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pwd - print working directory

<shows current working directory, indicates if we are in the correct location>

<check location>
cd <specify the location where you want to go>
cd videos <not its case sensitive> !!!!!

cd <type this cmd alone to navigate to home directory> ..need to chk this, not
working in cmder

use cd / <forward slash>

if are in another folder and want to navigate to a folder on another path..

cd ../Git <example>

** we can autocomplete commands in terminal**

cd videos/ C then press tab, takes you to that folder (note there is ONLY one
folder starting with c>

clear <clears the terminal>

ls command
lists all files and folders in a directory

ls videos/web
<lists the content directly without cd-ing to the folder>

ls -t
<lists files with the recently modified order...>
newest first

ls --size
<lists folders with most stuff in them, small to large>

ls -l
< to know when a folder was last accessed>

ls -t -r
<lists files with the recently modified REVERSE order..oldest first>

ls --help
<lists all arguments that can be used with ls command>

**In linux, open file manager, hit Ctrl+H, shows hidden folders, have . in front of
their name.
Press Ctrl+H again, the files are hidden again.

ls -a
<lists all files incl hidden folders>

ls -r <means lists files in reverse order>

ls -R <means lists files in recursive order, everything (files) in each folder>

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