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When While

Name: Magdalena
Test: 1 Date: __/__/20__

when you're well off.

1. You don't know ________

While they were talking, the sun rose and shone pleasantly into the
2. ________
prisoners' room.

When shall I return to my own home?

3. ________

when it was over.

4. I said so ________

while this was being done.

5. He paused a moment ________

when he saw it.

6. He would know it ________

7. Every line that could possibly be interpreted into a secret inclination for
war, was carefully avoided; ________, on the other hand, he studied those
conceits that might be construed into amity.

while there is yet time.

8. O, pause ________

When she saw him, she stopped.

9. ________

When did you say you saw her?

10. ________

when he came home.

11. It was very late ________

while the other half

12. One half of the troops were watching the stream, ________

When she had finished she went to the window.

13. ________

When he came back he had decided.

14. ________

15. I induced him to sell his baskets at rather lower prices than they asked for
them in Grenoble, ________, at the same time, they were better made.

when shall we see you again?

16. And ________

17. He found himself clinging to a girl's soft hand with one of his, ________
with the other he reached for that of her companion.
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when I'll be home.
18. I don't know ________

when they reached it.

19. It was quite dark ________

20. With a beating heart, and yet far more conscious of the desire to save her
while there was yet time than of the danger into which she was
lover ________
rushing headlong, she flitted down the hidden staircase as lightly as a child at

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