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Used To Negative Form

Name: Magdalena
Test: 1 Date: __/__/20__

didn't use to be
1. Rainbow Lodge ___________________ like this. (be)

used not to be
2. It _________________ so when, in former days, Yakutsk was surrounded
by vast marshes, often submerged, and apparently quite useless for the
purposes of cultivation. (be)

used not to stand

3. Father, you ____________________ used not to shrink
aloof: you _____________________
from protesting. (stand) (shrink)

used not to be
4. He _________________ so frigid. (be)

used not to be
5. It _________________ so, but France in all such things is changed for the
worse. (be)

used not to be
6. Money _________________ everything; there were some kinds of
superiority that ranked above it-nobility, genius, service done to the State.

used not to think

7. I ____________________ so at first, but now I know there are. (think)

didn't use to pray

8. Little Susie _____________________ when mother took us in there
because mother thought she was too young. (pray)

9. They had a brisk, cheery, self-reliant air: there was a certain neatness and
used not to care
respectability about which they ___________________ in the old times.

10. They both have a little temper; life would be flat without that; she is a little
didn't use to be
irritable sometimes; she ___________________; and when they don't agree
they let each other alone for a little. (be)

11. And, you see, when once I was sure that he was frightened of me, I
used not to mind
___________________ him a bit. (mind)

used not to be
12. Oh, well, my distinguished cousin _________________ so hard to get
hold of-not in the old days when we were seeing so much of your father. (be)

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used not to do
13. I _________________ any better myself … Eh, Wilhelm, that you will
have remembered even in your booziness? (do)

used not to be
14. It _________________ so when I was in Honeymead. (be)

did not use to occur

15. Such things _______________________ in this old-fashioned place as
running about the streets picking up items from people and asking personal
questions for the paper to exploit the replies. (occur)

used not to be
16. You _________________ so stand off and distant. (be)

didn't use to think

17. We ______________________ that we had to have a new wife every
year or two; we stuck to the old ones; the ones that had helped us get our
starts. (think)

18. What changes greet my wistful eyes In quiet little Bramble-Rise, Once
fairest of its shire; How alter'd is each pleasant nook, The dumpy church
used not to look
___________________ So dumpy in the spire. (look)

used not to be
19. It _________________ so when they walked Union Street together and
all the neighbors regarded the engagement as an accomplished fact. (be)

used not to be
20. You _________________ a fellow for sneaking once. (be)

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