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cd > one step back

pwd --> present working directory

cd --> change directory
1. mkdir -> make directory
like__> mkdir movies
ls--> list(to check if the directory is created or not)
list with all information --> ll (long list)
(we will get meta info. about the folder)

ls -al --> shows all hidden folders

clear __> for clearning screen or cleaning terminal

ll--> long list --> to check all the files

cd movies
fully qualified path --> pwd (complete path of directory)

create empty file--> touch file.txt

to edit file --> nano file.txt

to save file --> (ctrl + o) + enter +(ctrl+x)
read content of file without opening it --> cat file.txt cat--> (concatination)
to remove file -->rm file.txt rm--> (remove)
to remove directory --> rmdir movies

to remove all directories --> rm -rf * (remove recursively forcefully)

rmdir --> only works for empty directories
rm -rf movies/ ( removes all content of directory movies)
***************day 2 ***************************

cat a.txt > b.txt --> transfer content b/w files.

cat b.txt --> (read without opening file)
mv a.txt c.txt --> moves files (cut copy paste)
ll /home/admin --> tells folder in admin without leaving the present folder
mkdir /home /admin/yash/lokesh --> makes folder

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