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How to connect CF handle

Step 1 : Go to your Profile Page

Step 2 : Click on Connect Codeforces

Step 3 : Enter Your CF Handle. [Make sure it is Case Sensitive] and Click on Submit

Step 4 : Make sure to complete the below process within 2 minutes.

Step 5 : Click on the problem link below

Step 6 : Go to Submit Tab


Step 7 : Choose Your language

Step 8 : Submit a Compilation Error -
Using namespace std;

Step 9 :After Submitting the Compilation Error, head over to TLE website again and
wait till the timer runs out.

Step 10 : Once the timer is over, refresh the website and click on view Profile.

Step 11 :You will also receive a Mail about the confirmation for the same.
You will receive a email like this upon successful verification
Possible Cases of Unable to connect CF Handle.

1)Wrong CF Handle entered. [even the Case Sensitive]

2)More than 2 minutes taken to submit that compilation error.
3)Codeforces servers were down.

To address this issue, please take the following steps:

1)Ensure that the Codeforces handle you provided matches your Codeforces
account. If you made a mistake, please submit a fresh request from the profile page.
2)Make sure to submit the problem as per the instructions within the 2 mins window.
3)If you are sure of the handle and the time of submission, then please submit a
fresh request again.

If you still didn’t able to connect, tag @managers on discord server in the report
issue channel

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