorders
Ⓒ Implementing community-based prevention and treatment programs
Ⓓ Promoting stigma around seeking help

39. How can communities address the economic impact of substance abuse?
Ⓐ Ignoring economic implications
Ⓑ Implementing prevention programs and treatment options
Ⓒ Promoting substance use without legal consequences
Ⓓ Reducing taxes on healthcare services

40. How can setting and maintaining personal boundaries contribute to avoiding substance use?

Ⓐ Boundaries hinder effective decision-making.

Ⓑ Establishing clear boundaries can help resist external pressures to engage in substance use.
Ⓒ Personal boundaries are unrelated to substance use.
Ⓓ Personal boundaries only matter in professional settings.

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Address: Mankilam, Tagum City, Davao del Norte

Telephone Number: (084) 216 0188
Website: | Facebook: DepEd Davao del Norte

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

___________________________ END OF EXAMINATION ____________________________

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Address: Mankilam, Tagum City, Davao del Norte

Telephone Number: (084) 216 0188
Website: | Facebook: DepEd Davao del Norte

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