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Intro: Bánh Mì, a Vietnamese famous dish, is celebrated for its vibrant and flavorful
ingredients. Its unique fusion of French and Vietnamese culinary influences has
resulted in a delightful array of components.

The bread part: Vietnamese baguettes have a thin, crispy crust, often with a light
golden color from baking—not too dark, just slightly golden and slightly cracked.
Beneath the crispy crust lies a soft and white crumb, which can be succinctly
described as "crispy crust, soft crumb." The baguette is slightly longer than a hand
span, slightly tapered at both ends and has three "eyes" (or a single "eye"), which are
the slashes on the surface of the bread to allow the dough to expand while baking. To
create baguettes of different sizes and characteristics, bakers must adjust the formula
and method. Below are the ingredients that need to be prepared for 4 people to eat:
1. Wheat flour: 250g of wheat flour, although other types like whole grain barley or
whole wheat can be used.
2. Water: 90ml of water, to hydrate the flour and activate the yeast.
3. Yeast: 3g of yeast, used to ferment and create gas bubbles for leaving the bread.
4. Eggs: 1 egg, as a binding agent.
5. Salt: 1 teaspoon of salt, for flavor.
6. Sometimes sugar or honey: 2 teaspoons of honey, to add sweetness.
7. Fat: 1 teaspoon, such as butter, oil, or lard, can contribute to the binding and flavor
of the bread crust.

The filling part: Perhaps the filling of bread is an important part that contributes to
the deliciousness of the bread. The ingredients used for the bread filling vary
depending on the region and often include the following groups:
1. Meat: Usually pork, chicken, beef, Vietnamese “Brawn”(Thit Nguoi), Pork loaf
(Cha Lua), or Grilled/roast pork slices (Thit Nuong).
2. Pickled vegetables: Carrots, daikon radish, and sometimes cucumber, soaked in a
mixture of vinegar, sugar, and salt.
3. Cilantro: Fresh cilantro leaves for an explosive flavor.
4. Chili: Sliced or finely chopped for use.
5. Mayonnaise: Often spread on the bread to add moisture and flavor.
6. Pâté: A spread made from liver, adding richness and depth to the sandwich.
7. Soy sauce or Maggi sauce: Sometimes drizzled over the ingredients to add more
8. Other toppings: Depending on the region and personal preferences, other toppings
such as sliced jalapeños, onions, or even fried eggs may be added.

Time: The preparation time for Bánh Mì can vary depending on factors such as the
type of filling used (whether marinated or cooked), the complexity of soaking the
vegetables, and the availability of ready-made ingredients. However, a rough estimate
to prepare a traditional Bánh Mì sandwich from scratch could take anywhere from 15
minutes to two hours. This includes cutting and marinating the filling, soaking the
vegetables, making the bread dough, and baking the bread.
Once all the components of the Bánh Mì are prepared, assembling the sandwich
typically takes only a few minutes. Therefore, the time to complete a Bánh Mì
sandwich after all the ingredients are ready could be around 1 to 3 minutes. This
includes cutting the bread, spreading any condiments like mayonnaise or pâté,
layering the filling, pickled vegetables, herbs, and finally wrapping the bread.

Conclu: Bánh Mì exemplifies the art of combining diverse ingredients to create a

harmonious culinary masterpiece. Its symphony of flavors and textures has captivated
food enthusiasts worldwide, making it a beloved and iconic dish.

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