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1. How to keep customers’ data?

Google Drive
Copy of the data on hardware
2. Who has access to this data?
Any employee
3. How to access the google drive
Every file has passwords.
And different employees have different levels of rights.
Someone can only read the file.
Someone can read and write the file.
The administrator (owner of the file) can manage users who use the cloud and can move non-
employee users out of the user list
4. Will every employee have an account and password
Every employee will be given an account and password. They can change the password
5. Employees need to use the company laptop, and the laptop will access the Wi-Fi
6. How to keep the data safe
Two copies =>Google Drive
=>in hardware
If hardware is not working, it will have a backup which is on google drive
7. How to keep hardware safe?
=>lock the windows
=>camera recording 24/7
=>Security guards
8. Company has a main computer (everyone has access)
9. Is the anti-varus app on each computer?
No, just windows protect.
10. How often update the security?
Only update the windows
Automatic update software has been set on each computer.
11. Company has 5 computers which have been connected to Wi-Fi
2 computers have been connected to the machine.
12. Every company has a route, but it will not check the route.
13. Company uses business email to communicate. So, the email system will record it.
Employees will not have a phone for business.
14. Company has restricted rules to Prohibit employees from logging into social
networking software on company computers. However, there is no guarantee that
employees will not apply social media during work hours, as the company has
break times.
15. Only the admin could change the software inside the company computer. Only one
people know the admin password and account.

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