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Guía para examen extraordinario

Nombre: ________________________________________________ Grupo:___________

Nota: Presentar esta guía resuelta correctamente aumenta un punto sobre el valor del examen
extraordinario (100%).

1. Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the verb “used to” in affirmative,
negative (x) and interrogative (?) forms.
a. I ________________ (play) with my brother and sister when we were young.



b. We _______________ (visit) their ranch for vacations.



c. My brother _____________ (go) biking around the neighborhood.



2.Read the following text:

The history of my community

The place I live in used to be a ranch. There were hundreds of cows and cattle, my grandfather
used to have a little farm with sheep, ducks and pigs. He didn’t have cattle because they were
expensive to feed, but he had land he used to grow corn and lemons.

Most people from my community grew up in farms as well, they used to play together and to do
some jobs for their parents such as feeding animals and taking them downhill, where there was a
river. They also used to carry water from there. My dad and uncle used to play in the river and
once they lost two sheep because they were having fun.

Nowadays, there is no field and no farms. There are a lot of buildings, schools, parks and gas
stations. People does not longer work with animals nor grow any corn, most of them work in the
city and have cars to transport, however, when they see each other, they remember when they
used to play in the river, and they are still good friends.

3. Circle the words you don’t understand and write their meaning in Spanish here:

4. Underline the sentences with ‘used to’.

5. Draw the how you imagine the community before and the community now.

Before Now

6. Complete the text using past simple and past continuous.

The great burglary

About five years ago, there was an ATM inside one of the biggest stores in my community. It
_________ (be) late, around 9 o’clock and the store was about to close. People __________ (buy)
their groceries for the next day because it was Sunday, and they ___________ (have) money
because it was payday. Suddenly, a group of men __________ (walk) in the store armed with
several weapons. People ________ (run) and __________ (scream), some of them ____________
(hide) while others were trying to calm them down. Luckily, the burglars ______________ (not
/hurt) anyone, they just ___________ (take) money from the ATM and ____________ (leave).
Since then, there is a police station outside every large store and neighbors take care of each

7. Combine the sentences with relative pronouns (that/which) to give a definition.

Example: Humor allows you to be amused by things. Things are funny.

__________Humor allows you to be amused by things that are funny___________

a. Prejudice is a weakness. It impedes to accept different people, things or situations.


b. Arrogance is a drawback. It makes people unbearable.


c. Despair is a problem. It leads to depression.

8. Read the text about hope. Circle the relative pronouns.

My biggest strength

I am not perfect. I am the regular kind of person who has a lot of weaknesses and drawbacks. But I
do have one strength: hope. Fortunately, I have hope, which has helped me to go through hard
times. Hope is a treasure when your parents get divorced, when you fail in school or when the
person you are in love with, leaves you. Hope is something that you can nourish and grow. It all
depends on you.

9. Write a paragraph about your biggest strength. Use the text in 9 as a model.

My biggest strength


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