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Dimensions 11/31/2021

Account No. Account Name Debit Credit

10101 Cash $131,991.71
10201 Cash - Payroll $53,392.53
11100 Accounts Receivable $501,649.63
11110 Accounts Receivable - Retention $749,589.48
11395 Cost & Profit in Excess of Billings $984,545.00
11500 Advances to Employees $20,351.60
13100 Prepaid Expense $0.00
13300 Prepaid Work. Comp. Ins. $0.00
17100 Vehicles $253,480.00
17150 Machinery & Equipment $31,508.00
17200 Furniture & Equipment $34,400.00
17300 Computer $0.00
17400 Leasehold Improvements $35,107.00
18100 Accumulated Depreciation $321,937.00
18500 Deposits $0.00
21100 Accounts Payable $772,095.83
21116 Credit Line $0.00
21150 Line of Credit $0.00
21200 Current Portion - Long Term Debt $12,730.00
21300 Billings in Excess of Cost & Profit $54,116.00
21450 Accrued Expenses $0.00
21500 General Lia. Ins. Payable $0.00
21501 Work. Comp. Ins. Payable $7,320.07
21550 Payroll Payable $0.00
21560 Pension Payable $5,421.15
21573 Payroll Taxes Payable $35,616.33
22000 N/P - Chevy Silverado - 60205 $7,949.06
22001 N/P - Chevy Silverado - 23645 $7,949.06
22002 N/P - Chevy Silverado - 61776 $7,949.06
22100 N/P Shareholder
22106 PPP - Payroll Protection Program $0.00
22140 Less: Current Portion $12,730.00
25050 authorized 10,000 shares; $0.00
25101 Additional Paid in Capital $5,000.00
25105 Distributions $170,545.00
25200 Retained Earnings $908,438.47
Profit/Loss Year to Date $832,767.92
$2,979,289.95 $2,979,289.95

31100 Income From Contracts $7,995,339.78

32100 Material Discounts Earned $0.00
33100 Interest Income $0.00
33200 Other Income $0.00
33210 Other Income/Loss - Employee $0.00
40110 Subcontracts $0.00
40111 Material $3,044,142.69
40112 Equipment $84,214.35
40114 Overhead $281,898.19
40115 Supervision Wages $0.00
40116 Labor $2,149,762.00
40117 Payroll Taxes $175,387.59
40118 Workman's Compensation $125,492.82
40119 Liability Insurance $0.00
40120 Union Benefits $0.00
40121 Office Staff $0.00
40122 Payroll Taxes $0.00
40130 Travel/Subsistence $0.00
40131 Fringe $115,914.55
40208 Indirect - Outside Services $0.00
40209 Indirect - Subcontractors $0.00
40210 Indirect - Material $0.00
40211 Indirect - Equipment/Fuel $0.00
40212 Indirect - Equip. Leasing $0.00
40213 Indirect - Equip. Depreciation $18,469.00
40214 Indirect - Overhead $209,782.08
40215 Indirect - Supervision $0.00
40216 Indirect - Labor $54,965.25
40217 Indirect - Payroll Taxes $0.00
40218 Indirect - Work Comp Ins. $26,406.64
40219 Indirect - Liability Insurance $163,217.37
40220 Indirect - Union Benefits $0.00
40221 Indirect - Office Staff $0.00
40222 Indirect - Office Staff P/R Taxes $0.00
40225 Indirect - Auto Insurance $0.00
40226 Indirect - Warranty - Labor $0.00
40227 Indirect - Warranty - P/R Tax $0.00
40229 Bond Expense $90.00
40300 Estimating Payroll $0.00
40305 Estimating Payroll Taxes $0.00
40310 Estimating/Bidding Expenses $0.00
41000 Accounting Services $0.00
41005 Advertising $1,042.09
41010 Indirect - Auto Expense $270,208.92
41015 Bank Charges $524.00
41020 Charitable Contributions $14,607.68
41025 Computer Supplies/Misc. $17,203.82
41026 Consulting Fees $0.00
41030 Continued Ed./Seminars $0.00
41035 Customer Relations $0.00
41040 Depreciation $279.00
41045 Dues & Subscriptions $6,003.20
41050 Employee Relations $33,124.43
41055 Insurance $41,002.63
41060 Insurance - Health $0.00
41065 Interest $1,475.94
41066 Interest - Line of Credit $0.00
41070 Interest - Officer Loan $0.00
41075 Janitorial $0.00
41080 Legal & Professional Services $35,373.71
41083 Meals & Entertainment $95,353.45
41084 Medical $0.00
41085 Other Tax & License $52,238.98
41090 Office Expense $213,037.19
41095 Office Salaries $192,592.00
41100 Officer Salary $20,000.00
41102 Profit Sharing $0.00
41103 Bonus $79,527.09
41104 401K $353.52
41105 Payroll Taxes $19,181.62
41110 Work. Comp. Ins. $1,573.26
41115 Payroll Administration $0.00
41119 Profit Sharing $0.00
41120 Pension Contribution $0.00
41121 Pension Trust Expense $0.00
41125 Postage & Freight $5,958.82
41130 Promotion $0.00
41140 Rent $72,516.00
41145 Repairs & Maintenance $0.00
41155 Telephone $21,518.42
41156 Travel $66,491.39
41160 Utilities $3,438.17
46151 Gain/(Loss) on Sale $0.00
46152 PPP Forgiveness $567,157.00
46170 Franchise Tax $15,361.00
49900 Period Profit/Loss Income Statement $0.00
99999 Main Intercompany Account $0.00
$ 7,729,728.86 $ 8,562,496.78
Grand Total $ 832,767.92 $0.00
Balance Sheet Total $832,767.92
Y-T-D Income $832,767.92
Current Period Profit $0.00
Client 12/31/2021 Client JE Needed JE Needed
Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit
142,819.13 10,827.42
-34181.76 (87,574.29)
1,160,094.81 658,445.18
1,244,783.76 458,481.00 36,713.28
984,545.00 -
20,881.60 530.00
- -
- -
253,480.00 -
31,508.00 -
34,400.00 -
- -
35,107.00 -
323,616.00 -
- -
597,315.00 -
- -
- -
12,730.00 -
54,116.00 -
- -
10,467.72 -
- -
9,497.53 -
53,080.71 -
7,586.92 -
7,586.92 -
7,586.92 -
300,000.00 -
- -
12,730.00 -
- -
5,000.00 -
170,545.00 -
- 1,368,747.26 458,481.00 -
- 1,299,381.56 -
4,056,712.54 4,056,712.54 458,481.00 458,481.00 618,941.59

8,904,473.24 -
3,076,779.24 32,636.55
84,349.81 135.46
295,225.19 13,327.00
2,301,290.00 151,528.00
186,843.02 11,455.43
133,687.04 8,194.22
126,281.74 10,367.19
20,148.00 1,679.00
232,628.12 22,846.04
59,884.00 4,918.75
26,406.64 -
183,521.05 20,303.68
90.00 -
1,042.09 -
284,556.76 14,347.84
632.80 108.80
13,907.68 (700.00)
17,985.81 781.99
279.00 -
4,717.99 (1,285.21)
33,261.43 137.00
19,531.86 (21,470.77)
1,581.06 105.12
30,583.71 (4,790.00)
102,002.00 6,648.55
43,753.49 (8,485.49)
219,619.62 6,582.43
286,208.00 93,616.00
20,000.00 -
89,527.09 10,000.00
4,877.85 4,524.33
26,361.58 7,179.96
3,451.00 1,877.74
6,248.49 289.67
69,676.00 (2,840.00)
23,691.79 2,173.37
72,875.59 6,384.20
3,247.14 (191.03)
567,157.00 -
65,495.00 50,134.00
- -
- -
8,172,248.68 9,471,630.24 442,519.82
1,299,381.56 466,613.64
1,299,381.56 362,435.15
1,299,381.56 104,178.49
JE Needed

10101 10,827.42
10201 ($87,574.29)
11100 658,445.18
11110 36,713.28
11500 530.00
18100 (1,679.00)
21100 174,780.83
21501 (3,147.65)
21560 (4,076.38)
21573 (17,464.38)
22000 362.14
22001 362.14
22002 362.14
22100 (300,000.00)
25200 (1,827.79)
31100 (909,133.46)
40111 32,636.55
40112 135.46
40114 13,327.00
40116 151,528.00
40117 11,455.43
40118 8,194.22
40131 10,367.19
40213 1,679.00
40214 22,846.04
40216 4,918.75
40219 20,303.68
41010 14,347.84
41015 108.80
41020 (700.00)
41025 781.99
41045 (1,285.21)
41050 137.00
41055 (21,470.77)
41065 105.12
41080 (4,790.00)
41083 6,648.55
41085 (8,485.49)
41090 6,582.43
41095 93,616.00
41103 10,000.00
41104 4,524.33
41105 7,179.96
41110 1,877.74
41125 289.67
41140 (2,840.00)
41155 2,173.37
41156 6,384.20
41160 (191.03)
46170 50,134.00

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